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Zurich Herald, 1951-04-19, Page 1
z RI Established :1_ HER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL . 19 (9 51 ST. PETERS [Evangelical Lutheran Church ' ZURICH— REV. E. W. HEIMRICR, PASTOR ES ann.—Divine .Servi es. T./.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 784 p.m. --Divine Worship. 4llverybody Welcome to ell Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. CHW CH arida — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPIEL Minister Mrs, :Milton Oeese In - Gra chef Sunday Services:— U:00 ervices:U:00 a.m.— Divine Worthip. -ELM/ a ni.--Bible SchooL (l:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome et all Scrvicels--"Cq m 'Won with area and we will do thee :need." Num, 1012% Axe You Sufferbas Fro, ills;,heel 1 tree, Have your a, 'ea likambed with `the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. I. COLE R.O. . P"I" OMI TR TMucutits • GODERRE R OHM iGin d Glasses eV Amenable Moss Asda". T heat 'e GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday April 20-21 WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME Starring Dan, Dailey, Corrine Calv- ert and Colleen Townsend. Director Jio. Fords, Rip Roaring Salute to the Willies of World War II. Short .Subjects. Two Shows, '1.30 and 9.30. Monday, Tuesday April 20-24 PINKY Jeanne Grain Ethel Barnymore Ethel Walters Wm. Lundigan The Poignant Story of .a Girl who fell hopelessly and Desperately in Love. This is the Picture that Hundreds wanted to see previously, but we didn't get it on account of the Rail- road Strike. See It Now! News Reel and Shorts. One Show 8.00 pan. NOTICE A Mothers' Day Tea and Home Made Candy Sale will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on May 12th, from 3 to 6 p.m., under the auspices of. the Evangelical Church Choir. c ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Theodore W. Rader announce the engagement of their only daughter Margaret Anna, to Edward Arthur Horman, of Woods, tock, -Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horman, St. Pauls. The mar- riag'e will take place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, May 5th, 7951. --COMING EVENTS -- TICKETS NOW ON SALE Tickets for the beautiful Shetland Pony may now be purchased from any member of the Zurich Hockey Club or at almost any business place. This draw is being sponsored by the Zurich Hockey Club and proceeds are for benefit of injured Zurich Hockey Players. It is hoped the public, will support the .boysand buy prenty of tickets on the pony. The Lucky Draw will be made at a Monster Bingo and Dance to be held in the Community Centre on Wednesday, May 2nd. Minstrell Show Postponed OWING TO CIRCUMSTANCES tB,EYOND OUR CONTROL WE ARE OBLIGED TO CANCEL THE MIN- STREL SHOW SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 20th. WATCH FOR PARTICULARS OF THE NEW DATE NEXT WEEK. —THE COMMITTEE LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Ferd. Haberer spent days at London last week. Mr and 'Mrs. Lorne Rader attend- ed the Ness -Dougal wedding held in . the Anglican church, .Stratford on Saturday afternoon, where the form- er was one of the ushers. Mr. and Mrs Xenaeth Gingerich, (bridal couple) have returned after a lovely trip visiting relatives and friends in Kitchener and other places of interest: C. W. L. Meet The regular Monthly Meeting of St. (Peter's C.W.L. *as held Tuesday April 9th at the home of Mrs. Jane Rau. The President, Mrs. Remie Denotnme opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes as read were aft - opted. Father Bourdeau gave • an interesting report on the opening of the new school at Grand Bend for the Belgians and Hollanders. The executive of 1950 was unanimously returned for 1951 as follows: Spir- itual Director, Rev. Fr W. Bourneau; President, Mrs. Remie Denonune; 1st Vice Pres.,•Mrs. Gus Roche; 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Ken Etue; 3rd Vice, Miss, Wilfred Corriveau; Recording Secy.. retary Mrs. Lloyd Etue; Correspon- ding Secty., Mrs. Alvin Rau; Treas- urer, Mrs. Peter Masse; CounciiIor:., Publicity and Press, Mrs. Ken Etre; Education, Mrs. Louis Durand; Child Welfare, 'Mrs.. Gus Roche; Finance, Mrs. Laurence Regier; Membership, Mrs. W, Corriveau; Spiritual, Mrs. Maurice Durand, Mrs. Dominic Geo- ffrey. a few BORN "At tTi ""F rig* ]I Niiising `Mame, to Zurich on April 1.5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake, of Zurich, a •daughter. 01 Marry o m#cm gwmm.era1 jeonve iu, era1 Director -- Private Car l irbb'&l au;, ie Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable i XYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO `TRENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIF1D FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service -- Dashwood Tel. 7©W. E re 11 3-''; Stogie WE HAVE NUMEROUS ARTICLES STILL AT OLD PRICES. BUY NOW, AS PRICES. ARE STEADILY ADVANCING WEEK -END GROCERY SPECIALS Nabob Coffee, I pound Bag 99c Raspberry Jam -• Large 24 -oz. Jar 38c K.ellog's Corn Flakes - 2, 8 -oz. pkgs. ?oc; No. 1 DUTCH Sal' l S per lb. 19c FRESH G OCERIES F;'; UITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! .�., ,.�.,...,. ..new. Phone 1140 C. H. THIEL Zurich r A very successful year's work was completed, leaving a substantial bal- ance in the treasury. The League has now eighty members. The 'ick and shut-ins were remembered with cards, Mass cards were sent to de- ceased members and various donat- ions were made for good causes. A- mong the high, lights of the year were The Convention in Goderich, which was attended and enjoyed by many, from this League. The Day of Recollection at Mount Carmel where St. Peter's C.W.L. was well represented. The Get Acquain- ted supper held in our Parish Hall when we 'entertained the district C. W.L's. There have been several suc- cessful social gatherings. We hope this year 1951 will be even more successful with a larger attendance at our very enjoyable meetings. .A delicious lunch was served and r. Bourdeau closed the meeting with prayer. --•-Secy. naeffeelnelannnelle CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHRSin 31.75 a Year b Adviiac,. ,1 32.00 in U. S. A., in Advances. 