HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-21, Page 2Royalty Has Its Awkward. Moment& ' now would you like to eateh your keel in a rut and take a tont•• ble tinder the gaze of thousands • of people? It you were the leading tlgure of same state=ly ceremony bow would you like to have your hat blown friskily .way- by the wind amid a etwl-ourtie of staid e)ticiatls: These are just. two sample night- mart'e amid the awkward. moments that constantly threaten royalty -- and both have come horribly true in recent months. The Queen had the ill -luck to fall in the muddy :ground at an agricultural show. Regaining iter feet, she smiled at the onlookers with a cool compo- sure that admirably concealed her ,real feelings. And Princess Elizabeth Ball to abase after her hat while leaving a ,-hurclt ceremony and fortunately eaur: ht it before it had flown too far. Though such a social crisis has never occurred htfore to any of the royal ladies, it's always anions the ever -threatening poss;- hilitir•�. Stockings Switch S, pping from an armoured car in which she drove to a military show. the Queen once laddered her ;tucking from top to bottom. She gave the offending vehicle a truly feminine look of disgust, yet within a few minutes Her Majesty was again immaculately hosed. Fe1w onlookers noticed that the - lady-in-waiting no longer wore stockings. Ever since this occa- sion attendant ladies have always •-arricd a spare pair—of the royal size ---in their handbags! Then there was the contretemps when Queen Mary entered a de.; tIlonstration room at an exhibition to test a robot doorlock operated by the invisible ray: of an electric selenium cell. Just at that moment, something went wrong with the apparatus and Her Majesty was • locked What Queen Mary said was never reported. But her partner in this inadvertent imprisonment, Sir Stafford Cripps, :subsequently gave evidence on the incident in Court. when a purchasing company and the parent selenium company were involved in the dispute. '.Chat such a trivial misadventure can prove 5o momentous often heightens royal embarrassment. A year or two ago Princess Eliza- beth was reviewing a Women's Army Corps battalion -at Shrews- bury when a sergeant of her guard of honour fainted almost at her feet. \Vith military precision the others in line still stood rigidly at attention. Almost before the Prin- cess could glance around, ambulance girls were dashing across the field. • America Shocked Unhappily, just at that moment, a cameraman took a peculiarly un- 1'nd shot. When the photograph was recently published in America's foremost picture magazine public opinion was shocked. Since the ambulance girls are not in the pic- ture, Princess Elizabeth seems to be coldly ignoring the prostrate girl. The camera has seldom lied so erlt el ly \Vith any royal mishap always liable to distortion in this way, it is small wonder if Court officials cling to the tnotto: "You can't be too careful!" Queen Victoria once pricked her finger on a table fork. 'fo this day Palace forks are placed point downward, not as a tradition, hut lest a fork -prick should set up blood -poisoning in some visiting potentate. Royal faces are sometimes red, in feet. but every member of the royal fancily is keenly and sadly aware that fluter and awkwardness are generally on the other side. Nerves can reach such a pitch that a bnsntess man who had an audi- ence with the Queen once collapsed with a heart attack in her presence. At one of the early engagements of her career Princess (Margaret was so stricken( with nerves that she uear!y fainted. Taking Up The Slack—Being the mate of a "rubber woman," has its travel advantages, as Joe and Evie Slack, music hall perform- ers, prove on their arrival in London, Eng. Evie Slaek folds neatly into suitcase size and Joe carries the burg rt of matrimony. Well, it locks more or les, like hash today. Also, with the butcher's price list more and more resembling the temperature chart of a patient running a burning fever, even bash is liable to be diluted in tines such as these. Like the heancry chef who, when asked his recipe for making chicken soup, replied "Fifty- fifty—one barrel of water, one of chicken." To start off with something of very small interest, did you know, that entries for the 1951 English Channel Swim, sponsored by the London Daily Mail, have arrived from no less than 70 challengers coming from 21 different countries? This proves, if anything, that a certain sort of goofiness is by no means local, but Spread far and wide, .y France tops the list with '13 men and a girl typist from Paris. And in case you're