HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-05-10, Page 417,
ZIA MI i ' 'g'.l►i id►
Joseph .4114 Town
Mr ,and Mit Leon Geoffrey of
'lake were visitor with Mr and ,N1rs
'nseph •Cbi`civeau of the B. W. High
111r anc1 Mrs. J. Quigley of Detroit!
spent 'tine week -end in their cottage,
4n the neighbouring resort.
Mr.,arid Mrs, Dennis Charrette
ltTnotored to London on 'Thursday last
on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman of
the Goshen south were Sunday wsit-
brs at the home of the latter par-
^ents on the B. W. Highway.
Mr and Mrs. Philip Bedard and
Sister, M. Eugenie of Tilbury and
frs. Gilbert Geoffrey and Mrs.. Law--
-renvice Geoerey of Windsor spent Thu-
- sday last visiting their mother, Mrs
Joseph Bedard, and other relatives
an this neighbourhood.
The Geogrey Bros. are putting an
outside finish on Mr. Ed. Corrieveau's
house and when completed will be
one among the nicer homes on the
)3. W. Highway.
Seeding in these parts is well un-
der way and a ,few more sunny days
'will greatly add to its completion.
Mr and Mrs Nayoleon Cantin of
Detroit were Sunday visitors with
the fornner's parents in St. Joseph.
Mrs. Joseph Dueharme •of Dziys-
+da1e who spent the past week with
finer daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Cor-
1riveau, left on Sunday last ror near
Seaforth where she will also spend
another week with another daughter,
Mr and Mrs. Rudolph Etue.
Mr and Mrs Len Sararas and dau-
ghter Marjorie and Mrs. A. Duchartne
all of the B. W. south motored to
Goderich on Saturday last.
Minister Ordained
Reverend J. Henry Getz, a native
of Killaloe, was one of two ministers
ordained at the session of the Can-
-ada Conference of the Exangel.ical
U. B. Church at Pembroke, •Sunday
morning, April 219th. Bishop J. Bal-
mer Showers officiated at the ordin-
ation,. assisted by the five conference
superintendents. The other ordinant
was Rev. Howard Brox of Elmira,
while C. B. Carr, Port Elgin, a for-
mer Dashwood resident, and Bruce
Amy, North Easthope, were licensed
as prabati•oners.
Rev. Mr. Getz is a son of the late
Wm. Getz of Killaloe and Mrs. Getz
now living at Golden Lake. He was
educated at Killaloe and North Bay
Normal School and taught school for
a few years and was licensed as a
probationer four years ago after
which h� same to Dashwood. He
is also editor and publisher of the
church paper, The Canadian Evangel
and secretary of the committee on
evangelism, while he is also director
of the Youth Camp at Goderidh. His
wife is the former Adeline Melcher,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. William
Melcher of Pembroke, and they have
three children. It was indeed very
appropriate that Mr, Getz received
his ordination in practically his home
church, and may his ministry be
crowned with the richest blessings
from Heaven above, is the wishes of
his many friends,
A large number attended the fun-
eral of the late Wm. Douglas in
Brucefield, Sunday last,
Daylight Saving Time was-
introd-uced in Varna Uniited 'Church on
Sunday, May 6th.
An epidemic sof measles dosed
some of the public sdhoo"ls in Stan-
Mrs. Alice iCeo'k lof London, and
Mrs. Jos. Tiuc'harnre o'f Dashwood,
visited with their mother, Mrs. Me-
Clymont, Kippen.
Mr and Mrs. Robert J. Hayman,
of Kippen, •announce the engagement
of their younger daughter, Ira Eliza-
beth, to. Frank Thomas Baker, Lam-
beth. The marriage to take place on
May 12th in Metropolitan United
Church, London
Mrs, Lydia Doig and Janet of Kip_
pen returned home after spending
the winter in Grand Rapids, Mich.,
the guest sof her son John. They al-
so visited with relatives in Marlette,
Accepts London Call
Rev. E. R. Stanway, for the past
six years pastor of Brucefield Unit-
ed Church, has accepted a call to the
Robinson Memorial Church, in Lon-
Former Pastor Passes
Funeral services for the Rev. John.
Robert Peters, 70, well known retir-
ed United Church Minister, and for
some years pastor of the Varna,
Goshen and Blake charge, and more
recently as the C.C.F. Candidate for
Huron -Perth in the 1949 Federal
election, was held Saturday last at
A. Millard George funeral home in
London. Mr. Peters, who retired
from the London Conference of the
United Chureh last June died at his
home in Brampton. The Rev. Win.
Mair, of Exeter, conducted the ser-
vice and (burial was in Mount Pleas-
ant .Cemetery, Londn.
Late William Douglas
William J. Douglas, 80, of Bruce -
;field, former reeve and councillor of
Immunization Clinic
Another Huron County Health Unit Immuni-
zation Clinic will be held on
Please note change of time:
2:30 in the Afternoon
At the Zurich School, Home Economics Room
R1 Grenier Tire and Battery Service
We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and
Household Appliances •
DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles•
of a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it.
Fox the Safety I Also Used i
Of Your Family Tires
FIRESTONE Rigs., Stoves, Washing Machines.
• Oil Burners, etc. Still at the OLD PRICE •
e Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night
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How can 1 be sure that I would go to Heaven? Can Y be
assured now that I am saved before 1 die?
The Word of God supplies this information. We CAN
know where we are going to spend eternity arid we CAN
believe in the assurance of salvation now.
"Verily, Verily, 1 say unto yo.,
He that heareth my word, and b.lieveth on !'tins that
sent tree, HATH everlasting life, and SHALL NOT COME
into condemnation; but is passed from death into life,"
John 5: 24.
