HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-03-08, Page 8r MIR ICH ONTARIO '8 tiO i*P 1 zie Of the Cambridge Tailors will be here on larch To Personally give you the Benefit of his Expert Knowledge in the Selection of your Clothes More than fifty years of tailoring craftmanship backs each Cambridge garment, so you will recog- nize that the expert guidance of Mr. MacKenzie is a real opportunity,.......his knowledge of woollens, styling, fitting, fine tailoring, will help you make best selection, so take advantage of this outstanding opportunity. he new Spring and Summer woollens and styles are here ZURICH HERALD • ;4T Mr. Jacob Ortwein visited at the home of his son Ray, in Galt. Miss Beaverly Bryan, instructor of the Handicraft Work, ot Toronto, spent the week -end in Zurich. Messrs. H, W. Brokenshire and Albert Kalbfleisch .attended the fun- eral of the late Norman 'Miller, Co- unty Clerk at Goderich on Tuesday, Mrs. Herb Mousseau, Mrs. James Parkins and little daughter Sandra,. motored to Stratford on Tuesday. They were accompanied by Miss Betty Mousseau, who is a Nurse at the city General Hospital. A number of sympathizing friends visited with the Ernest Dagg family at Teeswater on Sunday from this vicinity paying their last respect to Mrs. Dagg, who, died at Toronto on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Ray Magee and dau- ghters Joyce and Erie of Desboro, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim, while Mr and Mrs Chris. A. Mink also of Desboro spent the week -end with re- latives in Dashwood. Mr and Mrs. Maggi Who have ree coutly arrived from Augsburg, Ger- many, have taken upresidence in the village. 31r. Maggi is .empl eyed at the Kal.bfleisch Mills. We welcome these new Canadians to our -Village. Is At Hospital el - friends wish her a speedyre ' vv. Mrs. Clarence Jeffrey is .a patien att Victoria Hospital, London. Ref w, manyoe 0 g P „,Nasciflo Brs. V TELEPHONE 59 Z V _ ZURICH e a 6 0 0 0604)6-0640 asztrasemtmEnsairamanza 0 00 0 00 0 . 0 -o 0 0 t re The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Aho Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all -Times! ! GIVE US A CALL! - JOHN DENOMY DRYSDALE _Phone 98 r 1 "AliMORZEldiatSOZ=OlialMOVDROZOO=Mommmi LISOMISSIMMIO1111 iiiifeeekee,eiee:000004 41! ..eeeteieeeseievaefreee'X's, 0 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fu eds Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Proh- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer •ur Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock „„vi,fis 4-4 ?URICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE 90*0000000000.000k0.0!W000010.000000.0.01011P00000 0I 0 0 AT TUDOR'S Don't miss the Anniversary Sale at Tudor's Dry Goods, Hensall, Com- mencing Thursday., Marcel SM. 13e sure to see the Remnant Table. c Finest of Weather Unseasonehly warm, balmy weather is still with us, but it is getting cold-- er today, Wednesday, .and will he s�„ in a day or two. The mercury was up in the 60's on Tuesday, which is unseasonably for this time of year. Our friends •n,.theWe•,tern Provinc- es have the worst storm in years and temperatures wa7- belo” eere. Put we wonder, will it reach ne? Lenten Services you are invited to ateend the Len, ten Servicesheld in the i:eaeemlical 1.7,13. Church, beginning at Zerich, on Wednesday evening March 7th, 'at 8 p.m. music by Dashwoocr choir. The services will continue on Thurs- day and Friday evenings at 8 p.m. with music by local talent. On Sun.. day morning March 11th at 10 a.m with Hr. E. S. Faust of Kalamazoo. Mich., re gueA speaker. A cordial' invitation is c» -:tended to everyone fo attend these inspiring services. - Miscellaneous Shower The basement of Emmanuel U.IL Evangelical Church was. the ata:._ ion on Friday evening, when it being decorated he pink and white forth' occasion to receive relatives, neleh- boure and friends who formed an alley foe. Miss Elaine Geiger, bride elect, who was asked to be seated in the chair of honor. Mia Nola Krue- ger spoke a few words of interest, and explained of the ladies who had gathered to present gifts, and e social evening for the bride elect. Then the Misses Sue Anne Coxon and Mary Ellen Thiel came through the Alley with guests seated on either side, drawing a lovely, decorated wagon of gifts and presented them to the (bride elect); this being re- peated several times, as the gifts were beautiful and many. They al- so were assisted, Elaine thanked every one for their kindness and the lovely gifts. A ,contest was held which caused much laughter. Re- freshments were served and a good social time was enjoyed. Best wish- es were extended to the bride elect. Farm Forum ,The Unique Forum met at the ome of Mr and Mrs. 13. Horner on londay evening, March 3th. Nola ("rueger spoke on the subject -"Can he •Curriculum be Improved h, tura) Schools?" In her talk she ointed out that our educational 'stein must change with the chang- ng times in order to meet tne prob- ems of the day. The following atme .vere also streseed: The school must ell) the child to understand the nate re of the environment in which he re The eehool must s,,ek to leed he child to choose and accept as 'hie yen those ideals of conduct and en- eavour which a Christian and da- iocratic society approves. The school must assist the pupil to master those abilities that are esential to living in modern society. After the lively iscussion the group arrived at these onclusionee (1) 'Urban and rural hildren ie the elementary school hould given a similar foundation deretion elth emphaeie on the are reciation of rural life; (2) In sec- ndary sehoola there, should be a hole(' between academic and vont- (mid rettleee. le the reereetional our the group enioyed "'?,0-111Pst- oe" For - re will meet at the ,home of Mr and; \7eet week the For.: II's. C. Geiger. Mrs. 1), Geiger will o the dieoussion leader on the enied ect. "What Training Should a Teacher Have?" 1 T 1 -s h u 11 t 0 d a d Ie 10) a1 Iuron & Erie DEBENTZTAES or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering 3% On Investments for three to ten Year Periods. Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. Haberer - Phone 161 w • ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twerp. Office) ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc, EXETER 3FFICEe—Corner AZ133., Wiilam StS, Phone: Exeter 504. MEMO TO MILADY: Be sure to listen each weekday morning at 10.05 on 980-CFPI. .• Murray and 0 gaffer together some interesting items and He them up - with bright music for you to enjoy. Join us, won't you? 980-CFPL's MARY ASHWELL P.S.—Kote Aitken drops by every Mon,, Wed. & Fri. tool NOTICE TRUCKING Commencing Jan. 20th, '51 I am equipped and have made provisions to market cattle at the Toronto Stock Yards, have P.C. V. F. Class License. The best of care in handling, with prompt delivering is guaranteed. The cattle are also fully covered by Insurance. 70 cents per cwt. covers all expenses. Also handle CIL Fertilizers. .. See us for Prices. Top Prices paid for hogs every Tues- day. - MAURICE MASSE & SONS Phone 98 r 24, Zurich. A MESSAGE TO WIVES FROM FANNIE HURST? In this Sunday's (March 11) issue of The American Weekly, tamout magazine that comes Exclusively with The Detroit Sunday Times, read Fannie Hurst's warning to women who -use wifehood and motherhood as an excuse for physical and mental laziness. Read her down-to-earth advice on how to keep a husband. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. Federation of Agriculture 13y Gordon M. Greig The February Directors' meeting of Huron .County Federation or Agr- iculture held in Clinton, Ont,, Feb. 27th. placed the Federation of Agr- iculture in Huron Countbehind the municipalities in the north end of the County that are opposing the proposed change in service on the Canadian Natibnal Railway line from Palmerston to Kincardine. A resolution opposing the discon- tinuing of the serviee on this line and substitution. of Bus and transport service was received from Morris and Turnberry Twps. The opinion of the Directors was that the railway sm. ice should be' improved instead of discontinued. Any deficit incuredb,y the C.N.R. is met out of taxpayers' money.This line does not lose the Co- mpany any more than many other lines being operated. The 11)51 Huron County Field Day will be held in the Tow» of Exeter on Wednesday June 12. A eotrimm- ittee has been selected to direct the planning, for thte. big event. We as- sure you that it will be a gala event. The Huron County 'Year Book will be published as usual to infrom you of all the displays and events that will be there. won nrvo,,,,,,NE Thursday, March 8th, 1951 111111111111111111111111111111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111, • 4. 4, 'et • t 4' 4. WE HAVE A F4. INE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES 4. OF FURNITURE 4. Good 4. Variety of Linoleum, Con4. goleum and 4. 4, Axrninister Rugs, Etc, 4. 4. All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat- tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. 4. 4. estla urnitar Seasonable Su.pplies ,O1 Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. himmilessuminnitinininiiininumniminiumm 4, 04' 4, 4, HARD WARE— FOR THE HOME, FARM AND SHOP • Beatty, Pedlar, Duro and Aero _Products Sunshine, McClary- and Moffat Stoves McClary and Crosley Shelvador Refrigeration Dominion, McClary and Easy Spindry Washers 4. 1100110111111111M1111111MMUMIMUM ollonou mummumun IImummomminimumuummummoloirte ;',4 Your Hardware Store 4, 4' .4 4, 4, AUTOMATIC HEATING 4. 4. 4 4,. 4. 4. 4. 4, • 4'4. 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4' 4, 4. 4. AkiHi lung . hmlicira Phone 63 - Zurich ):01411111111M11111111110 11111111111111111MHINIMUUMMEMBRIUMMOIMUMMI U I IMM11114010: mow .1.4.6mETHwammammormiinciammazamm,,,...ms, FLOOR TILE 1 3111 FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET FILE TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, .TorOnto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M.. TURKHEIM «Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given ...urammunusshou.s.rol7""r elms_ LC' 5. 12,44 0,010.1.,,, just You are STRONG and Well? :You HOPE to remain so? e lease! THAT'S FINE THAT'S. NATURAL You MAY- BE disappointed? THAT'S POSSIBLE 'You WILL die sooned or later? "It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment" Heb 9:27. THAT'S SURE ,You'd better START to get ready? You want to be RIGHT? You don't KNOW the way? The Lord Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man corneth unto the Father hut by Me," (John 14;6). "Him that cometh to Me, 1 will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37.) THAT'S WISDOM THAT'S PROPER THEN LISTEN— Chas. Fuller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. • 4, 40 4,4 4 4.• 4. 4. 1 -6 CENT a Word (minimum 35c.) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. If you want to buy or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD .+4o+