HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-21, Page 4ZURICH M ONTARIIQ LARGE CROWDS ATTEND CL1N,1 TON LIONS BINGO Clinton Lions monster bingo held In the Lione Arena last Friday eve attracted a large crowd. The next I bingo will be held on Thursday eve. June 28 with prizes totalling $1,175 including a jackpot of $7.00, the bin- go to be made in 40 numbers. The $600 jackpot last week was not taken EXETER KINSMEN CLUB D e � minion ion ' a'a ay MONDAY, JULY 2nd. EXETER COMMUNITY PARK Parade Bands Exeter Band; RCAF Squadron; School Children Floats,, (Prizes $100); Decorated Bicycle and Tricycles; Costumes: (Best dressed Confederation Father, ($20.00); CIowns, Etc. AFTERNOON SHOW EVENING SHOW Parade at 1 O'clock From South End of Town —Tug of War —Greased Pig Contest —Pie Eating Contest —Acrobatics —Aerobatics —Beauty Contest Ball Game — Dashwood 'vs. Exeter —• 6:30 p.m. Crowning "Miss Dominion Day" — 10:30 p.m. —Lee Paul Master of Ceremonies ..lean Somerville Blonde Acrobatic Dancer. —Ventrillo Wonder Act for Kids —Clair Rouse "The One -Man Band" —Roy and Doris Newest and Best Tricks -Cliff Oldroyo TighteWire 'Walker —Jan ••Say On the Piano, Draw for Kin Car — 11:00 p.m. Admission: Afternoon, Adults 50c; Evening, Adults 50c. Children 25c, Free admission, Treats and Draw for Public School Children in the Afternoon 00000000 060000000%00600 0e'aF 000%dID0600 60.GP4fiteSeee.0 0 t 8 0 4 tib 8 8 4 0 FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing MI6 ines. 0 000000$ C0000 r tinier gine and aftery Service B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and Household Appliances DO.N' I" RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles sof a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES For the Safety Of Your Family Use LIFEGUARDS Also Used Tires FOR SALE •Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRISE Pham5ar p Np BEND ,;.� Open every Night 7 8 8 4 w 8 0 8 in 35 numbers, so the amount and' numbers were increased. Bill Austin, Seaforth won the consolation prize of $25. The $150 epeeiai prize was split three ways, eaeh taking $50; Ken Davis, Goderich; Mrs. Crich, Clinton; 'Gorden Overholt Goderi,eh, The $7.5 special taking $25; 'Mrs. T. Bangs Clinton; Mrs. Pickett, 'Clinton Mrs. Norrie, Exeter. The -50 :special was won bv Clement Jeffrey, Zurich. The $11.5 free game was won by Mrs H, Glew, 'Clinton.. A large list of winners were in on the $10 regular games. DASHWOOD P.ev. H. Getz was a Monday bus - these visitor at Zurich. Mr. and ItIrs. Daniel Weber and Mr and Mrs. Keith Weber, who are on a anter tour to the States, are expected to return this week. Mrs. A. V. Tiernan and Mrs. T. H. Ho+.fnlaii entertained for Miss Myrtle Gaiser„ •whose marriage 'takes place in the near future. At the League ball game'bore on Monday evening with the Zurich team the locals were the winners by the score of 8-G. It was a very good gamethroughit, with the Dash- wood.boys having the endge In the scoring, although the visitors threat- ened with men on bases. Returning from Hospital The many -feiende - of Mr. Henry Hoffman are pleased t.' learn that he is expected to return from St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, t%'here ho has been confined for several weeks undergoing two maj+ar operations. The patient is in the best of hopes to be out on the street again meeting his many friends in his genian way. HENS ALI , A.F. and A.M. Huron Lodge No. 224, attended devine service in the United Church, Sunday, morning 17th and were addressed by the •Minister, Rev. W. J. Rogers, who chose for his message, "The Geometry of Life" The .choir sang "Trust in the Lord" Mrs. R. Broderick sang a solo "Pra- yer .Perfect",and the quartette composed of Messrs. Harrison, Ran vie, Mock and Mickle sang, "Gladne When I walk with Him." A Twilight Holstein Meet will b held at Breajarr Farm, J2fte miles • ice north of Hensel', Thursday evening, ® June 28th. It is expected many • owners of Holstein Herds will be pre- ®* t;ent from all over Ontario. On this farm there are 85 thorobred and tes- • • ted Holstein Bows. • Mrs. Alice Joynt left Monday with .: her son Dr. Harpy Joynt and Judy ifor a motor trip to the East •Qoastt M they will also (take a boat trip to *,r Boston and return by Saranac. The gr • trip will take ten days. er • At the Bingo held in the Legion 'Geo•s • Hall Saturday night Tom Briatnell • of Chiselhurst was the winner of the door prize, Jimmy Votll of Detroit, dreee the lucky ticket, these ibingoee '°z'- Conclude SaturuaY', t7'trii 30th when a draw for a crocheter! sheet and i low slip, hand* le I made satin cillo ZURICI-I HERALD and family and Mrs. Alex. Wylie of Marlette, 4![:ich, visited with, relatives in these 'parts. