HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-04-05, Page 1• Established J9_00. ST, PETER'S Ivant,elical Lutheran Church ZTTRICH - ONTARIO QV. E. W. HEIMRICf, PASTOR .11.1111 Petro.—Divine Services. 111.15 a.m. —Sunday &led. 7.80 'p.m. --Divine Worship. rr1ody Welcome am all Serv€c,as. EMMANUEL . EVANGELICAL U. v.. CHURCH Zurich '-- Ontario '" REV. H. E. ROPPEL JT Minister Hrs. Milton' Oescti w Orgemilet gin' day Services:--- 6li',G:00 a.m.—Divine Worship, 7L00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:83 p.m.—Divine Werahip. C ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ER APRIL 5 1951 Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday April 6-7 DANCING IN THE DARK Wm. Powell, Mark Stevens, Betsy Drake, Adolph Menjou and Jean 13ersholt There is nothing more Exciting than Just That! Shorts. Two Shows: 7:30 and 9:30. Monday, Tuesday April 9-10 THREE GAME HOME ' Claudette Colbert Patric Knowles and Florence Desmond Women Without their Men; at . the Mercer of Men ,without their *omen News Reel and Shorts, One Show: 8:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT .Mr and Mrs. Theodore Stemba'ck of Zurich announce the engagement '91U'elco,sne at ants S®avlax--'"Cesaso of their daughter Florence Muriel to eat with us and a® will ,�o the.James S. Hackett, son. of Mr. and +o NMrs. Francis. S. Hackett. The mar - a. um' nage will take place on Saturday, April 218th, at 3 o'clock' p.m. in St. P.eter's Evangelkal Lutheran Church .Zurich, Ontario. Are You Surfer Frau Hew. 'rthem? corporated was held in the Hay se, Have yew eazies Exameareed we Township Community Centre, Zurich ion Wednerday evening, March i2'8th, Latest Methods! read Equiennent at and attended by 250 members and sr families. The catering was well done ; °' C,k by the local. Women's Institute, ase Annual Meeting AND BANQUET The annual meeting and hangpet- of Hensall District Co -Operative In - ...OPTOMETRIST & .TICIAN silted Eby other ladies. It was disclosed during the busin- Dance in the early part of May. GODERICEE ese O® ess session that the turnover for 1950 –COMING EVENTS - MINSTREL SHOW The Zurich .Lion Club are busy practising their new Minstrel Show,which will be given in the Zurich Coanenunity 'Centre some time the middle of April. This promises to be another outstanding event of good entertainment, as the past two shows these men put en was so well receiv- ed by the public, and we can assure You that this will be another good one. So watch for further announce- ments. NOTICE BADMINTON MEETING The annual organization meeti n of the Zurich Badminton Club will b held on Tuesday, April 10th, at p.m., at the Community Centre. Al persons interested are cordially in vited to attend. '.[this Club has been in operation for only one year and in that time much has been learned about the game and club operation. This knowledge will be put to good use in the year to follow and it is expected that a anuch stronger club will be the result. If you have not played the game emu will find it to Le most interesting as well as facin- ating. , Come out to the meeting. Be- come a 'member and get into the whirl of things for a season of good clears sport and 41 ,that goes with it, g e 8 PLANNING LUCKY DRAW Plans are`under way by the Zurich Hockey Club to have a lucky draw on a 'beautiful little Shetland Pony. Pro- ceeds of this draw are to pay hospital expenses.f o one of the players who suffered a severe injury during the past season. Tickets will be avail- able within the next few days and may .be purchased from any member of the Hockey Club. The pony to -be drawn for is sure a beauty and it can be seen any time after next week It is hoped everyone will support, -th a very worthy cause. The 'd'raw will be made at a monster Bingo and was $313,989.88, an increase over gatk°4 Glames art S Prim" 1.949 of 1215,0219.24. A dividend of 10 arry : ato- man, `' ),zera,Z 0231/6 ' unera1 Di/rector Fri mite Cal' .4tn.. r&laztce Member of Ontario • Funeral Association older Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable * XYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT --INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hou Service — Dashwood Tel, 70W. zee aiiatoMiZMASSEW 100 'KERNS 2 — 3 Ply WHEELING YARN - ASSORTED SHADES Large Assortment in the Newest Shades of 1-2-61- •% oz. Balls Bouquet Yarn All these at the OLD PRICES Vire have our Bundle Lots of Wallpaper ready for Sale. .Also our new Samples. Pick these up MTh& They Last. FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich it per cent was declared on electrical goods,. 