HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-04-19, Page 4til ti4R10 HEN LL. Mrs. Mathew England, 77, while • '#going down.cellar on Saturday to lying up sNiiething for the noon ?meal, fell ck vn the steps fracturing bet left bap, She was removed by 33unthron's •anvbulance to "Victoria 'fospital, London, whew her condit- ,on was reported as good, Dr. M. C. Pletcher Of Exeter, attended. Mrs. "Andrew Buchanan, oldest sldent dere celebrated her Roth 'birth day Sundaay last April &th. She wee the recipient of cards gifts, phone 4calls, and mans caller's who offered 'tcongz'atulations. Mrs. Buchanan is a .e�naa illvaI i, and receives. the bast of 1.... g Mize tzK�nz her daughter Jennie. A:ged Woman Fautld kleipless An aged and almostblind woman who lay helpless in her unheated 'home here in Hansa. more than 24 hours with her left hip and left shoul- der fractured from a fall, is recover- ing in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs John Darla;:, 187, fell in her home ort Friday. No lights showed in her home Friday night, and at 8 p.m, Saturday a neighbour, Mrs. Bertha Bell, got no answer when she wrapped at the door. .Mrs. !Bell returned at FS p.m. with other neighbour, and when un_ able to get in they notified a neph- ew, Ru st11 Dallas, Brueefield. On the .,• ar• t• Silver Doll At ..• NEUHAUSERS ' April 21st to April 28th. Brand New Silver Dollars Given Away CHICK ORDER SPECIALS: A FREE SILVER DOLLAR -- For every chick order of 100 pullets or • 200 mixed placed during his period. A FREE SILVER DOLLAR -- With every feed bought during this pe A FREE SILVER DOLLAR -- remedy .order -of $10.00. A FREE SILVER DOLLAR -- With every order of 1 • • 2 2 • • 2 • SILVER DOLLARS GALORE tome In And Get One! ton of • • • • i s •• • With every poultry s • • chick raising equipment of $15.00. • HY-LINE SILVER DOLLAR SPECIAL• • • •• • • TWO FREE "SILVER DOLLARS -- With every order of '100 Hy -Line pullets or 200 Hy -Line' Mixed 'bought during this period.. • • • • • NEiiTHAUSER HATCHERIES LONDON, ONTARIO. NOTICE to Cattle Owners: OF HAY TOWNSHIP Re: WARBLE FLY TREATMENT -.SECOND APPLICATION WHEREAS, the second Treatment regarding to the Warble Fly Contract will not commence before May 1st, and WHEREAS, the Effectiveness of the treatment is increased by delaying it, Cattle Owners are advised to either keep their cattle available or for Spraying the second time. • OR, apply to 'the Township Inspector for Material for Treatment by the Brush Method. . By Order of fhe Council of the Townshiy of Hay. H. W. 'Brokenshire, Clerk. Bruce J. Topp, Inspector. ADOGSGu's0• 4)=F0••stFINP••tr••• •••®,111••®••••e,Da **1140isos•aa R Guam Tire end 4 •+!S s • We Sell the Most, ?because we use you Best. •• • 1• • • ALSO •• • • •• • • • lleAW's instructions, Iienss.il's thief Co lslwble, C. Leonard forced the font door and found Mrs. Dallas ly- ing on the floor of an upstatr bed- room. The fire was out and she Was suffering from exposure ,and shock as well as the hip and shoulder injur- ies. Dr. Goddard accompanied the patient in Bonthron's Anlibulan.ce to London. Here °edition is thought to :be satisfactory. DASHWOni, A Rally of the Blue Water Zone of the Lutheran Church Walther League was held in the Lutheran church here ort Sunday afternoon. Representatives attended from Strat- ford, Tavistock Milverton, Clifford, Mitchell, Logan Twp, and the surr- ounding area. Rev. T. Luft of 'Han- over was the guest speaker in the. evening. 14Trs. Lucinda Mcisaac who spells the winter with her soon in Detroit, has returned to her home here. Mrs. Ness spent a few daye ifl Stratford last week. ,142r and Mrs. Harry Hopf, Mr and Mrs. Edward Runge of Clifford and VIisa Fern Hopf of Stratford were Sunday guests with Mr—and Mrs. Thos. H.operoft. fVlr. Ken McCrae is in St Joseph's Hospital, London, where he under- went an. operation. Mr. Clayton F. Pfile, who recently underwent an operation in London Hospital, is recuperating nicely) at his hone here. Had Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Evan- gelical U. B. Church was held in the basement on Monday evening last with an excellent attendance. Foll, owing a short devotional service con- ducted bag+, the minister, Mr. A. V. Tiernan was appointed secretary for . ZURICH HERALD the evening. Repiorts were given for each organization of the church and eaoh showed a surplus la the treasury The following officers were appointed Church trustee, Mr. Gordon Bender; Current Fund treasurer, Miss Pearl Kraft; Missionary and Benevolence treasurer, '1Vlr, Art Haugh; Improve- ment Fund treasurer, Mrs. Garnet Wildfong; Cemetery trustee, Mr. Jno Bender; Treas. of cemetery fund, Mr D. Weber. Following the !buswilless, Rev. J. H. Getz was pleasantly sur- prised when he was presented with a gold wrist watch in honour• of his ordination which will take place at the annual Conference in Pembroke from April I215th to 29th. Mr, J. M. Tiernan chairman of the Administrat- ion Council read a suitable address and Mr. Ralph Weber, a trustee, made the presentation on behalf of the congregation. A. religious flnl entitled "Like a Mighty Arm,yi' was shown which was enjoyed by all, Re- freshin-ents were served by the Iad- iee Aid. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Edward Corriveau in Company with Mr and Mrs. Rudolph. Etue of Seaforth motored 1,o Sarnia Sunday last to visit the later's sister Mrs. Elmer Sherkie who was recent- ly operated. Glad to report that she is improving. The Stansberry Family of Detroit were week -end visitors with their relatives in this community. We are always happy; to have them in our midst, for they are always ready to partake in current games, and we congratulate them for •being good winners and as well, good loosers. Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme and Mr and Mrs Tyrus Stansberry and • r • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 Household -Appliances, Frigs., Stoves, Washing •• i Machines, :and Groceries. • • . 1 B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE *• Phone50r5. • 0 Grand Bend. ••, .8 s•••oemo••eeectoe•o••+Al•••• •aseseereeme ems3••••••es eeee WHAT 13 A CHRISTIAN? One who comes to God as a lost sinner. One who accepts Christ as his own personal Sav- iftu r. One who experienceswithin his own heart a new life ;born of the Spirit of God. One Who confesses Christ before the world. And enderivours to serve and please Hirn at all times. Read the Gospel of John Chap. XII. PME, Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Netwnllt ;isa.;rJ ya 4.00 pan. B.5. T. 1 Immunization Clinics Immunization Clinics are being arranged by the Huron County Health Unit in the following Schools on Wednesday, April 25th. S.S. No. 10 Hay 9.45 a.m. Zurich 10:15 a.m. S.S. No. 4, Hay 1:30 p.m. S.S.. No. _12 Hay. 2:00 p.m. S.S. No. 8 Hay 2:30 p.m. S.S. No..60-Hay 3:00 p.m. Infants and pre-school- children may attend these clinics. Immunization against Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, and Tetanus, and Smallpox will be given at these clinics. family motored to Mount Carmel on Saturday' last to visit with Sister Prisille Therese, the former's dough. ter. Already work has started on the Ducharme Beech summer resort, such as clearing the ground and decorat- ing the nice cottages erected some years ago. Among the visitors of De- troit who have lined up some work for the Geoffrey Contractors. Well! At time of writing, the weather' is much unsettled, but as us- ual, and as the years go by, the fut- ure will adjust itself, and we will forget the past. I am an optomist at heart,-an°"°�'c I truly believe that the time will come not withstanding the black times we are passing 'through, when nat,roas will concentrate on• forging weapolis against the common enemy - Disease - instead of atomic ,bombs and other ousidal mechanism. Thursday, April 1.9th, 195] Sidanymen, women gain 5.1015!bs x � Get New Pep, Vivi, Vigor what a thus! Bos, limbs .1111 out; stair hot - lows All up; nook up„ / longer sorawnY; bed' loses hale -starved, sickly. "been -vale" leak. Thou- lianas or girls; women, noon who never could rain bo. OM ore new proud el" ahapoly, hen lthy.looltinr bodies. They thank the ape.. dal vigor -wilding, doh - building tomo, Ostrex. Tirr. tomos, atlinuhutts, invigora- tors iron.*Wan 1 oiuok,onrolt Moo,Moo, Laurent appetite and digestion am food gives you More strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Get Lovely Curvet Don't fear getting Too rat. Stop vim sou'VO gained the. 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal welgbt. Coate little. Now "got acgnsiuWd size only Ole, Try femeii Ostrex 7bnio Tablets for ne* rigor and added pounds, We veil day, At all drugils% " %Vila you laced is a milking machine!" Credit for the purchase of milking machines, and many other time -saving improvements, can often, be obtained through Farm Improvement Loans. "Mt„11,,[11,11,.! " if you need farm machinery. to. speed! rPA your production, why not inquire'about- a Farm Improvement Loan at your nearest B of M branch. BANK OF MONTREAL (eutorlrt:e 70sot $a s4 Zurich Branch: - C. C. McEACHERW, Manager Hensel! Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager • (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : - Open Mon., Wed. & .Fri. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 114 In these times, it is the duty of every Canadian to consider first the national safety of our country! It is the duty. of every young man to do his parr to strengthen our armed forces-- to meet aggression—when- ever and wherever it may strike! The Royal Canadian Air Force is expanding rapidly. More good men are needed NOW—in' all branches. Particularly is there need for ;nen to train as skilled aircraft technicians to maintain the flying efficiency of Canada's military aircrafr. YOUR ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR MEN TO TRAIN AS: fro7te r(e INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS AERO -ENGINE TECHNICIANS RADIO -RADAR TECHNICIANS SUPPLY TECHNIOIANS iWW AERO -ENGINE TECHNICIAN Rogal CanadianAirThrci • BE BETWEEN17 AND 40 • HAVE GRADS 8 EDUCATION OR BETTER • BE PHYSICALLY PIT • BE A CANADIAN CITIZEN OR OTHER BRITISH SUBJECT. SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. ,R5CRU1TING CENTRE 1 1 1 1 1 i9 1 .. .. .. .. .. .., ,s„ NV WI o00 TRAINING COMMAND, R.C.A.F.,, TRENTON, ONTARIO Please ?nail me, without obligation, full particulars regard- ing enlistment requirements and openings now available in the R. C, A, r NAME (Please Print) STREET .ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE • EDUCATION (by grade and province) 1: 1 11 1 1 1 1 AGP son .sn Rr0 aim civ, cru idea 610 01 00 p1a 001 fr+, ni >M o- ^ens am orof iu:v17 rW.