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kay of Clinton were ,Sunday Last visitors with Mr, and Mrs, John A. Armstrong of the Goshen line. 'Mrs, Bruce MFeClinchey and fam- ily were visitors with her sister, :dr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Steph.enson, ,at Eg- mondville. Died at Brucefield. Hugh Aikenhead, 'who Friday last celebrated his 31st birthday with h family at their home, 13rucefiel died suddenly Sunday. Until movie_ too lirucefield eight years ago, he had farmed all his life it Stanley Tp he was a member of .Brucefielcl Unite Church. Surviving 'be,+ides his wife are three daughter's, Margaret, Lora i on; Mrs. A. Zapfe, Brueefield, an Mee Aldwinkle, Varna; five brother and two sisters. The funeral was con ducted Tueeday last in ffrucefiel United Church with interment in th Baird's cemetery. Rev. E. it. Stan way officiating. JOYCE SCHNELL WINS PRIZED . EUROPEAN TOUR Joyce Anna ,Schnell, High Scboo Student of •Camrl,:se Alb., has Dee chosen by a Department of Pducat ion Committee as one of Alberta' three Representatives among a grow of fiftee Canadian girls hum coast t coast who will tam. England, Wal and Scotland this summer. The trip is sponsored ,by Garfield Weston Canadian born industrialir•t. The group will sail Erman Montreal on July 13th and return to Canada late in August. They -will be led by Dr. :\iuTriel -Roscoe of .McGill University Miriam' Weston, a daughter or the sponsor and two assistants. Purpose of the tour. isto stimulate Anglo - Canadian goodwill and understand- ing. Under this plan, begun t'�rree years ago, fifty British girls •will tr,ur Canada this summer. Their leader leader will be Odetta Churchill, War, time British Secret Service heroine. All expense, for each girl are paid and special luggage and a basic tra- vel and dress wardrobe are supplied. Canada, all of the ten Provinc- s, and the Yukon -and Northwest erritories will be represented. Sel- ot.ion has been made the High chools. Jiclpce was seventeen on une 2nd, and is a Grade 111 student Camrose High School. She is very' tive in all High School activities. le is a. member ion the United , lurch and the United Church Choir Joyce is a daughter of Mr. and, rs, Edgar • Schnell, She has an of -c de sister Jean, . a ,younger sister axilyn, and a 'brother Robert. He.x andparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rob - t t McBride of Kipper, Ont., and raver ~veil kntorwn residents or the hen line, •Stanley Twp. Three d, years ago this July the Schnell fame illy, accompanied by Mrs, David Schnell 'and the late Mr. Schnell, of Afbern.een, Sask,, motored East and spent three weeks; visiting friends and relatives at Kippen, Zurich, Win- gham, Kitchener, Hamilton, Niaga Falls, Honey .Harbour, Windsor, al other places. LOCAL NEWS • •Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gingerich a; ,son, . tanley, visited relatirvcs an friends in .!laden and other places of interest. Mrs. Wm. Schade of London is ~pending' a few weeks at the 'home her .