HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-22, Page 2One Of The World's Largest Exhibits of butterflies, beetles.
moths, bugs and related insects will be on display on the
exhibit floors of the Coliseum, Toronto, during the Canadian
National Sportsmen's Show from, March 9 to 17. Here, jean
:pairnian. well known Ontario model, is showil with John May,
part owner of the exhibit, examining one of the many strange
insects which will be on display,
Gwead.oltt\st P Cltvolce
Last week, is you ,remember, 1
was wishing we .could have just a
little more snow. We got it all
right . , but i: wasn't "just a
little." Now the lane has filled in
to much for me to attempt taking
the car out—although I noticed a
picture M. the paper the other day
Showing a little English car like
ours making its way gaily through
deep snow while bigger cars were
getting stuck. Just for fun 1
would like to see what our car
would do, In fact, I would try it
if it were not for giving Partner
the trouble of hauling me out, sup-
posing I got stuck.
Right now I am working with
one ear cocked for a telephone
earl as we are expecting visitors
this week-end—and frankly, I am
little worried. Trying to heat the
house against high. winds and zero
temperature is hard enough when
wa, are alone but to have visitors
and not be able to keep them warm
and comfortable is a headache. For
one thing people altvays feel the
cod more away from home, as
they are naturally lese active with
co ordinary eveey-day chores to do.
Well, for goodness sakes, it isn't
a telephone call I am getting at all,
but our visitors themselves. At
feast this ver' minute a taxi is
• hugging up the lane. --whether it.
gets through oe not is a question.
•35:e for now.
forepsind e as nritten Iri-
dee t:igitt, \nat. fol!ows is one of
tio,e. dreadful traeedie, that some-
times strikes wit!! unbelievable
Partner's ro'•ir Colin and his
Jeesie arrived C.7i caw doorstep,
earefree and Leone. epparently in
tine best of healtii and prepared to
enjoy a quiet famile ek-end. We
sat around talking until neatly
• eive o'clock and then :tent to
bed, Sometime durine the night
Colin called out to int -"Conte
eti, come and look at Jessie .
there's sometinag t.rc.ng . she
ean't speak to me".
There was iedeed ou(-thing
wrong. ['oo' Je nas finite
01 We i!!'7.1t. for the doe -
l• hail to walk up our
!atig lane at 1.2 below zero.
;orinnat•ely, he said there n, noth-
ing le could do unit she regained
ronacionseess and that we had
igniter make preparations for get -
'nig her to hospital firs; thing in
no, ntegning.
Preparations included getting a
cm:plough to open tne lane; an
ambulance to tailie: to hospital:
long distance calla to ler daugh-
er:, and to maintain a cOniAallt
atCli at her bedside.
Tly ten next morning jeesie was
in hospital bed and receiving the
best of care. Colin came back to
dinner as he felt he was only in
Ile way and could be no help at
an. Shortly after dinner he was
recalled to the hospital . . .his wife
was sinking fast. Hurry . . . how
we wanted to burry! But the car
watuldn't start -12 below had been
too much for it. There are ail
kinds of taxis in town but not one
could we get. Colin started out
walking, I followed half -an -hour
later. At the hospital we sat V
f essie'a bed—watching and waiting
,—,,wondering if it would be too late
when the girls arrived. The hu-;
was, due hi at 3 eelocl---it was
10'11 minutea late—jnat when evcry
minute counted. One daughter
was in time but not the other neg..
Betty arrived by plane from Notent
Bay. Joy and I drove to ltlainoi.
fetch her. But there we ran
difficulties again. Know -i'
could not be there in time e had
telephoned ahead to have her
paged and advised to wait until we
carne. She did not get the call and
had gone on to Toronto. Po: means
af a lot of telephone calls between
the airport and Toronto we finally
located her and she came back to
Idialton, So now we all three are
here; our daughter came with one
of the girls from Toronto and Bob
arrived fritts Matheson during last
The funeral
On \Vehescia i
so I need hardly say how busy Nre
expect to be from now until then.
What struck us as all so very
forcibly at the tithe is the amazing
kindness of our friends and neigh-
bours. Jessie was only known to a
few of thein yet there are offers
of help in the way of aceomodatioo
and extra baking corning from so.
many quarters. Sometimes we
are inclined to think• that in this
day and age people everywhere
seem to. be growing apart but in
a crisis -we find there is still plenty
of kindness—just as much k.ind-
ness and help as there always NM S.
And we are very deeply touched
and appreciative. It is something
we shall alw-ays remember, To
Cohn and Ids family it has meant
a lot,—to know that Jessie's last
resting place will be among kind
and friendly people.
Man Who Went Back
:..1.111 -tanned, 33 -year-old .1)avid
rguson was wounded durind°the
grim struggle around C.:tien hi 1944.
So when be and his attractive s (Mug
wife went to Britain from Canada
to visit his native Scotland recently,
he rode en the back saddle of their
tandem as they pedalled to Dun-
fermline from London.
