HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-05-17, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO GRAND BEND To Favour Lawbton A representative meeting of Grand ;Bend business and property owners, *,.old in the Community Hall, turned down a Huron County request that they vote for incorporation within Huron. Wilmer MacLaren, spokes- lxnan for the group, said. He stated that the meeting, following discuss- ion of points in a Huron County statement which urged their &fillet_ len with that 'county, passed a reco- tnmendation that property owners vote to ,b7.tnome part of Lat4bton Co- unty. DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Paul Ness of Strat- ford and his mother Mrs. Ness spent the. week -end in Windsor, Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs,J. Witzel, He also attended the funer- al of the late J. Triebner on Saturday Visitors with Miss Lavada Hartleib for the week -end were Miss Kate Hedden of Hensall, Mrs. Dundas and MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, June 12th, at 10.00 a.m. 1 All accounts, notices of deputations and other business'requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 9th, 1951. A. H. Erskine, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. st�attssa { 1 • NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HAY —TRANSIENT TRADERS' LICENSE All Transient Traders and others whose names have not been entered on the Assessment Roll in respect of income or business assessment for the then current year, and who offer goods, wares and merchandise for sale by auction, conducted by themselves or by a licensed auctioneer or otherwise or who offer them for sale in any other manner, shall pR.y A license fee to the Treasurer of the Township of Hay before he er they can operate or sell any goods in the said Township of Hay: The amount of licessg fee for such privilege, 41411 be the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each year. All rules and regulations contained in Chapter 233, R.S.O. 1927, and amendments thereto referring to Transient Traders ehall be deemed as part of this Bylaw, Earl Campbell, Reeve. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk • • • • sons of St. Thomas, fVIr and Mrs. Harry Hartleib of London. Mrs. Geo, ,Merner is visiting in De_ troit. .Mrs. Jack Rascke, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bache, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartcliife and fam- ily of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr and. Mrs. A. V. Tiernan. Mr and Mrs Murray Wolfe and son and Mr. Geo. Wolfe of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Wes. Wolfe. Mr. Glen Haugh of Kitchener spent the week -end at hie home. Mr. Henry Hoffman was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital by ambulance, on Tuesday where he will undergo an operation. Mr and Mrs. Ward Kraft and fam- ily of London spent the week -end with Mrs. Matilda Kraft. 1 eeeeee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+•••••••••••• •• • •9 9 • i' • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • 9 1 • 9 • • 9 • 9 9 9 R Grenier Tire and Battery Service B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and Household Appliances DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles of a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it. GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES For the Safety I Also Used Of Your Family Tires Use LIFEGUARDS FOR ML b FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines. • Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRICE Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night vso oo a•Q••••••.•.•..••••••••••••••••••�••••••••1••••• gym. ..t.......S:•...e:F:i'C: "What you need '*h:ilii:�; ;c:i':.,.•........,.::^y`;. • lam Improvement Loans have helped thoutandr of Canadian fanners to buy tractors and other . farm implements to speed their work and grow bigger crops. Ask your nearest B of M manager about the many ways an IP -14 can . RANH help yore to Modernize your farm and•„•,e/rnasrrAswM w N1 increase your profits. The cost is low. BAN i or MONTREAL 667401 t it 11 Branch : C. C. McEA.CIII:IU' , Manager r!