HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-22, Page 1eiee Established a ZOO ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTAZIO R.V. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR /X a.m.—Divine ,Services. )<.L15 a.m. —Sunday School, 7.30 p.m.—,Divine Worship. nvorybody Welcome tcx all Servicers. EMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -••-. Ontario, REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesctb - Organist '' unday Services:- 16:00 ervices:— '',i6:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 71.1.00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at all Servmiicee--"Conn® 'thee with us and we Trill do thee +::ocvd." Num. 10:29. Are You staffeftg From Headaches? 3t r, r, Have your Ey • aseernined rdth "etre Latest Methods and. Equipment at LEO,. • OPTOMETRIST & GODARli£ -- Old :'elood Glasses at Iiiheasonsaa Fri F -ER.- A L ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22 l95 CH ESTE tR L. SMITH, PUBLISHgtet $1,76 a Yearhz Adm. $2,00 in U. 8.. A., in Advance. AicIon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Feb. 23-24 RETURN of the, FRONTIERSMAN Techicolor A. Warner Bros, Top Picture. Only One Gun to Fight With, and One .Giri to Fight For Gordon MacRae Rory Calhoun Also Shorts Two Shows 7.30 and 9.30. MVIondalr Tuesday Feb. 26-27 BRIGHT LEA'F,' . Warnes' Bros. add a New Leaf to Entertainment An All Star Cast. Gary Cooper Laureen BaCall Patricia Neal and `Jack Carson News Reel and Shorts. One Show 8:00 p.m. Julie London Jack Holt The Voice of Temperance How is it that in some ,communit- ies under the Canada Temperance Act there is no complaintagainst the Act, while in other communities un- der the same legislation there is much criticism of the Act? How is it that in some communities under the Can- ada Temperance Act there is a min- imum of drinking and drunkenness .and law breaking, while in other communities under the sante •.act, there is too much liquor and too i much law breaking? It is a fair con- clusion that the trouble is not with the Act. The other conclusion is that n -communities are suffering from ,,',5date `law ' eirforcernent and in adequate civic leadership. The. rem- edy is not in scrapping the Canada Temperance Act, but in developing -a. dry public opinion.—Adv. '. Marry Moir -man, bnioral Moyne amera1 Director Prioette Cal' „ lliblblaITZ Member of ntario Funeral Associatzozz Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN - FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED I+ROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service --- Dashwood Tel. 70W. allerlaafflaratatiffiEnatandigterrMgratra WE HAVE A LOT OF ITEMS IN OUR STORE THAT WILL BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 10 Pak All Wool `'i lankets, Reg. 19.50 for 13.50 a Pair A Number of Ladies' and Girls Sweaters at 20% Off Regular Price. Snow Suits - Ski Pants - Bunting Bags, Etc.,, Etc. All These at 25% Off Regular Price Some Shades and Sizes in Nylons, 2 Pair for $1.95 FRESH GROCERIES FRUI'T'S VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER. GIVE US A CALL FOR. SERVICE! seg,.-ati Phone 149 .. C. H. THIEL Zurich --COMING EVENTS -- 3 -Act Comedy ELIMVILLE Women's Institute iPresents COVERALLS A 3 -Act Comedy at ST PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph, Ont. On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, At 8 p.m. Admission: Adults 40e. Children 25c. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who 'ie membered hie while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with cards, treats, letters, etc. For which I was very grateful. —Mrs. Wm. Hay. IN MEMORIAM In loving mernoily. of Emil Hen- drick who died two years ago, Feb- ruary 24th. T'sis day brings back to memory A dear one gone to rest, And those who think .of thin today, Are those who loved him best. --Ever remembered bly Brother, Sis- ter, nephews and nieces. THE ZURItCH CARNIVAL Lagt Friday night was gala night at the Baibe.,Siebert 1Vtemorial Arena in Zurich, when the annual carnival took .place, postponed from the pre= vious night ..when a hockey ;game was being played. Early in the evening fancydressed skaters were in evid- ence on the ice, which was none too bard owing to the recent thaws. A lot of fine costumes were displayed, and it was a most beautiful picture. as they went too and fro .over ' the iee.