David bad met Patricia in
Toronto after' the war and they
had graduated together from To-
ronto Universits. always Omitting
to visit 'Britain. On their travels
Patricia took pictures of ancien.
castles, famous buildings and the
lovely scenery. With hgr help.
David will show them to his college
students this year.
.1s they rode, David often talked
to her about Normandy. "Before
ere return to Canada, Ill take you
to the spot where T Was wounded."
he promised. So they crossed the
Channel and the tandem headed for
Caen. now at peace in the sun-
David, Nebo served in the North
Nova Scotia Ilighlanders during
the war, felt tense with excitement
a they drew nearer and nearer
to the battlefield in knew so well.
Soddenly, as they reached the vil-
lage of Authie, :Dovid cried, "Stop!"
to the wife be has never seem
They had reached the spot gliere,
in 1944, shrapnel from an exploding
German shell hid robbed him of his
Fierhitching Skin
Gets Quick Relief
'fere Is a elean stainless penetrating
outleoptle oil that will bring you speedy
toilet from the Itching and a tram; of
Plcsema, /to/ling !Coins and veet. Rashes
and skin troubles,
Not only does this beatina. antlsotiq
ou promote rapid and healthy healing In
open soros and woundo, but boils and
simPle ulcers are also quickly relieved,
,tn Akin affections—the itching of Nerna
Is Quickly stopped; the eruptions dry Up
and scale are in a very fon days, The
same Is true at Ost!ber'al,b, Salt theme
and other skin eraptions,
You Cau obtain Moone's raid 011
wherever d Min 510 SOL
ISSUE 8 — 1951
Id/ !Ce ni nut 11.Ititt,,-
C'1tt \:1t dc SO.iti about l'enruttry.
litit tile mere pertirent ones sin. Mu
‘...r torti erg:, line print. For
hiebruury has some eatremel) licdt
It reputation is not of the
‘1) t e its tamotts lairtlidays
alld. 11111.11:1!:.!...t ittiVitt (if 10
stints out id fi,ound 11 og Day,
and it end- on tee ce,gn of Njagelge_
and though it has a miniqund cif
day, hetweet, lt u-ually manages
to pack those .ay, ;tido an assort-
nient of tveather that is. to say tjte
least, trying to i body that bus
just endured January. February is
sornething than natnre's pam-
pered darling.
There arc plata., in 01;4 hemi-
sphere here February is the be-
ginning of spring, placeThere
mockingbirds s i t g and sttamp •
Illaples turn livid with blonni, But
not in this latitude. There are also
places, beyond the equator to the
south, 1...here I:vrortwry is in (1.;;Im!!....
rim% \vith heat lino," blistt.r. and
drouglit that bur!i:-. But not here.
February in these parts is the exe-
et...Colter of d mischief which Jan-
uary lacked tiua. esti temner to com-
plete. :fly tradition anti stetietic.
Februare is the month of snow
liberally mixed with ice. And its .
winds are the blasts of January
partaking of the whimsy of March,'
February is the problem child of
the year.
Now and then. of course. Fehrig-
ars. beams. How else could the le-
gend of Ground Ifog Day hare.
arisen and persisted? February even
brings flowers. sometintes. Such
flowers as snowdrops. And some
eager souls can see spring in a
snowdrop. Such persons still have
a bit to learn about February, about
spring, and "about snowdrops. For
instatice, that snowdrops aed snow-
flakes: have more tinilt ni nodding
But February passes. as do all
tiiings good and bad. February
yielda to March, in due time. And
no matter what else you can say.
about March, it turns into April.
Stated that way, it's rather simple.
It's February, and we can already
think about April, by trying hard.
EA try g o o d home -decorator
needs this! Make new lampshades,
refurbish or slipcover old ones with
this wonderful pattern!
Fascinating to do—saves money
too! 'Pattern 923: step-by-step in-
structions 10 lamp -shades.
in coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted) for this pattern to Box 1,
123 .rigliteenth Street, New To-
ronto, Ontario. ifiritit plainly PAT-
Send Twenty-five Cents more
(in coins) for our Laura Wheeler
Needlecraft Book, Illustrations of
patteras for crochet, embroidery,
knitting, lionaeliold accessories,
dolls, toys . . . many hobby and
gift ideas. A free pattern is printed
in the book.
0,,1,7 v0,11,-1,4.:14 Q. -44A
"Dear )tt,ue [Fret; I am so ti 18
in wy trouble! My mother died Ina,
years ago stud I've been keeping
1 /deist, for Dad, as well as laddine
.... ,:.tit. interesting - joli. Now lie is
thinking 01 wor-
rying again. f
don't likt t h e
"Living with
him has not been
easy. He is very
44 autocratic, a n d
though 1 try to
keep things run-
ning as M o m
did, nodded 1 do pleases him. This
attitude. and nay many home duties,
keep the nereously upset. Ile still
thinks Pm a child: if a boy appears,
he discourages him. tionsequently.
have little social life except for
girl friends—and you know that
isn't enough! -
'Tye met this woman; she's a
widow v. ith married children. Site
has gone out her way to be nice
to me, and if Dad weren't marrying
d her I expect I'd enjoy knowing her.