��..als, Mr and Mrs Irvin Schad Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Chu- (' enee Schade of near Zurich. Rev. and i\'lrs. Sol Bechier' and daughters Verdi and Erma and Mr. Stanley Gingerich have returned s home after a pleasant motor trip to - visit relatives and friends in Mich - d. igen and Indiana for severer days. e Mr. Gladman Melick of CTS •cierich, - called on relatives and friends in Zurich on Saturday. •Mr and Mrs. Jos. Wilds and child- ren of near Crediton were Sunday visitors at the home of their sister, n Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer. YOUNG MAN DIES Orland Geiser, who was born an raised in Stephen Twp. died Sunda last at the home el his father -in -la Gordon Appleton, Exeter, in his '26t Wale pear. He iliac] been ill for some the Was only ' s the child of Mr and Mr- ' Lloyd •Gaiser, of Crediton, .and far mcd with his father until going to Exeter last January. Besides ibis par- ents he is survived by his wife and a son. Thursday, June 21st, 1951 Community AUCTION SALE Community Auction Sales will 'be hel'c'i~ ra on the Premises of Mr. J. Wesley, id Merner, situated a Quartet :Mile. , south of `Zurich, who _has ,converterb his barns into a very suitable .Sales Arena, with ample room for Cattle, 2 Calves, Pigs, Horses and all Live. Stock; also other Miscellaneous Artie eles. The first Sale to be held on W1 DNESI)AY, EVE., JUNE 12.7th, beginning at !8 p,m. All the Sales will bet e, held under corer, Anyone wishinei to dispose of their above mentioned items kindly contact the Manager of Sale. J. Wesley Merner, Manager. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED' TENDERS FOR COAL HURON COUNTY HOME' Sealed Tenders, marked "Tender& for Coal" will be received by the. undersigned until 12:00 Noon, Juno 'El ,27th, 1951, for 120 tons of Cavalie;A aY i Stoker Coal delivered in the bin at w the Huron County Home, Size--•.. h Nut, Pea and Slack. Analyslls o re. .98T 10 e�e S J at ac S] Ca d C. W. L. Meet The regular monthly meeting of St. Peter's C.W.L. was held in the parish hall Tuesday, May 5th with the pre:'ident, 11I e.:R, Deni,nnnne i the chair. The minutes as read were adopted and reports given by the various committees. The president gave us a most interesting report on the Delhi convention and Mrs. L. Regier rep:.;rted on the Resolutions tat n e Convention. The program consisted of several musical selections, a duet by Monte , Masse and Yvonne Denomme, Mr. and Mrs. S�telck entertained us, also Mr. Leon Jeffrey, Garfield Denornme and Mozart Gelinas. Gloria Wilson gave a most interesting reading on The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart. Several ladies hem Zurich put on a humorous skit which wa; very entertaining. Mrs. Riese, Mrs, Geiger, Mrs. Meyers,. Mrs. Forester, ant? :Mss Ethel Gabel taking part. A film and explanation of the Hydro Comm'iaa'.len were .also shown and en- joyed by all. A delicious lunch. was served by the committee in ,charge to' 46 people, e se oe ootR3e�&retgR emo®!!fr>�etrimpo®i19k9iOAlioesovi melowt c�. 1. Better living today can be had with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM .. , enjoy all the comforts of a modern home ire the kitchen . , . bathroom ... laundry. Running water means precious hours saved and deeded hands released for other household tasks. No matter where you live you can have the many advantages of run- ning water on the farm . . and nothing can do more to provide more modern and healthier living for your family, "oG O INTER somas) ECSIC Install the BEST . . Install a DURO. There is a DURO shallow or deep well pump for all your faun needs ... house -- barns -- stables -- truck gardens .. . and besides it provides you with FIRE PROTECTION for all your buildings. EMCO FIXTURES and FITTINGS You can easily re- model your kitchen, bathroon, and laundry with EMU) Fixtures and rlttin,s pro- tect the health of your family, See Us TODAY , r ADE and WEIDO i'HONE 9J ZURICH - ONTARIO EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONIXM - HAMILTON - ST. CATHARINES - TORONTO - SUDBURY WINNIPEG VANCOUVER N crocheted chair set will be held . The wedding of Howard Pollock Love, Toronto, son of Mr and Mrs. Milton Love, Henrall, and Margaret Many Graeft, Tronto, daughter of Mr and Mrs Percival :Green, will take place in. Chapel of St:.. George's Un- ited Church, Toronto, Saturday June 30th at 4 p.nt. -The reception will be held at Strathgwan .Badmin- ton Club. Bovie,baking "1"".°l noon tea held in +t • after- iyh,, ,_.