HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-14, Page 4,R.Grenier Tire and Battery e Service :+n • • ZURICH ONTARIO ''1Pleese Sign Your Name! .. News items, visits • r visitors items Ire always 'appreciative at our omiee Ind we welcome thein, and urge the people of the community to help us 'Make the paper eteresting. But °when sending in these items, please 'dton't forget to Sign your name to in - ewe publication. Zither at the bot- tom or back of paper sign, which of Bourse will net be published. This *week a party put an adv. in our box with no sender's name attached, leo we had to get on the phone and land out if the item was correct and '"who sent it in. Please do thisl 4 4 4. 4 St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and airs. Leon Bedard and daughters Marion and Edna were week -hid visitors in Windsor with re- latives and 'friends. Mrs. Nettie Harvey of the Blue Water north was a Sunday visitor with 'Mrs. Josephine Du'charree. Mrs. Eliese Laporte of Pain Court accompanied by Telesphore Denorn- nte and Mr and Mrs. Truddle, all 'of that town paid a Sunday call to their relatives on Sunday last, Were at London A large number of men of the Holy Name Society motored to Lon- don onSunday afternoon last to take part in the Holy Name Rally. evIrw 6 ,Silvio Grand Bend DANCING SATURDAY JUNE 16th. BERT NIOSI "'Canada's King of Swing!" 'Admission -- $1.00 each OPENING SUMMER R SEASON: Saturday, June 23rd to Labor Day BOBBY DOWNS and 1ais ORCHESTRA .,..-».,... •. .•+a�c<•r...n:z..:;gra,�T,rr,?':§'%:.v:5li•`."••�i#iv..e�rs A Farm improvement Loan may by your bit means of getting le Thousands of Canadian farmers hate obtained the necessary credit for this and many other Important farm and home improvement* through B of M rrS71� 1;;rpFf3r;!mens Loans. Drop in and Fak Byer yew 1#1`Ed3 with your nearest B gf kvi txlan5gea BANK OF MONTREAL ez et'd i.t .a44 WORKING WITH CANAbIANS IN KVeRY WALE[ oP LIP a1NC0 5SI? e••••••eiaee e®•ge••••00a4+•••i••••••••••••••••••t)••••• • • asesee**4 B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE • ' We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and Household Appliances DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles of a Tire. DEAL it Today and get paid for it. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES For the Safety Of Your Family I Use LIFEGUARDS Also Used Tires FOR. SALE 1 -• p i FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines. Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRICE I Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night assellet161100000011411001141,1111411111,110,411141110•111,041111101141144140411001,010 • • • • • GOD DOES NOT SAVE GOOD PEOPLE ONLY SINNERS • ' Luke 5: 32 Christ Jesus ,carne into the World to save sinners. I Tim. 1: 15 ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD Rom. 3:5 THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, THERE IS NONE THAT DOETH GOOD, NO, NOT ONE. Rom. 8: 10,12 Dear Sinner if you would be saved repent of your sins and receive Christ into your heart. HE HAS PROMISED—He that cometh unto me I will in no wise can. out. John ; 37 GOD BE MERCIFUL UNTO MB A INNER, AND SAVE ME FOR CHRIST'S SAKE Chas, Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.rn. E.S. T. Missionary Here At • present this parish is having a two weeks' (Mission, given .by a Fran- cisian Missionanyn starting on Sunday June 10th, and continuing for two weeks. The sermons and instruct- ions this first week will be given in the French language; while next week, they will be given in English, for the benefit of the English speak- ing .people. Comment— On Thursday evening last a party was given in this Parish Hall to Mr. and Mrs. Louis "Bob"•'Masse of this Blue Water Highway south. We are .glad to report the whole :affair a complete success. Citizens from this 4pariSh, as well as other communities turned out in large numbers in aid of the family, who a few weeks pre- vious had lost their belongings due to a house fire, which could not be extinguished. 7Vfueh valuable treas. uries such as wedding gifts and other items.of value went up in smoke. We sure compliment those who were in- spired and had the forethought and ambition to see the necessities; we also compliment them for their ver- bal method and quick action, so that the whole affair was a complete suc- cess. Let us not forget, even though we had the faith to rock a mountain, unless we have that great virtue, the greatest of therm all is "Charity". Little would be acomplished. Those of us who have been so fortunate to escape such hazards, should be very thankful end should 'hake us feel all the more to give help and encouragement • to those more unfortunate. Our only comment on this, is that those who had taken (part in •organiz- ing this welfare .party, and those who so wilfully responded to it, should rest assured that is such should oc- cur to