(t, ;t, laaruh' )011N IRVIN, Managct C'rcrl,ion Branch: CH Sttl•ES PARKINSON, Manager 'fi)r.,., '1' d v 'I'l:a r el e- end geterefee Dashwood (;rub-Agere) Open Mon., Wed. & pri. aro W$1h CANADIANS IN EVER? WALK OF LIFE S I H Cil 1817 CREDITON CENTENNIAL AT TION CHURCH CREDITON Zion Evangelical United Bretheen Church, Crediton, celebrates the Cen ZURICH HERALD Vele' Important AUCTION SALE Known as the Carling Estate. inn the premises, Corner of Main and Huron Streets, Town of Exeter. The undersigned Au'etioneer has been instructed to: sell by Public Auction, on WEDNESDAY,, MAY 30th. Commencing at 12 o'clock, snare, Consisting of valuable Fine China, Crystal, Sterling and Plated Silver- ware, Fancy dishes, Antiques, beau- tiful rugs, assorted sizes; occasional tables and chairs, walnut desks and drawers, c:mplete dining room and bedroom. sets, kitchen furniture aiattl other •desirable items, all in new con- dition, Will be sold without reserve, (Complete list in next week's issue) Harry V. Carling, Beverly V. Elliott, Erecutors. Milford 'Merrier, Earl Birr, Clerks Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Of Surplus Machinery and Farm tennial of the first b..27, gs of the Stock. The undersigned has received Rev. MacMillan of Knox Presby -I Ten teams are in the .group this eonp•reeation May 2d_:?7, 1951. instructions to :ell by public auction terian Church, Goderich, will be the year as follows. Clinton RCAF;• Cline b One hundred years ago this spring : on Lot 13, Con. 13, Stephen Twp. guest minister at the anniversary ,,tion Colts; Dashwood, Exeter, Hensal9t Rev, J. Bastian, an Evangelical etre- 3 miles directly south of Dashwood, servieee to be 'held in Carmel Presby -''Mitchell, Lucan, Zurich, Centralia lis, terian Church on Sunday, May 2.0. i CAF, and Goderich. nit rider visited treditaiz, and held On SATURDAY, MAY l9tla. i The meeting was held Tuesda'V• a service in the home of Theobalt'. At 1.30 o rlocl: rhe fullo�vin;,: 111rs. J \1`, I'+ont.hron rettrrnecl to I Hight last and was well represented, Stahl, just south of the village. From 1910 Ford panel truck, root eepee her hone here last week after spend- The opening games will be Held MA that begining, the minist 'y: of the 2 -furrow li-I , plow, 4 ft Case cam- ing the winter in Florida. I May 24th. The executive decided to Evangelical Church in Crediton has bine, set i7 :ect°an spring -tooth her- !give umpires $1121 a game which will been a continuous. one. p At Carmel Church ro«.,, 2 corn binders, No. 4 11-11 . Mother's lhaTi was fittingly* obsery-include mileage. The games effect" A log church was built iu 11555_ it grain binder, grain roller, truingin the Zurich team are as follows:, was •replaced by a brick building in ed in Carmel Presbyterian Church on g 1864, and this, in turn, was replaced rake, 5_ft. mower, corn shelter, ant Sunday morning. The children of the may 25—Goderich at Zurich,. in 1896 bythe noble Gothic struct- compressor tank, side delivery rake, S School attended at the ,church ser-12$—Zurich at Clinton RCAF, hot water tank. buck rake, 5 -ton beet ,vice and the sacrament of baptism 131—Centralia at Zurich. serve the nee which continues to wagon, farm trailer, 26 -ft. semi June 5—Zurich at Clinton Colts - needs of the congregation.was administered to several. A t the In preparation for the Centennial trailer. 2 fresh cows. ;2 yearling evening service the Hensall Lodge al 8—Dashwood at Zurich. extensive repairs and improvementsandfeeders,hog troughs hsand orer heifers, chicken ft ,the T. 0. 