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Zurich Herald, 1951-05-10, Page 3
0/ ,A StixelTCjt"' tC One of these days, and you may [nark our words, the fair city of Toronto is going to secede from Canada and leave the rest of the Dominion flat on its Frances, And if you imagine we are going far, far out on the limb in leaking in making such a dismal prediction, do not forget that back in the early days of Henry Ford we exclusively fore- cast that these new-fangled auto- mobiles were only a passing fad, * * k Why — you ask — does Toronto contemplate making such a drastic move? Why do citizenry of what is sometimes enviously referred to as Idogtown-on-the-Humber gather around in gloomy clumps uttering lander their breaths language the like of which, if reproduced here, would cause a five -alarm fire? Well, not to keep you in suspense too long, here. is, the low-down. For about the 'steenth time an' All Star National League Hockey Team has been, selected WITH- OUT A SINGLE TORONTO MAPLE LEAF PLAYER IN- CLUDED.,Ah,• friends, the in- dignity of i! 1 1 5'. • ' =k 5 'Now,' personally- we have long held the opinion that there are two •distinct and utterly dfferent brands of big -league hockey—the kind you see during the regular seasoli,wben the lads are working for wages, and the sora exhibited in the playoffs when they are skating themselves bow-legged for gold and glory, in about that order. But the so-called experts who do the All Star select- ing insist on taking the pre. -playoff type of hockey seriously and make their picks on that basis. Which, of course, is sheer nonsense, and if you don't believe it just ask any loyal Torontonian. On second thought, don't bother to ask. Just hold still long enough and he, or she, will tell you so without enquiry. * m * Nor are such indignities anything new or novel to the loyal but utterly fair-minded sup i>�orters of those Maple Leafs. Tiiile after time they have watched or listened to their favorites proving themselves — by the winning of Lord Stanley's mug —far and away the, greatest teals in this or any other world only to awake and find that the All Star choosers had dorie ''wrong to our Nell. If you don't.believe it let's, for the heck of it, take a look at the record. * 5 Back in the season of 1931-1932 the Maple Leafs were winners of The Cup. Yet the 'AII-Star teals • was composed of Chuck -'Gardiner (Chicago); Eddie Shore (Boston); Ching Johnson (Rangers); Howie Morenz (Canadiens); 'Bill Cook (Rangers); and HARVEY- JACK- SON ACKSON (TORONTO). Just how The Busher managed to slip in is still one of the sweet mysteries of life. Perhaps because he was so • outstanding in his position that even press -box sdoozers couldn't over- look him. * x * It was ten full years before right and justice,once more prevailed and The Maple Leafs had their names inscribed .on The Cup, The All- Star roster that season included Frankie Brimsek (Boston); Earl Seibert '(Chicago); Tom Anderson (New York) ; Syl Apps • (Maple Leafs); Bryan Hextall (New York) and Lyase Patrick (New York. It has always been our private opinion that the Toaonto'centre was includ- ed mostly because it is hard to find any name shorter and easier on -tired type writing fingers than Syl Apps, .although of course he might have been chosen for his outstand- ing merit, ' =r k * Season of 1944-45. Stanley Cup winners—Toronto Maple Leafs. All. Star Team: Durnan Canadiens); Bouchard Canadiens); Hollett (De- troit); .Lach CCanadiens); Richard (Canadiens); Blake (Canadiens). .Ah, that's more like it boys; Start- ing to hit your real stride! * 5 * Season of 1946-1947. Stanley Cup Jet Jockey Rides Side -Saddle — He's not a jockey on a miniature space ship. He's just an Air Force mechanic making final adjust- ments on a wing tip tank of a Northrop Scorpion F-89. The 600 - mph jet is the new standard all-weather interceptor. Winners—fill in the name yourself. All Star six: Durnan (Canadiens); Reardon (Canadiens); Bouchard (Canadiens); -Schmidt .(Boston); Richard Canadiens); Bentley (Chi- cago). .Some team, those Flying Frenchman. .Five stars last year, four this. .'