- United Church room Saturday afternoon 1,60sponsored by the W.M.S. was very successful, the proceeds amounted to $65.00. The W.M.S, of the United Church recently completed a bale of clothe valued at nearly $500 for over- seas Relief. Dr and Mrs. W. Geiger, Kitchener Mrs. Oliver Geiger, Fenlon Falls, visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs - E. Geiger. Mrs. G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with Mrs. L. Simpson. Members of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church enjoyed a picnic to the Lions +Dark, Seaforth, on Monday evening 18th. islrs. J. Blackwell was in charge (cif the sports Huron Presbytery Young People of the United Church, presented a three -act Comedy Play "Kid Brothe.rr to a full house in the town hall on Monday eve. iast ,sponsored by the Wohelo Class of the United Church. Rev. W. J. Rogers was Chairman. The piei.y was welt received by an appreciative audience (racked with plenty of action, thrills and spill's, keeping the audience in peals of la- ughter from start to finish, Reles were well portrayed. Thi:+ play has been presented in Woodham, and Blyth. Between scenes, Mrs. H. Mc - Ewan and firs. R. Broderick render- ed vocal duet; with ;hiss Gladys Luker• acconrtr;tnyieg anti the male quartette also rendered numbers, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr and Mrs, Wm. Caldwell of Kip - pen are visiting in Montreal. Mrs. Rusk who has been visiting in the Kippen district, has left for her home i.n Saskatoon, Sask. Mr and :Mrs, W. J. Beil have re- turned from a week in Melton. Mrs. Margarott Erratt of Tor.nto is spending a two week's vacation with her sister Mr;. Henry Err'att, Babylon line, Stanley, and other fri- cads. Mr, and Mrs, Orval Stephenson .2'00 CYCLE ,x y MESSROE .. content should accompany each der. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP LYDIA., EHLERo All of Lydia Ehlers, sattef n the t. the Village of Zurich, in the County' of Huron widow, who died on or about the 30th day of May, A.1)49511 will furnish particulars of the lain . to the undersigned on or before. thee 30th day of June next after whit the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims, of whipl, notice shall then have 'Y).eoth received; Dated at Zurich this titti, day. off• June, A, D. 1951.. Elmer D. Bell, K, t., Exeter, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE ' Mr. Gordon Howard who has beta working at the plastering trade In bender' has returned to Zurii . atilt would appreelahe a call from Pone, wanting a good .plastersin job other type of snasonily. Phone 125 Zunieh. 4tlit$ ALL RESIDENTS OF iCH 11 /00D AND I T ?JCT WHO HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE OF THE TIME, AND DATE WHEN THEIR ELECTRICAL APPLI., ANCES ARE SCHEDULED TO BE CHANGED: OVER FOR OPERATION ON 60 CYCLES 0 A FEW DAYS AGO we sent you a letter advising you of the exact day ands time when Hydro's representatives will be calling at your home or place of business to change over your 25 -cycle electrical equipment for operation,, on 60 cycles, Ip PLEASE REMEMBER that they will be prepared to woek ONLY ON - THOSE ITEMS OF EQUIPMENT WHICH WERE REPORTED WHEN HYDRO'S REPRESENTATIVES TOOK INVENTORY, plus SUCH ADDITIONAL ITEMS AS YOU MAY HAVE REPORTED TO YOUR. HYDRO AREA OFFICE ON THE'SPECIAL BUSINESS REPLY CARD; ALREADY SENT TO YOU FOR THAT PURPOSE. Chapgeovei` of all unreported items may have to wait until a later date. i PLEASE REMEMBER ALSO... if you are not at home when the technicians call your power service will have to be DISCONNECTED in order to safe, guard your electrical equipment and your property, and you will have to contact Hydro Area Office F.S.D. before it can be turned on again! If this happens, the work of changing your electrical equipment over to 60 cycles may be delayed. 0 THIS iS WHY it is so important that you BE AT HOME ON THIS PAR, TICULAR DAY . , * AND AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME. HYDRO AREA OFFICE: SCHOOL BUILDING, VICTORIA STREET P. O. BOX 227, EXETER Ft -I NE: 601, EXETER. ER. THE HYDIR POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION e :.s", e.e .-:.e etee raleieo te,, - ..eee t