HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-03-15, Page 3,..iL,uitlai&w❖o:; sxs::._n.....r..... , "How -do, Daddy,''. Says Tike 0/ TV—Television played postman for polio patient Jack Shad - ley. In a hospital for six months, Shadley kept wondering how his year-old baby, Rebecca Ann), looked 'since he saw her last. A letter by Mrs. Shad.ley to a television station turned the trick. The station arranged for Rebecca Ann and her mother to appear as ";Vest stars." While Shadley watched from his hospital bed., Rebecca tossed her dark curls, smiled and said 'How -do," te the obvious delight of her dad. . Since "Sugar" Ray Robinson took the middleweight boxing champion- ship from Jake Lalvlotta, people are beginning to compare him with some of the great middles of former clays -•-.men like Jack "Nonpareil" Dempsey, Bob Fitzsimmons, Kid McCoy, Mickey Walter, Harry Grab and all the rest of them. In fact, some of the experts are even going so far as to say that Robin- son is the best of them all. * Well, there's no doubt that Sugar Ray is a mighty sweet piece of fighting machinery, and it's hard to pick a flaw in him, But putting . him in the same class with Stanley Ketchel, the Michigan Assassin— •ihat, friends, is going a bit too far. For, as Arthur Daley says, there are plenty of folks—men who really know what they are tacking about --who firmly believe that Ketchel was in a class by himself, that there never was a ringman to com- pare with him, any weight. y :k* Ketchel was a comet who blazed 'briefly but fiercely across the fistic horizon. He wasn't quite 17 when he fought his first professional light. He was just 23 when he fought his last one, a few months before he was slain by an assassin's .. bullet. "I'll die before I'm 30," he had predicted. He overestimated his life span. * '5 * But in those brief years he es- tablished himself as the greatest of The great. He lost only two bouts, both by knockouts and both under =usual circumstances. Of the 59 he won, this fighting freak won 47 by knockouts. He had the ef- frontery and the punch to knock flown Jack Johnson, the heavy- weight champion. He had the con- summate skill to outpoint the fabu- lous boxing master, Philadelphia Jack O'Brien. There is a story that Francis Al- bertanti loves to tell. It's been told often before but it can stand re- peating because it illustrates the frenzied idolatry Ketchel com- manded. When Mickey Walker was in his prime, a quite inebriated gentleman sidled alongside and be- gan to pile on the praise. "Yesh, Mick," he bellowed, "You- 're the greatest fighter of 'ern all." "Greater than Ketchel?" needled Francis. "Ketchel?" screamed the drunk, turning on Walker with a snarl. "Ya couldn't lick one side of Ket- chel, ya bum, ya." * b The first knockout of the Michi- gan Assassin carne at the hands of Billy Papke, an outstanding chal- lenger himself. They'inet at ring centre and Ketchel casually reached out his gloves for the formal hand- shake. Papke 'fired in a "sucker punch" that blinded Ketchel. Fight - New Legs For Imogene -- Imogene Wittsche 'is pictured on the school campus wearing her new artificial legs which. replaced those she lost when hit .by a motor boat while swimming in Lake Tahoe in 1949. Her accident, given wide attention when it happened, prompted California and Nev- ada legislatures to take action restricting boat speed on Lake Tahoe. ww�\tiJNiSIAIFii'Mn Lilliputian Dream ---These two men aren't lost in the land of Lilliptit. They are .lord Motor Company officials who as using 66 miniature models to study proposed colors for 1952 Fords. The one-eighth scale cars, which are painted with actual baked, enamel finishes, were displayed in the styling showroom. The models do riot represent future body styles, but color selections from this group will be applied to a limited number of fuli- scale models for final approval. ing only on instinct, Stanley lasted ;until the twelfth round whe,i the referee mercifully Stopped the slaughter. Two months later there was re -match. Ketchel did not offer to.