thinking of holding your breath waiting for the results our advice is against it, as the race won't be held until August 13. By that time the total number of competitors will be probably- whit- tled down to a mere 20. If it were whittled down by another score we, personally, think we could stand it. However, every man to his taste, and those Channel pluggers certain- ly work for all they get in the way of either gold or glory. Several weeks of training in the chilly Channel waters are reckoned to be the best method of preparation. Then, after they are ready, they have to await favourable conditions. Such conditions may take a long time costing. '.Chen, again, they may arrive 'Very suddenly, as they did for' a character named Tirabnschi- or some such back in the smuttier of 1923. Signor 'I'. was enjoying. a break in training with a might out in Paris when he was recalled u� Crap Cris Nez. He dived in, swam like a seal to England, at.' a pail - full of ice cream and then returned to his Parisian gaiety. Ile had made two lwrev'ions onsuceessful at- tempts. Channel swimming has Deet) a Sheep For Geiger Counting --These ewes are part of a herd being used in experimental work at the Hanford Atomic Energy Works, Their diet consists of alfalfa, grain and food pellets, as well as radioactive iodine enabling scientists to determine how radio- retivily affects living conditions, At right a scientist starts to count sheep—with a Geiger counter. Any More At Home Like Him -- Cliff Fannin, new addition to Toronto Maple Leaf pitching staff, whose initial performance made Queen City fans weer why the lowly St. Louis Browns ever turned him loose, craze ever Since 1875, when an English Army officer, Captain Mathew 'Webb, made the first authenticated crossing under his own power and without mechanical aid. Hundreds of attempts have been made since then by hopefuls of all races, creeds and colours. At one time there were no fewer than nine nationalities in the water to- gether and the Shipping Federation apProachcd the English and French governments requesting them to do something abontit it. From time to tithe doubtful claims are put forward by folk who (live off the coast of one side at night and reappear in the morn- ing on the other -side in company with a motor launch. A Channel Swimming Association is its exis- tence to investigate and ratifythe claims of any swimmers not ac- companied by one of its represen- tatives. The CS.\ today acknow- ledges the claims of 23 omen and 15 wvo,nen. Qua ntau, 1rassan A bd. El. Rhein), of E'gy'pt, has done it three tinges. lie rates as the greatest of - at1l Channel swimmers because he has not only (tone it bout ways but he also holds the record for the fastest crossing with a time. of (Oh. 50min. '1'tvo others, Ed- ward 'femme and Thomas Blower, of England, have accomplished the dual crossing and jason 7.irganos, of Greece, has twice swum from France. The route front England to France is, becanse of tidal com-' piesities, the more hazardous ex- ploit. The fastest time that tray is nearly half as long again as the best from France to England. it is 15h. 25ncin„ by Blower, in 1948. The "ottingham heavyweight pro- poses to try and improve upon that time this year. No woman has yet (managed the England -France battle although many ha' e attempted it. But we inay see the trail foamed this year because news from California re- veals that Florence Chadwick is to have a go. This San Diego book- keeper set a new record for women last year' when, on her second at - 'tempt, 'sbe crossed from France to England in 13h: 28tnin. 5, N '5 Last, year was the best to date for women attacking the Chan- nel. Three of them were successful. This leas no doubt inspired lots of other aquatic belles because re- servations for suitable boats and competent pilots have touched a new peak for what was Once known as the weaker sex. \� hich should be an elegant suffi- ciency of .Channel swwilnming for one serving. So, to take the curse off, here's a tale which we, at.1 ast, had never previously heard about the immortal Lou Gehrig—who • died just ten years ago this month. It was on. June 3, 1932, that Gehrig. performed the greatest hit- ting .of all his long career. The Yankees were playing the Athletics in Philadelphia and" Larrupin' Lou hit three home runs, one after an- other, off George Earnshaw—no soft touch as a heaver, by the way. 5 This was enough for Manager Connie Mack and he waved Earn- shaw from the mound and sent in Lee Mahaffey to replace him. '5 ,k ,g "Sit beside me here on the bench, George," said Mister flack. "You've been pitching wrong to