Zurich Herald, 1951-05-03, Page 4Mt1t' s ONTARIO
Mr, Louis Denomy of Goderich,
went the week -end with his parents,
Mr and Mrs. John Denomme.
Mr and 112ms. Louis Montague and
tarmlee were Sunday visitors at the
;iolue of the lattez's parent. in
!Mr and Mrs Clare Masse of Dash -
`wood visited with Mr and Mrs. Cle-
Seeent Regier of the Town Lrne.
Sorry to report that Mr. Edward
Denomme was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital for an operation.
Mae. Charles S. Bedard was taken
to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for
a serious operation. The entire com-
munity wish them both a speedy re-
Mr. Arthur Gelinas and sisters,
i pent Sunday at their brother's home
on the Goshen line,
Mr and Mrs. Jos. Gellnas of the
Goshen line visited with their sisters
and brother recently.
Cre r Tire acid
d Eery Service
We Specialize in Tires and Batteries, Auto and
Household Appliances
DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE on the last 10,000 miles
of a Tire. DEAL it To -day and get paid for it.
For the Safety Also Used
Of Your Family Tires
FIRESTONE Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines.
Oil Burners, etc. 'Still at the OLD PRICE
• Phone 50 r 5 GRAND BEND Open every Night
t '' b
The WOOD DUCK, most
beautiful of waterfowl,
differs greatly from most
ducks. Instead of nesting on the
ground, he habitually lives in trees!
Perhaps his beauty makes him want
to be different.
You'll find that nature is filed with different
quirks and habits. You'll find yourself going all out
for conservation when you get to know nature. It's yours
to protect and yours to enjoy.
Nature Unspoiled
NOTICE to Cattle Owners:
WHEREAS, the second Treatment regarding to the
Warble Fly Contract will not commence before
May 1st, and
WHEREAS, the Effectiveness of the treatment is
increased by delaying it, Cattle Owners are
advised to either keep their cattle available or
for Spraying the second time.
OR, apply to the Township Inspector for Material
for Treatment by the Brush Method.
By Order of the Council of the Townshiy of I -4y.
H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk.
Bruce J. Klopp, Inspector.
•.r..mne rx,u.
How can I be sure that I would go to Heaven? Can 1 be
assured now that I am saved before I die?
The Word of God supplies this information. We CAN
know where we are going to spend eternity and we CAN
believe in the assurance of salvation now.
"Verily, Verily, I say unto you,
He that heareth my word, and believoth on frim that
me, HATH everlasting life, and SHALL NOT COt4
Condemnation; bat is passed from death into life."
John 5: 24.
"These things have I written unto you that believe on
Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal
and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."
1 John 5; 13.
Chas. Fuller, Box 123 'Los Angeles 53, California.
AI;C Network Sundays 4.00 p.m, E.S.
St, Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr and Mrs. Len Masse anis fani-
ily of London were Sunday visitors
with their parents in this vicinity.
Miss Edna Bedard and friend of
London spent the week -end with her
parents on the B.W.H.
Mr. Thed. Laporte of Windsor,
spent a few days on his farm, also
attending to other business.
Campers on the Ducharme summer
•resort are already coming in• over the
week -end, and also much Work and
repairing is going on on the grounds.
Material for another cottage has been
delivered, and work will begin at
The odd farmer has starcecr the
spring seeding, but as !yet a little
more sunshine and wind is necessary
to dry the land in good shape..
Mr. Maxime Geoffrey or the 15t i
Con. has completed his seeding, pro_
bably the first in the surrounding
Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Dueharme
of London and family, spent the
week -end with their parents at Blake
and also on the B. W. Highway.
Sunday last members of this parish
got the first 'taste of Daylight Saving
Time; and we believe by the greater
part is met with disapproval. Regard-
less of the earlier hour, Mass was
well attended. But it was noticeable
that the 'people had been robea of an
hour's sleep, by the Yupping and
Yawning that was going on. Farm-
ers fail to see and advantage in the
advance time. Mothers feel they are
imposing a cruelty to their children
b!yl driving them to bed at an hour
when they should be taking their
evening play and pulling them out of
bed in the morning, when they
should be getting that extra hour of
sleep; we however have the highest
respect for authority. But there are
times when we cannot see in the
same light, and that causes many
tines sill feelings; and the only cure
for it alt is expressing your opinion
by vote, which would bring all of us
to submission. It would also elim-
inate much unworthy talk, and also
it would avoid, in some cases confus-
ion among members concerned.
