HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-21, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post ,office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAMETON +'or your Sale, large or small, Cour- tents and Efficient Service at all rnlmes! Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD ;r E. E CORBETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7. VETERINARIA,N • r, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. ZURICH BUTCHERS ws Mr. Orville Ehnes of Detroit spenrt the week -end at the Williams home, Mrs. Jos. Foster is spending a few days 'at London this week. J'Mr and Mrs. Ed, Stelck for: Dash - wood were visiting in town on Mon- day evening. Mr. and .'.ATr,+ Thos, Meyers, Mr. and Mr's. Wan. Hay motored to the home of their sister at Marysville, Michigan on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson of Varna called on firs. J. W. Ironer on Sunday at the home of her dau- ghter, rvIrs, Myrtle Horner, 14th Con- cession, Messrs, Ward Fritz, Wm, O'Brien and Herb Desjardine, spent several days at the former's cottage in the Parry Sound District last week, and report as the fishing being very good. 31r. and Mrs. Wm. Gibb ns and daughter of -\Yo'rd?nidge en,ioyled the week -end at the borne of their 1 'u'- ents, .Mr and Mr.,. Syly. Witmer and other relatives. Mr. Tred C. Walker, proprietorocf Oakwood Park, Grand Bend, •gave us a friendly call Wednesday. Mr. Walker whose park is just north of the Grand Bend Incor•por'atlon are, is still a resident in what we call Good Old Huron County. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Greb and son Arthur of Detroit, Mrs. Harry Wahl and daughter Helen, Mrs. Floyd Cook of Kitchener, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Cook of Waterloo, were week- end visitors at the home of the fiarni.er's sister, Mrs. John Brenner. Bible School Chorus The A Cappefla Chorus of Hesston College, and Bible School, Hesston., Kansas, presented a program of sac- red music under the direction of T. P. Duerksen in the Zurich. Mennon- ite Church, last Friday evening. The chorus of 34 voices' was composed of students who had .been trained to blend their voices in the finest sac - alar red music, espectall!y composed and arranged fore' unaccompanied singing MEAT MARKET £,9f us supply you with the 'very choice of Fresh and Cur - td Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always .on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: ut, Hides and Skins YUn!Mt1t & Son PRODUCE NOTICE CUSTOM BALING — Square bales. Phone Dashwood +40 r 2. Gordon Eaglesl;n. FOR SALE Choice Strawberries for Sale. Call 134, Zurich, for delivery, —Q?reia, (inger'ich a: PiGS FOR E.? LE. 12 choice„young pigs, 6 weeks old; apply to Cleveland Gingerich, phone 811 r 2!, Zurich. Farmers—. Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Crear,'i, Eggs and Poul tcy Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Zurich Phone 101 Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered cr. eam e are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Cas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE 'Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK '?i$E LARGEST RESERRVE 13AI,- AWE OF ANY CANAT)IAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO limmount of Insurance at Risk on December 3.1st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 'T'otal Cash in Bank and 13onds. $495,607.94 RATE€ ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING #CODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE IN5URANCF. 'SEEOUR ?7EW It)EA Side Delivery Rake and Tedder. T':Mctor Mower and Hayloader. ti -IT Tractors, new and used; Disc Har- rows and Fertilizer Drills. moms Wagon unloaders; Hog Feeder,: Crib - son Refrigerators, Electric Stoves. etc. Phone or write for folders and prices. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 382)1. 53t Real Estate For Sale A lovely family home containing 3 bedrooms and full 3 -pc. bath up- stairs, large dining room with french doors, large living room and den; modern kitchen with built-in cup- boards with hot and •cold water on tap with a spacious sun porch at front entrance. Modern heating system; new double garage with new aluminum roofs on buildings. House is .insulated. For further •arran.ge- ments apply to Herald Office, Zurich. NOTICE FLOOR SANDING Old and New Floors Sanded and refinished like new. . Phone 45 r 2, Bayfield, Ont. CREE COOK p5t NOTICE Any person doing any work on the Roads of Hap Township will not re- ceive pay unless authorized b!,' the Road Superintendent to do the work E. Campbell, Reeve, H. W. Proken.shir:'e, Clerk, Township of Hay. 2tc FOR SALE A )Virgin;;' Well drop cooler, rebuilt unit, *r A -i condition. building 790 1a:'e<7(1 1-2 Cert, suites le for cabin or hno1 r. One other building, Roger Bedard, Phone 87 r 21, Zurich. p4t Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt_ S•.'v'icc: for Lifting. ----Jack Williams. Call Phone 24 r 4, Crediton Central. -01-:$-'50 - n',immaaadz NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Wato11 Dashwood --- Phone 35r19 dpiMa 8ttalaI "i il.MT .11, 3distga /V,,..Agsa ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 21st, 1951 and who gave their message do a large audience, who were delighted with the splendid talent given. HYMENEAL Suicli•ffe - Wright Orange .blossoms, weigela and iris in a background of ferns and lighted candles made a ]Iarvely setting .for the marriage on Saturday in Crediton United •Church of Donna Janette Wright, daughter of Mr- anti Mrs. Wm. Wright, Crediton, to Gordon Kenneth Sutcliffe, GJ;deriah, son of .!,Irs. Mary Sutcliffe and the late E. G, Sutcliffe. Rev, W, C. 