HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-04-12, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO DASI-IWOOD Mr and Mrs. Tradell of London, have moved into the house formerly swned by the late ,loseph Ziler. Mr and Mrs Russell Tiernan were Sunday visitors with relatives in Kitchener. Joan Guenther, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guenther had her ton- sils removed in the Hooper nursing home 'hi Exeter. I41r and Mrs. James Ogden and laughter Jean of London were Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Also attending their a 56th 'wedding anniversary. Mr and Mrs. Russell nonnative and son Tommy were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Thos Hoperoft. The Young People .o,f the Evang- elical -Church are busy practising a Play which will be given in the near •l uture. BORN—Mr and Mrs Fred E. Hop - croft, H•MVICS„ Halifax; Dartmouth. Nova Scotia, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter (Alma Ruth). A. sister for Michael, Tuesday, .harsh 27, 1951. (Last Week's Items, Withheld in the lir and Mrs Maurice IIlumpp and family spent the week -end with' re=' lative. in Detroit. Rev. H. Getz was a guest speaker in Kitchener Sunday afternoon. \Ira. W. Filkins and daughter of Rowell, Mich., are spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. The Mens' Club with their wives, held a social evening in Pfile's hall last Monday night. Misses Connie and Joanne Spell- man of Kitchener spent the week -end with their cousin, 1vIary Jane Hoc - man. 1)*** ..; 004901®o11Wed'Do S1i09tHIQDott000shy4'rJve006.G^ oaeo DooTisocee t ti9 0 • st 'C9 • • 2 Rruder Tire and BaPery Service • • 2 • • dB .*•• +ae®?a•tse• We Sell the Most, because we use you Best, ALSO Household Appliances, Frigs., Stoves, Washing Machines, and Groceries. B.A. ONE -STOP -SERVICE Phone 50 r 5. Grand Bend. • r • 0 • • • • • • • • etrtitStme eseeesseess•,seeesess••eeesieesee • • 521IE12571525: rrir ��•� af.e,eoe • TENDERS FOR SCRAP METAL • • Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be -0 • received until Twelve Noon, Wednesday, April 1 8th, 1951, for the purchase of 10 - 12 tons of • Scrap Metal. Scrap includes two Tractors and : the balance mainly agrilultural implements destroy- • ed by fire. 1 • • • A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. t i 1 SEALED TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN IMPLEMENT SHED WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UN- DERSIGNED UNTIL TWELVE NOON APRIL 18th. IMPLE- MENT SHED 24 FEET BY 48 FEET TO BE BUILT ON A TWO FOOT WALL SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER. ONE DOUBLE DOOR ON SIDE, EACH 'DOOR EIGHT FEET NIDE; ONE DOUBLE DOOR ON END, EACH DOOR SIX FEET WIDE! TWO WINDOWS; SIX LIGHTS 10x12; ONE VENTILATOR. FIRST TENDER — CEMENT BLOCK WALL. EIGHT FEET HIGH WITH ROOF AND ENDS 28 GAUGE STEEL, SLID- ING DOORS. SECOND TENDER -28 GAUGE STEEL SIDES, ROOF AND END, SLIDING DOORS. THIS SHED IS TO BE ERECTED AT THE HURON HOME, CLINTON AND SITE AND POSIT- ION OF DOORS AND WINDOWS CAN, BE OBTAINED FROM MR. E. J. JACOB, MANAGER. A. H. ERSKINE, CLERK, COUNTY OF HURON. GODERICH, ONTARIO • s St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Cyrill Masse • of Detroit spent the week -end in this neighbourhood, attending business. Mr and Mrs Frank Ryder of Lon- don and daughter and Miss Marion Bedard, also of London spent the week -end with their parents on the 13. W. Highway. Mr and Mrs Len Sararas and Mrs. Avila I)ucharme all of the B. W. South, ,motored to Stratford on Fri- day last en a business trip. Mrs Sarah Geolirey, of Tieavertown spent Sunday at the horse of TvIr. and Mrs. Dennis'Geoffrey of St. Jos„ eph, and on this occasion a birthday party was given her in num:rer of 64 ;years. During the day Well Wishers railed at the home of the host, to offer birthday greetings and many more of them. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Ober of De- troit spent the week -end in this vic- inity. Dted at Windsor Word was received on Monday last of the passing of Mrs. Josephine Besegnuel of Windsor at the age of 90 years. Deceased and her husband had imigrated from France in their early years and settled in the Prov- ince of Quebec, at a point called Lac Migantic, and there entering in the lumbering business. Later on selling their interests, from that Province coming to. St. Joseph, then a prosp- erous centre, and while here had en- gaged in the wine making business for some years. But as the trans- portation ,was not favourable for that business, they then sold their enter- prise and moved to Windsor a few years later. Mr. Besegnuel had predeceased her in 1919. They had a family of three sons and five dau- ghters, the eldest daughter Eugene contracted tly;phoid fever in the year 111901 ,which caused her death. Her remains were laid in this St.. Joseph's Parish Cemetery. The family left St. Joseph in 1907, and took up re- sidence in Windsor. Why Advertise? Did you ever stop to think that the poor old duck's busness is arways in a slump, due to her lack of ad- vertising? She lays her eggs in seclusion, she never makes any noise about it. But when the hen lays her eggs—her cackles are heard far and near. She tells the world about it— She advertises! The result is the world eats hen's eggs by the mill_ ions; while the poor old duck's eggs are unsought! GRAND BEND MRnisters Discuss `Wrath of God' The South Huron .Ministerial As- • sociation was entertained for its re- gular meeting at the home of Rev. • and Mrs. Glenn Beach, Grand Bend, A devotional service was conducted by IVIr. Beach, with Rev. J. V. Dahrns of Crediton leading in prayer. The speaker, Rev. W. C. Parrott, of Crediton, took as his subject, "The Wrath of God." Drawing attention • to a 'widespread conception among • • theologians and others that has ex- • isted from as long ago as the second century that God is incapable of be- ing angry he cited several passages from both the Old and the New Test- aments that can lead to no other con- clusion but that God can, and does become angry at sin. $ 1 • • • •• ••• • • • A 5 •• 0 res nted BARLEY - OATS - AND - KIDNEY BEANS H.E.P.C. APPROVED BEAN COOKERS FOR SALE W. E. Rei" Phone 87W HENSALL Mrs. J. E. 1VIcEwan, and Mrs. C. Forrest, are in Sarnia this week at- tending the 37th annual meeting of • , the Womens' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, Hamilton and London Synodical,held • in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church • Sarnia, Tuesday, Wednesday and q Thursday, this week. s • Miss Minnie Reid has returned a home from Daytona Beach, Florida, e • where she spent the past five months • Mr. Gordon Wren who 'was ser- * • iously hurt in a two crash accident ® 1 1-4 miles north of Kippen, is • showing slight improvement at date • of writing, he is a patient m the Clinton Public Hospital with con- cUSS1O rs. • Friday, April 13th at 8 p.m. the • W'omens' Missionary Society of the United Church are holding their an - b nual birthday party in the Sunday School Auditorium. Guest speaker is Rev. Annie P. Graham, Metropolitan Church, London. This promise:) to he an outstanding event. The Misses Dell and Wynne O'Neil of Clinton visited Miss Minnie Reid on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Cook, who has been on the teaching staff of Hensall pub- lic school for the past three years, teaching grades one and two, bas tendered her resignation, to take eff- ect at the conclusion of the school • terra. • Mrs. 'Milton Love was taken by ,Bonthron's ambulance last week suff- • Bring with a heart condition, to the hospital. Her manry, friends trust that She will soon be restored to her health again. Mr. George Grain, Hensall's oldest resident, who has been in poor health was taken to Mrs. J. dlaodgert's nurs- ing home, Exeter, last ,week. Mr. William Love, who has been a • patient at Clinton Hospital since the I j beginning of the year, is improving nicely. Mr. Jahn MacGregor was taken to e St. Joseph's Hospital, London, by •t atnbulance last week in the interests i • Dashwood, Ontario • The "D J ©► N Steel Thresher t 1 Equipped with Roller Bearings, available with Shredder, Elevator or grain thrower; rubber or steel tires; freight prepaid; order early; call or write LEONARICt SARARAS Phone 77 r 11, Zurich 4 .w,U ,RICH HERALD of hitt health, At date of writing he is showing some improvement. The Bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday last was well patronized, Mrs. T. Brintnell won the door prrze these bingos sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary will be held every Saturday night, and will feature a door prize and jack pot. All cash. prizes. Miss Bernice Jinks, Miss Donna Routledge, muses in training at Vic- toria Hospital, London, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs Manley Jinks. Huron's Original Old Time Fidd- lers Contest, sponsored