_viust have been dirty work at the crossroads that they didn't take it all.. * * * Season of 1947-48, Stanley Cup winners—eve just forgot the name but remember Hap Day was the coach, All Star Team: Broda (Tor- onto); Quackenbush (Detroit); Stewart (Detroit); Lach (Canadi- ens); Richard (Canadiens); Lindsay ((Detroit). Must have included Turk Broda on sympathetic grounds; knew was all washed up and through as a big-thner. 5 * i# Season of 1947-1949. TORON- TO MAPLE LEAFS won you - know -what. All Star Teani: Dur- nan (Canadiens); Quackenbush (Detroit); Stewart (Detroit); Abel Detroit); Richard (Canadians); Roy Comelier (Chicago). Selectors must have been 'taking a breather last year, but now starting to corse strongly in the stretch. • •• A * * Season of 1950-51. You' can prob- ably recall yourself the name that should go in here, All Star heroes: Sawchuck (Detroit); Kelly (De-. trait) ; Quackenbush (Boston); Schmidt (Boston); Howe (De- troit); Lindsay (Detroit). Comment —roll your own, they're cheaper than tailor-made. * * :r So there you have it, neighbors. Seven tines winners •of hockey's most coveted award and just three —count then, three—navies on the All Star Roll of Honor. Still, un- less you rive in Toronto, don't run yourself fresh out of tears with your weeping: For although they failed to catch the eye of the experts and win themselves undying fame, those Maple Leafs didn't do so badly for themselves in a more sordid way. 1n fact their Stanley Cup takings, measured in cold cash, probably spelled out .a lot more black ink in the Maple Leafs' bank accounts than the All Stars ever collected— a whole lot more. And, as Miss Lorelei Lee .once said, "A kiss on the hand is very romantic but a dia- mond bracelet- lasts forever." Or, to put it in different phrasing:: "Which would you rather have— three cheers or three bucks?" * 5 Stili, to get back to our first pre- mise—don't forget that we warned you. Some day Toronto is going to run dry of patience, cut loose, and go on its own. And we'll bet there are a lot who can hardly wait, Putting Out Best Seller—The only Scottish firm publishing the Holy Bible owns the rotary press, above, which turns out 256 pages of the world's best seller in one operation. The press, located 4n Glasgow, is an econonit aid to the British, for the Bible Is and of Great Britain's export items. ,154 Prescr• iption For Heartache This is, perhaps, a strange time to write about hatreds and resent- ments. One may think that they are confined for the moment to that wild land south of the 38th parallel, but honest appraisal finds hatreds and resentments with us on the home front, be it in war or peace. The medical profession admits this, and says that these forces attack not only the soul but the body. A man with an uncontrolled temper niay wind up in surgery; resentments have caused arthritis. 'Worry, fear and anger are the greatest disease causers," says the eminent doctor, Charles T. Bing- ham. Alcoholics Anonymous has "cured" many of the disease of al- coholism, but not until all hatreds and resentments have been obliter- ated- Thoreau was well aware of how many persons, even in his small part of the world, were leading lives` of "quiet desperation" and he wrote of thein with pity. Today physicians and psychologists are striving to straighten out these Lives. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they do not, hut' they recognize the problem and- do as best they may With .the tools at haled. Why these lives of "quiet despera- tion?" T. E. Murphy, newspaper editor and magazine writer, asks in The Rotarian: "May it not be because they have, wandered from some great foundation of faith, which should be to us as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land?" He bases this thought on the fact that of 70 persons he ques- tioned, most of then; churchgoers, not one could quote a line from the Sermon on the Mount, "the Mag- na Carta of the Christian faith." And he suggests that "the remedy for the desperate life, the pres- cription for heartache .. • lie ready at hand, simple and sure, in one great, neglected utterance—the Ser- mon's unsurpassed Golden Rule for human relations: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to roti, do ye even so to them."— Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald. Asphalt Shingles If you have any doubts about laying new asphalt shingles over old wooden ones you can forget about them, according to promi- nent roofing experts. Almost any type of asphalt shingles can be laid over both wood and asphalt shingles if properly applied, they say. This means, of course, that old shingles must be free of rot and they should be fairly solid. Sheathing to be covered must also be free of rot. Weatherbeaten shingles should be repaired or re- placed before covering, Uneelualled for ATHLETE'S FOOT SORES r ULCERS PASEGTK?Sgp . NS CLASSIFIED IFIED ADVERTI ING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES BA.TTERIEs, palate, electric motors, stoves, rad1oe, refrigerators, feet froz- en, milk ll0Q 0r0 and feed "minders. Power saws, drills, end lathes, ete, Dealers wanted, Write; Wane Greae: and 011 Limited, Toronto. 1'T'S A FACT PRIN* cleaning time le here, Time to reeks extra profits selling automatic wax appllere, mon;;, brooms, etc. For descrip- tivefolder, write Box 20, Norwieh, Ont, (BABE CHICKS YOU wouidu'e think of buying two year old hens if you could buy pullets at the Name price. Why? Beeauee the pullets will outlay your old liens by four to five dozen eggs per year. The same thing =Aloe "benyou buy day old Pullet chicks. Bus pullet chicks with genuine R.O,P, Breeding, back of them. They will lay three to five dozen more eggs a year than pullet chicks with little or no breeding back of them. Write for fun details about Ton Notch R,O.P. Sired Chleks, Also Turkey Paella. Older Pullets. Free Cala- Iogue, T0» Noteb Chicle Sales, Guelph, Ontario, SPRINGHTLL'S Blood 'rested Obicka satis- fy, All popular breeds 012,00; Pullets $22,00: Heavy coekerela $0.00 and up. Medium 51.50. Leghorn 51.00. Speciale on sorted chicks all season. Send for Parti- culars. Springhill Poultry Farm. Preston. Ontario BUY the best, lc extra cost per rhirk is nothing if you get breeding that gives an extra three to five dozen extra eggs per pullet, and that',t exactly What will hap- pen when you pnrt,haue Tweddle R.O.P. Sired Chicks. The first cost may be a cent more per chick. but the extra profits per pullet will amount to $L50 to $2,50 per bird more, over ordinary chicks. Also Turkey Poults, Older Pullets, Free Cata- logue. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DI'EIN(1 AND C'LIEANiNG HAVE you a uylhum needs dyeing or clean. Inge Write In us for Information We are glad to entree: vnur questlnns De, partinent H. Panner's Dye "arks Limited. 791 Tenet, St Tomato 10111 SA.1.6. 80 COLONIES Italian Bees, 10 frame Langstr•oth. with full equipment with new extractor tanks. Bargain, for quick sale Barry Kift, 83 Patricia Avenue. Oshawa. Ontario, Phone 6254) FIND Bidden Treasures, Electrical Metal Detectors for Cold or Silver — Geiger counters for Uranium—Information Free. Television Lahnentoriea. Box 172, Kingston On tariu. PHOTOGRAPHS, cards. etc., preserved by being sealed In clear plastic, For further Information and free sample, write E. P. Novelly. Box 515, Winnipeg. NEW il.['fles and Shotguns. Winchesters, 3,0.00, 20-30, 32 Special. 12 gauge pumps, doubles. 22 Hornets, 22 rifles. several • makeu. D. R, McCrady, Lyn, Ontario, CYCLONE Drilling Machine, complete, on truck with tools; new cables. Wesley Peckham, 65. 