HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-05-10, Page 1CHESTER L SMITH, PU13LISIi• $1.75 a Year in Adv i $2.00 in U. 5. A., in Advance. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE RAG RUGS and CARPET FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Tel. 223. Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Loom, Made i, ZuriclL, r t Optical Service DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT ICINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A Gm HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. asseesassee 1 • Sa1 • 1 1 1 • • IP PRODUCE WANTED. New Low Spring Coal Price*, The Saving in these spring prices., Plus the cash discount, enables you to. buy your next winter's fuel cheaper now than any other time of year. Order Your Supply from your BLUR COAL Dealer! LORNE E. HAY Office Phone 10 Residence 52 HENSALL ROE FEEDS! 00000040000C 00 00 tottaitt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service _ Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich Telephone: •eDes®ttn;{,a:ey®, ,,,a®aaaaaalo3800 G4hGO 6PGas04:u06Qit® c We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on as well as hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in GIVE US A CALL 3 5C supply Attollassa Established :i ROO ST. PETER'S " vanselical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- ONTARIO E. W. FIEIMRICII•I, PASTOR. 1Z a.m.—Divine ,Services. EL.45 a.m. _Sunday School. 7.80 p.m.—Divine Worship. ' ? Terybody Welcome to ail Services. EIVnNrarauEr: EVANGELICAL U, B. CHURCH ZurichOntario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oeach Organist ianday 'Services: - 133:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 7.1.00 a.m.—Bible SchooL II:80 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome et all Sarvices:--"Crean® %eau with us and we will elks thee " Num. 10:29. Are Yoe Buffering From Alt so, Have yo r Wee Ilksanain.ed with -%mss Latest Methods gent]. quiseraint zv$ A. L COLE, ILO. OPTOMETRIST OPTMIAll GOD rOR •- -Seed Glasses aft Eaallatiashla Ritmo 4.9.011,0 thr ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 10 (9 51 kion Theatre GRAN!I! BEND Presents for Your, Enjoyment. the: Following Attractions Friday, Saturday May 11,12 STAGE TO TUCSON Rad Cameron, Wayne Morris and Sally Eilers Stage Coach Hi Jackers threaten the Link to theCalifornia Gold. Short Subjects. Two shows 7.30 - 9.30. Monday, Tuesday May ,14-15 THE CAPTURE Lew Ayres, Theresa Wright, Victor Jory and Jacquline White. News Reel and Shorts. One 'Show 8.00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Elmer Gerber, Bor- den Ave., S., Kitchener, announce the engagement of their elder Baugh ter, Doreen Naomi, to Mr. Roy Ed- mund Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed_ mund Erb, Zurich. The wedding will take place. in First Mennonite Church Kitchener, June i2nd, at 2:30 p.m. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to all those who visited and remembered me in any waly*, while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and at home. . -Ernie Rader. • Mr. Ted. Mittleholtz wish to great- ly thank all his many friends who so kindly remembered him with cards, visits, flowers and -treats while a patient at Victoria Hospital, London., 31 Marry o rAcm Amend end XX ome . z 7 erc&1 Director -- _Private Car Anzbalamee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Helder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—+INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service Dashwood Tel. 70W. T IEL Superior Store 9 WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTI'CI F.S STILL . AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY .ADVANCING WEEK -END GROCERY SPECIALS Blended Juice 2 20 -oz. tins ... _..... Aylmer Katsup II -oz. bottle . 31c 1%c Crunchie Sweet -mixed Pickles 1I -Oz, Jar 32c 32c Doles Fruit Cocktail. 20-41a. tin FRESH GRCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED ' MEATS W RE UESTE,M, WE RELIVE GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! releseoludrnt Phone 140 C. H. THIEL .. Zurich --COMING EVENTS -- BASEBALL In The Community Centre, Zurich On Friday, May 1 l th. Dancing 9 till 1. Music By Don Down's Orchestra Of -London, Ontario Tickets 75c. obtainable from Mem- bers of Zurich Ball Club—Door Prize EVEERYBODY WELCOME Sponsored by Zurich Baseball Club EXHIBITION GAME On Tuesday, May 15th. 6.30 p.m. Sharp OPEN•I;NG GAME OF SEASON EVERYBODY COME! Admission 25 cents. School Child - red Free NOTICE A Mothers' Day Tea and Home Made Candy Sale will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on May 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m., under the -auspices of the Evangelical Church Choir. e Piano ReciLN l BY PUPILS OF ELL -EN M. LOVE, A.R.C.T. Community Centre, Zurich MAY 2nhd, 8 p.m. . Silver Collection 94 Years OId Herman Oestreicher, former Cred- iton resident, celebrated his 94th birthday recently, at Windsor where he now resides with his daughter, Mrs. N. E. French. Several members of, his -family were present for the ]occasions Mr. Oestreicher continues in excellent health, and spirit and enjoys his garden, singing hymns and Has Arrived Home • Mrs, Ed. iGascho, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. 