HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-03-15, Page 44 ZURICH e ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Jsed Tr..ctor Bargains 1—Case VA and mounted ploa 8 years old. 1 --Case VA, no Hydraulic, 3 yrs. old. 1—Case "C" on perfect Relawr, with P. T. 0. Fordson on steel, a good one. 1—Case D.C.-3 Demonstrator, a cash bargain. 2 Used 9-24 Tirea, ideal for Spreader. Exeter Farm Equipment ?hone 508 - Exeter, Ont FOR SALE • • VILE FOLLOWING TRACTORS.: 1 Inter. Fennell H. in good condition I Inter. Farman C., like new, with plow and cultivator cpt. 1 Ford 1948. like new. 1 Ford .1947 with new motor. 'Mese Tractors are guaranteed like slew. a—Pone 601 r 22, Arise. Craig. 3tc 4. • SALESMEN — Full Time. Are expanding our sales force, New scam given training. To all formear canvassers we can show you a posit- ion which pays the best. Fruit trees %tea and ornamentals growing in i4emand. Every home owner a pros- pect. Good territories open, car a etteeeseity. Top commissions paid weekly. Relationship with -.staff on the human side. Write immediately • HE CARADOC NURSERY COM - • ANY, STRATHROY, Ontario. 2t.! NOTICE Applications will be received until Monday, March 26th, for Stenogra- pher for the Ruron County Public Health Unit at Clinton, Ontario, Apply in writing, giving experience and reference to Mr. A. II. Erskine, Huron County Public Health Unit, ti ode ieh, Ontario. LOCAL NEWS :\los,Ars Roy Ell) and Stanley Gin- gerieh motored to Kitchener to visit with friends on Sunday . Mr. Isiah Witmer of the Goshen Line aouth, was a week -end guest at the home of his brother, Mr and Mrs Sylvanus Witmer. Mrs. Russell T Le man and infani on, Barry Ruseell, of ,Dashwood, ea.re spending a few weeks at the home of the .1. ortnefs paients; Mr.. and Mrs. Milfred Schilbe. Mr and Mrs. Morley Witmer of Detroit; Mr and Mrs Allan Fraser of Exeter, visited at the home of the ladies' -eister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel . over the week -end. Mr and Mrs. Arthur alcClinchey, and children of London, were week- end visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. Roland Geiger, and other relatives over the week -end. Mr arid Mrs Lawrence Regier and Mrs. Gus Roche spent Sunday in London, where they visited with mem- bers of their families and other re- latives and friends. More 1Puppies • Mr. David Meyers and family got a big surprise when their six-year old Spaniel female dog gave birth to one female and eight male puppies. All are well and seem to be very happy. Moved to New Home ' Mr and Mrs Peter Funda'y and family who have been residing at Clinton have moved into the new home at the south end of town, re- cently built and owned by Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch. Mr. Fundy is assistant manager of the local Branch of the Bank of Montreal, andwe welcome the family to Zurich and hope they will feel at home in our midst. DRYSDALE FOR SALE 10 acres of beech, hard and soft 'maple bush tops. — Arnold 'Keys, 'Varna, Ont. NOTICE We are cancelling all drain tile orders dated prior to January lst, 1951. If you still require tile we would stig;gesf tIist 5tou re -order them -at once. Geo. Coultis & Son, Mrs. John Regier and girl friend of Seaforth, spent Friday night with the former's mother, Mrs. Jos. Rau. Mr. Remie. Denomme - returned ITome after spending a: few days in Ahmerstburg with his daughter Mrs. Laframboise. Thedford, Ontario. c, I! 4 easemestaemmomasuesamemmeensareasomme. The sG 0 N" Steel Thresher 1; a a Equipped" with Roller Bearings; available with Shredder, Elevator or grain thrower; rubber or steel tires ; freight prepaid; order early; call or write LEONARD SARARAS 'Phone 77 r 11, Zurich 1 • • • • •• • • • • 2 • • a Thursday, March 1.5th, 19511, the. wail* o i5,000,000 is needed to support Red Cross services for Disaster, Veterans, Free Blood Transfusion, Outpost Hospitals and Civil Defence Training. mere" never ends. • WALL BOARD .Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23,00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 1O% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be ea s ily and Economically Converted into extra Bedrooms or an income pro- ducing Apartment. . You can do most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbileisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Zurich and Goderich Telephones: ZURICH 69; Res. 162. GODERICI-I 388 xt&UglowatilrataiMar.,04.4r4NORWORazrmairotaramoninumem reenerneeterammeerawarre Mr and Mrs. Joseph Ducharme of Maymont, Sask., are at present vis- iting with the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Ducharme. Mr and Mrs. LouiaMoritague and family called on Mr and Mrs. Delmar IVIeidinger last :Sanday. Sorry to report that Mr. Charles Bedard is not as well as his many friends would like to see him. DASHWOO Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. Russell Hoperoft spent a esew days last week with relatives in Port Col - 'borne and Buffalo. !Mr. and .Mrs....gordore.Clemasearie family Of London -were Sunday visitors with Mr and IVAs. T. Harry Hoffman, Misses Marie and Pee;r1 Kraft are confined to their home with the flu. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Iloperoft were Sunday visitors with fids in .God - r,:• erich. Mr and Mrs E. G. Kraft and sons Ken. and 'Gordon hale returned home ,OLfter spending Op months in Florida. Mr • and Mrs George. Tiernan spent the week -end in -Toront,O. Mr. .Lorne Kleinstiver 'spent bat weekon business. in eBowmanville.. Mrs. Kleinstiver is spencring this week with her parents in Biternanville. Allemang who has been stay- ing with her daughter'' Mrs. Albert Miller, was taken to tie hospital in London recently where she under- went a serious operation on Saturday Her many friends hope for improve- ment. Special Evangelistic Lenten eerv- ices will be held in the Evangelic& church this week beginning Thurs- day evening, Friday evening and Sunday morning and evening. On Sunday evening a combined choir of Zurich, Crediton and Dashwood will be in attendance. Dr. E. S. Faust of Kalamazoo, Mich.. a Conference Superintendent in the Michigan con- ference, will be the guest speaker. . BAYFIELD 1‘1.-ise Marilyn Steckle was a recent visitor with Miss Coreen Dowson, of Varna. Air and Mrs Keith Brandon, Strat- ford spent a week -end with the for- mer's father, H. N. Brandon. Mr and Mrs Ivan Steckle and Ivan Jr. were visitors with Mrs. Steckle's aunt, Mr,, Wm. Hart, Varna. Mr and Mrs Mac. MacLeod, Port Dover, spent a week -end with the former's parent., Mr and Mae, L. H. MacLeod. Mrs. N. W. Woods and 'Miss Lucy Woods, who have spent the pasttwo months with Mr and Mn. R. H. Mid- dleton, Hensall, have returned to their home here. Birthday Surprise Mrs. Merton Merner entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. Walter articles. Westlake. It was a birthday surprise i • Milking Machine— Co-op. Univer- party. Progressive euchre was play- l sal milking neaohine, 15 single units. ed, the prize winner, being Mre. used two years; International cream Percy Weston and Mrs. R. Larson. separator; Electra Pail; 2-8 gal milk Gone to Florida . cans, milk pails and strainer. Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, Sr., left Household Effects—Kitchen cabinet Tuesday last to visit a niece and kitchen table and chairs, rockers, nephew, Mi:98 Ruble and Alex. Mac- Kenzie, Tampa, Florida. She was oined at London by another niece, Ir.. P. Walker, Toronto, who will accompany her on the trip. In the far-off forests and remote country districts,. the nearest doctor or closest city hospital is often hun- dreclsolitnilesaway. But now, your Red Cross stretches a healing hand across these lonely regions. In 82 Outpost. Hospitals and Nursing Sta- tions, skilled Red Cross nurses, provide comforting, often life- saving care. Give generously . not only to support the Outpost Hospitals, but to keep your Red' Cross strong to play its vital role with the armed forces and' in the work of civil defence. CANADIAN RED CROSS, Has he any wool? No. The mountain sheep ,is one member of the' sheep family that has no wool:• The heavy fleece which identifies common sheep is not a feature of the mountain sheep. His hide, a--▪ • closely, resembles the pelt of a deer. This advertisement is one in a series, to acquaint you with odditiesin natufe. We 'ail enjoynature: s•'; 414.4;ge lire can all help conserve• if. " • - _ • YOURS TO PROTECT YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED • WATIRLOO, ONTARIO • 2-95 IMINI•1110111•••••••11 marammu.nzimommr Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Steck and Implements on Lot 19, Con. 5, Hibbert Township, on' TUESDAY, MARCH 20th. at 1.00 p.m. • L. Kuntzi, Proprietor. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. • Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects, at Lot 22, Con.. 2, L. R. S., Township of Tucker - smith. 13f1 mile east and 1 mile. THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd. north of Kippen, on Horses -1 team of Clyde fillies 5 f and 7 years old, 1400 -lbs; set of team harness' and collars. Cattle -4 Durham. Cows, fresh at time, of Sale; 2 Durham cows due to freshen in April; 1 Durham cow due to freshen in July; 2 .Durham cows, e due to freshen in the Fall; 6 choice babel beefs, ready for market; 4 baby beef calves 500 -lbs. each; 2 Durham •calves born in the fall; 4 young calves. Pigs -4 York chunks 150 -lbs each; Poultry -200 year old hens, (New Hampshire and Sussex. Hay and Grain -700 bushels of mixed grain; quantity of turnips, 3 ton of clover hay. Implements—M.-H. binder; M -H. mower 6 -ft; hap loader, Internation- al fertilizer drill, 4 -section diamond harrows, disc harrow, bean scuffler and puller, single sniffler, walking plow, riding plow, manure spreader, side rake, sulky rake, farm wagon, flat rack, set of scales, 312eft. exten- sion ladder, fanning mill, root pulp -II er, 2 steel barrels, 5 -ft. water hose, set of sleighs, stoneboat, cedar posts, electric fencer, iron kettle, sling ropes, hay fork, forks, shovels,chains, cross cut saw and numerous other Commencing at 1 p.m. Quebec heater and other articles. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Warren Schilbe, Proprttress. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jiteckson, Auctioneer, ORDER YOUR Canadian Approved Chicks NOW! FOUR PURE BREEDS FOUR CROSSES All breeding Stock banded and tested for puIlorum by Inspectors of the Ontario Department of Agric ulture. The Hatchery is visited regularly by Inspectors .of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY Phone Zurich Hensall 697 r 11 Ontario • go. 4 Contracts Wanted BARLEY - OATS - AND KIDNEY BEANS H.E.P.C. 'APPROVED BEAN COOKERS Phone 87W FOR SALE W. E. Reid Dashwood, Ontario