Mr and Mrs Albert Goetz and dau-
ghter of Stratford were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr and Mrs. R. Goetz.
Mrs. E. Koehler is at present in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where
she underwent an •operation for ap-
Mr and Mrs Kenneth McCrae and
Bonnie Heather, Mrs. Currie and
1V1larlyn are spending a few days in
Meaford this week.
Mr and Mrs. A .E. Oestreicher and
Dr. Eunice Oestreicher of London,
spent Sunday with Dr and Mrs. D.
L. Oestreicher in Chatham.
'Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft visit-
ed with friends in Wroxeter an Sun-
Mr. Valentine Becker has purch-
ased the -property of the late Felix.
Mr and Mrs Donald Restemeyer of
Lortdon were Sunday ' visitors with
his father', Mr. Otto Restemey'er.
Mr 'and Mrs Milfred Merner and
Mr and Mrs Addison Tiernan and
Mrs. Merner motored to Detroit on
Sunday to spend the day.
Mr and Mrs. Claus of. St. Thomas
has moved into Harry Hoffman's ap-
(Last week's Items. Delayed in the
Daylight Saving time commenced
on April 29, . midnight, and continues
until Sept. 30th.
Mrs Douglas of Stratford visited
with Mrs. Ness last week.
Mrs. S. P. Currie has returnee
home after spending some time with
relatives in Florida.
'Rev. and Mrs. Getz and family
are attending General Conference m
Pembroke, this week. Miss Pearl
Kraft is also attending Conference in
Pembroke as a delegate.
Mr and ,Mrs Carl Heppler of Wat-
erloo spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman.
,Mr. Ernest Rader of the town line
is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
where he underwent an operation.
Mr and Mrs. T. Earle- 13ofl:man
attended the Western Ontario Fur'
eral Directors' Association held at
the Hotel London, last Friday.
Mr. Wallie Wein has purchased
Mr. Rueben Goetz's farm just south
of the village. Mr and Mrs. Goetz
will now move to town.
Mrs. Wm, Schroeder o4 Detroit is
visiting with her mother, Mrs, Ham-
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the fine entertainment presented
by the Huronia Male Chorus in the
high school auditorium, at "Exeter,
last Friday night.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Thiel and
family of Zurich were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr and Mrs Jacob Mellen
Mrs. Ness entertained about 50
guests on Friday evening in honor
of her son Paul's marriage to Miss
Betty Douglas of Stratford. •
The evening was spent in platying
euehre and dancing, after which a
dainty lunch was served to bring an
enjoyable evening to a close. Quite
a number from Stratford and Zurich
attended. Mr .and Mrs. ,Paul Ness
will make then home inStratford.
', A Lucky Draw for a Shetland Irony
i r; beini,; ,ponsored by Dashwood
u?r'1 he olio.. to be nudr., nn 4Ir*yI3a11
Women's Institute
Report for 1950-511
The Zurich W, I. lies had a record
year as far as finances are concerned
in spite of the fact that the member-
ship has remained at 28, with an
average attendance of 15. We had
eight regular meetings, and three
special business meetings. The total
receipts for the year were $:1185.09
and there is a balance in the Bank of
Our District President, Mrs. Robt.
Elgie, gave an historical account of
Huron County. Mrs. Menne Oesch,
one of our members, gave a talk on
"what the Mother owes to the Horne"
Nola Krueger gave suggestions on
"How to Enjoy an Opera."
Mr. Reid, IPrincipal of Dashwood,
Public School explained the activit-
ies at Guelph O.A.C., where he has
attended the past two summers. He
stressed the fact that the staff is rE.al-
ways ready to offer valuable assist-
ance to all communities.
