HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-05-17, Page 3HOW CAN 1? By Anne A:sh1.ey Q. klow can I make a good Mending cement for use around the borne? A. A good cement for mending almost anything around the 11o1ne can be made by mixing 1 quart of, wood ashes, i1 -cull of table salt, and enough water to give proper consistency, The dark appearance at first will afterwards turn al- rno,t white, Q. How can I soften and whiten the hands? A. -Mit!: one ounce of glycerine, three ounces of bay run?, tz-drain oil bergamot, and apply. Or, rub well: .at nigh' with olive oil and wear sleeping gloves. Q. How can I remove a musty odor left in: a bottle or ,jar, after the contents have been removed? A. Tear a newspaper into small pieces, stuff down into the, bottle or jar, and this will absorb all the odor if left there for a few days. Q. How can I remove old wall paper easily? A. An excellent method for re- inoving wall paper is to put a cup of vinegar into a bucket of hot water and wet the walls thoroughly with this solution. The paper will readily peel• off. Q. How should violets be planted. A. Violets should be planted in the open ground in a rich soil, pro- tected from the sun's strong rays. Tco notch sunlight produces all leaves and no flowers. Q. How can I prevent baked • potatoes from bursting while cook- ing? A. Prick the potatoes with a fork before baking them. This al- lows the air to escape and prevents their bursting. Q. How can I prevent the for- mation of icing when making syrup? A. When the syrub is coaling to a boil, add 1/3 -teaspoon cream of tartar to every 2 cups of sugar used. This will prevent the. for- mation of icing, or turning back to sugar. • Q. How can I clean ebony brushes and mirrors that have be- come dull in appearance? A. Try robbing a little white Vaseline jelly into them with a soft cloth. Rub until the wood has absorbed all the greases and taken on a rich gleam. Q. How can ' I boil a cracked egg? A. Wrap the egg in a piece of waxed paper, the kind in •which bread is purchased, the contents of the egg will .not boil out while boiling. Q. How card I store blankets stn that ri~hcy •vri1' n;�tl ' flOt? .. A. Before storing the blankets, see that they are thoroughly clean, thea pack with moth balls and newspapers, leaving no cracks for moths to enter. If properly done this is just as effective as moth- proof bags Off -flavour Butter Blame the containers if cream has a metallic taste. Better still, blame the person who put the cream into rusty •or improper Containers. -C. A. Gibson, research officer in dairying .with the Central Experi- mental Farm at Ottawa calls atten- tion to the reason for this metallic flavour in cream which is imparted to butter made from such cream. In butter, the flavour is known as ;`tallowy" and the defect arises from chemical changes in the butterfat or associated substance& Contamination of milk with metal like iron, or copper will have simi- lar results so, points out Mr. Gib- son, keep whole milk away from tinned copper equipment worn so that the copper is exposed, or gal- vanized iron pails. Cream cans with rust spots should be strictly avoided for shipping cream and should be either retinned or used for some- thing else. Don't use jam or honey pails. Use only well -tinned, glass or aluminum vessels for storage and be sure the separator bows, discs and spout are not worn. Finally, keep dairy equipment spotlessly clean so that acids will not form and dissolve the metal, particularly to protect the flavour of butter. But, "Man," What A Tarsol-Just "Man" is the title of this ultra- modern exhibit on which painter Leonard Crickmore puts the finishing touches at Southampton, Eng. The extraordinary man is one of the "Secrets of Nature" on display aboard the Festival Ship "Campania," a floating version of the Festival of Britain. It will tour various ports in the British isles. PORTby A SlY,51V-.