HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-04-26, Page 1ZURIC: Established .19011 ST. PETER'S ..Evangelical Lutheran Church zeRieri — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIhIRICH, PASTOR 111 a.sn.—Divine Servicers. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday Scheel. 7.80 p.m.—Divine Worship. IZeorybody Welcome to tall Services. EM.MANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Ck Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch a O,reesaist Sunday Serviceis:— ' :00 a,m.—Divine Worship. 5.1.00 ann.—Bible School. 7:80 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at all Servicem— C me ,ih6sou with us and wo will do thee :good." Nunn 10:29 HER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,, APRIL, 5 1 ZURICH LIONS CLUB Minstrel Show Black. Face Songs and Jokes, Mixed Quartettes At COMMUNITY CENTRE,.. ZURICH Friday, April 27th, at 8 p.m. Admission: 50c. Reserved 75c. Get your Reserv- ed Seats early at Bill Sie'bert's, Geo. Deichert's Meat Market or Willert's Snack Shop. Follow the Crowds and Laugh with them! Give your support to: The Zurich Lions Club enemerweessiaseeseessesecesn Are You Sufferins Froin 'Headaches? ee, Have your Syne e ' .Fittest Methods end Equipment mut A. L ■ L. COLE, R.V�p 4 OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOD1sRION OWL 'Med Glasses w Prices MONSTER e Ingo. an acei IN COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON Wednesday May 2, at 830 Good = Ingo Prizes 1.0 FREE GAMES 10 SPECIAL GAMES DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF SYNCOPATORS' ORCHESTRA ADMISSION -50 Cents, including 10 Free Games of Bingo DRAW FOR .SHETLAND PONY TO BE MADE AT 12 p.m. PRO EDS FOR BENEFIT OF INJURED HOCKEY PLAY- ERS. - BUY A TICKET ON THE (PONY AND .SUPPORT .A WOIR,THY CAUSE ,(If Winner does not want Pony, $100 Cash will be given.) I XG7ii'ry X0 'CO' f w verQ'Zi clUr om'e' - u✓iwrcd Director — Private Car illIbbltilanee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Po table OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood TeL 70W. TiI. luparior S Stor WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES ARE STEADILY ADVANCING WEEK -FN l' GROCERY SPECIALS Ellmarr Peanut Butter, 16 -oz Jar Del Maiz Fancy Cream Corn, 15 -oz tin Stokely's Tomato Juice 2 20 -oz tins Dole Fancy Fruit Cocktail 20 -oz tin 32c 15c 27c 32c Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea half -1b pkg 47c FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IFREQUESTER), WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 a C H. THIEL - Zurich NOTICE ' SERVICES at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday, April 29th, will be held .on Standard Time. On the hollowing Sunday, May Gth the Services will be on Daylight Saving Time. NOTICE Beginning Sunday, April 29th St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, ser- vices will be held on Daylight Time until the end of September. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for the lovely flowers cards, treats, and letters, X received while a patient at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. —Mrs. Fred Rader The bereft family of the late Clarence Datars wish to take this; opportunity to thank all their neigh- bours and friends • for the floral tributes, the memorial wreaths, cards, those who loaned cars, the choir, and a special thanks to Rev. E. W. Heim - rich; during their recent sad berea- vement. BASEBALL (it In The Community Centre, Zurich On Friday, May 11th. Dancing 9 till 1. Music By - Don Down's Orchestra Of London, Ontario Tickets 75c. obtainable from Mem- bers of Zurich Ball Club—Door Prize EVEERYI3ODY WELCOME Sponsored by Zurich Baselball Club DANCE C. W. L. DANCE At the Community Centre, Zurich On FRIDAY, MAY 4th. Music by Bob and His Band Dancing from 9.30 p.m, to 1 a.m. Admission 50 Cents. a Coyne and enjoy this Evening! 41 5l :Course Taken Messrs. Lloyd O'Brien and HuberE Schilbe spent a few days at London last week,where they attended a course given by the Empire Brass Co for installing and.,servicing oil bur- ners, etc. .There was a large atten- dance. As it seems to be the future system to heat our homes and places of business. Left for Texas Mrs. EcL Gascho left on Monday to enjoy a.few weeks with her sister Mr and Mrs. Charles Carr at Fort - worth, Texas, The trip there is be- ing made by buss and return she will accompany' Mr and Mrs. Carr to Chicago, Where Mr. Carr wilt attend a convention before coming to Zur- ich. We Nish Mrs. Gascho a sate trip. Acdepts Teaching Position Miss Marjory Klopp, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bert Klopp, who is at present a ;student It the Ontario