At a special grandmothers' meet-
ing a corsage of evergreen and mist-
eltoe was presented to each grand-
mother. A prize was given to the
eldest one present and another prize
to the one who had the most grand.,
children. Each grandmother was
asked to relate an interesting exper-
ience in her early life.
Adult education would not have
much value if we kept all good things
to ourselves. So as Institute member
we try to help as much as possible
those who are in need. One or the
most tangible methods is donations.
True to form, we responded to an
appeal from the flood -stricken area
of .Manitoba, by joining the various
organizations in an effort to relieve
their sufferings. We gave a birtt.-
day gift to an invalid girl in the Bul-
lock family, and a gift of sympathy
to the De Weerd family at the time
of their bereavement. We gave a don-
ation of $5.00 to the War Memorial
Childrens' Hospital at London. We
gave home made Teddy Bears to the
Children's Aid Society at Goderich at
Christmas time, used clothing was
also sent to the same Society. We
donated 200 juice glasses and three
dozen tablespoons to the Community
Centre. We operated a booth at the
Zurich Fall Fair, sponsored a plas-
tic demonstration from which we re-
ceived a commission. Paid a share
to the painting of the Town Hall,and
sold tickets on the quilt that was
made last year, which was drawn at
a Dance on March 130th.
The first district project of its kind
was held in Zurich, when an instruct-
or from the Department conducted :r
work shop in Home Crafts in which
•over a hundred ladies registered.The
last evening of the three week's
course ended with ea public display
of the •completed work. Miss Lennis
and Miss Spencer, from the Depart-
ment at Toronto, contributed to the
The Institute members and husb-
ands enjo,yed a picnic at •Kalbfleisch's
Grove and a banquet at the Dominion
Hotel. We also catered to three
'banquets in the Community Centre.
The Hay Township Fire Insurance Co,
the Lions Chile Ladies' Night and the
Hensall Co -Operative.
It is the purpose of the Womens'
Institute to promote good will and
scatter cheer with every gift. This
desire is experienced in the follow_
ing poem:
'Tis the human touch in this world
that counts,
The touch of your hand and mine
Which meansfor more to the faint-
ing ,heart
Thou shelter or bread or wine;
For shelter is gone when the night is
• o'er,
And bread laste only a day;
But the touch of the hand and the
sound of the voice
Sing on in the soul alway.
---Mrs. Newell Geiger, Sec. Treasurer
At the United Church Sunday
morning 29th Rev. R. H. Sanderson
was guest minister delivering a chal-
lenging message based his thoughts
en "The Immo•rtalit:y of Kindness."
The choir for their selection render-
ed "Trust in the Lord." Mrs. H. Mc -
Ewan rendered a solo. A double trio
composed: ,of Jean Henderson, Mary
Ann Rennie, Joan Koehler, Marilyn
Mousseau, Mary Ann Vanhorne,
Gladys Moir sang "0 Worship the
Pupils of Hensall Public School
who took part in the Huron County
Music Festival at Goderich recently
will present a concert in the auditor-
ium of the United Church Friday °f -
ening, May 4th at 8 p.m. S. G. Ran-
nie, music supervisor will be ;n
Purge.pils of J. L. Nicol ACCO. will
give a recital in the Sunday Schaoi
auditorium of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Mgpday evening May otn at
8 p.m., pian oand. vocal will be fea-
tured, silver collection.
W. I. To Meet
The monthly meeting of the Hen-
sall W. L takes iplaee in the Legion
Hall, Wed. eve. May 9th. Mrs. I.
Munn and Mrs. R. Elgie hostesses.
Kippen East W.I.!will be entertained
by the Hensell ladies. A. musical nure-
ber and a motto will be provided by
the Kippen group; roll cull, a eh:oet
joke; Miss W. Gray will give the de-
monstration. Rev. W. J. Roger s,guest
speaker. Plan to attend this interest-
c st-
ing event. Mr. Grant Webber of th'e
:Frequency Standardization Office in
12eafoeth ir`:li ease .la eas 'ul1J elea aa.i
over to (30 cycle power in this area
and \Nyll present a coloured film.