'Parrott per- formed the ceremony and '‘itis, Elaine Mitchell played the wedding music. Miss Helen Shapton sang "Because" and "I Love t'otl Truly." Given in marriage by Icer father, the bride was charring in' a gown of tr;aditir'irzr1 white satin, styled with fit,.nd • Lidice, inset with nylon tulle 7.-.17e, nut lined with guipure lace. l I ' „ rveredbuttons extended to the ri 'line, A full •houfl•at skirt draped in front with lily-of-the-vallery reveal- ed tiers of •Guipure lace, which ex- tended to tip of a •cathedrel train, The full u 1 len gi;h nylon •emllrraider'etl and satin appliqued veil was held in place by a coronet of prink roses and REA on the table the meal is ready o LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR •BAKER not Daly supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table bread for your recipes, Oat of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every, m.enl Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon rlr,' for bred:Id St.. luscious •, frrart .il .ae treats :for luncheori..piping hot Par- ker .House Rolls for dinner. Bread lily -of -the -valley. in variety, too, for snacks any time Matron of lu ,nor was Mrs. Harold of day or. night. So don't get wrink_ Clark, sister of the ;bride, brides_ i fes worrying about variety in meals-- maids were Miss Barbara Wright ' t your .baker be your menu maker', sister of the bride, and Miss Mary Wells. The former wore yellow nylon organdy with matching large hat,the bridesmaids were •gio+wned in pare gre- en nylon. Elizabeth Ann Johnston; niece +of. the bride, was a ciharaning flower girl, gowned in pale pink nylon organdy, •carr'yling a bouquet, of deep pink carnations. Master Tommy Ellerington, nephew of the bride, carried out the duties of ring bearer. Groomsman was Jack Free- man of Goderich., friend '32 the groom Ushers were Fred Wright, brother of thebride, and Stanley Freeman, fri- end of the groom. Receiving guests in the United Church parlors, the See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery CoOp. rnzps ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH resirrnammuisommatimemumcansimminmairesetaxesa. WE'RE REAP Y TO HE': ? 126eQ60,606*6 YOUR CAR re,,re•.en t :I major i irves tn'3 en t. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Wheiher ii's a corrrplr4e lubrication job or just a battery cluck, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --tire kind that will keep you corning back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you What 11'e can do, fled or Fcrci€ ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS IMPERIAL PHONE 100 — ZIlli1CH I SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME/ MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM.. PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Assisting her,the groom's mother was gowned in wedgewood blue with har- monizing accessories. Also assisting was the gr'oom's ;grandmother, wear- ing a ,pale blue flowered dress, with white <accessories. For a trip to Nia- gara Falls and New York the bride donned a pale pink ;sunt, with navy and white accessories and corsage of deep pink roses. Mr and Mrs. Suite, bride's mlother wicre a navy nieah Cliffe will snake their future (donne in dress wirfall navy and white accessories Goderich. His agoin coneern! BILL IS ANOTHER enterprising boy who is learning to appreciate the value of saving for what he wants. Each week, he puts a - part of his spare time earnings in the bank. And is he proud. of his bank book! Many a businessman credits his success to the habit of thrift learned early in life. Planned saving has helped millions of Canadians to make the most of their own enterprise and industry. Experience has shown that the difference between "getting along” and. "getting ahead" often starts with a bank account. Use the chartered bank in your neighborhood as a safe and handy place to make your savings grow. One of a series by your bItlk o. 9 Summer Footwear We have the Stock for Summer Footwear. Come and see for yourself: Scampers, Sandals, Crepe Soles, Tennis Etc, We have various lines of Summer Footwear at the lowest possible cost in spite of the steady rise in prices, and still have odd sizes left in Men's Work Shoes at no change in prices. GET THEM WHILE YOU MAY. GIVE US 'A CALL! Oesch Shoe Store • R R • • You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Buy A B' 0'417! • • • • 0 • • •-'. 9 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. 9 9 a €i a c a a c'a 9 9 • 9 Q 9 9 to Tatars O'Brie • e•Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! 1„,„ Mrise anis HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING , MACHINES, COMBINES, El C. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm' Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Rena. Vii% EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR I'ARM NEEI)SI 1 ,41