Gehrig and I want you to watch how Mahaffey does it." ,k :k Gehrig looked over a couple of Mahaffey's slants, then swiing. Away went the ball for G-ehrig's fourth homer—a nighty blast to the opposite field, '5 5 f see what you mean. Mister Mack," said Earnshaw rather acidly, "Mahaffey made the 1.):te oaf change his direction." Fluorescent Rope Flexible fluorescent rope forms Iettering and designs, is 5/32 inch in diameter and will retain any shape. Claimed to be fatty tinges more bril- liant than ordinary colors on dull day. and becrn ics even brighter , when userl'\with black light. He Watched His Own Funeral And. Collected A Fortune 1'hc -tat 'lid! r of all time was Louis Durand. who )air his own funeral after he had "i illed" him- self for :100 (0. Ills scheme of 1 't pt ion was certainly 'thorough. When he decided to rust away irobl his \rife and settle down in :\ig ars with 11;s pretty -friend, Jean- ne, (;_. --, the pair beta}lie known az ,tr. and \l rs. Durand. Soon Lentis liau insured himself for $100.0001 in the ntil to of his supposed wife. Whitt the. real Mrs. ibtrand traced hint and ;rained a divorce, the alinIOny became a nuisance but dill not spoil his plan. Alimony, bouts remembered, ceases to become payable after death! in Algiers hien. tloke is not un - I troll01011, and an overdose of (juin- i ine ran stimulate many of the symp• - i touts. Ltlfcis put two and two to- gether—an d in no time Jeanne went post-haste for the doctor.. '1' it c physician took Louis's temperatureasked a few questions, listened to the bogus ravings, and diagnosed the case as severe sun- stroke. 'lite prslimiearirs were eotmllet1. Ready-made Coffin in a cupboard lay a suit: of sewn - t np overalls and a bag of sand equi- valent to his own weight. Next day, painting his face with perncangan- ate of potash, 1.ottis stretcher( him- self out on the bed and assumed the rigidity of the dead. Jeanne in her turn portrayed her grief so t'onvincingly that she :gained 't rieatb eertiticatc wsiithemt r,m fes flier examination, Nothing; rct;thine,1 but tits funer- al . . . mot a ready-made coffin. Jeanne explained -to the endcrtnkcr that site and her husband helou ;ed .to an East Indian religion which 'allowed only the nearest relative of the .dead to place the body in the casket and seal the lid «ititout others being present, Accustomed to equally strange custom; in the native quarter, the undertaker next entered the roost Louis was '(riding under the bed! ;Shaking with sobs, jemmy joined the funeral procession, hut there Wise-, a flaw in the "perfect" phut. Dptand could not resist wanting to hear what his friends *aid at the graveside. Slipping nut of the house, he Hired a false heard and mous- tache and a new suit of clothe. Soon he stood on the very brink of the grave, undetected, as he bit- agi.ncd, among his friends and neigh- bors.. When he later quietly returned to France, Jeanne stop- ped only to collect the insurance money before she followed. Meantime, the genuine :Mrs. Dur- and received an official notice in- forming her of her husband's pass- ing ... and a note of condolence from a friend who said she had no- ticed Lotus's brother at the grave- side. But Louis, had no bitother, and as soon as Mrs, Durand heart( of the insurance suspicion resolved into certainty. "Ile may fool the doctors, but he can't fool flu," site dccided— and demanded an exhumation, "Then the cat Was out 0 fthe colli, and Lotti) Duran(' was soon in jail. ..Classified A vertising 0. BABY c'n1C1:S BOG tweMen. have what you Men wean in a all pePaler breeds. Nensexed. Pullets. t`nvkerels. Also Turkey Potllts and older Pullets. Free _'a l Ili nglte. Tun Notch ('111;:11 rattles, 1.1uelph, tnitarlu. T.01; lit get ztway from "the old law ut supply and danland The demand right now 1' greater 11111 the supple of eggs and ponliry mop, 'I'.hia means high prises for eggs and pnultrY. Don't miss out on these good Priers. We ran eV(' Prompt delivery on till popular breeds fur toyer), broilers or roaster's. Alen Tur- ltey't w,�aldli' Chick older i191ate Isierierie Limited. uc. rergta;, tlntarhl. POULTRYMEN- get your rit.EE copy o1 the 00 -page "Poultry Disease Manual." Write for details new. Ttol2da, Box 110, 14111 Brunei], Ontario.-.-.. _ Ill LNL5'+ 0P1'OUTIIIN1'1'iI]S 5105'1' modern fully equipped 5 -table pool room lease. and o aeco $13.000. Oldssestablishe11 year enol room. Lunch counter. tobacco. Price 921,000, terms. ('(tie's neat lOstato, File them, Ont it 3 L ESTATE IF [T IS REAL (ESTATE BUSINESS of any, kind In which you aro. interested either as buyer or seller — houses or farms — write to Philip Young. Realtor, 67 Frederick Street, t+ltchenar, Ontario. D)EI\t, ANI)—CLEANING HA VI, 5,0 anylhilg needs dyeing or clean• 1110 Write to a9 for tntnrmatinn We are .glad an answer your questions De. parthent EI, Parker's Dye Wnrks i.lmlled. 