them, they would not be left in distress. For is it not true; a glass of water given to a thirsty one will receive its reward. How much more must it be to help a whole fam- ily that is left homeless? I wish I could do 'Till the day of miy. death, Without ever drawing An envious breath; NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George Clausius late of the Village of Zurich in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de- ceased. ALL PERSONS having claims a- gainst the Estate . of George Clausius late of the Village of Zuriah in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de- heased,;_who died on or about the fifteenth day of Mard'h, 1951-; are re- quired to file •particulars of the same with the undersigned Executor on or before the fifteenth day of June, 1951, after which date the Executor will distribute • the Estate having re- gard only, to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 31st day pf May, 1951. Rudolph F. Stade, Executor, Zurich, Ontario; NOTICL. The Hay Township Federation of Agriculture are sponsoring a Junior Baby Beef class for grade steer or heifer, in 'connection with the Zurich Fall Pair, open to Hay Township only. For calves both atter San. 1st and up to Sept. 25th 1951, to weigh 550 pounds and up to 710 pounds, with prizes, first $10; 2nd $7; 3rd $5; 4th $3. The Agricultural Soci- ety is offering to a Senior Baby Class open to all exhibitors, prizes: $7;, $6; $5; $5; $5; for grade steer or heifer, born after Sept. 1st and up to Dec, 31st 1950. The weight to ,be 711 up to, 900 pounds. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LYDIA EHLERS All persons having claims against the estate of Lydia Ehlers, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron widow, who died on or about the 80th days of May, A.D.11951 will furnish particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June next after which the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall •then ,have been re.ceived. Dated at Zurich this 6th day of June, A. D. 1951. Elmer 1). Bell, .K, C., Exeter, Soliicitor for the Executors. TENDERS WANTED WIRING OF SCHOOL S.S. No. 7, HAY TOWNSHIP The Hay 'Township School Area is calling for itemized tenders for re- wiring the two east rooms of S.S. No /17 Hay, (Zurich School), according to• the plans submitted by the H.E.P. C.C. and motion of the Board. To use some of the material installed at Pres- ent, All material to ibe of the best standard lines. Corning lights are to be used. Work to be completed as soon as possible after tender is let, Plans may .be viewed at the Sec's IOffice. All tenders to be in the sec's office by 6.00 p.m. June 20th, 1951. Loweat or any tender not necessarily accepters. Ta, W. Brokensbire, Sec. Treas,, IT T. `LA.., Zurich, Ont, ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 14th, 1951 But do what is right, Thru good times or ill, So I'd never lose An other good 'will! GRAND BENI) Has School Problem Grand Bend's affiliation with Lanebton County has posed a p'ro'b- lem for the Exeter Dist. High Scho- ol Board. The questions are.: Will Grand Bend still Ibe part of the loc- al school district and how will enrol- ment, assessments and revenues be ,affected. It will be left to the Depart- ment to adjust the matter. Orangemen Meet Citizens and numerous summer week -enders here were surprised to hear the early morning music of the Woodham L.O.L. fife and drum band as they led a possession of some 200 Western Ontario Orangemen to Sun- day service. Rev. Ken Wood, popu- lar pastor of the United Church, de- livered the message to an overflow- ing congregation of visiting breth- ern and local church goers. After church service a very de- lightful luncheon was served on Lake Huron shore and the men and wives and families partook of the fine dis- play. W. I. Meet Horticulture, was the theme of the 'meeting of Grand Bend W.I. held in the hall. Mrs. Ed. Gill presided.For roll call, members exchanged flow- ers, a donation of $t10 was made to the Cancer Fund. Mrs. E'mettyi Desjar- dine presented the motto. Mrs. C. Chapman spoke on the planting and care of roses. A penny sale was con- ducted, and Mrs. Alex. Hamilton was presented for her services as secy- treas. for a number of years. Re- freshments were served. HENSALL At the Bingo held in the Legion Hall last Saturday evening, Mrs. Gar- field Broderick was the winner .of the door prize, and by a strange co- incident was asked to draw the win- ning ticket and drew her own numb- er. These 'bingoes conclude at the end of June. Mrs. Morley Chellew, the former Ola Cook, and her daughter Carolyn of Los Angeles, Calif., expect to leave the 13th of June to spend the summer months with the former's parents; Mr and Mrs. C. Cook in Hen - sail and at Grand Bend. Pete Kilpatrick, 83, has arrived safely at Moose Jaw, Sask., where he went to spend the summer months with his sister. Mr. Kilpatrick travel- ed