HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-03-22, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Poet Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard' OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAMBTON For pour Sale, large or small, Cour- teous and Efficient Service at all times! Phone 57 r 2. ti DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT elans Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7. VtTFi INIARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Rede,S Ten Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH Phone --86. BUTCHERS ' - ric Popular ME A ` M ARKET Let us supply you with the very choice of Fresh -and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool,Hides and . Skins H. Ituudhhl t itz...Son. low PRODUCF Silverwood DAIRIES, Cash Market for Cream,' Eggs and Poultry HIVE Your Eggs Graded on our FARM 50 to 100 •acres, with buil- EG!C: 'GRAM dings; state price ' and full particu- Put Your Want,,f.nr ale L. nal `" oylrl(:' ba'tC. Adam this Column. FOR SALE A frame barn 54x34", (14 -ft. posts; Frame- shed 20x80" 10 -ft. posts. -- Russell Consitt, RR, 1, Zurich; Pho. 695 r 15, Hensel" * FOR SALE McCormick -Deering 11 -run disc drill practically new.—Alex Challett, R.R. '2i, Zurich. 2* FOR SALE' 100 bales of mixed Clover Hay, 50 Cents a bale for immediate sale. Fred Bancroft, Phone 83 r 1, Zurich SEED FOR SALE A quantity of Beaver oats grown from Registered seed. Apply to Wm. Coleman, Phone 92-6, Zurich. c FOR QUICK SALE A Dodge •Coach 1940, low mileage. Arthur Edighoffer, Phone 46, Zurich. Seed Grain For Sale Mountcahn Barley and Beaver Oats. No. 1 Graded. Apply to: John Armstrong r& Sons, R. R. 1, Zurich; Phone 697 r 14, Hensel'. FOR SALE Several tons of baled hay (red clover and timothy mixed) and 10 or 112 tons of mixed feed, Beaver oats and*Urban barley. —Richard Robinson, Box 87, It. R. No 1, Zurich; Phone 33 on 699, Hensel!, Ont. Farm For Sale 1481/4 'acres on .Blue Water High- way, half mile south of St. Joseph, 7 miles north of Grand Bend. 50 acres of good clay loans, 50 acres of sandy loans, balance good pasture land with running water in creek. 7 acres bush, large bank barn, imp- lement shed and large house with telephone. Close to Hlyidro. $1,000. down, balance easy teams. —Write to Louis Brisson, 5876 Tecumseh Rd. E., Windsor, Ont. or phone 52.87;1 Windsor. FOR SALE A- quantity of Cob Corn, also some good Hay, alfalfa and timothy Alvin Gingerich Phone 90 r 6. 21c FOR SALE One solid Oak Buffet Smith mirror attached. 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 day bed.—George A. Stephenson, 676, r 3 Hensall..• FOR SALE • 1947 audeba'ker. 2-toi{`4Truck, sotmplete "wifii racks, also P.C.V. lic- ense. %George Anderson, ,Brucefield.* AUTOMATIC WANTED • lars in firat'1e'tter.'` Address Box 177 LeRoy O'Brien, Manager zuri ,., ant. ' • Rhone 101 Zurich FOR : SALE Dwelling and Business sight in Zurich. Apply to Ivan Willert, Phone 210, Zurich. c Zurich Creamery. Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus It premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg tilted Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. (has. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SALE WOOD Tops and Slabs — F: C. Ealbfleisch & Son, Ltd. Zurich c FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING TRACTORS: 1 Inter. Farman H. in good. condition 1 Inter. Farman C., like new, with plow and cultivator cpt. 1 Ford 1948, like new. 1 Ford 1947 with new motor. These Tractors are guaranteed like new. —Phone 601 r 22, Ailsa Craig. Ste Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK NILE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING I3USTNESS OF THIS KIND 1N ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in !lank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH • AGENT .Ai..SU DEALER IN LIGHTNING ODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE FOR SALE ZURICH HERALD . LOCAY�Y� Mr.. Ward Fritz made a business trip to Windsor early in Oe week. A birthday dinner was meld by the family at the home of Mrs, Wan, Hess in town on Sunday, in honor of her 80th birthday. Large numbers of citizens and of the ccen'rnnnity attended the hockey play-offs at .Seaforth the past week. T'loe T'lester, give—ether, sweet- heart, sister a fin.e Aynsley Bone China cup and saucer rift boxed $1.19 to $4..05.—I -less, the Jeweller. Mrs. Ed. -Oesch and Mrs. Roy Gin- gerich, ,Mrs. Ivan +Bcchler; Mr. and IVIrs. Amos Gingerich and daughter Jean, visited at the home of the for- nner's daughter, Mrs. Tony Etue at Goderich one day last week. Dr. and (Mrs. Archie MacKinnon of Galt; Dr. and Mrs, I3i11 Martin and son of London 'ancl Mrs. Rose Russel of Exeter made a friendly call on Sunday with the former't mother, .Mrs. M. MacKinnon, of town. A very good sheet of ice is ,again on the local rink, in fact some say no better ice was had all winter. The weatherman sure has his wires eros- fied this springy. 