�l '1.0 When Jackie Robinson, colored star of the Brooklyn Dodgers, re- cently laid down a bunt along the first base and then "gave the hip" to Pitcher Sal Maglie, who had come over to field the ball, it caused considerable comment among baseball fans and writers. Leo Durocher, manager of The Giants, fumed that it was .a "bush league trick." Jackie made a reply to which even the Lippy one could find no suitable comeback. "If that was a bush-league -trick then Dur - ocher must be a bush league man- ager," said Robinson, '"because he was the one wino taught sae how to do it when he was- with Brook- lyn." * et * Which was probably no more than the trnth as Durocher is not- orious for playing the game right to the limit -and evert .a bit beyond, and very likely imagines that sportsmanship is a new kind of speed boat. Even although we .call ed The Giants to win the National League this season, we couldn't find much sympathy .with'in us for their manager, at least, when they went eleven straight games without a win. * * * But to get back off this detour to the plain Highway. What we started out to say was that .the most surprising thing .about the 'incident referred to was anybody •even being able to lay down a bunt. For be- tween the rabb:t ball and the mod- ern habit of playing for a whole flock .of runs at a -crack, .the ancient and highly interesting art of laying them down is becoming just about as bard to find as a two-bit full course meal. Present -clay scarcity .of bunting was especially noticeable quite re- cently when the Boston Braves and the Brooklyn Dodgers staged a 16 -inning affair at Ebbets Field with the home club finally squeezing out a 2 to 1 victory (The "rabbit" must have been out waiting for General MacArthur or some such.) Time after time, especially in the extra innings, )Manager Billy Southworth instructed players to bunt a runner or runners into scoring position only to see the pian in the batter's box tap the pill so hard that the A Princess Visits The Pope -Princess Elizabeth, extreme left, wear- ing a floor -length black velour dress and a black veil of Spanish lace, walks toward the Papal Chambers in Vatican City for an audience with the pope. The Duke of Edinburgh follows the Princess, while the Swiss Guards serve as an escort. runner was forced, or miss it com- pletely. K sk However, with the modern public apparently demanding hone runs a -plenty, and the moguls doing everything but move the fences in- side the infield to provide them, we'renot liable to se any great increase in bunting skill any time in the near future -which seeps, to this observer, something of a pity. Still, we must move with the times, even if some of the moves seem to resemble those strategic advances to a previously prepared position in the rear we sometimes read about on the front pages. • The 16 -innings Braves -Dodgers affair, although it probably seemed long enough to the spectators, was by no means a record for length in contests between this pair of clubs. In fact the two -of then. evidently believe in giving the customers full value when it comes to quantity. In fact, as one observer puts it, ever since the National League was born, way back in 1876, Boston and Brooklyn have had something of a monopoly on marathon engage- ments. * * 0 The longest game in major league history took place ea.ly in the 1920 season -May 1st to be exact -going twenty-six frames, and ending in a 1 -all stalemate, * * * We suspect they must have been getting tinge -and -a -half for overtime in that era, or something of the kind, because just three days later the Braves beat the Dodgers 2 to 1 in a 19 -innings shortie. * * 0 Skipping to the season of 1939 we filed the pair at it again -a 2 -all tie which lasted 2.3 innings. But this was merely an appetizer for the meals they were to set before the fans the following year. For on July 5, 1940, the Dodgers and Braves set a brand-new record. It is true that the game in question went only a mere 20 innings before Brooklyn won out, 6 to 2, but the elapsed time of that game was five hours and nineteen minutes -believe it or note * * * Now, to finish up, a new ---at least to us -tale about the famous Lefty Gomez, as told by Bill Dickey not so long ago. It was a tight game, with Dickey catching, Gomez pitch- ing, and in a highly critical situation up to the plate strode Jimmy Foxx. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .... ....... ..... .. . DAILY OHHICHte WOULD you like 16e to 26o a dozort Mee for your eggs practically the year around? If you would contact us immediately ro- garding supplying us with hatching sego for the 1062 hatching season and you can make this extra money. Om some breeds we can take hatching eggsfrom you praotically the year around. Don't delay, contact us at once as plans must be made Immediately. Box 12, 123 -18th St„ New Toronto. IMPROVEMENT Programme. In order to hive, our customers the beet ehleise We posdlbly can, we have introduced into our breeding flocks, large numbors of R.O.P. lrlate6, Theme melee have years of R.O.P. beeo4ing back of them, so that todaY a large percentage of the chicks we offer for sale carry R.O.P. Breeding in their genetical make-up. The Tweddle Hatch- eries Is one of the largest users of R,O,P, owlet in Canada. Also Tweddle Poulte, older pullets, free Catalogue. TWADDLE CHICK IiATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, Ont 19e PULLETS 19e SPECIAL on Heavy Breed Pullets -May 7 and May 28th only. Sussex, Sussex X Lump, Reds and Rock X I-Iamp. Hatches weekly -Send for Price Lint on all breeds light and heavy, Ilurondale Chuck Hatch- ery, London, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING EIA VE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us far Information. We ere glad to answer your questions. Da Pertinent 0, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 vonge St., Toronto. FARM FOR SALE IN Muskoka, 100 -aero farm with buildings, 37.,800. George Gardiner, Port Sydney, Ont.. OOOD dairy farm, electrically equipped, about 100 acres, good buildings, brick 7 -room house with bath, three melee south of Ottawa, $20,000. D. C. Keenan, City View, Ontario. BRIGHTON district; 100 acres, 26 acres orchard, 20 bush, 34 work land, balance meadow and pasture; orchard alt yotmg trees, 15-25 years; McIntosh, Delicious, Snow, Spys, plums, prunes. pears, all full bearing. Apple crop 1949 7,000 bushels, 1950 2,000 bushels. Expecting heavy crop again. New barn, apple storage, drive shed, pigpen, chickenhouse. Good house, 8 rooms, hydro, water pressure; all build- ings Al shape: 2 miles from town, high school, church; county road. Illness in family only reason for selling. Price $15,000. - S. 'Russel, Brighton, Ont. And, as old-timers and some not so old will recall, "Double -X." could really powder that ball. * * * Dickey squatted down in the catcher's box, and signalled for a curve. Gomez shook- his head. Bill signalled for a fast one, and again Lefty shook him off. The same thing happened two or three times more. * "Finally I walked out to the mound," says Dickey. "I said to Gomez, 'I've signed for everything you can pitch .and a few that you can't and still you're not satisfied, Just • what do you want?'" * :t * . "Don't be in such a hurry, Bill," calmly replied Gomez. "If we wait a while Monger maybe somebody will•want that big lug Foxx on the telephone." Really Comforting Our morale was given an enor- mous boost by a description to the American Chemical Society, of a device for supplying arid coastal areas with fresh water. The gadget essentially is nothing more than a big evaporating pan filled with sea water and covered with a glass top. The sun heats through the glass, heating and evaporating the water. Wind and air keep the glass top enol, so that the vapour condenses and runs off through gutters into a tank as distilled water. And that's all there is to it, other than the engineering problem of making the process sufficiently efficient to jus- tify the cost of constructing the device. Simple, to the point and entirely understandable even in our advanc- ed state of physical ignorance. And it conies just at a time when we were undergoing the shatttering experience of hearing high school boys discourse learnedly of scien- tific matters in words which might just as well be Sanskrit for all we can make of them. - It's comforting to know that some things are still getting done without benefit of meson or Planck's constant. -St. Louis Post - Dispatch, These Guys who insist on drink- ing before driving are putting the quart before the hearse. -Lake City Graphic. SPECIAL above tread designs 600 - 16 914 95; 660, 670-16 916.95. Used Tires 600-16 95.95; $9.50 and $11:50. 