But won't she try to curtail anyt
life even more? I've heard of sec-
ond wives who were so arbitrary,
and even jealous of their stePclaugh-
, ters.
"1 was close to Alm, and still
miss ber terribly. Dow can Dad
think of bringing in someone else
to take her place --and so soon? I
guess just
ALL 11 1.Xlhl.D LIP"
• 'Until you are older, you can-
▪ not comprehend your father's
loneliness since your Mother
• He has been lost without her,
floundering in a morass of con-
• fusion as only a devoted husband
can. This has contributed to
• his criticisms Of your efforts to
keep things going as usual at
home; in asserting his authority,
be has found an outlet for his
grief and turmoil. As to his
dislike of boy friends, that re-
veals his fear that you might
• marry and leave him.
11 he marries this widow. 1
• think he will he a changed inert,
• Her companionship and tender-
ness will assuage his loneli-
ness, and for the first titre since
he lost your mother, he 5.
* tlt tliv-vr!,!ion;•, von ren s!! witch,
believe your 4.,1;111(7e 1'' pelt 11
is right around the corner.
Cheer tip! Nlost. stepmothers
are woittle.rfill talgiple. Yours
e ill probably be, too.
If you face the problem of hav-
ing a stepmother, give her a warm
welcome, Most of them are wonder.
ful people, anxious only to make
their new life a happy one for
everyone concerned, Ask Anne
Hirst about anything that is wor-
rying you, .Address her at Box 1,
123 Eighteenth St,. New Toronto,
If you have a tale to tell.
Boil it down!
Write it out and write it well,
Being careful how you spell;
Send the kernel, keep the shell;
Boil it down!
:Theta when all the job is done,
Boil it down!
If you want to share our fun,
Know just bow a paper's run,
Day by day front sun to stun
.Roil it downl
When there's not a word to spare
Boil it ,dowii!
Heave a sigh and lift a prayer,
Stamp your foot and tear your hair,
Then begin again with care—
Boil it down!
When, all done, you send it in,
AVe'll boil it down.
Where you end there we begin;
This is our besetting sin;
With a scowl or with a grin,
boil it down.
WMD PN/1/52 61
There's one thing for the headache
. . the muscular aches and pains
that often accompany a cold
INSTANTINZ.INsumma brings really
fast relief from pain and the relief
is prolonged!
So get 1:csraraulz and get quick
comfort. INSTANTINE0is compounded
like a prescription of three proven
medical ingredients. You can depend
on its fast action in getting relief front
every day aches and pains, headache,
rheumatic pain, for neuritic or
neuralgic pain.
Get Intestine today
and always
keep It handy
12 -Tablet Tin 25
Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 690
,#)// e4/;7k O 9,4,4
e*.1 dish you ,would not dread
coining. As Yonr father's
wife, she will take over the man-
* agement of the house, and free
" you of all those burdens. You
will give over the reins grate-
• fully, ask her what duties she
wants you to accept, but leave
• the real responsibilities to ber.
* She will expect that, and enjoy
1' having a home of her own again
to superintend.
Having raised a fatuity, she
will, 1 expect, sympathize with
your longing for boy friends
• and encourage them, and then
your father will too. Most step-
mothers want to make their new
husband a n d family happier
than they have been. Give her
the benefit of your doubt, and
look forward to the marriage.
Go ahead hard in this inter-
esting job yop have. Make new
friends, and enjoy them. You
have been deprived too lonp, of
Here is a grand new cough
syrup made especially for
COLDS. xt tastes so good
they ask for morel First
dose brings fast, safe relief.
JACK and JILL is made by
CONTAINS the makers of Buckley's
VITAMIN "C" mixture and 19 as good for
their coughs and colds as Beckley's
Mixture is for your own. Price 50,,
/ le bette"111115r
1 1
Mix and sift. into bowl, 1.7:i c. once -sifted pastry
Hour (or 13f 0. once -sifted hard -wheat flour), 3 taps.
Magic Baking Powder, j tsp. salt. Cut, in finely
3 tbs. chilled shortening and mix in t`; c. yellow
• cornmeal, ;Ise' c, shredded cheese and
2 tbs. chopped. parsley. Make a well in
centre, pour in c. little and mai%
lightly with a fork. Knead for 10
seconds on a lightly -floured board
and roll out to ,TY1," thick rectangle;
eut into 12 fingers and arrange,
slightly apart, on greased baking
sheet. Bake in hot ovon, 425% about
15 mins. Serve hot with butter or
margarine. Yield 1 dogma Angora.
Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE
Write Jane Ashley, The Canada Starch Company limited,
P. 0. 13ox 729, Montreal, P. Q.
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Taken regularly thruout
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Tablets help build up resistance
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Tablets are also
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est blood
tonics you eau
buy to help build up red blood
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ant stomachic tonic, tool 'just
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Lydia E. lioerS