•, shake hands. In the cruellest. ex- . hibition the ring has ever seen, - he heartlessly sliced Papke bons. He could have knocked hir17.:• out in the first round. But just as • Papke would start to topple, Stanley would brace hien up, let hint re- cover and then punish hien some ' more. By, the eleventh round Papke's bloody hulk was beyond be'ug prop ped. Not until then did Ketchel dis-' dainfully finish him with one punch. But the most brazen exhibition of .his career was against Johnson, where he was outweighed by at least thirty pounds. Theheavy- weight champion, however, still had his troubles with this fighting fury who held the middleweight crown. In the twelfth round Ket- ches right crashed on Johnson's. jaw and the big fellow thundered to the canvas. He swung back from the floor and knocked out the Mighty Mite. 5 Those were the only defeats he ever experienced. It was no wond der then that he sent his famous telegram just' before his bout with Philadelphia Jack O'Brien. He sent it to his father. It read: "I won the fight, Stanley." 1 * * Accompanying hint to the tele- graph office was Nat Fleischer, the ring historian. "Do you always send such telegra s3s,before'a fight?". he spluttered. "He likes to 'know," explained Stanley, "and it always comes out, like I say." '5 4 :k In the first round of his match with Frank Klaus, another of the great fighters of some forty -odd years ago, the Assassin smashed over a terrific right that caught Klaus on the top of his head. 4 '5 "You bashed your hand that time, didn't you?" taunted Klaus, He was correct. Ketchel had broken his hand. "Yes, I busted iy hand," snarled Stanley. "But I still can lick you with one hand." He did, too, They built a huge granite tomb- stone over his grave. "Stanley could punch a hole in that tombstone," said a mourner softly. Maybe he could. These Jurors Had Really Secret Voting. For twelve long hours, five Art- ist jurors judged over 500 entries for the approaching 79th Annual Show of the Ontario Society of Artists to be held at the Art Gal- lery of Toronto, from March 9th to April 15th, 1951. From this un-:' precedented entry list a most sel- ect and representative exhibition consisting of 100 works was selec- '' ted from paintings and sculpture, ' corning from nearly every province in Canada. The jurors, voting secretly, had their votes recorded on an electric panel of lights, seen only by the secretary. A push button switch, held by each juror, instantly reg- istered each affirmative vote. By this method, a' completely unbiased opinion wac reached and only an extremely high standard of work was accepted for hanging. The jury agreed that the coming exhi- bition is perhaps the finest yet in the O. S. A.'s 79 years of Canadian Art History. The Jury of Selections was elec- ted by the members of the Ontario Society of Artists, It comprised a group of five nationally -known ar- tists;.J, W. G. Macdonald, Yvonne Mc.Kague Housser, 3, Sydney Hal - lain, Bobs Haworth, and R. York Wilson. Clceve Horne, President of the O. S. .A. was the Chairman, with Herbert S. Palmer and Fred Finley assisting. Overheard: "You get it, dear. Your legs are younger than spine." "yes, Mui'rimie, but they've got to Rant longer." • CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED C,t.NDIESWt OVERSEAS,' VERTISING OILS, GREASES TIRES 8A 1'115111118 p•i;:ua , icetri ` mows, Iona, stoves, radios, refrigerators, tars freez- ers. ntini Ooglern and feed gtlnders. Power saws, drills and l the.•, ,te. Dealers wanted. Write: V1a..0 ,lreuse and Oil Limited, Toronto. AGENTS, fall or pnrl time. Flvery house. wife a enstomer. Entirely new! high earninirS possible. Ten sante gets sample and prices. Steal/It Distributors, Htoney Creek, Ontario. AUCTION SCHOOL Al'1C'1'ION SC',IIOOL. Be an auctioneer, term soon. pies catalogue. [tetseb ,.notion School, Mason City, Iowa.. M T1 1 TION FARMERS -- 'Deem how gas is produced from manure las used Crftractors, trucks, beatings, etc. - Send $1.00 for detailed, t:opyrIghted booklet. DO1tLEN (1()MPANY. General Delivery, Jamestown, N, Dakota. RAMC c111CRS BOGS ARE CP IN PRICE. We predict the highest egg prtues this Fail and Winter that we have had in years. 'You will not benefit finless you order early eidel:s, and when ordering be sure to order T.weddle 11.0.P, Sired Chicks for those extra eggs. Also Turkey Potlts, Older Pullets. Free Catalogue, 'swaddle Ohlclt 13ateherles limited, I'eegus, Untarlo, tlENU1N1. 