HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-03-08, Page 3ZURICH HERALD Murat March 8th, 19511 ORDER. YOUR Canadian Approved Cie , N 0 W FOUR PURE BREEDS FOUR CROSSES All breeding Stock banded and tested. for pullorum by Inspectors of the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture. The Hatchery is visited regularly by Inspectors of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. McKINLEY FA Phone Hensall 697 r 11 I• MS 8r. HATCHERY Zurich Ontario 471, act'3i 4MF:'.EMBE'^"Y:,."3 w..° u:1XIMPIIIIMM,".-'a e7s*.fie..r"5:^IMLE ^Rr,',, ritra: cs a te BARLEY - OATS BEANS AND - KIDNEY H.E.P.C. APPROVED Phone 87W BEAN COOKERS FOR SALE W. E. Reid Dashwood, Ontario • N$ ttf • av • • • • • • • • 1 e • 1 • • • • HAY COUNCIL The regular meeting of Hay Twp. Council was held in the council cham- ber, Zurich, on Feb. 5th, at 1.30 p. m. At this meeting a representation was present from Exeter Legion, ag- ricultural representative re warble fly, Hay Twp. Federation of Agric., and the following :correspondence was read: Ont. Good. Roads Assn; Dept.. of Planning and Development; Corp. of Town of Exeter; Corn. Welfare Council of Ontario; Exeter Dist. High School Board 1950 report. The following motions were passed: That the minutes of the Jan. Bch meeting; Jan. 2i2, 25, and 20 meet- ings be adopted as read. That Mrs. Fanny Bender be paid account for caretaking of the Twp. Hall for year ending Feb.!, 19511, and that she be reengeged for 5rear Feb. 1, 195.1 to 1952 at $100 per yr, plus extras. That we caul for gravel tenders for 1951, same to be placed in the local newspapers for two isues, tenders to call for, 6,000 cubic yards of crush- ed stone. approximately rate to be. in erns of crushing per cu. yd. and hauling per cu yd on a flat rate;half of, this contract to be completed in May and remainder in Sept. of Oct. gravel to be used from the 111eLean pit; tenders to be in the clerk's office by March 3, marked cheque for $1200 to accompany, tender, Twp. to supply one truck for hauling. That. we authorize the clerk to send et letter to the Corporation of the Town of Exeter guaranteeing that Hey Twp. will pay for use of Exeter fire brigade and truck according to bir-law 8, 1950, of the Village of Ex- eter That an agreement be signed be- tween the Twp of Hay and Alphonse Masse whereby the Twp of Hay gu- ' erantees $450.00 for period Jan. 1, 1951, to 'March 81, 1951, unless he earns more tan his hourly rate of B5e per hour. That we authorize H. W. Broken - shire to attend the Ontario Munic- ipalities and Ratepayers •Convention meld in Toronto Feb. 019-20 and that two members of the Council attend the Ont. Gond Roads •convention, on 20-21. at we call for applications for in- spector to supervise the spraying of cattle sprayer for warble fly, and also to collect payment for spraying done, also for tenders, to perform the actual spraying in the Township according to the Act, which 2s incor- porated in the by-laws of the Twp. That we, the Township of Haiy re- scind by-law No. 8, 1947 for the levy of one-fifth of a mill against the far- mers of Hay Twp. 3n,support of the Federation of Agriculture and that a new by,-lp.w The drawn up to levy 2,5 of a mill upon all farm lands in the Twp. of Hay. That biy-law No. 2, 19501, to provide for an estimated erapenditure of $57,- 000.00 for 1951 on Hay Twp roads, be passed, subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways. That By-law No 3, 1951, respect- ing the treatment of wax'blefly with- in the municipality of Hay is accord- ance with the provision or the Act be given first and second. readings. That accounts for Haly Twp. roads, relief, Hay Munic. Telephone, etc. be paid as por.vo.ucher: General aocts -= Municipal World $53; Dr. T. P. Keast, $20; Leonard Sararas $4; Wim. Denomane $2; E. F. Klopp, insurance $30; Mrs Fanny Bender, $100; T. Whinier Co. 312.85; Zurich P.V.I.fire protection $126.34; Floyd Armstrong $2; 'Chas. Rau $4; H. W..Bro'kenshire $116.43; Huron Expositor $3.15. Roads—Wm. Watson $4.50; Jas. 1Viasse, labor and gas 179.97; Louis Masse 42.19; St. Joseph's .Service 8.40; Cec. Johnston 12.2,5; Fergus Turnbull 30.50; Klopp's Garage 340- .97; Rinse Garage 7.37; H. W. Bro- kenshire 2.15; Mich. Masse 63.111; Al phonse Masse 84:81; Hensal+I Dist. Co Op. 85c Earl Campbell 112.60; Walt- er ,Station $181; Les Turnbull 13.50; Zurich Motors $5.44; Richardson's Garage 7.90. Hay Tele. System --Bell Co. $100; Stromberg-Carlson $322.85; Mrs Mel issa Geiger 7.10; Mrs. M. Schilbe 36.08; Bernhart Ints. Agency 69.56; Wm. Siebert $10; H. G. Hess 2,179.