alone by train to his destination. He makes his home with Mr and Mrs Wm. Kyle, Kippen. - Mr•. Len Purdy who was injured recently when he fell from a scaffold at Grand Bend, has returned, borne from. St: Joseph's. Hospital, London, and is improving nicely. Miss Alma Bell, St. Thomas, is spending the summer months with her parents, lMr and Mrs W. R. Bell. Mrs. Anna Walker and Miss A.. Consitt leave Monday, June 18th to attend the Relbekalh ;"ssemibly being held at the Royal York, Toronto. Mr. Howard Love, Toronto, spent Sunday with hs parents, Mr and Mrs Milton Love. Mrs. Sharp, Seaforth, was a week -end guest with Mr and Mrs W. R. Bell. Mr and Mrs Lee Oesch, of St. Cath aarine.s are getting nicely settled in the home they recently purchased from Mr. E. Munn. The annual birthday party of the Presbyterian W.M.S. will be held in Carmel church, Thursday afternoon, June 14th at 3 o'clock. On this occas- ion the ladies are cordially inviting the sister societies of the United and Anglican churches to attend. Thames Road S.S. Anniversary will be held Sunday, June i7th 1'1.15 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Rev A. E. Hin- ton, Minister of St. Andrew's :United Church, Kippen, will be the nnorntng speaker. Rev. W. J. Rogers, of the United Church, Hensel], the evening speaker. Saturday afternoon, June 16th at 4 p.m. a home made baking sale will be held in the .Sunday School room of the United Church, afternoon tea will be served. Donations of baking from the ladies of the congregation are gratefully accepted. United Church plans are being made to hold the Congregational Picnic at Turnibull's ^Grove, Wednes- day, July 4th. The choir are spons- oring a strawberry • supper Tuesday, June 26th. There will be a booth on the church grounds. Proceeds will be used to aid the Gown Fund. Seaforth Lions (Park has been chosen as the spot for the picnic of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, on June 18th. London Wedding Trinity Lutheran Church, London, was graced with spring flowers, erns, and flowers on Sat. June 9th or the wedding of Hilma Pauline Cooke of London, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Edward Funk, Hensel] and William ,Markt, son of Mr. and Mrs. os. Mackt, London, The .Rev, C. J. Killinger officiated for the double ring ,ceremony. The church organist Mns. Ninkler played the music and he soloist was Miss Loraine Karlson o£ London. Park Board Meets A meeting of Hensalt Community ark Board was held in the Council ham;hars with all members present. A correr•pondenee read from W. P. T)avicl en resignation and a forth from the Community Programmes ranch, :same to be filed,, the 'Secy.�WJ .thst .4Od Lo lik 4 ea:la:ea M. Davidson for his services, Lloyd Ven- eer appeared representing the Kip - pen Gun Club asking about the buil- ding moved from the Bowling Green to the Park and if the Board would sell same, which was agreed upon at $1100: Lorne Luker was delegated to look after the planting of the trees at the south end of the Park. Secy Treas. James A, Paterson reported as_appals the receipts from Hockey as $394.45, skating $334:50, eurlinyt $33.70; 'Chamber of Commerce akbt., ins Ciu b$84; and net receipts from, booth $3.80 or a total receipts' of $990.65 with an expenditure of $1015.24, leaving a deficit for the year of $24.59. DAIRY FOODS /L - Break open a hot, baked biscuit and spread on golden butter. U -m -m -m it's meltingly good. as sumer rain. Glorify your summer meals with., creamery -fresh dairy foods. They're. so delicious, nutritious, they make. every meal a treat to remember.. mt. s�z'�;'�{ "•:s;?':£x.%'?:>t1`•3:.�> :>:F>:�: :> SUMMER SiAR SALADArSbanana quartere rsin circle, top with tastyCotage Cheese.Addsnwberry. halvgolden an Colourful! Flavourful es Top fresh fruit pie with his favourite cheese/ Good to eat, high in food energy. For eteeiinw. 'sauce for ., taste, croquettes, use, creamy -smooth' •evap- . orateclmilk. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE MIMI I 409 HJRON STREET . TORONTO, A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM makes housework much . EASIER! PLAN now for the future ... with running water, A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM means you have running water in your home for all household and' family needs. Lightens kitchen work ... all the comforts of a modern bathroom. Pleasant and more enjoyable living ... a DURO PUMP can preside modern living for your family. • ]NICO PikTURES and FITTINGS Working in an E111CO equipped kitchen ... bath- room and laundry is a pleasure ... protect the health of your family. See us today: ale ..aaveweeaata AVIEMENSIMMOUN STADE and WEIDO PHONE '92 ZURICH ONTARIO EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED LONDON . HAMILTON - ST. CATHARNES - TORONTO SUDBURY WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER v .nvs.•u kki4Xre"U.esess}'.`f.'9^iseaA•{u`�ni`1S'�1' `a