HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-06-07, Page 5u>�tuti ori riotitu ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD &uthorized as second class mail, fort Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Pluone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAMBTON Vier Tour Sale, large or small, Cour- moue and Efficient Service at all fines l DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORRE,TT Tis Reasonable, Satisfactaoit Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.I. Sc. VE'TER1NARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, ap,psite jDrug itOl17RIC13 B V T C' I I ,• uriebs' Popular MVAT MARKET Let us supply you with the very choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, oon nhandaus es, Etc. always ept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins Vilna -Mil t & Bon PRODUC • i Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 • 'Zurich on Zurich .Creamery LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs, Gerald 'Gingerich and son visited with relatives at Kitchen- er over the week -end. Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner and Carl Of. Ki.ppen visited with her grandma Mrs. D. Oswald .and sister Virginia McClinchey, Mr. Ivan L. Kalbileisch attended the Canadian International Trade Fair at Toronto this week. Mr and Mrs Morris Brown of Teeswater visited the past week with their daughter, Mr and Mrs. Lewis rlh]el, Mr and Mrs. (Cedric McDonald, Linda and Helen •o Sault Ste, Marie visited recently •with Mrs. Edna Os- wald of town. Vtr and Mrs. Gordon Howald and bhildren and Mrs. 'Flossie. Staubus spent sever?I days at Sauble Beach, on Lake Huron over the 'week -end, air and Mrs Hugh Thiel and Mrs, Flossie Brown motored to London on Monday where they visited with relatives and friends, Mr. Campbell ]VIcKinley of the Goshen north was stricken with an attack of -appendicitis and is now re- covering from the operation it was found necessary to perforin. Decoration Day The Annual Decoration and Meat - oriel service at ,the Evangelical U. B. Cemetery on the Bronson line will be held on Sunday afternoon, June 17th at 2.30 o'clock. The Salvation Army Band from London will be an attend- ance to supply the music and :also the memorial address. The public is cordially invited. FOR SALE A Wishing Well ,pop cooler, rebuilt unit, in A-1' condition. Building 10. 1.121x16 1-2 feet, suitable for cabin or booth. One other building. Roger Bedard, Phone 8 i r 21, Zurich. p4t Your home market for ,Cream Eggsand Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid . plus a premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi dent accurate service. Egg sand Poultry department in urge of Mr. T. Meyers. u, Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SAL.. A number of fine C.ollie Pups for sale. Apply—Emerson Erb, Phone 96 r 12, Zurich. FOR SALE Clipper Seed Beans,-7ielding 35 bushels per acre; at $4.80 per bushel —Blackwell Bros., Parr Line, Hay. Phone 88 r 8, Zurich. ltc PIGS FOR SAI •I- 3 Choice Pure Bred Yorkshire Hogs, fit for service for sale, also 20 pigs ready to wean.—Josiah..Steckle, R. R. 2, Zurich. -c FOR QUICK S AI}, Young Pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to Chas. S. Bedard, R.R.2, Zurich. Phone '78 r 15. Mr and Mrs. Arnold Becker and family of Crediton stalled on Mrs. E. Oswald last week. Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz spent a few days. in 'Toronto the fore part of this week.. Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme are, spending a few days at 'the home of their son, Mr and .Mrs, George Du- ,•charme, Dublin. Miss Anita Datars .of Kitchener, was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Edward Datars, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philhe_•t Denonune of Tilbury were Thursday last visit- ors with friends in; towa and at the B. W. Highway Mr. and Mrs. 0. Het/repel and son Ronnie of Kitchener; M r and Mrs Lorne Cook, Waterloo, 'were Sunday visitors at the .home of theirmother !Mrs. John Brenner. Mr and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, Mr. and 12rs. Henry Clausius, ilVliss Amelia - 'la i, ' , motored to the Arthur fun- eral he n.e on Sunday to view the ody of Mr. Ernest H. Doerr, 39. \1.» visited with friend:; at Blyth. Miss Virginia De'ichert, daughter of Mr and Mrs. !Peter De:ichert alas completed her course of study for this season with enough marks, at the Exeter High School, foe .standing to be excused on farm labour. Mr and Mrs. Menno Eby, Mr. Sim- eon .Martin of St. Jacobs; Mrs. Leah Snider of Elmira were week -end vis- itors at the home of the fomier's daughter, Mr and Mrs, Alvin 'G. inger- ich, Mr. and ;Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys spent Sunday at the .'home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mrs. Flossie Bro wn 'who had been visiting at the formers' home for a few days, re- turned with them. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison and family, Mr and Mrs. Ben Corless and family and Mr. Gordon Snell all of Clinton, and Mr Gordon and Stanley Smith of the Blue Water Highway enjoyed an outing at the Addison Cottage on Hope Bay, near Wiarton. Mr and Mrs Harry Dae and da- ughters; Mr and 141:rs, eek Madman, all of Claesley, Mx and Mrs. Leonard Fisher and son of Ildertor, were Sun- day guests at the hone of Mr and Mrs. Milton Desch. Mr and Mrs Harvey Clausius and daughter Barbara, Mr and Mrs. Alb- ert Clausius and Miss Dorothy Erb, have 'returned home after a lovely trip to Middlebury and Millford, Ind. where they visited with relatives and fri ends. Mr. Thomas Lossing, on of. Mr. and Mre. Ed. T ^^c=urs o.f Detroit. The former having taught ,school in the Lni" Aren School near Bay City, Mich e.nd i" 'P•^ fall he 'ntend= to continue his see,"-- as Lutheran Minister in the r-earRie College, i" eniotiin,g sev- e,-el ,4et the home o` his aurit end r " ie. ''ilr. and Mn.sPeter Dei - chert, Hay Twp. SEED FOR SALE Sullen Grass Seed for sale. Limited! quantity. Phone 82 r 10, Zurich. Melvin 'Snaith: FOR SALE 10 cu. ft. refrigerator, 2 years old Guaranteed, like new. 10 -ft. row boat $20.00.-1. 'Willett, Ph. 210, Zurich. FOR SALE A choice heifer calf 6 months old, priced right. Theo. Haberer, phone 99 Zu2icla, sLeru Fanners' Mutual weather Insurance Com OF WOODSTOCK LARGEST RESERVE BAL- AN'CE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- TdAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS • is„ OF "YETIS KIND .IN ONTARIO . . norUnt of .Insurance at Risk on n December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 . Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING kODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE FOR SALE Two Purebred. Shorthorn Bulls, 114 and 11 months -old, red. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna, Ont: Phone 676 r 25 Hensall. FOR OUICK SALE A number of Chicken Shelters for immediate sale. Phone '79 r 12, Zur- ich or call Amos Gingerich, lt. it. 2, Zurich. READ on the table • Thursday, Juno 7th, 1151 Mh the meal is ready ! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon. .,piping hot Par- ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink_ les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his traiy today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH AUTOS FOR SALE .1940 Chevrolet blue Coach in ex- cellent •condition, good tires and hea- ter, owned by the late Clarence Darters, to be sold by tender. Ten- ders will be received until June 2nd. E. J. Datars, Executor. HYMENEAL A pretty wedding: was solemnized ee the 7,nr•irh Mennonite Chm"^h, eeseoeteet Prh. r1a.ue•-hier of Mr ;,,,r1 11tirr, T ,j,"„nr1 Piii h. 'e M a tee r,;ria of Clevelsnri Gino+erieii, non of 11r and Mrs. Ts1eel, Gingera'h. At- {'eY,n.,' were Doreen Gerber and Roy Erb. The reremnnv was .perfor- med by Roe. Albert Marin. Two selections of soma were sang by a ladies trio consisting of Mrs. Keith Gingerieh, Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and Mrs. Harold Zehn; ushers were, Mr. Keith -Gingerich and Mr. Ken- neth :Gingerich. The bride wore a white satin street length dress de- signed in Princess lines and carried a white Bible .covered witri white gardinies with white carnations tied in the streamers. The reception was held at the bride's home for about forty guests. Receiving the bride's another wore a deep mauve dresevelth a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother dressed in a wine dress wore a corsage of yellow roses ' ",e '"dal couple left for a trip to *bee York State and pointe east. The e' utile will reside at R.R. 3, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE Very desirable dwelling property in Zurich. Wired, hot and cold wat- er on tap, modern cupboards, full bath room, hardwood floors, etc., large Lot, fruit trees. For further particulars apply to Harvey Clausius Zurich. FOR SALE A 2 -wheel Trailer with 16x600 Tires in very good condition. For further information call Herald Office FOR SALE A National Cash Register used only three years in A-1 condition. 19'49 Chea. delivery Truck like new, about 19,000 miles actual mileage. Both at reasonable prices. )fader & 1\Iittleholtz, Zurich. Dead Stock $2.75 Each.. Prompt Srrvicc- for !sifting, ---,lack 'Williams. Call Phone 124 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'"`0 iii,.4ro r- rzgin.,Etr . (! NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING i Arrangements can be made ! Bill Watson Dashwood -- Phone 35rl9 NOTICE In order to curtail expenses ave have decided to discontinue summer Sunday, deliveries. Kindly put in your supply on Saturdays. The Dairy wilt be open Saturday eve. till 12 o'clock and Sunday till 1 .p.m. -- The Zurich Dairy. F. Kipper,. Prop. NOTICE Mr. Gordon Howald who has been working at the plastering trade in London has returned to Zurich and would appreciate a call from anyone wanting a good plastering job or other type of masonry. Phone 125,' Zrixieh, _ 4tp PIGS FOR S. \1i 12 choice young pigs, 6 wee's old;i al:,ply to Cleveland ,Gingerich, phone! £11• r '2,, Zurich. ' Clearing Auction • Sa'e Of Matched Black Express Equipment, in the Village of Zureh, directly west of the public School. The undersigned Auctioneer has '•sen instructed to sell by 1'u'elic Auction On Co -Op. FEDP ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall ]List. Co. -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH WE'RE READY TO !