HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-22, Page 4Pil"la a 'ONTARIO 1 Turnips Wanted • • • • o➢ ao � Highest Prices Paid Ens 0 • 0 0 • • 0 0 TRIMMED AND DELIVERED Telephone 256 Cana EXETER a ONTARIO ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR :INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND' SUPER TWIT CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER Rade 8% Htfleholtz Phone 63 - Zurich OR -DER. YOUR Canadian Aper ved Chicks NOWT FOUR PURE BREEDS FOUR ' CROSSES All srreeding Stock banded and tested for pullorurn by ;inspectors of the Ontario Department of Agric- ultte. The 'Hatchery is visited regularly by Inspectors of the Dominion Department. of Agriculture. McIKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY 'Phone Henslll'697 r 1 1 Zurich Ontario WALL BOARD .,'Ea.1y to paint or paper. Many Leevslies and types in stodk. Per Square Foot as ]ow as 5 Cents • •• • • • • • • • • • •• w • • • • 4111•111111111 MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attie Space can be easily and Economically Converted into extra Bedrooms or an income pro- ducing Apartment. . You can do most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and idea*. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. ,.umber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Zurich and Goclerich '."llmle;nhotlg&: ZURICH 69; Res, 162. j. GODERICH 338 "TRETHEWEY HERE . . . with the mews from CFPL NEWS" Evert 'week day at 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. CFPL's News Editor, John Trethewey, gives zap °up -to -the -second report of the news . . . history 1n the making . . . on 980 —CFPL. Clearing Auction Sale 'Of Livestock, Auto, Tractors, Farm Implements and Household Effects. On the Premises, Lot 16, Con. 7, Us - bonne Twp., 3 3 miles east of Huron Street, Exeter; 1 mile south .of the Thames Road 'Church, 83 'Highway; or 1 miles north of Elimville. The undersigned Auctioneer has been in- structed to sell by Public Auction,on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1951 Commencing at 1.00 .p.m. Sharp: Cattle -4i Durham cows carrying their second calf and due in March; Durham cow, carrying 4th calf, due in :March; '3 Durham cows carrying 2nd calf, due in July; Durham cow with calf at foot; Durham farrow cow Holstein heifer, bred Decemb- er 2atd; 121 Durham heifers rising 2 yrs. old; '1 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 steers rising 1 year old; :2' heifers rising 1 year old; 2 heifers rising 9 months old; All these cattle are best .of quality. Pigs -3 Yorkshire sows With litt- ers at foot, 7 weeks old at time of sale. 3 Yorkshire shoats, 3 months old at time of Sale. Automobile—Model A. 1930 Ford Coupe, re -conditioned motor, low mileage. Tractor and Implements—Oliver 99 tractor on rubber, equiped with starter and lights, recently overhaul- ed, a real threshing tractor in guar- anteed condition. M -H. 81, roe crop tractor on rubber, equiped with star- ter and lights, mounted plow and adjustable scuffler. All in new con- dition. Hatchet Hammeimill; M -H. 3• -furrow adjustable 23.A. bottom plow, mounted on rubber', this plow being purchased in late fall haseplo- wed only 9 acres; Fleury 3 -furrow plow ins. fair condition; H -H. team mower 6 -ft. cut, used two seasons; M -H. binder 8-ft."cut; M -H. +28 plate double disc,Fleury Bissel'10-ft. Cul- tipac'ker; Buelter 9 -ft. ' cultivator; John Deere corn stalk cutter; John Deere model H. Tractor manure spreader; John „Deere team manure spreader; Allis Chalmers pick up bale elevator with attachments to fit any tractor. All these implements are practically new. 2 rubber tired wag- ons; 2 16 -ft. flat reekse-ZVI-H. -No. 9 ZURICH. HERALD leader Mrs. wan. 'Stade; asst. Helen Nadiger and Mrs Edgar Reetemeyer; librarian Melvin Stade and Elmer Rader; social com, Mrs, Reinhold Miller, Mrs. Elmer Rader, Gloria Kraft, Anna Messner and Edgar Res- tenneyer. The remainder of the ev- ening was spent in playing progres- sive flea, the high prize going to Hel- en Nadiger and the low to Anna Messner.. St. Joseph and Beaver Town (Delayed in the Mails) A Mardi Gras Pan -Cake Party On Tuesday evening last, known as Mardi-gras; the eve. of the Lenten season, where on that evening the various societies of this parish meet to discless matters pertaining to their respective societies, After the busin- ess was over, the ladies'' took posses- sion of the kitchen in the parish hall, The evening was stormy and not fav- orable for the occasion, and there fore they met with some disappoint- ment. The ladies were all well go- wned and with, neat hairdoes, for the occasion., which added much to -the whole affair. The job of frying the pancakes got under way immediately, and all pitched in, flopping pancakes back and forward, and with much rapid- ity as though by, magic, which they had