> The, most rnter.estarig of rather tli�lling• featttiis ;oi' `tie evening was the hockey game between the Bay- field Lions and the members of the Zurich Lions Club. These boys sure put on a show of clowning along with some violent rushes of 'carrying the puck. Many pile-ups and penal- ties were in order, and the referee, "iVIarcell" as we know hini best, had a big job on his hands. However, the Bayfield 'Club came out on top by the score of 6-3. The Carnival was arranged 'by the Arena Board, and following is a list of the prize winners Boys' Fancy, .1!2 and under — Vat O'Brien, W. Willert, R. Johnston. Boys' Comic, 12 and under„— Rob- . bin Meyers, Mervin McAdams. Girls' Fancy, 121 and under — Dian Thiel, June Willert, Sandra Par. kins. Girls' Comic, 12 and under — Sheila Willert, Carol Mittleholtz. Best Animal — S. Dietz, Ben Gig nuc, Herb Turkheim. • Girls' Fancy, 16 and under --- Mar- ian 11VIakins, Elaine Grainger. Girls' Comic, 16 and under — Irene. Dietrich, Mary Grainger. Boys' Fancy, 16 and under, — 731,11 Hese. Bob Merner. Boys' Comic, 16 and under — Arth- ur Miller, Warren Regier. Ladies' Fancy — Mary Lou Fritz,'. Joyce Witmer. - Ladies' Comic — Barbara Gascho, Gloria Dietz. Men's Fancy — Marcel Quesnel. Men's Comic --- Leeland Willert, Hubert Schilbe. National Costume — Patsy Scotch - mer, Louie Willert, Sharon Block. Best Costume — Patsy Scotchnier.°, Marian Makins. Bovis' Race — Pat O'Brien, Warren Realer. Girls' Race --- Carol Mittleholtz, .Tune Howald. Men's Race — •l3en Gi#gas, 1larcil Quesnel. ANNUAL MEETING The With Annual Meeting or The. Hay Township Fennel's' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday the 219th of January 1951 at 2 p.rn. Mr. W. H. Love, President of the Com- pany wa.S appointed chairman and H. K. Eil•bcr, •Se•cretary. Following the reading of the minutes of the prev- ious animal meeting, the Pres dent read lair, anneal address. He stated Haat at the present time there were 2429 policies in force to the autount of $17,729,020 which is an increase tse-. f $1.,541.00 During the past. year $76 policies were issued tor $6,326,- 350 and 837 policiel expired or were eancelled amounting to $4,785,350. Our reinsurance with the llsborne & Hibbert, :Mutual and West Continued of Page S) Home from Hospital M'r;?. Wen. Hay has returned home fromi`.;3. Joseph's Hospital, Landon. Hex `laughtere Mrs. MacDonald, nee Ada Ea(y, Reg. N., of Stratford, as- sisted'her :mother for a few days.The form* is feeling fine. Were at London Stanley Gingerich, Miss Mar- ga i Gingerich, Mr. Alfred ,Bopp, 1VI Erma Baechler, and Rev. Sol- o aechler were at London Mon - da ` ening, where they held sere - lea �r� .the Good-Wi]:1 Rescue Mission las recently been openedup w1i by} 5 Mennonite church, and which is inq ting with big success. g°'' Purchased Property Mr: (Morris Welber has .purchased a pa/lion of land from Miss Louise Hendrick on Louisa Street and le preparing to build a dwelling house thereon' this spring. Morris is' to be coan vended for the interest taken in ibuil • ing ,new homes in Zurich. It always helps to improve the town by. the addition of another new home. Lions Club News • 'Tie regular supper meeting was held''; on Monday eve. in the Domin- ion Hotel dining room, with a fairly goo& attendance. A few were i11 and..could not be present. After the usual sing -songs. and supper the two rvevF Lions Reg. Illsley and Bob. McKinley were .presented with their meii?benship deplomas, and are now coniaidered full fledged Lions. The presentation being made by 'Lion.' Pre 'dent Jacob Haberer. Vice pres, ide,' Russell Grainger occupying the •chair. Lion Ivan Yungblut for the .Boys and Girls Committee repor- ted: as having purchased sweaters an