HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-04-26, Page 6Carried Her. 200 Children
On The Top Of Her Back
There are perhaps 100,000 species
•of spiders iu the vv orb!, and nor all
are content to "weave webs and
wait for \letirus to fly into them.
The 11+lagnificus, of Australia,
lassoo,s therm! Seated on a t\vig,
she hang,; front a front: kg a silk
thread two inches long with a pin's
bead g)nhnte of gum at the end.
Along comes a night -flying 100t1,
perhaps mistaking her for a flutter,
As the moth flutters about her
the spider begins to whirl the
line about her head, until the prey
Is caught by the Micky globule, She
"pl ty her lint like an angler un-
til the moth tires of struggling., thea
draws it in and gets her mea].
Captured. A Mouse
Two members of the l;ritish
Theridie,u fancily :Hake ingenious
webs with a kind of central plat-
form, like bare joists of a first
storey in the frame of an uncom-
pleted house. From these "joists"
taut threads hang to the ground.
A beetle or some other insect
pedestrian ambles along, gets stuck
on one of rhe bottom strands,
struggles, breaks it; but, as it is
stretched like elastic, it snaps back,
holding the insect suspended. As it
struggles more violently and savings
about. it contacts other gummed
threads close by which break off
too, a.ncl soon the victim is hanging,
The spider, watching from above,
goes to the joist supporting one of
the threads and pulls it up with the
A small mouse in a house was
once caught in the web of a spider
no larger than a pea. Gradually,
over many hours, she drew it up
from the floor, then made many
bites at the base of its tail, running
away after each, and finally killing
the mouse, states Mr. John Cromp-
ton in a book of enthralling inter-
est. "The Spider." •
In Malaya, and elsewhere, there
is an insect -catching Pitcher Plant,
whose calabash -shaped flowers,
with hinged top, are nearly half -
full of a sweet-smelling fluid which
lures the insect to its doom. In the
remote past a crab spider must have
been thus captured, but instead of
losing its head and dropping into
the fluid it wove a few threads for
foothold in the upper part and in
due course realized that, far from
being in a nasty predicament, it
was on a good thing; for insects,
attracted by the plant, came along
and the spider intercepted theta.
This species has now so adapted
itself to,,ife within the pitcher that
it lives nowhere •else.
To enjoy almost complete im-
munity from natural • enemies by
looking like something that tastes
nasty, and is therefore avoidecY, '
many, sp'i rs disguise themselves' as
common ants, act like, them, often
live among them.
An ant has two antennae, six
legs, so some spiders place their
front pair of legs over their fore-
heads and wiggle them like anten-
nae, leaving then!, apparently, also
with but six legs! The spider can
so imitate the gait and jerky move-
ments that when in motion ant and
spider dre indistinguishable. In
Brazil, an explorer caught a large -
headed ant to identify its species,
and found to his surprise that it
was a black spider bearing oyer its
head and shoulders an ant's hollow
Families Mixed Up
A fascinating mystery is the
birth and rearing of the Lycosa
Wolf Spider, When the cocoon of
the mother bursts 200 youngsters
tome pouring out and swarm on to
ter back; there they stay for six
)r seven. months.
Fabre, the famous naturalist,
]rushed a complete brood off one
nother, so that they fell by the legs
F you fear current fashion will outgrow the Tong -aired
look before you can coax your short, shorn locks to
grow out, Then your best solution is probably n matching
These are available this season in a variety of :styles --
and, surprisingly --a new material.. In addition to the
braids and switches of imported hair with which nxost
women are familiar, there are this year pin -on tresses of
These flair accessories are spun into long, fine •strands
which are almost indistinguishable frons real hair.
Advantages include low cost and manageability. These
tresses' are already caressed in permanent form when
purchased, so you need not fear your unskilled hands
will have difficulty coiling them into the arrangement
of your choice.
Another point in favor of these ]Llan -made rather than
woman -grown tresses is the uniform length of (he silk.