791 Yonne St . Toronto 1:LTtMS 1''011 ti:1LE 94000. FARM for sale. Three hundred acres -7 miles fres Sandridge on snow ploughed road, Seventy acres workable, clay loam, balance bush, some timber, good bungalow. water installed. flood steel roofed barn stone foundation. Immediate Possession. Terms. trash preferred. Apply to; Norman F., Moirs, Nesteton. Ont. 1'011 1(11.15 3'ARSI. M.1.CHINERY. SEAMAN Motorized rotary Tiller 5 -foot Titling width, Used only two seasons. Norman Bakewell, Agh)f`nurt, Ontario. Zone 2-093. GENF.ItAL Store. $40,000. Down payment 1.1.000, balance terms. 918,000 stock on hand. Carrying complete lines of ladies', men's and children's Ready -to -Wear as well as groceries. hardware, etc. 1.Ieart of tourist district. Phone Minden 42 or write Wm. Penrose, Minden, BEAUTIFUL, 3 -storey log Lodge, 25 rooms and contents. Hardwood floors. all city conveniences and 12 housekeeping cabins; 930.000, 920.000 down, mortgage or terms on balance. 111 health reason for sale. William Penrose, Minden, Ont. POMERANIAN Pups, pedigreed, male and , Apply ,nlfingston,ston o Ont. Kennels82 St. SOTtN DEERE BAILER WI'I'I3 MOTOR, automatic wire tie, Welt -up. All in new condition. Box number 76, 123-18111 St.. New Toronto, Ont. GIANT WHITE Pl1Ii1N day-old Duck- lings. Available weekly year ardund. TJx-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ont. scour CREAM c4srn E'.i'S Buy direct from manufacturer while sup- ply lasts. Cash or terms. Every cabinet guaranteed, Write for free catalogue. Modern Devices klfg, Co., 1226 St. Ur- bain St., Montreal 18. GARAO16, on Beaverton - Fenlon Falls Road, including stock, equipment and dwelling, good tourist trade. Selling be- cause of i11 -health. Apply William Mc- Innis. Glenarm, Ont. ` 1949 COCKSHUTT 30 TRACTOR CREEP- ' I'.R, gear, live power take -off. Reason- able. Will earbange for livestock. E. 1)1. Liclity, R,11, 2, Waterloo. Ont RUBBER Stamen and Marking Equipment of all kinds. Enquiries invited. Prices reasonable. R. 1. Baylis, 41 King WIlliam St., Hamilton, Ontario. REGISTERED female Boxer pups. River - dell Kennels. 189 Greendell Ave., St. Vital, Man. __ __ RTTCILION sinks, white Porcelain on steel, acid resistant enamel, 25 x 66 double bowl. clouhle drain board complete with crumb rep ?trainer and faucet, cabinet extra, $57,50: 25 x 54 single bowl double drain board with crumb cup strainer. cabinet extra, $54.55; 25 x 42 single bowl single drain board, right or left hand with erumh cup strainer and faucet, wood cabinet. 8109.50; 25 x 42, same as above. with Arbortte ton and 16 x 20 sink and rim. wood cabinet, 509.50. Write for spe- cial prices on complete bathroom sets. A11 items may he purebased separately. Inquiry invited from trade. P.O. Box 671, London, Ontario. FOR Sale 1041 Sixteen Parsenger School Rus, enstom=built. App1Y Anderson Taxi, Pembroke, Ont. IIASNFY-HARRIS 23 Tractor on steel; Mase NCM wire -tie Pick-up baler; Sawyer Massey 22 x 30 'Thresher with clover mill, all In good condition; 2 Firestone 13 x 24 9'raetor Tires suitable for road use. R. 10. Denton, 101Ionvllle, Ont. )IEDICAf. ^~— HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixons' Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 535 Elgin Ottawa $$1.25 Exprccs Prepaid CRESS 0011N SALVE, — for faire relief. Your Druggist sell) CRESS. _ ITCH, R1N(IWO'11)I, Fang? growths—then use -1l1.11grll Ringworm Ointment" (92.11p. OPEN LEGS lobus t'rtlris) — Eczema-- wounds slow to heal—then use "Uawvg,11 nettling* Ointment" (02.00) plus postage, Pr'ow's; tierllirt]1 remedies over 30 yen r). Order 11) rent from importers, UtlnlihY ('rotlur Is Agency, y, 35-14 218th Street. P,n}'side, L,I., `,'Y, PRODIGAL SON .