2.5 per .cent ongeneral purp- oses. It was ,also disclosed that the seed cleaning plant erected during the past year is now operating. . A. C. Savage of Bolton president of the Ontario Co -Operative Credit Society, was guest speaker. He str- essed •adequate financing, member- ship loyalty, and efficiency'of manag- ement. Roy McBride, Zurich, Dun- can Cooper, Kippen, were re-elected for a three year term. The slate of officers are. --.Presi- dent, Samuel Hendrick, Dashwood; Secretary!, Bertram Kiopp, Zurich; Directors, Edson Forrest, Hensall; Duncan Cooper, Kippen; Kenneth Etue, Zurich; RoyMcBride, Zurich; Wm. Caldwell, Brucefield; Gordon Love, Zurich. President Sam. Hend- rick was chairman, and Newell Geig- B er led in Community singing, Miss in Marjorie Klopp was paini t, and of cornet solo numbers were well ren- so dered by Mrs. Clare McBride. ge Enjoyed Florida Mr. Oscar Klopp of town return- ed on Sundaiy; efx om a few weeks' trip to Florida, where he stayed w-ith his son, VLr. and Mrs Harold .IUopp of Grand Bend, who also returned to their home. The 'former Mr. Klopp has just rceiyed a large shipment of the well Known M. -H. farm machin- ery for the convenience of disposingi of same to his customers. Celebrated 91st Birthday Many Pe thday Greetings to Mr. Andrew Thiel of town who quietly celebrated his 91stbirthday on Mon- day at the. home of his son, Mr and Mrs. George Thiel, where he is at residence 'Mr. Thiel received cards and persontal:calls to wish him contin- ued health :and many happy birth- days. ' 1Viru�sicaI Program kr. J:olin `Haberee, son of Mr and Mrs. Jeecolb Haberer of town, and who is attending :.Exeter District High sea School, s oneof the four chosen to sing in;.the massive choir of 300 voices winch was held in Toronto Eaton Auditorium last Wednesday night. 'the concert was stagers in conjunctio;ti with the Ontario Educ- ational Association. Director Mar- lowe ,G._uStnith, of Rochester, N.Y. Four students. elf each high school in Ontario,formed the group of sing- ers. Tiiejy were billeted with- high school irnbnd, in the 'city an enter- tained tol,:a party, where they met new frieeids and enjoyed a Social time together. We congratulate John and wish'him continued success in his studu and musical talents. Attended Banquet - Mi an lIrs. Cheater• L. Siiith mot- ored tee:41ineleranxtrMondey afternoon on business, also attended the tur- key dinner held in the Dundas Centre United Church, sponsored by the British and Foreign Bible Society, with Rev. Hudspeth, foreign mission- ary as guest speaker, and who has had parious experiences in the for- eign lands during the .past war,which were terrifying. The speaker told the gathering `That although the missionaries are all being driven out of the Communistic countries in Asia and Europe, still the Word of God is the •only, missionary that remain:; in their hands and dwells in their hearts. Japan is to receive this year four million. copies of the scriptures. A fine social time was enjoyed along with the good food partaken for both :oul and body. Lions Club News Lions to Install Lights At a special ,meeting of the Grand end Lions• Club ft was decided to stall traffic lights at the junction highway 83 and Main Street as on as possible. The corner is a clan- rous one and on busy summer days is the scene of mach congestion. The club felt the stop and go light will help keep traffic moving more safely Show Pictures At the regular supper meeting on Monday, evening, a good attendance was on, and the Lions