Because there are no varying lengths, the problem of
combing untidy strays is eliminated, according to Makers.
Disarranged strands can usually be worked back into
place beneath the protective net with your fingers, they
Despite the brevity of her own locks, this young woman achieves a
fashionable long-haired look with the aid of pin -on tresses of silk,
of another, who was already carry-
ing more than her full load. The
first mother be whisked away.
Party No. 1 at once climbed on to
the top of Mother No. 2 without
protest either- front the driver or
legitimate fares!
In dangerous situations—where,
say, two wolf mothers conte face
to face and immediately fight—the
youngsters lose no time in dis-
mounting and making themselves
scarce, to watch the scrap from a
safe hiding place.
Immediately one is vanquished,
both broods swarm on to the vic-
tor's back. Thus; a matron who is
a good fighter may set out with her
own brats in the morning and re-
turn home carrying three lots.
Is it true that if a tarantula bites
you you can only save your life
by dancing frantically, the dance
which has come to --be called the
tarantella? Pure legend, for the
creature never was deadly.
Long ago, near Taranto, where
this species abounds, Bacchanalian•
rites flourished; the priestesses
danced in strange robes. Then the
authorities decided to stamp out
these orgies. The priests did not
want their show closed down, so
found an excuse for it in the "dead-
ly bite" of the :local spider, which
only this wild dance could cure!
Ivfr. Crompton tells the whole
life -history of spiders in a popu-
lar ,unpedantic way which makes
fascinating reading.
Inflatable Boat
• To lighten a portage on that
summer camping trip in a new
inflatable lightweight boat with
water -filled pontoons. Boat and
pontoons are made of Vinylite
plastic resisting salt water, oils,
abrasions and temperature changes.
Four side air chambers with tire -
type valves are idled to keep the
boat afloat. Pontoons are filled
with water and act as counter -
ballast and semirigid keels. Weigh-
ing about five and one half lb.
when deflated, boat can be folded.
to parcel 16 inches square by four
inches high.
A dashing young romantic swore
by all lovers' vows that his Clarice
was the fairest maid of all the
world, and he would have none
"Be mine, Clarice," he pleaded.
"If you refuse me, I shall die."
But she refused him, and 50 years
later sure enough he did die,
"Where to You Think You're Going?"—Floating traffic
cops now see to it that there is no `Sunday driving" by
ondoiiers on the canals of Venice Here a water taxi-driver
stopped 1)31 a cop. While his two tourist passengers look
on, he gets a ticket for crashing a red light. Like many other
arge cities, Venice has a growing traffic problem, complicated
by the fact that most of its ",streets" are canals,
Of course we all know that
"sourdough" was used as a "start-
er" for bread and biscuits by our
early ancestors; but until recently
I thought that it had entirely fallen
into disuse. In fact I imagine that
most folks, when they hear the word
mentioned, think of Robert W.
Service's poems published under the
title "Songs of a Sourdough."
But—well, live and learn. In the
Christian Science Monitor recently
I ran across an article, written by
"C. J." which I found so interest-
ing that, by permission, I ant pass-
ing it along to you. Here it is:
* -*
"Sourdough" is a term applied
both to northern prospectors and
their hot cakes or pancakes, as
some call them. But how many
know that sour dough hot cakes
can be made right in our modern
I used to be calleda "sour dough
artist" because I had cooked for
men and learned the art. You may
think there is not much art required
to make hot cakes for' breakfast.
But it really does take a little' art
and it took a lot of experimenting
for me to get the recipe in a form
that could be given to others.
• * * '1'
I learned to make sour doughs
many years ago when I used to
hike up to a lookout in the forest.