0. F. and Amber Rebekah '1115—��Clintonat Colts atl Zurich. including a new kitchen, have beenenLodge attended. A large congregate made to the church. A. Centennial articles too numerous to mention. ion heard the minister, Rev. P. A, 18—Zurich at Dashwood Souvenir Book has been published, This list of machinery has been Ferguson preach on the subject "A 2t2—Hensall at Zurich, reconditioned and is in first class Matter of Life and Death." Special 2'$—'Mitebell at Zurich musical numberswere also rendered. July 3—Lucan at Zurich 1G—Zurich at Goderich Thursday May 17th, 195.1 •-• ■e onto, event the week -end with the Mrs. George Hess spent the Week*. fornmer's parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo,' end with her daugh:.ter•.and son -in -Nee. Walker.Mr. and Mm J. L. McCloy, and Kath Mx and Mrs. Arthur Traquair, of in Toronto, ade Woodstock, and Mrs. E. Normin on,aaand I les' Aid ests; The regular f Carmelet1ng of Church the w l l ba . Mr and Mrs Melville Traquair, .held at the home of Miss Minnie Eoid• Mr and Mrs Paul Sedley and fain- Wed. May 30th. By of London, were weekend visit- At the Bingo held Saturday niphb, ors with the latter's parents, Mr and in the Legion Hall under the auspie Mrs. E, McQueen. j ees of the Legion Ladies 'Auxiliary, Mrs. Flora Consitt spent a week Mrs. Harry Burns, London, won tilt with Mrs. R. M. Kirby! in Exeter ow- C door prize. ing to the illness and death of 32r.1 Mr and Mrs. C. L. Jinks attendet Kirby. the funeral of the late 1'. Appleton Mrs. .(Dr.) Jas. Bell has returned of Exeter on Monday to her home here after spending the-; wintermonths with relatives in Cali- fornia• I Huron -Perth Baseball League, and Mr and Mrs Edward Funk, Tien (IBA Intermediate „'C" group elected salt, announce the engagement of officers for tTh*e coming season at a, their eldest daughter Hilma Pauline meeting in Lucan. The 'officers seat Funk, London, to Mr. Wm. Matek, ,President, Ivan Hern, Lucan • vice son of Mr raid Mrs. Joseph Match, 1 les. W Wein Dashwood;2nd Vice London. The wedding to take place in J Fairbairn, Exeter; secretary, Bin the Lutheran Church, London, Sat • O'Rourke, Lucan; and treasurer, Jncr• urday, June 9, at 3 o'clock. ,Livermore, 'Clinton. • BASEaBALL including historical material, and pictures of Zion Church per onsliti e at the century mark in the life of the church. The Program for the Centennial includes S. Former Pastors' Night, a Musicale, Centennial Worship at which Bishop Emeritus G. D. Batdorf of Dayton, Ohio will preach, and the united choirs of Zurich, Dashwood, And Crediton E.1. a: Churches. .. IS t• Joseph and Beaver Town I Miss Eleanor Vernier and Miss 1Mr and Mrs. Leonard 9f Wi}nft At ie Walsh spent the week iss and Mrs. Rachel Denomme of Wind,' 1 1111 !'@ltiyes tip ;etroit. Since the monthly meeting of the Hensall W. I. on May 9th, Mrs. Edna Jones has kindly offered to act as Group Leader for the Blue Cross Plan. Mrs. Milton Love who has been a patient at Clinton Hospital with a heart condition returned home last weekend and is getting in her apt. in the Fink bidlding. She is slowly gaining in strength and health. Group 4 of the Ladies Aid of Car_ mel Presbyterian Church held a very successful home made cake sale in the Legion Hall Saturday last, the pro- ceeds were gratifying. Sunday morning, May 20th, Rev. A. E. Hinton, of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Kippen, will be guest speaker at the United Church at 11 a.m., the evening service will be with drawn in favor of anniversary in the Carmel Presbyterian church. The Huronia Male Chorus of Exe- ter will present a concert in the town hall, Friday eve. May 18th at 8 p.m. sponsored by the choir of the United who Church. One of the features will be t. •� -,�,neeei__.. ..{ Lr mane a.n operetta "Trleal by Jnry ", also so- me tiruu,a tons �_ trying, %9 los andquartettes, th" t this concert working condition. No Reserve—Everything will be sold Term—Cash Mrs. H. Peterson, Proprietress. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. HENSALL Miss Mae Kennings And Mrs. Maude Hedden were lucky wini,rs on the Fab Contest on CKNX Wing- ham, the past week. eon' were week -end visitors with re- latives and friends on the B. W. H. Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Denozmne of Detroit spent Sunday last in this neighbourhood visiting with their re- latives. Mr and ,Mrs Bob Mernorvidge of Detroit were week -end visitors in Beaver Town with the Geoffrey Family, the latter's, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doneau of .Goderich called on friends on . Sun- day last in this neighbourhood. Mr and Mrs. Cyril. Ducharme, the three daughters and son Champron, spent a few. days with the former's parents on the E.W. H. )Mr. Norman •Sararas of Kitchen- er was an evening visitor with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ducharme of the B.W. South, facing the new summer re- sort, that being Norman's birth place, and one which he still enjoys to visit and meet old friends. Words To Live By! Basso Ezio Pinza writes: I thank n y lucky star that I had a Father was wilting to see me through comes myself a success as a carpenter, lids” highly I evommended and has been er and professional bicycle racer. He . didn't seem worried when my friends weld received at ...other places. Mr and Mrs, Robert Harradine, pronounced me a failure, and he al_ So dus N.Y., Mr and Mrs Scott Rob - found the right road. One reafiways stood by my side, with. advice inson ' and Mrs. Reta Charles, Ron - and help, until he thought 1 had d ' den,iF&i`C weekend guests with Mrs I'm sure, is that he had faith in an Anna Walker, old Italian proverb, "La Vita Com -H' and Mrs• DonaldWalker, Tor•1 intra domani" "Life Beging To- 1 morrow." He knew that, given A. chance, Life has a habit of taking care of a great deal all ,bei itself. My life, like every life, has had ,;;4;r yrs and downs. But czar t).'-' .,ng which has helped drip to .l'' p going is remembering tills one fact which is so true, to :m•• r However ,-.' ••Maple and so powerful 1004 ,sitter this Day has been; • ., will always give you a chance to start over and try again — For "Life Begins To -morrow !" BAYFIELD 'Mrs J. W. Jowett and household moved back to her home at tile grove after having spent the winter in the village. Mr and Mrs. L. W. Burch return- ed from Florida to spend the oitm- mer at their cottage at The Highlands Mrs. E. A. Featherstone was cal- led to Montreal owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs.. Keith Leonard Mr and Mrs Fred Fowlie and Law- rence :Fowlie, London, were visitors with the Misses Frances and Ethel I+lowlie. - 'Mr and Mrs Paul Cleave returned home after spending a month at Wa" ukegan, 111. ' Mr and Mrs J. E. Hovey, returned home after motoring through the State of Virginia. They also visited Washington, D.C. • Bride -Elect Honoured Complimenting 'Miss Beverley York popular young bride-to-be, about 30 friends gathered at the Albion Hotel and presented her with a miscellan- eous shower. An umbrella done in pink and white streamers from which a wedding hell was suspended was hung in the arch between the din g- room and living room. Mrs. E. Geiger, who has been vis- iting at Whitby has returned home, and reports that her son Ralph who underwent a critical operation in the General Hospital, Toronto, is rapidly recovering. • 19—Clinton Radio at Zurich.. 24—Zurich at Exeter 27—Zurich at Lucan. 30—Zurich at Centralia Aug. '2 -Exeter at Zurich 10—Zurich at Hensall. • Can you tell the difference? . Unlike most birds, the female KINGFISHER is more brightly colored than the male. She has an extra band of rusty - red across the chest, Get to know nature and you'll be going for conservation. Nature holds a vast treasure of interesting facts and colorful creatures. It's, yours to protect and yours to enjoy. all out Nature Unspoiled '*YOURS TO PROTECT — YOURS TO ENJOY' LI11TG' TNS DARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO ONTARIO ►h 2-3b SW -a, Different flavour every For dessert variety, you can't beat ice cream. There are so many delicious flavours, to choose ... so many ways to arvt it,, you can enjoy ice cream every night. k , iieam, glorifies any meal, yet sinmplifies.y,.our•roolc-. ling. For it's all ready for yok,, vocal! and; fresh, at your neighbourhood 09%. 44i remember, ice cream is good for•y+our. Let us send you our full-coteeeP aced' ice cream pamphlet telling about. in, Y,erest- ing uses of this fine dairy fork Writs, to: DAIRY FOODS 409 Huron Street SkRYtC1 81lREAU; sRlaStp, Ontario