141' -LINE CRICKS Crosses of inbred lines, Bred Ince good hybrid corn. Early maturing uniform Pul- lets. Twelve to 14 months lay, less broodi- ness. 100'e on the farm Comparison Tests allow 24 to 72 snore eggs per hen housed than standard bream. Cockerels 3 lbs. in 11 weeks. Catalogue on request, 17y -Line Chiolts, 682 Queen Street, Chatham. Ont. .ALL 0011 C 51 1 C 55 5 are R.O.P. Sired with a proven breeding background of up to 293 eggs. These certified breeders aro officially proven the cream of Canadian Poultry and their production will truly astonish you. We have 8 Gov. banded breeds from whleb to choose. Free cata- logue. Irelterborii Poultry Farm, lriilver- con, Ontario. SPRING'kTILL Blood -tested Chicks are Pro- fitable. All popular breeds at $12.72, Pullets $24.00, heavy cockerels 54.50, Spe- cials on started chicks, mixed and pullets. Springhill Farm, Preston, Ontario. DOUGLAS CHICKS Buy the best, buy DOUGLAS quality chicks. Variety of puri, Breeds Day old or started. Price List ccouest, satiefaetion guaranteed. • DOUGLAS HATCHERY Stittsville, Ontario Olthan last due thetosfact that a. lot rthe imaiors l Ity of our chicks are sired by R.O.P. Males. Moat: everything has gone up in dues to buouourin rea. edchicks trvolume.the ameprice )3etore ordering send for free catalogue telling you all about our R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Also Turkey Poulta. Older Pullets. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. • DOORS LARGE Brown Rouen ducklings for '61. Send 20% deposit for delivery any time Slareh to July. 100, 540; 50. 521; 25. $11; 10, 54.60. J. J. Iiambley Hatcheries. • Winnipeg, Manitoba, DYEING AND CLEANING .HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. De. partment 18, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 rouge St., Toronto. Blown Quarter Mile Yet Landed Unhurt When ' a sudden cyclone swept imer .the, island of Farquhar, in the w Seychelles, recently it was so de- `0astated that most of its eighty in- habitants became homeless and more than half of their possessions were lost. A 100 -ton schooner, which was loading copra, was blown on to the beach and wrecked, but .her crew escaped. •Cyclones are among the most 4''ngerous freaks of nature. A fear- ful :cyclone in 1926 completely de- '" strayed a town in Paraguay and killed.more than 200 people. At least inety per cent, of the build - hies were destroyed. Another cyclone carried sand from. the Sahara out to sea and flung it on the deck of a ship 200 miles from the African coast, cover - ink it a quarter of an inch thick. 'When a cyclone struck the town of ,'.E irksville, Missouri, note, letters an papers blown from the city .-were picked up next day ninety ithles away in the state of Iowa. tie same cyclone whisked up two women and a child and' dropped them on a common a quarter of a toile away so gently that none of then was hurt. Cyclones usually conte swiftly in the form of huge, rapidly -revolving whirlwinds some thirty miles in diameter. After one had ripped the tops off scores of houses in the I3ernese Juras, an old woman was discovered in a roofless house count- ing and recounting her shall hoard of money which had been scattered among the debris. This cyclone also wrecked twenty farms and razed an entire forest. 'Material damage estimated at $60,000,000 was done, by a disas- trous cyclone which swept over Cuba and the West Indies about twenty-five years ago. Ten towns and villages were wiped out, u50 people were killed and 6,500 left homeless. One result of this cyclone was the building of refuges of solid concrete to which people could flee when a similar disaster threatened. TO BE SURE Sambo—"What kind of chickens do you like best, Rastus?" R.astus—"Welt, white ones is easiest to find, but black ones is easiest to hide after you gets 'em." Check Them Fast for 35c I"SOLD EVERYWHERE 1, C2trfrAM 't D MAILED FRESH DIRECT trop studio to friesds in England on 'Mat entity ra- tion; 2 ills. 50.00; t lb. 51.40 Poe'D :d. M11ita.ey personnel Korean area. 2 lbe. 82.50; 1 lb. $1.15 postpaid. •4$111e 1,040e (`and, Shops limited, ,06MOM t Pleasant 1'.toud.. '('pronto. --.,«• I`ARlit FOR SALE ` 160 ACHES rolling land, 85 eoree plowed, 8 acres wheat. 