050-16 $8.96 and $12.50, 650, 660, 670, 700, 710-15 $8.60 and 912.50. Tested Tubes 01.60, Dealers wanted 26% deposit re- quired with your order or remit In full and save C.O.D. charges, I•Iank'e Tire, 142 Catherine Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. FOIL SALE 80 COLONIES Italian Dens, 10 frame Lapgotroth, with full equipment with now extractor tanks. Bargain, for quick sale, Harry Kitt, 88 Patricia Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone 62643. WILL buy farm, with or without build- ings, on paved road, within 60 mites of Toronto, Box 70. 129 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ontario. 3VISH to buy large block of lake frontage within 100 miles of Toronto. Bog 71, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Out, REGISTERED 1 Beaver Oats, $1.76 Bus. Sow the best. Gordon Legate, Acton. Phone Rockwood 61 R 12. POTATO GROWERS Attention - Trexier Potato Cutters and Repairs at 3, Nicol Wilson, Box 410, Alliston, Ont. P A C K A G E Bees. queens, bee supplies. "Everything to supply the bee -keeper." Cook's Supplies. Aurora, Ontario. GAS STATION N0. 11 Highway, cabin, refreshment booth, house, garden, 271 acres, T. E. Small. Severn Bridge, Ont. EQUIPMENT for a small Apiary for sale. W. G. Davey, AlmOnto P,O„ Ont. ENSILAGE AT ITS BEST For greater tonnage, better feeding quality ensilage, you can't beat Pride Hybrids. Tried and proven in your community, 50 plant at least some of your acreage with ono of these new outstanding Hybrids, Pride D 66 for Late Silage, Pride B45A for Early Silage. Flats $12.00, Rounds 910.00. Delivered your station. PRIDE HYBRID COMPANY OF CANADA Chatham, Ontario. ROLLS Royce V 12 Engine Mall 2 Man Chain Saw. Sell or Trade on small saw- mill, Carl Johnson. Bourkea, Ontario. GIANT White Pekin day-old Ducklings. Avatlabte weakly year around. Ux-Spring Fe tens Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. ONE used Sohn Deere Threshing Machine Size 28 x 50. Machine In excellent condition. Bargain at $950.00. Write McKee Bros., Elmira, Ont. Phone 478. FOR Sale 30-50 Ramsey On Pull -tractor in Al running order. Priced reasonable. Apply Mervyn Hayter, Varna, Ontario. SPRINGER. pure-bred spaniel pups. Nicely marked, liver and white, 7 weeks old. Reasonable price. E. R. Bailey, Welling- ton, Ont., Telephone 46. HELP WANTED SINGLE man, yearly position, dairy and mixed farming, highest wages. State experience. R. Winterstein, Stouffvllle,Ont. CAPABLE person for general housework In small modern home, one child. Live in. Apply 61 Whitmore Avenue, Toronto. or telephone ORchard 7741. MEDICAL WANTED - Every sufferer of Rheumatif Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRESS BUNION SALVE- for amazing relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. • RHEUMATISM relieved to stay relieved. Two Formulas. for self-addressed en- velope and $2.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed. or your money • refunded. DELOS H, DuPREE, 115 North Alston Avenue. Dur- ham, N. Carolina. QUIT cigarettes - the easy - way. Use Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treat- ment: quickly and permanently eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the system of nicotine King Drug Pharmaceutical Chem- ists. Vegreville, Alta. write P.O. Box 673. London, Ont. SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthritic pains; If you cannot get relief. write: Box 123, Winnipeg, Manitoba, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH Oar torment ut dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Robing. sealing, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, otmplea and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the etalnlene, adorlese ointment. regardless of how stubborn or hopeleee they seem PRICE 