\n :\ngcricail an Lngli hnlaluand a Scot were celebrating, The Am- erican ordered cigars, lit his with a dollar hill. '1.'17c Englishman went Ince better, lit his with a stll note. Then both looked challengingly at the. Scot, Ile pulled out itis cheque-book, wrote a cheque for .E100, and lit his cigar with that. "'.Calking to a neighbor is part of the joy of a garden. \Ve gardeners always Have time to tall: as well as dig, which is a most excellent thing. If we have not, we are unworthy to be numbered among the elect of the gardening fraternity, since a gar- dener is one who is close to nature, And has the patience and unhurry- ing spirit of mother .earth." • —H. L. Gee MEDICAL SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or arthrlilc Boxa1123, imanlpee Cannel 5lan1101)0, relief, rutile; POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI! the tureen( ul dry euzenle rashes and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve LviY not disappoint you. itehnlg, scaling, burning eeeerna, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's toot, will, respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment. regardless lit how slubbarn or hopeless they seem PIflC10 91.00 PER, JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sem Post Free on Receipt of Price 089 Queen 31, E., Career n1' Lefton. Comte WA- NT lovely skin, glistening eyes, iron. nerves? Pend for amazing I{et'fo tablets — 91.00 - 93.00 - $5.00. lmperlal industries,. P.O. I)ox 1101, Winnipeg, Man. — - N RHER)' STOCK 0. DAYLILIES NEW wonder flower—grow without care. Hundreds of giant blooms, flashing colour. Send for free catalogue with beautiful art photos of dayliltes. Fioridel Gardens, Port Stanley, Ontario. OPPO,ftTUNI'L'1ES 0011 MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wager Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: to Klug St., Hamilton 74 aldose 51 . U1Lawva HANDWIt1TING• ANALYSIS 91.00. Also specializing vocational and Comparison analyses. A. Blaeirhil•n, Box 232, Mon. trent 6, AMAZING guat'antee snakes our sheer Ny- lons and quality Men's Hoelery easy to Sell. Liberal commission, Bonus plan. Also Lingerie and Men's Wear. Free Sales Kit starts You immediately. Spare or full time. Duro-Test W2, Hamilton. PATENTS AN OFFER to every tnventur—List of In- ventions and full Information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter- aeys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Pa- tent Solicitor's. Established 1890, 360 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of Infnrma. tion en request PERSONAL QUIT CIGARETTES — The easy way. Use Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treatment, quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the system of nicotine. King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists, Vegreville, Alta. Write P. 0. Bnx 673. London, Ont. HOW to Find and Get the Job you Want. Tested and Proven Methods. Cost 91.00. FREE Circular. UNITED SALES, Box 006A, Aberdeen, S.D., U.S.A. LONELY? Depressed? Feel that you need a friend? FRIENDSIIIIP UNLIiIITE1) has helped many People find happiness. Per- haps they can help you. No obligation. For Details, write or phone li'riendshiv Unlimited, 401 Tonga Street, Toronto— WA. 1274. REPAIRS ENGRAVING. and Repairing on Jewellery, Silverware, Trophies, Lawn Bowls. Trade Work, N. J. Pastrak, 41 King William St„ Hamilton, Ont. STAMPS THE STAMP HUNTER PAYS 51,000.00 and up for Canada 12 penny stamp (not 12e), good condition. $50.00 for 1910 $5.00 green war saving stamp. Good collections also purchased. The Stamp IHunter. Station 13. Winnipeg. Canada. 'CE:1C11ERS WANTED TEACIIERS WANTED — Male Princi- pals in School Area No. 1, Yarmouth, Elgin County, duties to commence Sept. 4, 1951. Salary schedule Minimum $2000. Maximum 93500. Degrees Recognized. Sherman Smith, Ser.-'11'ens., R.R. No. -6. St. Thomas. Ont. WA NTEU—NURSES MATRON and 3 graduate nurses required immediately for 10 -bed hospital; salaries $200 and 9100 respectively plus full main- tenance; 1 month's holiday and 1 -way fare from Toronto refunded after Year's satis- factory service completed. with eppnr• tunities for increares, Apply Ur. L. Fet- ter. Secretary• Eastend t'nhni nnseitet. Eastend. Saskatchewan ;,1 F5l'q, two registered nurses wanted for general duty at Centre Grey Gen- eral hospital. \larkdnle, 001. Twenty-four bell hospital. (;iglu -flour duty. six -tray week. Opportunity In learn 11relit111narY x-ray wvm9r. Salary 8135" monthly plus living In ue,:mnlnodat„n, Apply to vice- ehairmnn of horlitttl board, \tr. Stanley Aehesnn. Proton, Ont, IVANTI2D largo a;•rengV of nun-Tsb lit• swam((, .0111;11113110 1:111,'1' supllty essential. Stowe rt r,nVIS'. Ln,knntl'. t1n1. 4 � iKlE irt LIVER BILE - Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The Ever should pour out about 2 pinta o1 bile juice into your digestive tract every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the digestive tract. Then gas biotite up your stomach You get constipated. You feel sour. sunk and the world (oohs punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flow- ing freely to make yon feel "up, and up.” Got a package today" Effective in malting bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver pills, 355 at env lnnr,aim'e ISSUE 25 — 1951 0