by the Cham- ber of Commerce drew a packed hall in the Town Hall Friday 6th, three hundred were turned away. ec'resid- ent W. F. Riley was chairman and awarded the prizes. Forty contest- ants took part from various centres. The prize for the fiddler from 76 to 100, was won by Wm. Hyde, Hensall Frank Harburn, Cromarty. Other interesting classes were keenly con- tested, the winners being from here and there. Step dancing was also contested. Plans will 'be made to accomodate larger crowds next year. Citizens Leave Town iMr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Davidson, residents of the village for the past nineteen ,years; Mr. Davidson form- erly being in the coal business, Ieft Monday of this week to take up re- sidence in Port 'Colborne. Mr. David- son will assist his son Allen in the furniture and undertaking business, which Allen recently purchased.They will be greatly missed from the vil- lage wther•e both took an active part in the welfare of the town, as well as church activities. HIGHER POSTAGE RATES Postal rates on third class matter so that lc cards and 1c stamped en- velopes have become obsolete begin- ning April lst. Any such on hand can be used by adding an extra 1c. stamp. This affects advertising cards, get well cards, and all salutation cards for any occasion and are no longer eligible to go at the lc. rate in open envelopes. but must have 2e. in postage attached, printers' copy alsia comes under this. Change is al- so made in parcel post rates, registr., aation fees have doubled, and some other items have been ,jacked up in price. In all eases see your local postmaster about R. Published for Everyone No man is too poor to take his local newspaper and it is false economy to try to get along without it. Hardly a week passes, that something does not rly do 3 we c nt or Thursday, April 12th, 1961 appear in its columns ,vvhieh will be o$+ financial benefit to you and by the end of the year you have made or sav- ed from one to twenty times the sub. seripion ,pnice. The city papers do not !take the place of your local paper, although, some people seem to think they do. The city papers are alright In their way, but they do not given you what you are most interested inn in your community. You cannot learn from them when public meetings area, held, who have died, who are marry. ing and who are moving out and who want to sell land, or other articles, in By plowing around a hill rather. than up and down, small damsx; instead of gulleys are created by - the furrows. These hold the topsoiti back during rains and spring thaws,. Crop increases of 20% to 30% have, been recorded the first year after - contour plowing. It takes almost 10000.. years for nature to produce one inch of,' topsoil. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT --- YOURS TO ENJOY CAItLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO .:a ,•'�::?T,'^:}:�:4...:,^.i?>i:<•v'ii?':;:S:v:i•�:'l,.i::,iji:::++: :�i: U'C;•+.• n..v.S»:•:,`liY::?4Wsi�ih'`fy::ry.4:JiJtS4 .Y.viiiiN?.' `r. ,,'.•i4"!.\4 i:n�:,'Si\•R,S:{ ipY•Y.;%.�:w,.;f`i «:ro�afca�i M'FJ:Y" t.exyw :Ys4: "tk,�t;2Lje tl �Oun GPcue with eke The "sure-fire" gunners of the P/F%DARTJLlzQY The Canadian Army Active Force is on the alert. The highly -trained, expert gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery stand by their guns — ready to defend Canada's freedom. The fighting men of the Royal Canadian Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work and fight in smoothly co- ordinated teams ... and proud of it! Canada needs more men like these "sure- fire" gunners --- men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. You can take your place beside men like these --» as a member of a field guns crew—by reporting Nolpmaite anados immediately for training as a soldier of the Canadian Army Active Force. Canada needs you now! Report today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST- 1. UST1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 30 years of ago. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements. S. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Mlellie Neuss, Rideau R Charlottb Sh., OTTAWA, Oa. N.. 3 Personnel Depot Artillery Park, Beget St., KINGSTON, Ont. No. & Personnel b t, Charley Park, Ds.eiee brie., TORONTO, O.. lee. 1• Peesewe.l bepee, Wel ,try Raet• INsebeti lt., &ONDON, Oaf. Ate•.:• s kitten to "Th* Vokp of the Army" —Iffodnetsday even'nea PomLnlon Nety_sit a..