1, Smllhville, Ontario.. WE can give immediate delivery on Fer- guson Tractors and most equipment. Write for prices' Bruce Motors, Walker- ton, Ontario WILL buy farm, with or without build- ings, on paved road, -within 50 miles of Toronto. Box 70, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario, WISH to buy large block of lake frontage within 100 miles of Toronto. Box 71, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ont. REGISTERED 1 Beaver Oata, $1,75 Bus. Sow the best, Gordon Leslie, Acton, Phone Rockwood 61 It 12. POTATO GROWERS Attention — Trexler Potato Cutters and Repairs at .1. Nicol Wilson, Box 416, Alliston, Ont, PACKAGE Bees, queens, bee supplies, "Everything to supply the bee -keener." Cook's Supplies, Aurora, Ontario, GAS STATION NO. 11 - Highway, cabins, refreshment booth, house, garden, 21 acres, J. E. Small, Severn Bridge, Ont. BEAUTIFUL Scotch collie pups, 3 months old, sable and white, champion bloodlines; reasonable, Henry Lahti, Huntsville P.O., Ont, EQUIPMENT for a small Apiary for sale. TV. G. Davey. Almonte P.O., Ont, EcCORiMICK-DEERL\G corn binder with loader, good shale. Apply Alister Ile- In_tosh, R.R. 5, Se Marys, Ont. it REGISTERED beagle hounds, 2 males. Apply A. 61. Adams, Box 193, Richmond 11111, Ont. THE Graham Plow saves the soil, doubles subsoil moisture, insurers higher yields. For information write or visit Rodney Haynes, Uxbridge, Ontario - ENSILAGE AT ITS BEST For greater tonnage, better feeding quality enslioge, you can't beat Pride Hybrids. Tried and proven in your community, so plant at least some of your acreage with one of these new outstanding Hybrids. Pride D 06 for Late Silage, Pride 1345A for Early Silage, Flats $12.00, Rounds $10,00. Delivered your station, PRIDE }tommato COMPANY or CANADA Chatham, Qntarlo. SPECIAL above tread designs 600 - 16 314.95; 650, 670-15 556.95. Used Tires 600-16 $6.95; 00,50 and $11.50. 650-16 38,55 and 012,50. 550, 650, 670, 700, 710-15 08.60 and $12.50, Tested Tubes $1,50. Dealers wanted 25% deposit re- quired with your order or remit in full and save C.O.D. charges. Hank's Tire, 142 Catherine Street South, Hamilton, Ontario. ISSUE 19 --- 1951 .(IELP WANTED COUPLE —Gardener -handyman with wife to work as Housekeeper In lovely sum. mei' home. Live in, Doneddy Farm, Pine Grove, Ont, 'telephone Woodbridge 169. 5I1-7GLE man, yearly position, dairy and mixed farming, highest wages. State experience, R. Wintersteln, Stouffville, Ont. CAPABLE person for general housework to arnall modern home, one child. Live in. Apply. 61 Whitmore Avenue, Toronto, or telephone ORehard 7741. MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF — Every Sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's Remedy, NiUNRO'$ DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRESS CORN SALVE— — for sure relief, Your Druggiet sells CRESS. RHEUMATISM relieved to stay relieved, Tem Formulas. for self-addressed en - velem and 02.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed, or your money refunded, DELOS Il. DuPIt3015, 115 North Alston Avenue, Dur- ham, 1. Carolina, QUIT cigarettes — the easy way. Use Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treat. merit: quickly and permanently eliminates the craving for tobacco, rids the system of nieotlne King Drug Pharmaceutical Chem- ists, Vegrevllle, Alta Write P,O. Box 678, London. Ont. SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthritic Pains: Ir you cannot get relief, write; Box 123. Winnipeg, Manitoba, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH On torment 00 dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching. scaling, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's fnot, wall respond readliy to the stainless, odorless ointment. regardless of haw etubborn or' hepetese they seem PRICE $1.50 I'ER .DAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free on Receipt of Price 8810 Quern St, E,. Corner of Logan, T01'01155 OPPORTUNiTIES FOB LIEN & WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 10.114 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Flalydressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages Tbouaands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Ca11 14ARVEL IIA IRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Blear St. W., Temente Branches: 64 King St., Hamilton 72 Ridenu St,. Ottawa WE always have big and little businesses for sale at all times. For particulars. write to: PHILIP YOUNG, REALTOR 67 Frederiek Street - Kitchener. Ontario.' WANT lovely skin, glistening eyes, Iron nerves? Send for amazing Kerfo Tablets, $1, $5, 85. Imperial industries, P.O. Box 901, Winnipeg. PATENTS AN UFFElt to every inventor—List or ln., ventlons and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter, neys, 273 'Bank • Street. Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors. Established 1890. 850 Bay Street. Termite Rnoktet nt Interma. ttnn nn request 130e PHOTO SERVICE ANY size 6 or 8 exposure rolls or any 10 prints finished on Deluxe Velox glossy paper 30c. Canada Photo. P.O. Box 8, Sherbrooke, Quebec. AFE Ereteet veiny HOOKS and CASH Croce' FIRE and THIEVES. We brave a else and O,oe' of Safe, er Cabinet, ler any purpose. ®ielt es or write for prices, ete., to Gigot. W. ..I.ocJ.TAVL'w' Fl LIMITS© TORONTO SAFE WORKS' P00 From St, E., Toronto• • • Established, 181111 NURSERY STOCK ORDER now tor Sprint; delivery ---Nature'.µ fence of roses (Rosa l5ulti6lora), t' to 18 inches. 25 plants for 02.59 or 57.00 per 100; Chineeo Elm, 16 50 24 inehee, bushy photo, 25 for $8,08; Green Bar. berry Hedging, 12. Molt size, 26 for 54.05; Hardy Privet sledging Plants.' 12 to 18 inches, 25 for $3.98, Dwarf Apple Trees (Macintosh or Spy or Cortland); Dwarf Pear Trees (Bartlett or Clapp's Favour. its) 3 ft. size, your choice, $3,00 each or 3 for $7.50; ramous Outdoor Chrysanthe- mume Assorted Colours. 3 for *1,00 or 55,60 per dozen, ,Free Coloured Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale --+ Kingeway Nurseries, Bowmanvllle, STRAWBERRY PLANTS "Kellogg -Premier": "Valentine"; "Fair- fax": "Senator -Dunlop," $12,00 thousand; $5.00 hundred. Cleaned. Trimmed. Disease %'lee. True to name. money order. please. Rose Carroll. Norwich. Ontario STRAWBERRY Plants. Kellogg's, Premier, well rooted, disease free, 100 — 81,50; 1000 — $10.00, Asparagus Roots, Mary Washington and Vineland 86, 1 year -100-- $2.00; 1000—$12,00. Cash with order. Elgin Loasing & Son, Norwich, Ontario, CARRANGANA 30 inches 04,50; 20 inches $3.60; 16 inches $5.50 per 100. Cramer Nurseries, White Fox, Sask. STA e1 PA STAMPS BOUGHT AND SOLD BETS, singles, packets. Want lists tilled new lemma. Albums and supplies. Ottawa Stamp Shop, 102 Queen Street, Ottawa. SOIL TESTISG RAVE your soil tested for fertilizer and lime requirements, Soil Service Labora- tory will analyze your soil and give you a statement of the plant nutrients avail- able with recommendations for correcting all deficiencies or cold conditions, man Your manure and fertilizer program with the aid of soil tests. For furtber infor- mation write or mall this coupon to Soil Service Laboratory, 106 Adelaide St. West Toronto, Name Address TEACHERS WANTED BROOK Township Public School Area Board requires Protectant teachers for rural schools. Reply in writing, stating qualifications and salary expected. Ex- perienced teachers give name of former inspector to D. H. Christie, Box 20, Sunderland, Ont. WANTED BEAR CUBS WANTED: State price and full particulars first letter to Otis Noe, Middlesboro, Kentucky. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS, all ages and breeds. Apply Box 11, 128 Eighteenth Street. New Toronto, Ontario. HARNESS & COLL .. r S Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices, We manufacture in our factories — Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blanket s, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Here's Speedy Relief For Chin Feet Your feet may be so swollen and In- flamed that you think you can't go an- other cuttingrightour shoes in o=the flesh, ouafeel as if they reek all over with the pain and torture; you'd give anything to get relief. TwEmerald three dapplications in e,afew sminutes the pain and soreness disappears, No matter how discouraged you have been, If you have not tried Emerald 011 then you have something to learn, Get o bottle today wherever drugs are sold. Li - A five -pound package makes a gallon of paint ready to use — enough for an average room. Dries odourless in less than 1 hour. Easy to mix and apply, Cieansable finish after 30 days. Ask your paint dealer for your colour card. ME EASY WAY TO PAINT PST` WAY ! we W A' COI.- P A''i N t' S. {tw k'N;ADA)' • !L I'Kll 1 E'Ia 4Yb:D' ST. ATRH k $1tt'EST, Mµftl�;t(,€AL