81.80 PER ,IAR, POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price 889 Queen Si. E., Corner et Logan, Toronto NURSERY STOOK AFRICAN Violets, grow your own plants. Aix labelled leaves, instruction, rott- ing powder 91,09. Mrs, Helen Abrams, ales, Ontario. ORDER now for Spring delivery -Nature's fence of ranee (Rosa Multiflora), 9 to 18 melees, 26 plants for 32,80 or $7.00 Per 109. Green Barberry ILedglne, 12 inob alto, 86 for 34,58; I3ardy Privet Fledging Plante, 12 to 18 inches, 26 for $8.98, Dwarf Apple Trees (Macintosh or Spy or Cortland); Dwarf Pear Trees (Bartlett or Clapp'e Favourite) 9 ft. S1ze, your ohoiee 99.00 each or 9 for $7.60: Famous Out- door Citrysanthensurns Assorted Colours, 9 for 91,00 or $8.60 per dozen. )s'ree Coloured Garden Guide with Every Order, Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, Bowman - villa, , STRAWBERRY Plants. Ifellogg'a, Premier, well rooted, disease free. 100 91.60; 1000 - 910.00. Aeparagns Roots, Mare' Washington and Vineland 36, 1 year-100- 92.00; ear 100- 82.00; 1000-$12.00, Cash wlth order. Elgin Loosing & Son, Norwich. Ontario, OARRANGANA 80 Incises $4,50; 20 inehep 98.50; 16 inches 92.50 per 100. Cramer Nurseries, White Fax, Saak. OPPORTUNiTIES FOR URN & WOMEN HEALING, deliverance from all diseases, afflictions, oppressions, Gospel nmste, musioal instruments, Write: Gospel Liter- ature Crusade, 83 Forest Road, Galt, Ont. BE A HAIRDRESSER /'DIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of euccesaful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Iliustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Blom. St. W.. Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa WE always have big and tittle businesses for sale at all times. For particulars, write to: PHILIP YOUNG, REALTOR 07 Frederick Street - Kitchener, Ontario. WANT lovely skin, glistening eyes, iron nerves? Send for amazing Kerfo Tablete. $1, $8, 96. Imperial Industries. P.O. Box 901, Winnipeg. PATENTS .hN OFFER to every Inventor -List of In- ventions and full Information Bent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attar. nese, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETFIERSTONHAUGE & Company, Par. tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 850 Bay Street. Tornnto. Deolslet of Informa- tion on request. 30e PHOTO SERVICE ANY size 6 or 8 exposure rolls or any 10 prints finished on Deluxe Velox glossy paper 80c. Canada Photo, P.O. Box 8, Sherbrooke, Quebec. TEACHERS WANTEI) IBROCK Township Public School Area Board requires Protestant teachers for rural schools. Reply in writing, stating qualifications and salary expected. Ex- perienced teachers give name of forager inspector to D. H. Christie, Box 80. Sunderland. Ont. QUALIFIED Protestant- teacher, for the . Township School Area of Chamberlain, District of Temiskaming. School la Bailee from O.N.R. bus Iine. Teacher's cottage on the school grounds. Enrolment 14 pupils. Applicants please state qualifica- tions and salary expected. Duties to start Sept. 4th. Apply: Mrs. F. M. Colquhoun, Sec.-Treas., Krugerdorf, Ont. ERAMOSA Township School Board requires Protestant teachers for one -room schools at Sept. 1. Schools equipped with hydro and insulated. 01,800 minimum. Please give usual particulars withapplication. Apply Frank Day, See., Rockwood, Ont. WANTED BEAR CUBS WANTED: State price and full particulars first letter to Otis Noe. Middlesboro, Kentucky. r DON T S.UFFER.. ,« 41 rSure to Order by,f4amtba• '"I 90R IWTEnWAL SEED e 2 FOR EiTERWAL NEEO 12..2 "M "MECCA" pita '13ameor r "41Y AVM. °NILOW..,Or OP MY. OIN,H<oP ISSUE 20 - 1951 ocigur AIMS `; sTi)t momr t3 e<tQ- '^ CK 1TE STUCCO AND Ci'N'{,ttx'e SEALS • PROTECTS • BEAUTIFIES ECONOMICAL • EASY TO USE a DRIES FAST ROCKTiTE is the hardest, longest -lasting and most economical finish known for masonry and stucco. It bonds right on to the wall surface. Resists moisture from within. Use on all porous masonry, brick; concrete surfaces. Ask your paint dealer for colour card. FHS EASY WIRY TO Nor N IS,C0 Aht, t'ERP1AINi`'. m;. 3:1, 0 O 5'T-. •_ p A .7 l '.C"R; s'' R,E W14Yr