seasoned to a golden color, and needless to say that hubbies were there and much concerned about the success of their better, halfs. sat least they showed it by gesture. Others who showed much interest were bac- helors present, they had a keen -eye fixed on the maids, who also took part in the work. But the old boys were unable to decide whether they could beat Muihsy at .crisping pan- cakes, so it 'was a draw. The evening was spent by .card playing and as well the exchanging of ideas, which made the whole affair very interest- ing'. How To Stay Young Over General MacArthur's desk there hangs this message: "Youth is not a time of life It is a state of mind." No:body grows old merely by living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul! Worry, doubt, self -distrust fear and despair. These are the long, Long years that bow the head ani turn the growing spirit back iso dust. Whether you are seventy or sixteen, there is in the heart of every human being the love of wonder—the sweet amazement of the stars and the starlike things and thoughts - non - failing ,childlike appetite for what is coming next—and the joy and gauze of Life. You are as ;young as your faith, and as old as your doubt - as young as yourself - confidence and as old as your fear - as young as :four nape - and as 'old as your despair t HENSALL Mr. Bill Mickle and Mr. Martin Price of the O.A.C., Guelph, visited ast *eek with the former's parents. Mr and Mrs. L. Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes and family 'of London visited on Satur- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. -Noakes. Miss 'Shirley* Boyce who has been cream separator, set Of bob sleighs confined' to her home with illness, with bunks, oat roller, Clinton fan- has returned to her position as nook ning mill complete with sieves; jack [keeper at. Cook's ;Garage. all jacks grease gun; Jamesway 500 capacity electric brooder, nearly new; 2000.1b cap scales, pig crate, range shelters, 100 -ft. snow fence. speed jack, new extension ladder, 3 2000 -ft. corn crib wire, 40 rods worven fence; 30 -rods woven pig wire fence, quantity steel posts, .2 air- plane wheels, gear and tires suitable for large trailer, 150 -ft. garden hose 50 -ft. 6 -in. rubber !belt, 75 -ft. high speed Hammermill; special 7 -in. belt like new; 2, 30.0 -Ib. wheel weights, chains, forks, shovels and in -any other articles too numerous to mention. Household Effects,— Kelvinator refrigerator 6 -ft., used two years; chesterfield, 13 occasional chairs, wicker chair, centre table, dinette. table and cabinet,6 diningroom chairs square top extension table, kitchen cupboard, day bed, small metal table hall stand, chest of drawers, wooden bedstead, 2 -element rangette, small heater for wood or coal, lawn mower numerous dishes, kitchenware, etc., etc. Being this is a large sale, sell- ing will, start sharp at .1 p.m. Plan to attend this sale. Ne reserve, as the farm is sold. Keith Weber, PrS--CASH Milford Werner, Clerks Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. DASHWOQH► • Late Mrs. Jerry Campbell Mrs. Jerry Campbell of Stephen Twp. near Mt. Carmel died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, at the age of 62 years, a former native of Dublin. Requiem high mass was sung on Saturday at 10 a.m. in the church of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel and Inter- ment made in the adjoining cemet- ery. Surviving besides her husband are one son John, Stephen Twp. Mrs Richard Alyotte, Hay Twp. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, Zurich. Choir Holds Banquet The their of Zion Lutheran -Church held a delicious supper, served by the committee in charge. Rev. Higenell enve an address on how the choir be- :tuti'fies the service. The annual me- eting was held with the former offic- ers returned, namely: President, 1Lrinliold Miller; vice -pros. Edward l;arktetter; secy-treas. Frieda Rader John' Anderson, won the Eskimo handicap shoot at Hamilton over the week -end with a score of 50 straight, winning $1t29.00 at Goderich last week, he shot two perfect 25 target events, the first 25 event that has been registered since the club org- anized three years ago. Messrs Roland Hughes, Norman El ifftt and Bill Mickle of •Guelph, were in town Thursday last staying with Mr and Mrs. L. Mickle. Mr. Hughes is from Bogota, Columbia, South America. Bobby Cooper, 4, son of Mr and Mrs. John. Cooper, of Kippen, is re- covering from severe burns to his hands and shoulder the result of an accident .when he upset boiling coffee over himself. Mrs. W. J. Homely, underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London last week and is doing nicely Mr. Bill Parker has sold his farm to Mr.. Percy Tebbutt of Stanley. Mr and MrsCecil Kipfer and fam- ily have moved into the house ad- joining the post office. The men from the Comstock Co. of