'moi - ~t`..w Remodelling House Mr and Mrs Sauve of Toronto,who purchased the property of the late Blanche Cowan estate, are busy hav- ing it remodelled. Left Hospital Mrs. John K. Ehlers of town, has left the 'Clinton Public Hospital and is now in ;residence at the home or Mr and Mrs. Russell Werner at Grand Bend. G£�nne To Hospital Mr. TedMittleholts left Monday for Victoria Hospital, London, where he will be undergoing a hernea oper- ation W6 wish Ted a lot or good success and hope he will soon be back home again and able to attend to his daily duties. Welcome Back Mr. Fra'aeis • Kipper, the rormer proprietor; of the Zurich Dairy, has been engaged by the present propri- etor, Mr. 'Len. Erb, to take care of this enterprise in town, and we wel- come pian ;back. In the near future Mrs. Kipper will move into the liv- ing quarters, and it will be nice to have theins: back again. A Bad Fire Last Wednesday night fire raged through the big Hanover Transport sheds ;at Clinton and destroyed trucks and equipment to damages estimated at $200,000. As the gasoline and big truck; tires blew up and burned it created a very, hot inferno about the place. Minstrels at Clinton The Zt ich Minstrel Show, spons- ored hyi,t ie Lions Club, journeyed to the Court y Home, Clinton, on Wed- nesday ev ening last week, area were royally received by the management there; 7.' fey put on their new show which asaln greatly applauded, and the man, jokes_ were well received by the - audience. This show {hag "been advertised for this Friday evening to be shown in Zurich, but owing to circumstances beyond our control, it has to be postponed for some fut- ure date annunced next week. Zurich Man Dies Very .Suddenly The Village and community was greatly shocked on Wednesday morn- ing when they, learned of the sudden; passing of a beloved byi all citizen ii: the person of Mr. Clarence Deters, an employee of the local Silverwoods Produce. He was found in the back of the plant with life extinct. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to relatives, Mrs. Datars and little daughter Marion, aged 3. As we go to press we have no .defin- ite ar'ran'gements as to funeral. Lions Club News A good attendance was 'present at the regular meeting on Monday ev- ening in the Dominion House, with very few being unable to be present. The CIub was visited by four Lions from London, 'among whom was tIle guest speaker, Duncan McCallum, the Deputy District Governor, accoml- anied by three other well known Lions. Lion Duna who is a lawyer in profession chose for his subject "Making of Wills". He stressed the fact that every person having any property of assets of any kind should make a will, and .by all means make it as simple as possible, and have it witnessed by tw,o capable• persons whoare not beneficeries in the will. He said he has seen a will written on an egg shell, back of an old calander and many other scraps of paper, and if properly made out and wit- nessed they become legal documents And can only be altered by a Judge of the Surrogate Court. Wills were imide by the Romans bong before the Christian Area. Life insurance pol- icies become part of an estate and will be considered such regardless of what some agents try to tell the 11:;1i,•yholders, he said. He also stres- s i d the point that everybody having all income should -by all means make out their. Income papers annually, as it will greatly simplify natters in the di -posing of estates. The speaker was ia:troduced by Lion President .Tacoh ani was thanked for his fine addle, st b� lion Vice -Pre . Victor. At the nen meeting a shite of ()ureter.: fol' 1a•,• coming year will be brought rep (t; r , itine headed by Lion Earl -°. fi ee the meetnes a` n brought to a close the Lions ail went mor to the Community Centre wherry a,l practice of the minstrel show was lin order, the London group ,remain - ing for the film part of the 'program, The Voice of Temperance A year ago the Wingham Area Committee was making plans for the installation of artifical the. One of the men remarked "Our biggest head- aChe is going to be liquor." Then he drew a picture of drinking in the bleacher:, and bottles thrown on the ice. Now the first season an artificial ice is nearly over. It is very grafi fy- i„g to learn that there Ivo been a "1';' 7k1111-att1l11 of trOilhle; het'.t i v 4, 1411101'. ( l'lis ;i'i,''1 5 that l--eople do not need a- bottle of liquor "or an evening's enjoyment. It also proves that the Lurid reports of drink- ing in public are largely loose falls-�„ Advt. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made Isle. Order — Seth 0. Amann, .Zuriek Ont. Phone 128. Sern DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUNDASS LONDON, ONT. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES, AT A SAVING A a HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend na this winter. Solve ty;our heating problem this easy way and change to the cod that will definitely assure you con- tinuous heat throughout the wintee months. And remember — BLUE GOAL burns better and lasts lougere Roe's Vitirnizeci Feeds LRNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. Ma HENSALL S S as 0000060000000 +raaa 000 i;, (000 @DSQ Q0900000 + eae Untta Licensed # Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent -FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Darr . Nght Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, " asaase ea @a iflQG965SQ+'A^ame coaamUuc aC^r,6De75Weaa 9 Vana tore We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season _as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Me Oesc Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 1 1 HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHICKS With: Pioneer Chic Starter Mash and Crurhples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of ,Fresh 4 roceries always on Handl 6 .. 'id 1. "' @. 6I i1C�6 IE. Schwaatzentrt er, Prop. Phone 11-97 l