College of Education, Toronto, also a graduate. of the University of Wes- tern Ontario, majoring in the course of French and Latin, has accepted a position bn, the teaching staff of the Fort Erie `Nigh Schaal. Duties to coanmence• in ' September. MINSTREL SHOW The postponed Minstrel Show put on by the'Zurich Lions has now been dated fee this Friday evening, April 27th. Keep this date open and at- tend this, big, everit in the Community Centre, Zurich: There will be fun for all, jokes and laughs galore. The show people are having a big week of it, :on Monday -evening it was pre- sented in tlie°•nVarna Hall to a packed house, and -tonight, Wednesday they go to ,Hensall, And then Friday night- ie Zurich A OW more engagements are alio dside e ay, which will be arrnetn yet tablet . , e. .,,._ DAYLIGHT TIME With the corning week -end Day- light Saving Time will again be ush- ered in and just when it is to take place seems optional to one's own thinking. The Police Trustees have an adv. in this week's edition :anno• uncing Saturday night, midnight, this i waver does not conform with. the thoughts of many churchgoers, as they want Sunday services on the old Standard Time. However,. as we go to .press the decision is that St. Boniface R. C. Church will ga ort Daylight time for Sunday, but the other three churches will rernam en Standard Time for next Sunday. We trust this will not cause anyone to miss Church, as if g'ou are an hour late, just what the time makes dif- ference,well,you will miss the service and that would be too bad. But be sure and get your clock an hour ahead by Monday morning, to have the same time by all. Schools will of course observe the fast time. 13y the following Sunday, May Gth all will be running smoothly on the Day- light 'Cine. OBITUARY Late Clarence Datars Clarence Frederick Datars, 55, of Zurich, who passed away very sud- denly last Wednesday morning, as mention in last week's paper, was the beloved husband of Gertrude Weber, and stn of Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., of Zurich and the late Mr. Dat- ive.. B:efere becoming an employee of Silverwodd.'s produce station here 118 .years agog he was an employee at the Zurich Bakery. A very likeable and obliging, friendly, and always seemed eo cheerful, and as a conse- quence, he is being missed all the more, and his bereft family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral on Saturday was one of the largest ever held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, of which he was a lifelong member, having been con- firmed in his boyhood days. Surviving are his wife, his mother Mrs. Rd. Datars, Sr; one daughter, Marion at home; three brothers, El more, Hay Township; Edward, Zur- ich; the Rev. Albert .1. Datars, Port Colborne; and three sister, Mrs. Vic- toria Dedels, Kitchener; Miss Anna and Min. 'Milfred Schilbe, Zurich. Private Funeral services were held at the Westlake Funeral Home on Saturday afternoon, with a public service at 2.30 in St. Peter's Luth- ,•ni cemetery with the Pastor, Rev. E. W. Ii(Ain rich officiating. Inter- ment in St. Peter's cemetery. The floral tributes were very lovely, in list respect, showing of the high es- teem the departed was held. The ]'all past'el's were six .nephew. , NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. pit Optical Service DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. CHESTER L SMITH, PUbU3,, $ 1.75 a Year la Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance, RAG RUGS and CARPETS, On a New Modern Loom, Made SS Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zwick, Ont. Phone 128. CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on i>hia winter. Solve your heating problem* this easy way and change to the cold that will definitely assure you come tinuous heat throughout the winter months. And remember BLUE. COAL burns better and lasts longer, Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 678x1 HENSALL 600•060911160•00ite(.9160661§490606 0420000 1 0 a •0 le FLOWER.SFOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Ni +it{Scrnce. Telephone: Res. 89 - _ or 122, Zurich 6004600666•4160900111,00 c-*ottaftt guncriat Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent 004111100011410$062 40600111440••• 0.0,......0000•00004400 1 1 a G9 • w 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z 9S tore We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts .. and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL e .n esch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Amseisrflama Phone 165 altittlaitiiiMainaffifignfiegagia HEALTHIER AND STRNGER CHICKS With: Pioneer C Starter Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-r