There during the summer months
an interesting old man kept the
vigil for forest fires. He had what
he called his "starter." ,
It was some very sour -smelling
dough in a bowl. I say sour smell-
ing but a good sourness. He kept
it covered and guarded it well; that
is, he never wanted it to get too
warm or to have it get chilled
We used to laugh and say he had
to sleep with it at night and carry
it to some cool place in the daytime,
perhaps to a mountain stream in
very hot weather; at least, to a
shady place.
m ,k ,k
The nice thing about this starter
is that it improves with age and
the more often it is used the more
active it is. In the first place, the
starter is begun by dissolving a
yeast cake in a small amount of
flour and water and keeping it in
a warm place until it grows and
gets very light and spongy,
* ,k
The sour doughs are made by
stirring a cupful of this starter into
a larger bowl of flour and water to
make a drop batter; by this 1;
mean a rather heavy batter, This is
done before you retire at night.
* * ,r
When you get up in the morning
this mass of dough is light and
active. Before you do anything
more, you take out a cup of it and
put it away in a covered bowl.
Your electric refrigerator, if . you
have one, is just the place for it and
this is your starter for future use.
k ,7' *
Then into your bowl of dough,
which for the average family
should be about three cups, you
drop one whole egg, one-fourth
cup of sugar, a rounding teaspoon
of salt, and beat all well, You beat
this to thin it down so that it runs.
o1' * *
Then dissolve a teaspoon of soda
with a teaspoon of water and cut
it in, but do not beat any more.
In just a few minutes your hot
cakes are ready to fry.
* * *
These cakes are light and deli-
cious. If you prefer not to grease
your griddle, you can put about
two tablespoons of shortening into
your batter.
If you do not use all of your sour
dough batter for breakfast, you can
make rolls out of it, or a loaf of
bread for dinner in the evening, for
it takes a little longer for these
rolls to come up than it does regu-
lar yeast rolls. All you do for the
rolls is to stir in more flour and
a little shortening and work the
batter up thick, just as for any light
bread. This sour dough bread is
extra fine and has a flavour of its
I have now been using my starter
for over 12 years and have given
away many to friends. If you have
sour doughs as often as twice a
week, your starter will keep active.
Of course, the oftener it is used the
better it is.
So much for sourdough. Now
for something dfferent—in this
case some hints about how to use
some of the cheaper varieties of
meat—what are called, in the trade
"variety cuts." Most of these cuts
—brains, heart, kidneys and tripe
—are relatively inexpensive. Sweet-
breads and liver are high—that is,
beef and calves liver. But the pork
variety is a great deal lower in
price—and a great 'deal higher in
food value, Calves' liver, which has
been selling in some, of the larger
cities for as high as $1.50 a pound,
is only half as rich in iron as beef
P 0 R K. .Worth thinking over,
isn't it? •
Here, now, is a recipe for veal
hearts, cooked just the way they do
then at the famous Chambord Res-
taurant. The original recipe calls
for a pint of dry wine, but that
can be omitted—just use water
or stock to male up the'difference.
2 veal hearts
1 pound carrots, coarsely
diced .
1 stalk celery with leaves,
1 slice Bermuda onion
6 or eight large sprigs
teaspoon salt
Pinch thyme
1/4 cup crushed salted almonds
Method: (1) Trim hearts and
wash thoroughly -id warm water.
Bake in a shallow roasting pan in
a slow oven (325 degrees F.) ten
(2) Add vegetables and bake five
(3) Transfer hearts, vegetables
and juices in pan to a large deep
casserole. Add remaining ingredi-
(4) Lower temperature to 300
degrees F„ cover and cook about
one hour or till hearts are tender.
Serve- on platter with plenty of
juice. Reserve any leftover juice
for soup stock. Yield: four servings,
* ,k
Like to try a Beef and Kidney
Pie, as served in a Keen's New
York Chop House, which special-
izes in English dishes? Here's the
way they do it, and after you've
tasted it you'll know why it is one
of the most frequently called -for
dishes Keen's serves,
2 pounds chuck beef
1 pound beef kidney
Beef suet (piece the size
of a large egg)
1.. large onion, coarsely
1 cup rich beef ;stock
(canned will do)
1 teaspoon salt
1% teaspoons Worcestershire
Pastry made from one and
a half cups flour or pastry
Method: (1) Cut chuck and kid-
ney into one and one -half-inch
(2) Try out suet, remove suet
cracklings, add onion and saute till
.(3) Add beef and kidney and
cook, stirring almost constantly till
thoroughly browned.