-E-:.?_r YOU YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of carne --.and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coining back. We'd appreciate rt chance to show you iVh:trr;zcarrdo. cctcr cider ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS •• 6 8 4 0 • 6 6 rel • 6 • 8 • SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO4AVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD•TI UES! A TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS (Continued from last week) After leaving the misty Falls, we viewed the Whirlpool Rapids. We went down in an elevator two bunde red and fifty= feet below the ground The price to go down in the elevator was seventy+five cents, hut we must have been -a good looking gang, for they ,,charged us only 1215e -a piece. On our way out of the Falls we saw the area car which carries pas- sengers out over the Whirlpool. The car hung out of action on its cables. Many of the pupils thought they '"Dill not risk eerossing the whirlpool in this car. Two other interesting things caught our eyes as we drove along, although we did not =atop. One of these was a bear in a cage. The other was the battered .steel barrel in which an at- tempt was made to go aver the Falls. Between Niagara Fails and Niag- ara -on -the -Lake no one could fail to see the mile upon mile of beautiful l,locsome. Orchards line i the high- way on either side, ste'etchieg rack a, far ,.s the eye could .see. The -ink peach 'slo: ,om:, er,a the upr e'lit >1 ,,,;r of the pear, could be easily d tingnr heal; Ent we hall more diifi- cuity telling the apple, plum, and the cherry trees. The houses in i i inn a meths Lake \ver'' very attractive, an l ('Tiled fneth veiny expressions of eleIretion SATURDAY, JUNE 16th. Commencing at 2 p.m. sharp. • Summer ootwe ar We have the Stock for Summer Footwear. Come and see for yourself: Scampers, Sandals, Crepe Soles, T ennis Etc. We have various lin "of Summer Footwear at the lowest possible cost in spite of the steady rise in prices, and still have odd sizes left in Men's Work Shoes at no change in prices. • GET THEM WHILE YOU MAY. GIVE -US A CALL! • Oesch h ghe qth as Horses •= Black snatched Express •4 team, 7 and 9 years old; sound' and 4,, reliable in every wary!, single or double ideal for livery work. Equipment Consisting of — Brass mounted ibritehen show ;harness, sn good condition; 2 sets new collar tops; light double rubber mounted • show harness; single buggy, like new genuine rawhide whip and black- ' ! • • • • • • 0 • snake; 'Stewart power •clipper, .steel tired wagon, like new; ,118 -inch gravel box; spring seat, rubber tired buggy, equipped with ,30x3.1,h inch tires`; 2; steel tired buggies; 2 new buggy poles; light wagon, light double cut- ter; single cutter, 2 new horse (blan- kets; Brown & Clark heavy sleigh, with brand new platform and bunks; set team bells; string tbells, Buffalo robe, 2 loads .good hay; handmade • Datars Main St. Hardware heavliy • dhains of various lengths; butcher deriok; M. -H. 10 -spring tooth garden cultivator; Brantford 1 -horse scujtler; Fleury No. 21 w ikang plow; Deering mower, 5-1t. cut; 3 -sections Diamond harrows and Pole; •. stone boat, manure box, sling ropes, hay forks, shovels, doubletrees, and many articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve, Everything will be sold TERMS—CASH William 'Thiel, Proprietor. R. F. Stade, Clerk. „ I i Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. , I. a a • 2 • ••• • 0 • • Buy 1 t1 4'atty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see the:: ' they'll speak for themselves Always .a .good; suprl'. of Shelf and Heavy Hard- =''' ..; =..' on hand. • Scarfe's Endurable P; -s% -its, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plan' : 'paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! 9 ien1 Phone 211tjtaimpa• -''-^ems M= W 6 _,xis -a::; the houses were clapboard painted wlhite, with deep friendly -looking verandahs. Our teachers told us this is the colonial style house, and in- deed many of us felt as ,if we bad been .carried back over a Hundred r years and were living in the days of x'814-15. This feeling increased at our next stop which was Fort George on the edge of Niagara-on-theLake. This fort was built in 1814-15 when Can- ada and United States were at war. It was restored in 1934 and is now under the supervision of the Niagara Parks Commie -doe. Inside the two rows of posts which form the :doe - (To be continued) •1 Massey anis HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. t)R:)ER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MA). REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Aria:, for Canadian Farm!" Tel, Shop 149 Osoar Klopp Rte` 67 EVER Ai YOUR SF,,, v1CIE FOR FARM NEEDSI ww.e+..:.«- w+.we«,na+xa+au,x.,tw..,r• arw.,.., ,.rn...•......w