6 miles from Clinton, half anile from aahool and highway, 11 - storey house, 2 barns 48 x 72 and 80 z 46 hog pen 80 x 18, all buildings In good repair, litter carrier and water in barn, s110 86 x 13, hydro available, early poeees- oIon, Weldon Tyndall, It,R.0, Londesboro, Ont. 1101/ SALE 10% OFF ASHP. HALT SHINGLES — ROLLED ROOFING & SIDING kitty Ear Leas at Robert; Junes Lumber Co. This discount applies on orders received to 'March 31, These products are Factory Se- conds with slight inpertections we doubt anybodY ran notice. They will give you years of valuable service. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. Hamilton, Ont. MOTORCYCLES, Marley Davidson, New and used, bought. sold, exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re• pairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bi- cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, also Guns. Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors Open evenings until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports. [ring at Sanford. Framiltan ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY --Chinese Elm 12 inch size 100 for $6.95; Dwarf Apple Trees (Macintosh or spy or Cortland); Dwarf Pear Trees (Bart- lett or Clapp's Favorite) 3 -ft, size, your choice, 63.00 each or 3 for 57.50; hardy 25 for $0.98; Giant Exhibition Paeony Privet Hedging plants 12 to 18 inch size, roots in red, white or pink 3 for 51.89, Plum trees, sweet eating Burbank, Lom- bard or Grand Duke, 6 -ft. size 52.00 each or 3 for $5.00, Free Colored Garden Guide with Every Order, Brookdale — Zingsway Nurseries, Bowmanv111e, Ont. PRECISION PwR. CHAIN SAWS — The safest and fastest cutting power saw made. Thousands or satisfied custo- mers throughout Canada, Eight different models manufactured. Priced from $849 ins. Complete Information on request. Precision Parte Limited, 755 First Avenue, Lachine. Montreal 32. SPRAY WITH A SPRAMOTOR Sprayers tor orchard (engine and tractor driven) Row Crops (traction), weed. disin- fecting, whitewashing, cattle spraying and lire fighting; farm wagons; Shallow Well Pressure . Systems; "TIER" (Fog Appli- cator), Free catalogues• Write today: Spra- motor Ltd., 1000 York St.. London, Ont. TOBACCO Farm—With all good machinery and tractor. Two good barns„ tour kilns, new greenhouse, 137 acres, 33 acres M.B.R., eight -room house, hydro and tele- phone. Part payment down, balance A crop. Apply Albert Hegmans • (owner). R.R.6. Slmcoe,, Ontario. PUREBRED BERIcSBa.ItE SOWS AND boars tour to five months old. Iiarold Wilkinson, Waterdown, Ont. REGISTERED English Springer Spaniels born October; dark liver and white. black and white, from international cham- pion and champion blood lines. Reasonably priced. R. Hankinson, 124 Dundas, Brantford, Ontario. COLLIE PUPS, 2 months, Sables and Tri -Color. Males $5.00; Females 53.00. 70 Princess Street. Port Hope, Ontario. GERMAN SHEPPARD PUPPIES by Ch. Texas of Barrimore out of imported female of beat breeding. Reasonable. Woodlyn l ennels, Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Tolton, R.R.6, Guelph. SCOTCH Collie Puppies, champion breed- ing: Males 525, females $20. Registra- tion extra. Marwood Robbins, Shedden, Ontario. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING 26 guage in either corrugated or ribbed design. Ail guaranteed primary grade. 26" wide. 6' long — 51.75, 7' — 82.05, 8' — $2.84, 9' — $2.63, 10' — 82.96, 9" ridge cap — 41c, 5" cap — 32c, 12" hip — .230, 5" apron — .20e. Buy at these low prices while stock is available. ..boyo prices are delivered to your station. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO, Hamilton, Ont. MASSEY HARRIS TRACTOR 102 SEN- IOR row-orop in excellent mechanical condition. Rubber tires, lights, hydraulte seat. Price 51,250. Alfred Allan, P.O. Box 142, Bowmanville, Ont. SACRIFICE price for growing town bakery, equipment $2,500.00. Buyer can rent building. Wm. Pearce. Realtor, Exeter, Ont. WE HAVE FOR SALE good grocery stores; dry goods store; several hotels; 2 billiard parlors;' shoe and ono butcher shop. Anyone interested in locating in a good business, get in touch with Philip Young, Realtor, 67 Frederick Street, Kit- chener. TRANS CANA.DA HrGI3wAY, Village General Store, east of Toronto, apart- ment nice turnover, other interests. no brokers, $8,600. plus stock. Terms. Box 09, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. CASE Model -D Tractor equipped with new oversize tires, reconditioned motor. This tractor 15 in excellent condition. Arthur J. Butters & Son, Bewdley, Ontario. BEEP WANTED 550.00 — 500.00. Young- woman fond of children, For details, write Barrett. Alexandra Road, Galt. Phone 734-W. flOLP WANTED RAILWAYS need young mor" far live -deli week as Agent Telegraphers. 