had a very fine meeting, with no outside speaker present, however that part of the program was taken up by Lion Vic- tor operated' the movie machine show ing some very interesting pictures on "Safe Driving", which was veey ed- ucational, this however was followed by a film of "Stunt Driving" which very much contrasted the former, !e l e as quite thrilling, and we hope die riot detract the careful driving hap ednumltions in the former plc ,os :mono; the Lion.:. Following. .pictures the Lions all joined in big practice for the forthcoming nstrel Show about to appear to the public. Zurich Pee Wees Good (The Voice of heo) "Congratulations to the Zurich "Pee Wees" - the boys under twelve years of age who took in the series of games espensored by the Goderieb Lions Club, for their fine effort in a new venture. Congratulations also to Lim Herb and others who assist- ed in arranging for the boys to visit (;od,,rich for. the games. 't`heseboys are the hocked players of the future. Perlin's their success Illustrates the oae hea provided l,y our Arena. Do We Forget Thr„. Girls? "Teams of ,boys, are sponsored in softball and in hockey - but what do we do for girjs in corresponding age Bishop C.F. nein KITCHENER Renowed Speaker and Editor of the "Christian ,.Monitor" Will be the Speaker at the Youth for Christ RALLY SAT. APRIL 7th, 8 p.m. at the CLINTON HIGl-I SCHOOL it Splendid Talent.' also from Kitench or COME AND ENJOY' The Voice of Temperance' This is what they say about al- cohol. Dr. Emerson of Columbia "Medical sciences have learned that alcohol as commonly used , today, causes more disease, disability and death than any other cause of i11 health which is in the power of the individual at present." Dr. Pollock of the New York State board of Health, "The nation's economic loss from drinker, in the form of extra costs for police, jails,- courts and hospitals, core's to at least $10 bil- lion annually. The chemist, thc, path- ologist and the physiologist have found fthat alcohol itself in'any form and in any moment is a poison. So every argument is against alcohol. Will the public never learn? --...M,tvt,'groaps?t NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 5223. CHESTER le SMITH EsUBLISI' ige $1.75 a 'tie, r in Advtancrb, $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. DRAG RUGS and CARET On a New Modern Loom, Madan Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zwick NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Prompt. Optical ery ce DO YOUR EYES FEEL FATIGUED HERE'S TIMELY ADVISE HAVE THEM EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUI'JDASS • LONDON, 0NT .. ` BRING YOUR PRESCR.IPTION WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE MOST MODERN` IN SPECTACLES, 'AT A S,AV1Nd A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. as '00,000000Vaa 000000 0 0 se es lernalatesefft CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on WO winter. Solve your heating' probleiiaa this easy way and change to the coal that will definitely assure you cone tinuous heat throughout the winter months. And remember BLUE COAL burns better and lasts longer* Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 671triD HENSALL etaaeac'asa ael3sasasrva avae a *0144* Nunuall Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for. Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Res. 89Zia Telephone: 000010001110000000000000 0421ria fOOSSOCAZOIDZOCertGiONS siz 011 a rocer We are ever at your service with the best Iinea obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL e n ()each PRODUCE WANTED, ..sSSAILW",f7..; TIUMJr.ZIIWO.Ww yl Zrar.u�! 7,72EUZz' Phone 1165 l HEALTHIER AND STRONGER CHICKS With: Pioneer Cluck Starter Mash and Crumples, with New Megasul. Also in Stock, Electric and Oil Brooders, Feeders and Water Fountains, , Chick Grit and Oyster Shell. • GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl �,..t>tlern: �7 7 1 E. Schwartz ;lntruber, Prop, ! A Phone 1147 7 I 11110110110041111111.11111101111111111111111111111111111111111111116MMingaiMailaftfe