1 The Lions Dance in thecommunity Centre on Saturday evening was largely attended. This being St. Patrick's Day, much honor was done to the Irish, and suitable dee:orations were in evidence. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber who has been at Detroit and other places of interest for "a few weeks, has re- turned and is continuing her duties as housekeeper far Mr, Conrad &hilbe. Mr and Mrs A. Melick of town, his sister, Mrs. 1. Hudson of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Melick of Dashwood, attended the funeral of the loivner's sister, Mrs Wurtz at Pigeon,' Minch. on Saturday,Mrs. Wertz a former resident of the Zur- ich district, was in her 75th year,an invalid for the past ten yearn and during her these years was subjest to rouc! suffering. There is also another sister living, Mrs. Samuel Merner of Hensall. COUNTY VACANCIES FILLED The Warden's committee of Huron County -Council has appointed Co- unty .Treasurer Erskine acting Co- unty clerk and .Tchn Berry, or the County highways, office, acting dep- uty treasurer Tise vacancy ,created by the dearth of Clerk • _Nomnan Miller will be filled at the June meeting of the County :Council. . Mr. Erskine has also been appointed secretary treasurer of the ,Couiity Health Unit tie seal" nntil a .permanen't • appoint- Ment is made. This -also was a po'sit- ion.:lield by the late Mr. Miller. CONTROLS TIGHTEN; Ottawa, March 14 — Finance 1Vlin- ister Douglas Abbott tugged CSnad- can, ptu'Se :strings,•a bit 'tighter, with a neA series of regulations 'restrict- ing eMita intent buying. Effective on 1VIonday., March 19, Canadians•: seek- ixig to pliriliaee new' autos,.excluding trucks; Must make. a 5ninimi?Ii,adown payment -'of one-half of tiee cash price instead -Of 1 -3rd as 'hitherto. And, iii . the ease ' of all oth€r. com- modities;;; the minimum down pay- ment was raised •f$' brfe r'ifth to one -third •of the pashas 10 acres of beech, hard and soft maple bush tops. -- Arnold Keys, Varna, Ont. '`` NOTICE We are cancelling all drain til' orders dated prior. to January 1st, 1951. If you still require tile we would suggest that ,sou re -order them at once. Geo. Coultis & Son, Theclford, Ontario. Dead Stock -BREAD on the table the meal is ready! The Management of the Tasty -Nu Bakery and the Entire Staff wish each and everyone a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Our Many Thanks for the past year's Patronage! asky-rm 1aei<y PHONE 100 — Zt iR a i•• FOR SALE *New Idea and Minneapolis Moline Farm Machinery!`: FairbankseMorse Hammer Mills; Boom's Wagon Un - loaders. Gibson Refrigerators. Ask us for folders and prices before yon buy any farm equipment. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 2821. p4t HAY COUNCTt The regular meeting .of the Hay Towndliip Council was held in the Council Chambers, Zurich, on Mon- day, March 5th- at 1.30 p.m. A representative- from the Dept. of Highways was present at the open- ing of the gravel tenders. The foll- owing motions were passed That the minutes of the last regu- t lar aneetin, Feb. 5th, and special me- eting, of Feb 12th be adopted.. as I read. That we accept the !1951 gravel tender as received from Roy Ire- land to crush and haul 6,000 -cu. yds. of crushed stone at 35e. per,' cu. yd., for crushing, and 65c per cu. yd. for hauling. Township to supply one truck Contract to be signed as soon as .p.ossible and all work and material to be approved by Jas. Masse, Road Sup't and •tb conform, with tender. 'That we set the rate of pay for WarblelFly spraying inspector at 75c per hour including mileage. That .Bruce Klopp be engaged as inspeor for the Warble Fly spray- ing: bgxiig ;canducte'd • in the Town - Hays from the latter '' part of -Mardi to time when cattle are put out on :grass. • That we accept Win. Watson's ten- der for spra§ing the. cattle of Hay! Township for -Warble -Flee as submit- teitat 1.1+e per• head for first applie- ation -and 11c per head for second application and';' that 'contract: he '• drawn up before work commences.. That• we order 6 tons of Now 4 coalSaelffeettigeffaffinfifiiiiMMIN .frons.. Stade '& Wei -do- for Township loo 'FRUIT GROWERS 'MEET• A suggestion that the fruit grow- ers of Huron County be joined 'by the' county's vegetable growers was made at Clinton. Clayton Laitlhwaike Goderich, made the suggestion as a means of strengthening the fruit men's organization at the annual meeting of the Huron Fruit Grow- ers' Association. The oldest farm or- ganization in the county, the fruit growers, returned the past ,year's slate of 'officers for the 1951 'term, Harold Goble, provincial entomologist from .O.A.C. Guelph, in addressing the ;gathering, stated that if grow- ers have a good spraying schedule fol their orchards, to stay with that pro- gram. He spoke on insects and ilia - ease which have proved a great worry to growers. OBITUARY• George Ciausius Passes Thursday, March 22nd, 1951 Co -Op F• Ft • • ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co-Operat ve HENSALL and ZURICH ilS2 wRmr}3nKalraGe' 