London, were in Hensall last week taking inventory of the elect- rical equipment of the 'business plac- es, this is a prelude for the 60 cycle conversion. Mrs. J. Stokes, of London is id] at Victoria Hospital, London, with pri- ma/Ionia. Her mother, Mrs. Eva •Carl- ile is at present in .London with her. Rev. W. J. Rogers was in Toronto the 'first part of this week. Miss Mary Kinsman., Miss Lucille B'ciy!ce, George Parker, and Roger Venner attended the officers Con- gress and banquet held at Haggarts United .Church, near Dungannon. Mr and Mrs Rudy IPetzke moved this week into one of the upstairs newly remodelled' apartments In the Fink Apartment building. The choir of the United Church are being entertained at the manse, following choir practice Friday ev- ening of this week, At the annual Saloon Ball held in the Legion Hall, Exeter, Wednesday 14th sponsored by the Beta sigma Phi Sorority, Miss Ann Brock was crowned S'eroritiy 'Sweetheart for 1051, selected by ballot. Novelty dances were won by Jim liowclili'e and firs. Lorne Chapman. Attending from Hensall were Mr and Mrs Lorne Chapman, Mr and Mrs. Saris Rennie, Mr and Mrs Hugh McEwan, (Miss Wilma Klyo and -ethers. W. I. Hold Euchre, Dance Kippen East Womens'' Institute sponsored a very successful euchre and dance in the Town Hall Hensall' We'd. Feb. 14, 2.2 tables in play, for the euchre $75.00 were door receipts. Winners were Ladies, Mrs, R. Up - shall, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, Mrs. Geo. Henderson; Gents; Lindsay Eyre, W D Wilson, J. E McEwan; Lone hands ladies, Mrs. Anna Walker; gents, Mervyn Johnson; Lucky lunch prize Mrs. W. F. Bell. At Toronto Doug Moir and Charles Fee, of Hensall, left Tuesday last for Tor- onto for the C.N.R. medical .and screening for the employment bureau office Pet up by the CNR.:at Union -Station, Toronto, and if successful in passing will train 'as telegraph operators at the CNR, station in Hen- sall. Due to the 40 -hour week which takes effect June 1, the CNR. are short of operators and this is a new feature of the,CNR. to endeavour to train efficient help. In London 300 additional clerks, etc. are needed. It also ecects the small places like Hen - sal] and Exeter, and it was thought that Hensall station could accomod- Thursday, February 22nd, 195I ate two apprentiees. injured at London Caught in an elevator and drop• • ped to the floor after being carried up several feet, Miss May Scheval n,, 31) Stanley St., London, is reported as reasonably wen at Victoria Hosp- ital, in that •°illy. The accident oc- curred at Duro Pumps and Water Softeners plant at 680 Waterroo St. where the woman, daughter of Mrs. Violet Schiwalm, of IIensall, is em- ployed. She suffered a fractured collar bone, fractured ribs, and an injured ankle. 'The accident was re- ported to have happened when ehts went to close the door of the elev- ator and her foot 'became entangled. She dropped unconscious to the floor When she fell free, and the fact she grabbed at some large cans -or drums. as she plunged was believed to' have saved her from more- serious injury. Dog Takes Train Ride "Brownie" Labrador Retriver, five year old ,pet dog of Lloyd Venner was missing early, last week and his owner could not and him anyplace. Mr. Verner, who is employed in Cook's Mill, recalled that they had shipped a carload of beans by frei- ght to the Maritimes and he wond- ered if the dog had .hitched a ride. Station Agent Cecil Vanhorne tele•- graphen London to stop the oar but it had alredy left. It was finally located at Mimico but was sealed. After permission was obtained from Mr. Vanhorne the car was opened •. cap -> cut d rt your money problems • . 4 with Pe�aIPa� '1„\(1 BANS° /ll/0. r..40/IYl d Ask for your copy of "Personal Planning" at your neighbourhood branch ... today. There's no obligation—except to yourself, EANK OF MONTREAL 444/4d vias vawu6 ...working: with Canadians ineverywaikoflifesince1817• P1.15 • oto.; ::�:.•., ¢� RECIPE SAES Y SCA`I.OPED PASA To serve 4, Sou 1l need:. aporated Nii11c r Salt- pepper.---paPo a with Scups sliced potatoes e extra crew the ASse 2tate potatoes Steen Bari. au cups over sliced potatoes. brow 2 golden saucei.p°un�inutes, un about 40 1. •mi EVRMATED MILK The smoothest custards, the creamiest mashed potatoes, the templingesl pumpkin pies are made with Evaporated Milk. It's rightly called the food of 1001 uses! Use it to make white sauce the way your family likes it ...velvety smooth, delicately flavoured. Try it in luscious cake fillings and frostings! You'll never be without Evaporated Milk again. It's another nutritious dairy product that's really good for you. Write for tempting new recipes made wi171. euaporaled milk. ENJOY NANNO'S FINE FOODS DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron Sf., Toronto Nes"' Your 16,19° oa make Eomous wbe0 50/ d .Mdk it with Evop •