Had Shower
Wed. eve last 100 friends gather-
ed at the home of Mr and Mrs. Earl
Kinsman in honor of their daughter
Leita before her coming marriage
and presented her with many beauti-
ful gifts. The two little girls who
carried the baskets into Leita were
Lyla MaKay and Adeline Chapple. A
short program consisting of commun-
ity singing and humorous readings
by Mrs. C. Kipfer, Mrs. -Chapple and
Lucille Boyce. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer of
town sang "I Love You Truly", Mrs
W. J. Pybus of Exeter accompanied
her at the piano. Mrs. Drummond
was in the •chair for the program.
Contests were held and refreshments
were served.
Farewell G:ven
A joint farwell was given at the
home of Mrs, Flora Consitt Tuesday
evening for Mrs. E. Chesney and
Mr. J. Tapp who are leaving shortly
to make their respective homes in
Moose Jaw, Sask., and Sarnia, Ont.
The evening was spent in contests
and cards after which each was pre-
sented with an appropriate gift. -Miss
uker and Miss A. •Consitt read the
presentations. A delicious lunch was
served by the hostess. A good time
Thursday, May, 3rd, 1051
was enjoyed by a11, At the durati•ost,:
of the evening Miss Jessie Bell pre
rented Mrs. Chesney with a beautiful,
bouquet of curt flowers.
New Industry Coming
A $35,000 aluminum trailer fact.,
ory, to employ 12 men ,will be built
in Henaali by the Clipper Coach.
Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Ilderton.
St. Cyr, manager, said, Construct..
ion is expected to begin in May he
said. The 200 by 55 foot building
will be at the corner of Mill Street
'and No.4 Highway. The site has been
purchased. The firm' builds aluminum.
house trailers. Present aluminum
and steel supplies will hold product
iron down. and hold emplayment down
to 12 mien. .
Won In Contests
At the Old Time Fiddlers Coated
held in the Town Hall, Dutton, Fri..
day 27th to a packed house, sponsor-
ed by the Dutton Hunters' Club,
Cromarty 'was very much.., in promittF
ence in the prize list. In the Square
dance contest Cromarty Comedians
captured first prize; step dancing,
gents: Don Scott and Fred Harburn
Cromartty,Old Time Fiddlers' over
70, Frank Marburn, Cranarty 20 and
• under 70, Nelson Howe, Fred Hart
burn, Cromarty. Keen •coanpetitions
were in all classes.
eateaSseieeseeeeiaaa Sao,.
You haven't enough ready cash on hand. M.
buy one? .
The B of M has helped thousands; of
Canadian farmers overcome this problem.. by
providing them with credit through Farm Imp.
proveznent Loans. Perhaps we can help, your
obtain the necessary credit, too. Why not- tails-
it over with our nearest B of M manager?: tl. • r
Ask for . our folder "Quiz for a Goi my wit
Ahead 'Farmer". ' uuaar
Remember, when you ask k for a loan at
the B of M, you do not ask a favour.
8 adeta o 7eide bad
Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manages
Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager• ;.
Crediton Branch: • CHARLES PARKINSON, • Manager '
(Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) -
Dashwopd (Sub -Agency) : ' Open Mon., Wed. & Fri
I S 0
Every housewife these days is fig rting the "battle of the home budget".
She ie.' (Mite aware that fond costs have soared, and was not surprised
when the Cost of Living Index at March 1st. last showed food at 244.4
compared with 100 for the base period of 1935-39.
The Dairy Farmers of Canada, faced with rising costs like everyone else,
are pleased to draw attention to the fact that Dairy Products in the
same index stood at 200.1 while other foods in the index were 247.5.
The price of Dairy Products is not atall out of line with other items in
the Cost of Living Index, nor with wages in industry. While milk,
butter and cheese stand at 200.1, clothing stands at 196.6 and home
furnishings at 199.3. Wages based on hourly rates of pay in Canada
stood at 226.8 as of Dec. 1, 1950, according to Department of Labour
By using more Of Nature's c 's Fine Fonda—Dairy lanods—the housewife can
serve whole; one, nutritious meals and make her food dollar go farther,