"These things have 1 written unto you that believe on
tP w "inn of Cod; that ire may KNOW that ye have eternal
It;c, .a,.ef 1,:7,--4: ye may holiere on the name of the Son of God,"
1 John 5: 13.
Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California.
ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T.
Stanley Ttiwl ship, }Where he spent
most of Alis life, died on April 27th
in Stratford General Hospital. He
was born at Blalce, where he farmed
befom going to Brucefield, and was
a member of Hensall Presbyterian
Church. Before e1 Teem union pie was
a meanber .of Bruc-old Presbyterians
Ohureh. Surviving besides his wife,
are one daughter, 'Mrs, Lindsay Ayre,
Brucefield; one brother, Robert, Port
Dover; one ,sister, Mrs. Edward Mc -
Ash, London; and two grandchildren.
The remains rested at the home of
Mrs, Ayre where service was held on
Sunday by the Rev. A. A. Ferguson,
Hensel", assisted by by the Rev. E. R.
Steinway, Brucefield United Church
and interment wesin Bayfield ceme-
Bride-Eleet • Honoured
Complimenting Miss Elizabeth Jean
Talbot, prior to her marriage, Mrs.
Charles Scotchnner, Bluewater High-
way, Stanley Twp., ;entertained about
40 friends and neighbours Wednes-
day ,eveining• last. A most enjoyable
time was spent 'in cards and social
chat, Betty Jean was presented with
a wall mirror.
Engagement Announced
Mr and Mrs Mord 'Scotchmer, Bay-
field- announce 'the engagement of
her daughter, Beverley Margaret
York, to Jadk Albert Pounder, son
Of Mr and Mrs A. E. Pounder, Strat-
ford. The 'marriage to take place on
Saturday May 19 at three ,o'clock, in
Trinity Anglican Church, Hayfield,
Clerk Suffers Car Accident
Fred S. Watson, Clerk .of Stanley
Twp., suffered a car accident Thurs_
day afternoon last. Accompanied by
Roy Scotchmer lie was driving south
from •Goderich, about four miles
north of Bayfield, when a Robinson
Fish Truck from Sarnia, also .going
south is supposed to have struck the
rear of the 1948 sedan. Fortunately
no one was injured, but the oar was
considerafly damaged.
Hoggarth - Talbot
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of the bride's parents, Stanley,
when Betty Jean, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard E. Talbot, B. W.
Highway, was united in marriage to
Douglas Beverly Hoggarth, son of
Mrs. Gladys Hogarth of Clinton.The
ceremony was performed by Rev, P.
Renner, of Bayfield United Church.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a navy -blue suit, with
corsage of Briarcliffe roses and pink
accessories. Her sister, Mrs. George
Leitch, of Goderich, was matron of
honor, wearing a navy blue suit,with
grey accessories, and a corsage of
American Beauty rases. After a re-
ception at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr and Mrs Hoggarth left
for a trip to the U.S.A. They will
reside in Goderich.
The regular meeting of the Hay
Township Council was held in the
Council Chambers, • Zurich, on Mon-
day April 2nd at 1.80 p.m. The foI-
lowing motions were passed:
That the minutes of the Fast re-
gular meeting of March 5th, 1951
and Special meeting of March 12th
be adopted as read.
That A. Masse be paid the balance
of $70.90 owing as per motion of
the Haiy, Township Council Feb. 5th
1951. This to be ,charged to snow-
That the Arean Policy expiring
Feb. 15, 1952 be cancelled and that
the Continental Policy No. 4409409
be allowed to expire June 12 next,
and that a comprehensive Liability
Policy be purchased from the Frank
Cowan Agency through J. W. Haber-
er covening Public Liability limits
of $10,000. and $20,000. and $2,000.
property damage ,effective as of April
2, 1951. The new Policy to toyer
all operation of the assured, includ-
ing cattle spraying.
That the following accounts be
paid as per voucher
Roads-Alph. Masse $227.27; Mich
Masse 39.76; Bob Wildfong X15.32;
Thursday, May 10th, 1951
Frank Wildfong 25.75; Jack Thine".
lrine 1-
4.55; Louis Ayotte 1645; Janne:t
Masse 175.94; Allen Smith 3;2!5; R..
Bassow 3,25; Billie Masse 3.25; Phil,
ip Masse 3.25; Stephen Meidinger
3,25 Roman Meidinger 3.25; Edm•
and 'Walper 6.50; Alvin Walper 23..
94; Elmer Rader 2.25; Wan, Watson
15.00; Richardson's Garage 9.854-
F. Ttirrtbull & ,Son 36.30; Zurich
Motors 5.'4',7; Ed. Swartzentruaber
1.65; Louis Zimmer 0.25; St. Joseph
Service 3.40; Dominion Road Mac.Co
96.78; 0. Klopp 5.87; The Roofers'
Supply Co. 20.01; The General Sup,
ply •Co. 12.04; Stade & Weido 32.52,
&D. Tiernan and Son 2.50.
Telephone System -Mrs. Marjorie.
Schilbe $50.96; H. G. Hess 1850.54
Stromberg-Carlson 480.13; Northern
Electric Co. 549.61; Bell Tel. Co.
765.99; Louis Zimmer 5.66; Ideal
Supply Co. 130.00;
Relief -Mrs. Edith Mason $31eµ
Emma (Harry) Bassow 8.90; Vern.:
on Schatz 6.1213.
General -- Fred Dutharme $1..52;,
Can. Industries 255.00; F C. Kalb-
fleisch & Son 15.20; Huron Co. Trs-.
$98; Rosaise Bedard $2; H. W. Brok:.
enshire 189.93; Wm. Siebert $10.
That the meeting be adjourned tar
meet again Monday May 7th, at 1.3O
H. W. Brokens'hire, Clerk.
Earl Campbell, Reeve.
� h4
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