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Zurich Herald, 1951-05-03, Page 1
R Established 1900 ST. PETER'S } vaangelical Luther : r: Church ZURICH –= ONTARIO REV. E, W. HEIMRICIrll, PASTOR a.in.—Divine 'Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday Schod. 7.80 p.m.—,Divine Worship. everybody Welcome s,: all Services. EMMANUEL "•i1VANGELICAL U. El. CHURCIH Zurich --- Ontario REV. H. E. ROFPEL Mil/deter Mrs: Milton ease/2 - Ortgarsi at Sunday Services: — 0:00 a.rtt -Divine Worabip. 3.1.00 a.m.—Bib1e School.. 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at .:.:t Smtvicas--°enc® Meta with us and vac writs do tine© hoed." Num., 10:29. Are Yen Sufferkag Fro r " If so, Have your Eyes rausmaaael with Me Latest Mettle& sed lquipenent t A. L. COLE, . • ` PTOMEIRIST 8i OPTICIAN GODlM=—*NZ Used Glaser at Rasaessiess Wee. C ZURICH, ONTARI Aldo . Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. tht Following Attractions Friday, Saturday :May 4-5 FATHER IS A BACHELOR, Starring: Wm. Holden, Colen Gray, ilVlaiyr Jane Saunders and Chas. Win- ninger. WANTED—A Mother for Five Kids. And girl who accepts is crazy. But So Am I. Sgd. Jahnny. Two shows 7.30 - 9.30. Monday, Tuesday May 7-8. LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE Starring: Ruth Roman, Richard Todd, Mercedes Macambridge and Zachary Scott. Would you have the Nerve to do What Ruth Done on her wedding day? News Reel and Short Subjects. One Show 8.00 p.m. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Henry Yungblut wish to take this opportun- ity of thanking all their neighbours and friends for the floral tributes, memorial wreaths, cards and those who loaned cars, the choir and spec- ial thanks to Rev. E. W. Hei.mrich during their recent sad bereavement. May I wish to thank my friends for their prayers and visits and treats, letters and the lovely cards they .sent me while a patient at Clin- ton Hospital. —Mrs. Lydia Ehlers. As we are not able to thank every- one personally, we wish to take this medium to express our. appreciation for all the kindness extended to us .during the three years we were re •sidents of this community._ The • ,cordialiity and sympathy .-of •-thepeo_ 'pie were marvellous: When we shall leave for Ancaster R. R. 2, we bid 'yo-u„:all .a:: hearty;;farewell ,,Washing you -the best 'of Iu&k whiz God's tiles-.: sings. --Mrs. John De Weerd and Children. 9'. Marry Xofman, gz.lveral X orn6 •j udQ,era1 DGre&tor -- Privct[e Cctr eilinbu. Ilaitce Member of Ontario Funeral . Association • HoId.r Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WERE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service --- Dashwood Tel. 70W. T S Ore WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLPRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING .00179 WEEK -END. GROCERY SPECIALS Clark's Pork and. Beans, 2 15 -oz tins 93c Lynn Valley Peas, 2 20 -oz tins 7.5c Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 16 tin 43c Green Giant Niblets Corn, 2 tins 33c FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 14G .. C. H. THIEL - Zurich THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3 195 I --COMING EVENTS -- BASEBALL E In The Community Centre, Zurich On Friday, May 11 th. Dancing 9 till 1. Music 'By Don Down's Orchestra Of London, Ontario Tickets 75c. obtainable from Mem- bers of Zurich Ball Club—Door Prize EVEERYBODY WELCOME Sponsored by Zurich BaselbaIl Club DAC C. W. L. DANCE At the Community Centre, Zurich On FRIDAY, MAY 4th. Music by Bob and His Band Dancing from 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission 50 Cents. Come and enjoy, this Evening! NOTICE A Mothers' Day Tea and Home Made Candy Sale will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on May 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m., under the auspices of the Evangelical Church Choir. c CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who so kindllyn rememlberred me with cards, treats, etc., while a patient at Vic- toria Hospital, London, and since I arra at home. Mrs. 'Wm. Decker. c I wish to thank all friends from far and near for their kindness in rem- embering me with cards, and flowers on my 85th birthday addiversary. —:Mrs: Anna L. Siebert. c I take great pleasure' to thank all' the Ladies that were appointed on the Lions Lunch Committee, for their faithful help. Also those who don- ated food and money.—Mrs. Chester L Smith. Return from Conference Lay Delegate A. Melick has re- turned, while Rev. H. E. Roppel will be back later in the week from the annual sessions of the Canada Conf- erence o f the Evangelical U. B. church held in Pembroke, Ottawa Valley district. Bishop B. Showers of the U.S.A. was the chairman pre- siding, and the usual routine busin- ess was dealt with. Large congreg- ations were present on Sunday, and amplification systems were used so that people outside could partake of the services. The changes in the stationing of Ministers were few, the following were changed Rev. N. E. Dahms of Sebringville goes to Listo- well ; while Howard Brox goes to Sebringville; N. H. Reibling to Mor- riston; R.. S. Lederman to Bridge_ port; Emerson Dorsch to Bis°maik and Bethel. No changes will effect the churches of this district. uth for Christ BRINGS YOU Rev. H. G. Boadway, Speaker LISTOWEL Mr and Mrs Leslie Bolton --- Song WALTON Sgt. A. R. Persan, Violinist CLINTON In the CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL SAT. MAY .5th 8 p.m. . .. Have Returned Home Mr and Mrs. George Hess .have re- turned home after an extensive auto tour through 'the U.S.A., where they enjoyed a few weeks accompanying the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess of Pontiac, 1Mich, Celebrates 90th