7^.'S'fI.dVJHL RSUMICNii •" �.T,65' L W�''..31111 WE'RE -' • DY TO H YOU 1":1 YOUR (:ARa epresentsaaauaJvr iiive'tnient• It deserves the best of care—and t1i,it'e Vtia at we're ready to give it. Wheil:ei it's a complete ialsric ation Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Innperial service—the kind That will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcer ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 2i HIGHWAYS IMPERIAL virs DEALER -'911-441averse (w) SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! •11••••••••••1•111, NOTI • There has been a continual rise in Shoes, especially Mens' Work Shoes, but we still have a limited stock at the original price. Why not take advantage of these prices? Look them over, no flaws, no seconds! We also have a good Assortment of Ladies- Dress Shoes, also the much talked about Discs. GIVE US 'A CALL! Oesch Shoe Store That a spray be sent in sympathy to the family of the late N. W. Mil- ler, Clerk of Huron Co., and .card of condolence. That wen join• the Association of Assessing Officers of .Ontario Dist- rict No. 4 and that fee of $10' ilie re- mitted. ' That unemploymeft Relief for Mrs Edith Mason be increased from $20. to $30. as of March 1, 1951. That By-law No. S, 1951 appoint. ing .George Armstrong as Assessor, be given third reading, also by-law No. (3,' 1951 appointing officials- and leyelaw No. 7, 1951 setting -rate of pay be given third reading and finally passed. The following accounts be paid as per voucher: Relief—Mrs. Edith Mason $30.00; Enuna Bassow 8.00,, F. C. Kalhfleisch & Son Ltd., wood $5. General --Hay Stat. Co. Ltd. 25.93 Ont Assn of Rural Mun Fees $5:00; Miinic World 36.33; K. R. Westlake $10'; 4ivlrs. -L. Higenell, aid to Jessie Wilds $20; Louis Rader $20; Dar1 Campbell $20; H. W. Brokenshire '1'28!4'5; Assn. of Assessing Officers $10 Telephone SystemH. G. Hess 1745 - There passed away at his:late re- .15; H. W: Brokenshire 78.17; J. W. sidence, Hay Township, on Thursday, Haberer 37:50, Mrs Marjorie Schilbe March 15th, George Clausttus, le lib 24.73; Bell Tele Co 812:88; Harry 88th year, beloved husband 'of the McAdams $44; Ideal Supply Co. $65 late Barbara Lotz, who predecease( ;Northern Elec. Co. 470.52, S,trcntberg 19 years ago, and dear father of Carlson Co. 1.04.94. Henry, of Hay Township; Robert i+ . Roads—Sheridan Co. 45.81, Huron hone; William of Tavistock; Ii;lmei Expositor 3.68, Fisher and Son Fo- ot'Windsor; ,hers, William Payee I undr.v' $54: General Supply Co. (3.50; (Louisa), Tavistock; Amelia at home He was' the- last survivor of a large family, a very hard working and in - c dustrious nian, honest and upright, and very much devoted to his bonne and family. 'Born in Hay Townehip, and lived in the Zurich com.niunity tors 11.62; Mich. Masse 7!2,45; Louis all his lifetime. for 40your:; on the Ayotte 5,20; Frank Wildfeng 412.40; $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for farm hone he died, just at the nor- Louis Mass 5.86 ; Lloyd Campbell Lifting. ---Jack Williams. Call Phone therly outskirts of town. The re- 7.501 {Gerald Northcott 4,87; Bob 214 r 4, Creditor Central, -o1-5-`50 +tii;iin r•nri, laid to rest Sundity :af- Wilclf.cn;o• 10.71 ; Jack 'Malay 3.25; - salt a 'as r noon, as the body was resting at Louis Ayotte 7,4,5; Math. Denomne the Weetlulca Funeral' ;Tome from 18.90; Al ph. Masse 132,86 Alvin? Weiner 32.64; Edmund Walper 3.251 Leonard Debits 111.05. Motion that the !Beating be adjo- urned to meet again on Monday Apr -1 it 2nd at 1,30 Ilan. Pet. 1+1. W, Heinrich afhelatin 11. W iirol.ensh;to. Cl(a)'k. '1'lu• let,i•rt1 Hein, 1 ai• elf attetld.•'. .Earl Campbell, Reeve 11. W. Brokensltire 51.8$; JamesMass 181.02; The Pedlar People :2;055.38, St, Joseph's Service $6; Supertest. Corp. 75.60; Dept. of Highways $44; Zinuner's Garage $4; Klopp's Garage L. A. Prang & Son 5.75; Zurich Mo - Buy A Beatty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known • Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers I, at three popular prices: $119.50• • 149.50 159.50 • Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. • Come in and see then? - they'll speak for themselves • • Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy !-lard- • ware on hand. I • Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. • Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satin Datars&.. • O'Brien NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can he made Bill Watson Dashwood -- Phone 351.19 where a private funeral service was held at 2:30 p.m., followed by a pub- lic service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Interment was made in St. Peter's Cemetery, with his p i - • Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 i • •t arse Harris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU M.4Y REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm' Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Rein. 67 NEEDS! R EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR 1�AlUl .12141111111,4