'Charles Carr have ar- rived home after their pleasant trip to Texas and, other parts of the U. S. Enjoy' Being Out • We are pleased to see Mr. Andrew Thiel in fairly ;good health and is able to enjioly being outside again and take auto rides;Also Mr. Charles Fritz who hasbeen not so well lately is now able to 'enjoy his walks down to the office and meet his many old friends, and looks quite well, On Trip to Mexico Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of town have received word that their daugh- ter, Mae Smith, Who is Seniour Tech- nologist in the Wedical Laboratory at the Atomic Energy Project Plant, at Chalk River, Ont., has left with three other employees of that place on an auto tour through the States where they will stop and take in the places of interest along the way, with Mexico as their final destination.They intend to be away for a month. HYMENEAL Hackett - Steinback St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zurich, was the setting for the lovely wedding of Florence Mur- iel Steinback and James S. Hackett, The Rev. E. W. Heinu-ich officiated, uniting in marriage the daughter of Mr and Mrs Theodore Steinback of Zurich, and the son of Mr and Mrs. Francis S. Hackett, Alliston. Miss Kathleen Hess played the wedding music and Grant McDonald was solo- ist. The bride, entering the church with her father, was loveliyi in a gown of white satin with lace yoke and skirt caught t±p •at the front hemline by tiny rosek.tds, to show a lace pet - ti coat. 'f -I :;skirt, swept to• a long train and a halo of pearls held her Iong veil. She carried a white Bible t 1wr.t h I oppec clusters of red roses. Miss Norma Steinback was maid of honor for her sister, in yellow net over taffeta, and Miss Carole Thiel, in green, and Mrs, John Hackett, in orchid, were also bridal attendants. Miss Wendy Hackett, in turquoise taffeta, was flower girl. John Hack- ett was best man, and' Edgar Stein-, back and George Alderson were ush- ers. Following a reception at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, the couple left for a wedding trip to Montreal, does considerable reading. 4He is the the bride travelling in a navy suit father of Mrs. John Brown of Zurich, and accessories with topcoat of yel- and his friends wish him continued' health and happiness. Dogs and More Dogs The dog menace is again making its• appearance and they are again prowling around in day time as well low and corsage of ellow 'roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett will res!cee in Al- vinat on. Horman — Rader A beautiful .spring wedding took place on Saturday, May 5th at the as at nights. If people that enjoy home of the bride's parents, when be- having these pets would kindly keep fore an arch of evergreen, lights and then at home either tied up or shut in it would be very much appreciated by the ones who do not own dogs, especially now that the gardens are being planted and which mean so much to our way of living. These tiny plants which nature lets grow to feed mankind are stepped upon or distur- bed °by •dogs who run over them in hunting for foot] or companionship, which is part of their life. Everyone would appreciate dog owners to foll- ow the Golden Rule, "Do unto others, as you would like others to do unto iyiou" .if that Would be followed more in every way, we would have even a better place to live in. - It's the little things that help to count. --•- A Citizen. The Voice of Temperance In 1932, in the United States,the prohibition amendment was repealed. The expectation was that there would be less drinking and less crime due to drinking. Instead the per capita .consumption. went up from 1.69 gal- lons in 1933 to 27.25 gallons in i1.947 Prohibition had been held responst`ile for the operation of gangsters like Al Capone. Twenty years later there were syndicates of goons and lobby- ists that made the old capone mob look like amateurs. Bootlegging would disappear• when legal outlets were provided --so it was claimed.On the contrary the Florida crimes com- mission reports that there' never was a year under prohibition where as _,print; flowers, the Rev. A. A. Sch- weitzer, of Bethany Lutheran church Woodstock, united in marriage, Mar_ garet Anna Rader, Zurich daughter of. Mr and Mrs Theodore Rader, to Edward Arthur Horman, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horman, of St. Paul's. The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a gown of em- bossed nylon marquisette design of French painting of Lady Cavalier. Her silver embroidered heirloom veil was caught up with orange .blossoms and she carried' a white Bible and or- chids. Miss ICathleen Hess, as brid- esmaid was attractive in blue net over taffeta and carried a nosegay of roses and snapdragons. Joan Rader. niece of the bride, was pret- ty in long pink taffeta and also car- ried a nosegay of roses and snapdrag- ons. Mr. Lincoln Horman, was his brother's best man. Miss Velma Schneider of Woodstock was pianist and Mr. Robert Roi, also of Woods- tock sang "I Love You Truly." and during the signing of the register "Because." For her daughter's wedding Mrs, Rader chose Mulberry alpaca rayon with navy accessories and a corsage of carnations. ' Mrs. Horman wore rose crepe with lace inset, navy ac - cos "ori , end coi'sas;e of carnations. A wedding dinner was served at the 1',::niinion hotel, Zurich, and the rocepi.ion followed at the hone or the bride's parents. The happy n.rny boeitle :r wire w re arse:•led ti , "l;- loft for a trip to Niagara .aye been arrested every year since Falk en:l Washington, D.C. "r'or prohibition. The facilities for drink- ing were increased and so the drink- travelling the bride wore baby blue appliqued net over taffeta with navy ing increased and the crime due to land pink accessories and an orchid drinking in creased. It can't work corsage. . Mr and Mrs. IHorniait will out any other way.---Advt. reside in Woodstock. R°,ISE HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHICKSS With: Pioneer 0 ick Starte Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl 1111.11,1 S'Ilt.11)ft E. Schwartzentruber, Pro. Phone 11-97 onagatlisiliagegaiiraglaratenersaE.3T"W .ssl is ,`. si a'I'AIa.'Al:D:1VL+ T'}'7w':,P' ' 1 1 A 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1� 1 1 d 4