Birthday Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bechler and Harry.; -Mr and Mrs. Ivan Bechler of r the Blake district, were Sunday visit- ors at Imlay City, Mich., in honour of the former's mother, 1Mrs. Barbara, .Bechler • who celebrated her 90th birthday at the home of her daughter Mr. and `1VIrs. Jacob Gascho. All her family being present, also • many - grandchildren. MANY ATTEND SHOW Between 300 and 700 people pac- ked the Zurich Community Centre Hall last Friday evening to see the postponed from , the week previous, Minstrel Show put on by the Zurich Lions Club, assisted by a group of young people, and the big crowd re- ceived the show with much ovation. The blackface jokes always take well and the play was a big success. The future bookings of the show at pres- ent are at Crediton, May 4; Wroxeter May 16; and Blyth May 18. Bay.. field has also booked the show for a date • to be announced. Ifeturns From England Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Illsley who have- 1bd;e:n absent from their home here in town, the former being on a trip to England, while the latter was staying at Toronto, have returned to Zurich, and we welicome them back. Mr. Illsley 'who had not seen his parents ince a young lad, hada most eujoyab e visit in the _Old'. Land and is v vy :11, is impressed „with the beauty and landscape, 'the wonderful estates, winding highways, old his- toric places one does see, but when it conies to living conditions, he says America is good enough for him,and anyone able to make it go here in America should be well satisfiied, as opportunities in the Old Country are not as good as here. He was grad to get back, and we are all glad to see him. Sorry to report that his mother who has been ill for some time on Sundaymorning passed away, and we sympathize with Mr. Illsley. OBITUARY John Henry Yungblut Passes This week we record the passing of one of Zurich's oldest business men in the person of John Henry Yungblut who passed away on Fri- day, April 27th, 1051 in his 80th. year. Mr. Yungblut was always known as a very kind, cheerful and obliging man, honest, of sterling qualities, that won for him a Targe circle of friends who will greatly mourn his departure. It was about at the beginning of the present cen- tury that "Harry" as we knew him, carie to Zurich a farmer's son from near Auburn, he soon got into the butchering business, which he carr•• ied on, until his two sons here ie Zurich, were able to take over about fourteen years ago, when the deceas- ed began to decline in health. and the sons are still carrying on what is known as the Yungblut Meat Market. Mr. Yungblut during his time was a Conservative in politics, and a Lutheran in religion, ;laving for many years been on the church board. Ile was also Town Trustee for some years, and was always a very public minded man, giving of his support to every good cause that was presented to him. Shortly .after his arrival in 'Zurich he became un- ited in marriage to Lovina I)eichert, who survives him along with the three children: Miss Inez, of town, two• sons, Messrs. Ivan and Earl, Yungblut, four grandchildren, all of Zurich, there are also a few sisters, survive; a brother George, died a few years ago. The remains rested at the Westlake Funeral Home, where a private funeral was held Sunday afternoon, followed by a large pub- lic service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, followed by interment in St. Peter'Cemetery. Friends and rl:at'.,vo w ors e pi'e•,ent from far and near, the floral tributes were many and lovely, showing in a way of the high .esteem the departed was held. The Pastor, Rev. Ea W. Heimrich, officiated. The Voice of Temperance It is often claimed that what we need is more Temperance education —make it known the harm that liq- uor is doing. Whoever reads the newspapers knows a lot about the woe that goes with liquor—the acci- dents and deaths on the highways caused by drunken drivers — the crimes that are committed when men are under the infhienee of liquor. ,urely everyone knows the menace of liquor, The trouble is that men's conduct is not always governed by their knowledge. They need to `know' and then beyond that they need the will power to say "no."—A.dvt. CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH9111., $1.75 a Tear In Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. t :. N G R M A' S RAG RUGS and CARPET BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuri, Ont. Phone 128. ansieamursetatmecrommunannurasaancammurEmatumosIguraanuaiseticamattranvarcenatemarawaolowenuarauommuniumummisssizmnsaminsiIIL r t rll. J l Servrce DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR .PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A G. ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on th1tl winter. Solve lyour heating problem - this easy way and change to the coal that will definitely assure you con* tinuous heat throughout the wing months. And remember — BLU COAL burns better and lasts longer. Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Oiiice Ph. 10. House Ph.. 6721r HENSALL 00 0 D 3 AWS : 0000 r 9b r;: 999 9 7'40 altt 5 00 00080000090 0 Mt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for..Rent FLOWERS FOR AI .1 OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich OS 1 0 e 0 0 0 We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES - All. Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply e{. GIVE US A CALL `• enno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. ,urich Phone 165 HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHICKS With: Pioneer OhioStarer Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! T . f E. Schwartzentrube><', Prop. Phone 11147