tiller equipment for the Midget t ..kit 0-a41,,»iliR si,e;.loing a;fi1_,e job' Lion Roy Lamont reported as the Christmas Seal campaign having received $370.50, and that the Eas- ter Seal campaign is now on its way and will soon be in the mails. In the minutes of the last meeting read by 'Secretary Lion George, it was re- corded of presenting Lion Governor Gordon Hargreaves with a fine wool auto robe at that meeting. After business discussions Lion Victor Dinen treated the Lions to a very itesting film reel of the activities of ' .:ie. Huron Library A,ssoc;ation who:operates out of Goderich. The pictures were accmpanied by Mr. Racerily, announcer of CKNX Win- gham, and were very educational, showing some of the anost lovely scenes, herds of live stock of which no better •could be filmed anywhere. After the meeting closed the Lions jo1rneyed over to the school house veli e they had their initiative pract- ice r the.new Minstrel Show about tbgin,. and which will be presented re !public in due time. HOCKEY NEWS Each Team One Up! est week saw two interesting aeneS in the Babe Siebert Mem, -retia, Zurich, when on Thursdaay evening the first. game in the playoffs was held, In this game some very fast_ ` hockey was demonstrated by bah the .Zurich and Dashwood team Manch corning out best with the score of 10-5, but this did not indi- cate .the trend of play, as the going otherwise seemed about even, only fbi . •the• occasional breakthrough which fattened the Zurich .'core, Few penalties were meted out. Quesnel paced the Zurich win with four niar- ken, while Doug O'Brien was next with three tallies; J. Hayter was high man for Dashwood with two goals. This game was very largely attended Then on Saturday evening, before a good crowd the return game was played on heavy and slushy ice, with Dashwood like Zurich in the first game doubling the score, by 4-2. The ice was heavy and the puck hard to control. Dashwood took the lead in the first period and were never be- hind throughout the game, Only 3 penalties were handed out as players of both teams seemed to tire quickie? on the hard going ice. Bob Hayter sparked for 'Daehwood by scoring '2, J. Hayter and Tiernan, each one.F'or Zurich Gignac. and Mc'IKinleiy each scored one ,lust when the next game will he plaved will depend on the weather man, or Should it refuse to get cold again and freeze up, likely the games will be played on some arena with artifical lee. Anyway Lthe games will be interesting after this rather )engthy layoff, NORMA ' S RAG RUGS and CARPET$ , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made lit'• Tel. 223. Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuc NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Prom p t, Optical Repair Serv'ce YOUR BROKEN LENS DUPLICATED FROM THE SMALLEST PIECES SHELL FRAMES AND TEMPLE FULL VUE MOUNTINGS ANY SIZE AND SHAPE A G. HESS ,jeweler and Registered Optician. .wn CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on thia winter. Solve your heating problemlt this easy way and change to the coak that will definitely assure you cone tinuous heat throughout the winteee months. And remernber — BLUE COAL burns better and lasts lon¢ Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673ril HENSALL e. • e a a vitsitialst e Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Day and Night Service or 122, Zurich • • • Telephone: Res. 89 - eassaoo•ea®aaaasacciatboese seeeesese s006)0e61.6840 +ste 1 • • • • • 1 a • • enno Oesch Zurich • • • PRODUCE WANTED. „mac a�'t,,.'»m""•." r We are ever at- your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Phone 165 ttYi4a klitra4iar EL' [. SiaTAltal5eeemer::r lgl: -�"�"1 M 6 at loth We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. Now In Stock MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, Women and Children, GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand/ THE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 otaissaaareasessa' t . t w avwl6+,31n ;,,,,nn:4f. _,.,...: Jan z"zr . _ `; 1. 111. 11^II *1 1 al 4 i 4 d