HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-05-31, Page 4ZURICH e ONTARIO DRYSDALE The many friends of Mr. Edward iDenoinme, who was at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for treatments, ire pleased to see him returned to his home much improved in health. The sympathy of the entire com- munity is extended to the bereft family of the late Nelson Ducharme, .who passed away at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Monday morning. Being just in "the :prime of life, and spent all his 40 years in Drysdale. Have Left for Forest The -remaining members of the well known IGelinas family, namely, Mr. Arthur Gelinas and sisters, Miss Mary and Miss Elizabeth iGelinas, the two latter after spending most of their lifetime rat Drysdale, have left for Forest, where they have re- cently purchased a residence. They will be greatly missed in the comm- unity, as well as in St. Peter's parish. church, where they were always very active and devoted. Miss Mary, who has for many lyears been a big help WasiimiliWEVASISSZSMISEMOSSZSMINZISTAMSKOSSISSISSIMMIIIIIIIIMINIIMMIMad MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, ,Court House, Coderich, commencing Tuesday, June 12th, at 10.00 a.m. All accounts,count. notices E es of deputations tions a ndO other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 9th, 1951. A. H. Erskine, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. •Qsn'.'�`Sum'ca.•�'�c,:.?v.it.��''u'•.�u':Y,:+;, "What you need .71 are ditches!" 40, 9 • course every spring Why run an obstacle . "'--eq a Farm and after every rain storm? .1 u,... awe Improvement Loan from the B f M you a. • finance the making of ditches, drainage sys- tems, dyking, as well, as many other farm improvements. If you need ready cash to do the job, a Farm Improvement Loan may be the. answer. Drop in and talk over the details with our • nearest B of M manager. Remember, if your proposition is sound, there's money for you at the Bank of Montreal, BANK OF MONTREAL ea70ra Sa a4 Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashs od (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon., Wed. • Fri. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIFE SINCE 1817 BANK' minim cuA Mm a 1 94,66.06••••*•••••••••••••••s•••••••m,••••• • • • • • • • and • • • • • • • li • • • • a • • s • • • ••• •• •• .3••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••00 renier Tire and Battery Service B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE We Specialize in Tires and Battefes, Auto Household Appliances DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles of a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES For the Safety Of Your Family. Use LIFEGUARDS 1 Also Used Tires FOR SALE • s FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines. Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRICE Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night GOD DOES NOT SAVE GOOD PEOPLE — ONLY SINNERS Luke 5: 32 Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners. 1 Tim. 1: 15 ALT) HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE 'GLORY OF GOD Rom. 3:5 THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, THERE IS NONE THAT DOE'''R GOOD, NO, NOT ONE. Rom, 3: 1042 l )war Si inc:r if you would be saved repent of your ..:.: and receive Christ into your heart. HAI HAS PROMISED ---He that cometh unto me I will in no wie., t:c.;:t out. John t 37 GC Liv '.+ir:RCIPUL UNTO ME A SINNER, AND SAVE ME FOR CHRIST'S SAKE Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles `53, California. ABC Net:woth Sundays 4.00 pan. E.S. T. to the Zurich Herald by contributing the Drysdale news, and in her final letter to us she makes the following remarks: "In future T shall not be able to write for the .Zuridh Herald, of course should I see something of interest to Zurich, T will -write and send you, Mr. •Smith. T am very thankful for your co-operation, Mr. Smith, wishing you much success as well as the Zt.lLnich Herald: Again, we say many thanks to you Miss Gelinas.—Editor, DASHWOOD Evangelical U. B. Church Baptismal Font. Gift of grandchildren and great grandchildren oI' the late •Gottfried and Mrs. Oestreicher, a :beautiful baptismal font was received and de -1 dicated by the pastor recently. Pres -1 eat to represent the donors were Carl • and Glenna Oestreicher, also the children of the Rea. J. M, Oestreicher F:uih of Toronto, and Dorothy and id 1 infant John of Clifford, Ont. One , i another child, and a family or five • were the first to receive -the Sacra -1 ment of Baptism at the new font.' A number of bn'iiee were dedicated in BapLiem on Mother's Day. This I latest gift adde:l to the Chancel of Calvary Church i one of a number of gifts that have :beautified the .church and enhanced the services of worship. The minister of the church Rev. H. Getz received a pleasant sur- prise when on the occasion of the an- nual congregational meeting, he was presented with a handsone gold wrist watch by his people as a memento of his ordination as an elder, at the an- nual Conference, in his home town, Pembroke,. Ont. Receives ZURICH HERALD lake was convener, and was assisted by Mrs, J'. E. McEwan and other lad - John Ai deiuon, of Kippen, local sharp shooter captured the Veinier Trophy in the biggest annual May St. Joseph and Beaver Town Messrs. Simon and August Bedard of Windsor and Mrs. Frank Denomnle of Chatham, were week -end visitors in this neighbourhood with relatives and also with their mother, who is in residence with Mr and Mrs. Leon Bedard of this B.W. Highway. Mr and Mrs Nelson. i:Vlasse and son Jerome of Drysdale, called at the( Home of and Mrs, 1+-'..i7ncharme, on Sunday last. Miss Shirley GeoffraT of Detroit is spending a few days at her hone on the B. W. Highway south. Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Ducharme and family of London visited relativ- es in this neighbourhood, also visit- ing relatives in Bake over the week - d. ( c, We offer our deepest. sympathy to the Ducharme fancily of Drysdale in their late sad bereavement. Since May 18th, 1950 alrteadY teararieni'o, err of that faiuilty has pass, ed on to the great beyond. The last one De- ing Nelson of Drysdale who passed away on Mopday a.m. in St. Joseph'a Hospital, London, which is a heart breaking record, A 8ugiestion eeeiitly the home of Mr and Mrs. Louis Masse of this B. W. Highway south of St. Joseph, was destroyed by fire and leaving the fancily homeless. We believe much valued parcels and contents were lost and not again to be redeemed. Through the columns of the Zurich Herald we would sug- gest that some words of encourage- ment be conveyed to the family.Not necessary meaning financial aid, but it will take a lot of good sound cour- age for Toung people like them to again start from scratch, when you have been forced to watch your be- longings go up in smoke. • But our way of life is ,builders, and progress and we know that this young couple will respond to the challenge, and anyone in a position to give them a lift are asked to do so, and you will , be greatly rewarded by higher powers In Lighter Vein Jackson and his wife were doing a little fly bunting about the home. "Have you caught any?" she asked "Six," replied her husband, "three. males and three females." "Absurd" his wife sniffed, "How could you tell if they were males or females?' "Easy, my Dear, he answered, three were on the sugar and three were on the mirror." HENSALi . Mrs. Alda Simmons, who spent the winter with her sisters in California, returned to her hone here. Mr and Mrs Don Gooding of Park- hill were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ed. Munn. Mr and Mrs. R. Hopkins of Chic- ago, I11., visited recently with the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Hugh ,Mc;4lurtrie. Mr. Peter .MeNaughton has pur- chased the residence of Mrs. J. Dallas Mrs. Ed. Dick of Cromarty, is really wearing a smile these days, last Fniday night the 2.5th at the monster Bingo .held in the Clinton Lions. Arena, sponsored by Clinton Lions Club, she won :a specialprize of $150.00. Hensall girls softball •team playing at Dashwood May 124th scored a 8-5 win over their :hosts as 1. Kelly went all the way for the winners, The first prize of $8.00 in the Old Time Fiddler's contest staged at the Hensal•l Spring Fair, was donated by Cliff Watson, of Pop's Taxi, Exeter. At the Sprung Fair held Friday 12•5th. the Ladies Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian Church sponsored a booth, and after expellees were paid rcath.- ed .$120. The ladies sold home made Hies; hot dogs, .ice cream, coffee, and (i0 cases of soft drinks, MI's, A. Kers- 24th shoot ever held at Kippen, sport cored by the Kippen Gun club. And- erson's score was 40 out of b0 Healy Prouse of Goderich took the handi- cap event with 24 out of 25. The Thursday, May 814 (11951 v iGoderich team 'with .a score of out of 1.25 took the team title, Ther*. were three thousand rounds ,firet> and a 'big celelbration was the result„ Death of William .Arthur Wilton n7leoea.yoe aeia Mr. R. J. Davy is one of the 18,000 enumerators who will call at the homes of all Canadians—including yours—starting June 1st. His job is to get the facts which Canadians need for successful management of their private business or public affairs. It is of practical benefit to you and your community. DOMINION BUREA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE OTTAWA, CANADA US Th ER Your enumerator (man or woman) will carry an identification card. The informa- tion you give is kept in strictest confidence, and can be used only for census statistics. It cannot, by law, be revealed to anyone for any purpose, even to other Government Departments. Please be ready with quick and accurate information when your census taker calls. U OF STATISTICS • eavaasea- 1 T"-1 DECENNIAL CENSUS • • DISTINGUISHED PLYING GROS'S' For "anact or acts of valour, courage, or devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations against the.. enemy" .. . During the Second World War, the Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded to 4,028 members of the Royal Canadian Air Force. ... exceptional fearlessness in the face of the enemy" .. . "`outstanding courage and determination" . . . 4,028 citations—each one a tribute to service in the defence of freedom, by leen of the R.C.A.F, *Today, in Canada's rapidly expan- ding Air Force, more young men are needed to train as Air Crew Officers—Navigation Officers, Radio Officers and Pilots. Consult the Career Counsellor at your nearest R.C.A.P. Recruiting Unit or-MAIITHIS COUPON • To be eligible, you must be be- tween 18 and 24—be a Canadian citizen or other British subject— be physically fit—and have Junior Matriculation or better. ir one TRAINING C"OMMAND, R.C.A.F.,, TRENTON, ONTARIO 1 1 1 Please mail me, without obligation full particulars re. garding appoint - Meat requirements and openings now available in the R.C.A.f. NAME (PLEASE PRIM) STREET ADDRESS ......,....... CITY , P OVINCE,: EDUCATION ............ ...,...,., ".„ ..........»..... (!Y GRADE AND PROVINCE) w CAP 42 WS A,GE........u.....0 ae.,..rr esassi'..'wwri' Y.Ww..'reWAlossisiemyil.lwra'tilsaki . � it IC%.w f11�'rtl,kl•3A �If]N MIa117C►