(4) Add beef stock, silt, pepper
and cayenne to taste aneWorces
tershire sauce. Stir well, Aver and.'
simmer till meat is tenlef, about
one hour and forty-five minutes.
(5) If necessary, add enough
water almost to cover meat. Thick-
en broth with flour which has been
blended with cold water, allowing
one and one-half tablespoons flour
for each cup of broth. Transfer to
a casserole and cool.
(6) Roll pastry to one-eighth
inch and place on neat. Cut gashes
for escape of steam. If desired, pas-
try may be cut in strips and ar-
ranged lattice fashion over meat,
(7) Bake in a very hot, oven
(450 degrees F.) about ten min-
utes, Lcwer heat to moderate (3r0
degrees F,) and bake about fifteen
minutes or till' crust is delicately
browned. Yield: six or more serv-
Florida's Gov. Fuller Warren
stopped by a Lebanon, 'I'enn., bar-
ber shop and asked for Sam Cop -
lin, Told that he was no longer
they e, Governor Warren handed
another barber $2.10 and asked hien
to give it _to Coplin when he saw
h:m again. Warren explained that
when he was graduated front Cum-
berland University Law School in
1929 lie owed barber Coplin a bili
of $2.10.
Strange Origins
Of Common Words
Even yoga don't fiin -
word puzifzles in your sparell Cross
you may still be surprised at the
origin 'of some of the following
everyday words and phrases. , . . .
The word "calendar" owes its
origin to the Kalends (Lal, Kglen-
dm), the name given by the Romans
to the first day of each month,
July and August were named .af-
ter Julius and Augustus Cesar, and
the retraining months after Roman
The use of the word `°noon" for
mid -clay is derived from the Latin
Word "norms," ninth.
In the time of the Early English
Church, the -services held at the
ninth hour of the day, then 3 p,nt„
as the day according to the Roman
reckoning began at 6 'a.m., were
called the "Norms," just as the first
services were called "Primes," and
those in the evening "Vespers,"
'When the hour for the Nones
was changed to mid-day, the word.
"noon" was used, to denote that
Milton, in .his poem, II Penser-
oso, speaks of "the wandering
moon, riding near her highest
noon," and Ben Jonson uses tine
expression "the noon of night," to
signify midnight.
The letters, "a.m," and "p,m.",
indicating time, are abbreviations
of Latin words ante and post meri-
diem; before and after mid-day.
The abbreviations—"i.e," (Lat. id
est, that is) and "e.g." (exempli
gratia, for the sake of example) are
commonly used.
"One may see".
The letters a s. d. are abbrevia-
tions of the Latin words, Libra—a
pound, solidus—the smallest gold
coin, and denarius—the name of an
ancient Roman silver coin, used in
early books of law for the English
Hence, •too, the use of lb. for a
pound by weight, dwt. for penny-
weight, and cwt. for hundredweight.
So, too, the use of "viz," for
"namely," which is the abbreviated
form of the Latin "videre Beet,"
meaning "one may see."
For Two Pins — Hollywood
actress Jeanne Lochriclge
paints her own.fancy leg art to
resemble those eye-catching
designs embroidered on expen-
sive stockings. The daisy pat-
tern was 'done with eyebrow
pencil, cake make-up, spirit
gum and sequins—right on
Jean ne's leg, not on stocking.
One For The Road—Only man able to ride in his automobile
and watch TV at the same time is William h McDonald, Jr.,
house -trailer manufacturer, who had it custom l til into the
hack of his 1951 Cadillac, Frances Sactrowski Watches a
program. Control panel is on arm rest of rear seat.