- 37; H. W. Brokenshire 71.77; Nor- thern Elec. 207.05. The meeting was adjourned to me- et again Monday, 'March 5, at 1.30. Earl Campbell, Reeve. H. W. 13rokenshire, Clerk. Meeting Hall for the World J L this building at Flushing Meadows, New York, the representa 'ves of 59 countries will moot in SepteMber as the General Assent- ot the Xlnited Nations. More than 1000 delegates, alternates and sers represent their eountries at the session, the Assembly's at which almost every world problem will be discussed, ,r.H. R. :.n •.osis.,. ;.,ao;. i.` :motif'.., �'c :u.'' ,.._... "''•'� • $5,000,000 IS .NEEDED NOW TO MEET TOMORROW'S NEEDS enainie As the Roods IPOI50, hope went down. And then ... your Red Cross was "on the job'! As thousands of flood-strict>e.n Canadians thankfully received emergency food and shelter, their gratitude went out to you ---w, ho through your Red Cross contributions helped make possible this merciful relief. Never before has the peace- time demand on Red Cross Services and funds been so great as in recent times. And never more than today—has your Red Cross so needed your help to prepare for the tasks of tomorrow. Give generously! CANADIAN RED CROSS Richard L. Hearn. .B.A.Sc., P. Eng„ GeneraIManager Chief. Engineer, Ontario Hydro J. Clark Keith, B,A.Sc., P. Eng., General Man- ager, Windsor Utilities Commis- sion R. H, Martindale, P. Eng., Manager and Secretary Sudbury Hydro - Electric Commis- sten Sir Adam Beck, K.B.—Father of Hydro. Chairman, 1906-1925. Dr. Otto Holden, B.A.Sc., C.E., D. Eng., Assistant Gen. Mgr. -Engi- neering, Ontario Hydro E, V. Buchanan, A.R.T.C., P. Eng., General Man- ager London Pub- lic Utilities Com- mission George W.' Rayner, Pres., Rayner Construe. tion Limited, Leaside, Ont. AEU S tvefeeew aped Ross L. Dobbin, B.A.Sc., P. Eng., General Man- ager, Peter- borough Utilities Commission etd A. W. Manby, B.Sc., P. Eng., Assistant Gen. Mgr. - Adminis- tration, Ontario Hydro To honour public spirited citizens, engineers and builders, Ontario Hydro is now naming its large projects after men who have in great measure been responsible for the important position occupied by your Hydro in the industrial, commercial, rural and home life of the Province. Pictured are amen whose service in the field of hydro -power was so recog- nized at the 42nd Joint Annual Meeting of the Association of Municipal Metrical Utilities and the Ontario Municipal Electric Association, held in Toronto, February 26th, 27th and 28th. Listed below are the projects which will perpetuate their names. Sir Adam Beck—Niagara Generating Station No. 1 Formerly Quoenston-Chippawa Genet, Wing Station. Capacity 560,000 H.P. In operation since 1921. Sir Adam Beck—Niagara Generating Station No. 2 New Queenston tunnel project, under construction. Capacity 600,000 H.P. Richard L. Hearn Generating Stollen Formerly Toronto Generating Station. Capacity'536,000 H.P. Initial operation fall 1951, complete In early 1953. 1. Clark Keith Generating Station Formerly Windsor Generating Stat- ion. Initial operation late 1951, full operation 1952, R. H. Marthtdgte Frequency Changer and .Transformer Station Formerly Sudbury Frequency Changer and Transformer Station. George W. Rayner Generating Station Formerly Tunnel Generating Station. Capacity 56,000 N.P. Started In 1947 In operation 1950. Otto Holden Generating Station Formally La Cave Generating Station, Ottawa River. Capacity 256,000 H,P Initial operation, early 1952. E. V. Buchanan Frequency Changer and Transformer Station Formerly Westminster Frequency Chan. ger and Transformer Station. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSIO Ross L. Dobbin Transformer Station Formerly Peterborough Transformer Station. A. W. Manby Transformer Steffen Formerly Kipling Transformer Station, Toronto, In operation 1949• OF !Mtn*