53,610. Iow5at pay. In those Positions you merSYe Your Country in money -making Cares;'. Zig Demand. School recognized by Operas - mg 001314e, Free Folder. Day and Mtn 1 Courses. Write Caesan Syotems ;Athool. Toronto. .413EDICAL NATURE'S HELP DIX ON1 REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUS- ANDS PRAISING IT. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OT. TAWA. $1.25 EXPRESS PRE- PAID. CRESS CAI LOUT SALVE — ret sure re- lief, Tour Druggist stile (R1.i>S. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema "ashes and weeping skin troubles. c'ost's C'.'zema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching. scaling, burning eczema, acne, ringworm. pimples and athlete's fn,t, will respond readily to the stainless, oLorleas ointment, regardless of low e1 einewn er hopeless they seem. PRR)'CE 01.50 1'ER .IA1f, POST'S REMEDIES ' Sent Post Free on Rece'pt of Price 889 Queen St, le.. Corner of F.egun, Toronto • WANT LOt'I.2LY SKIN, (11.5 ATENTING eyes and iiron. nerves? Send $:.00 for 'Herb) tablets. Also $3.00 and 62.00. Im• pertal industries. Box 901. Winnipeg. "PEP UP" Try 40. 0, A; 13, 107410 TABLETS for '.ow vitality and general debility. One Dollar. At Drlgg!ste OPPORTUNITIES TOR MEI 8.; WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 101N 0ANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleaeant dignified profession, good susses Thousands of successful Marvel gradualcs America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call 64ARVEL O7AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Blnor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., klamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa NEW discovery, tested, saves 45'5 gas - cline, guaranteed, Send stamped envelope. S. Brodie, Vilna., Alberta. EMPLOYMENT — Canada, United States, Alaska and foreign opportunities, How, when, where to apply. Send 51.00 for latest employment report listing firms hiring, Service Bureau, Dept. A.C., P.O. Box 1275, Saint John, N.B. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attor- neva, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, FETBiORSTONHAUGH & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Established 1590, 060 Bay Street, Toronto. Bnoktet el informa- tion on request. PkHOTOGRAPIFS? Free 6 x 7 Enlargements. MAIL THIS COUPON with order -8 exp. roll o.35-12 exp. roll all enlarged o.50 —18 exp, roll all enlarged (3.70. Reprints,, .04 Special 50 reprl-nts $1.00. Hollywood Foto, Station R. Montreal. S'I' A el I'S EXCELLENT VALUES. Your choice; lop for only 51.00 packet. Canada, British Colonies, Newfoundland. Metropolis Stami, • Company, Box 478, Adelaide, Toronto. WANTED — OLD CANADIAN POSTAG$1 stamps. Send or write. Jack's Stamp Farre, Route 6, Woodstock, Ontario. SVANTED PATIENT learning watchmaking would appreciate donations of old watches 10l practise. Mark Craig, T. B. Hospital, East St, Sohn, New Brunswick. Itch >K Mi 11 Was Nearly Crazy until I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazingly teat relief—D. D. D. Proscription. World /meals peace ands'comfor�'from cruel Etching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's toot and other Itch troubles. Trial bottle, 480, Greaseless, First use soothes, checks raw rets Itoh or money back. Aek druggist For D.. D. Di Prencrlption tordinary or extra strength). 08ECCA"Oit „ ¢'ENT itUSTARr POULTICE Don't take chances on a Chest Cold— it may become very serious. A poultice made up of two tablespoons or Mecca and a teaspoon of Mustard brings excellent results. It relieves conges- tion and reduces indammation—preven't9 blistering. In severe cases change tb poultice twice daily. Mecca Ointment in sold by all druggists -85e, hoc ,,Thbe)4 70o and 51.40. ISSUE 10 — 1951 \Cheri rheumatic pilin gets you down, here's the quick way to get relief. Rub in soothing Minaret's .Liniment. Is it good? just try it, you'll see! FinIE i "KING OF PA h"