HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-15, Page 4ONTARIO 2 fc�s Spring 1 irne is Chick Time o op hFk Starter Contains A.P.F. Supplement A.P.F. SUPPLEMENT IS MADE UP OF VITAMIN B-12 PLUS A NEW GROWTH FACTOR WE HAVE THIS NEW SUPPLEMENT IN BULK. SEE US FOR FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS. CO-OP. CHICK STARTER, $4.80 NEW JUTES CO.OP. PIG STARTER, $4.40 NEW JUTES. CO-OP. HOG GROW, $3.75 USED JUTES CO-OP. LAYMASH $4.30 NEW JUTES CO-OP. HOG CONC. . $5.35 CO-OP. 36c( LAY TONIC $5.90 He lsail HENSALL 11S. )i'st. Co -opo inc. FOR QUICK SALE 2 Goodyear Snow Tires 600.16, wed one winter, at a bargain; -Hess, the Jeweller. FOR SALE Dwelling and Business sight in Zurich. Apply to Ivan Willert, shone 210, Zurich. FOTO 'SA1_..E 11 young pigs, six •weaks old for 'quirk sale.—Wes. McBride, Phone 1;87 r 21, HensaII. NOTICE TO CREDITORS :moi. THE ESTATE OF HARRY etkLBERT BOSE, '14t€: 'of Zurich, deceased. All persons Claiming • against the -above estate are •required to forward pax•iacu'tars'to the undersigned on *ter before the 5th day• of March 1951, e t/L er which date the -estate • will be istributed. Frank Donnelly, K C.,' Godeiioh, Solicitor for the •Estate. ZURICH 220 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF HAY LOST A 1.4 -foot Logging Chain on way home from Zurich Co-op. mill to Leenis Gingerich. Please Phone 36 r 12, Dashwood. •TENDERS WANTED @Po 0 6 r 6 0 Is calling for Tenders to spray all the cattle in Hay Township, ac- cording to "The Warble -Fly Con- trol Act 11949", which is incorporated in a By-Iaw of the: Township. Person tendering to supply sprayer only and Hien to operate the unit. ALSO Applications for Inspector to sup- ervise the • spraying of tine Cattle in Hay Township, sprayed according to The Warble -Fly Control Act 1949. Inspector to collect payment for spraying done. Applicants to receive instruction from Council. All tenders to be in the Clerk's Office by March 3rd, 195.1. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, Ontario 0 THIS MAN IS He started as a junior in a local branch bank . just as his manager did before him. Now he's on his way up, too. He's learning banking skill right on the job, helped by more experienced men on the bank's staff. He is taking special banking courses . Like most bankers, during his career, he 411:: will learn to know many parts of Canada, various communities. He will develop the human understanding and the business judgment you expect of your banker. Starting from the branch that serves you he may rise to the very top. The general, manager of his bank started just the way he did, u P BANK TOWNSHIP O F HAY GRAVEL TENDER: The Town- ship of 1 -lay is calling for tenders for hauling and crushing 6000 ,eu. yards of gravel for 1951. This grav- el to be taken from the McLean pit, east of Hensel]. Tenders call for price of crushing and also separate price for hauling on flat rate any- where in the Township. Half of amount to be hauled during month of May, remainder in September. ,Cruehiug to 34 -inch size, Tenders to be in the •hands of the Clerk by March 3rd, 1951, accomp- anied by marked cheque for $200.00. Township to supply one truck. All 1vrork and material to meet with the approval of the Road Superintendent James Masse, Road Superintendent, Zurich, Ont. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, Ontario. OBITUAF2 e Mrs. Margaret Jane Boyce There passed away in the Stratford General Hospital, on Thursday, Feb. 8th, Margaret Jane Boyce, wife of the late John Hohner. In. her 69th year. She was a former resident of Stanley Township. Surviving are a son Walter Horner, Stratford;. a da- ughter, Mrs. Frank ,McClinc h e ;v (Mabel) Stanley Township; three brothers: Wan. Boyce, Goderich Twp; Frank .Boyce, !Stanley Twp; and Vic- tor Boyce, •Goderich; one sister, Mrs Wm. Hohner, Stanley Twp. 4 grand children. The body rested at the Westlake .Funeral Hone, Zurich until Saturday, Feb. 10th, where a public funeral service was held et 2 p.m. Interment followed in the Evangelic- al Cemetery, Bronson line, with Rev. Reba Hern officiating. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs. George Kawshut of Kitchener were visitors with the lat- ter's parents on the B. W. Highway. Mr and Mrs. Henry Wilds and family of Dashwood were Visitors at Mr and Mss.. Ed. C'orriveau. iMr and Mrs Leonard Geoffrey and children of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of the latter's 'mother. On. Saturday last word was receiv- ed by Mr. Leon Bedard ff Born a rela- tive in Detroit of the passing. of Mr. Regis Papineau of that •city, the de- ceased was 76 ,years of age .and was born a short distance north •of St. Joseph, et son of the late`Joachim 'Papineau and the late Matilda Den omme, his first wife. Deceased left these parts 50 years ago. He was employed in some electrical shop in Buffalo and other •cities, and af- ter some years took over himself el- ectrical work from which he built himself a very profitable business. He is a half-brother to the Paprneau family who until :recently resided in the community. We offer our symp- athy to relatives of the family. • BLAKE. CARD OF THANKS —Miss Elzi- abeth Finlay wishes to thank all her schoolmates and friends who re- membered her with cards and letters also treats during her recent illness. Mr and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were visited by their daughters and fam-• flies of Tillson'burg, for a few days. Ma. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gascho and Others this community attended a funeral near Shakespeare recently. Mr. Edmund Schwartzentruber re- turned home after spending several weeks in Victoria Hospital, London. All his friends and relatives wish him a speedy recovery to better health real soon. Mr and Mrs. Arthur . Finlayson and family of Kippen spent Sunday with friends in Blake. Mr and Mrs Archie Mustard and sons of Brucefield visited Mr. and Mrs Newell Geiger and family. Mr. Norman Jarrott of London, is visiting in the vicinity. Sympathy is extended from the community to Mr and Mrs. William Oesch in the loss of their wee girl, born February 10th at Clinton Hos- pital. DASHWOt31) Mr, and Mrs. Keith Wildfong of London, spent the week -end withhis parents, Mr and Mrs. Garnet Wild- fong. Mrs. Walter Statton of Grand Bend returned home from St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, in Hoffman's ambulance where she had been tak- ing treatment for .several weeks. Col. and Mrs. E. E. Tieniah and family of London were Sunday viq- itors with his mother, Mrs. Mary'`Die- man and Mr and Mrs. Wildfong. Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Doherty of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ken. McCrae. Mr. John Smith, Crediton, was taken on Sunday to St. Joseph's I3og- irital, London, in Hoffman's Ambul- ance and after- X-rays, was aisle to* return home. Mr. David Schroeder is confined to his home through illnese, i 11 .r.:i T+. r .., Cl l•,; f.�.'teel,.6iaud at the home of qtr and Mrs. Lorne ZURICH HERALD Titer day, February 15th, 1951 Kleinstiver last Thursday evening, when a very enjoyable evening was spent. Misses Berniece Tyler and Madeiw ine 'Corriveau of London spent the ,y week -end at their Homes here. Mr. Jack Hartman, son of Herb. Ia Hartman, Mt. Carmel, was taken to FA St. Joseph's Hospital in I -Tarry Hoff- y�\ man's Ambulance. �4 Exec' l tor 's Sale OF VALUABLE FARM AND REAL ESTATE On WEDNESDAY, the 28th OF FEBRUARY, at the hour of 2 pan., the following parcels of land with buildings thereon will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. 10% of purchase price on date of Sale, and conditions announced and read at the time of the sale. 60% of purchase price may he left on Mort- gage. PLACE OF SALE — The late Dr. Moir Estate, one mile south of Hen - on Number 4 Highway. PARCEL 1.-100 acres more or less, Lot 1, Conchs::ion 1, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, choice clay loam farm with 8 acres of bush. On this farm is situated a 3 storey, 19 room brick dwelling suitable • for apartments, with full size !basement and hot water heating system, bank barn 80 by 40, driving shed 50 by 25 and pig pen 30 by 20. PARCEL 2:—Part of Lot 17, Con- cession 1, Township of Hay, consist- ing of comfortable house and 2 acr- es of land having a frontage on the Highway of .approximately 365 feet. PARCEL 3: --Parts of Lot 16 and 17, -Concession 1, Township of Hay, on' Number 4 Highway, being all of Lot 16 and 17 lying east of railway. This property contains approximately GO acres and has situate on it a comfortable dwelling, good barn and large chicken -house. Excepted from this parcel is a second ,cottage. having a frontage of 85 feet;on the High- way !by 316 feet and a right of way. PARCEL 4.: --Lot 23,. Concession ESIµ EER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER; Rader :r flittlehitz Phone 63 - Zurich 3, in the Township of Hay, contain- The Voice of Temperance, ing 100. acres more or less, :being choice clay loam farm with barns 26 A letter carried this 'observatiosx,,, by 40 each, and comfortable frame house, good water supply. "The Canada Temperance Act is a, farce in The above described parcels are in Grand Bend." Is the Canada. good location and in a very desir- Temperance Act any more of a farce,. able farming district and each has in Grand Bend than the Liqour Cone. an ample water supply. trol Act is in Windsor? Would the For further particulars apply to Liquor Control Act be any less of a either of the undersigned. _ farce than the Canada Temperance Act? It would open up the flow of a larger volume of liquor. Then there would be more drinking and more drunkeness. The latter state of that community would be worse than it lie at present—Let no one be deceived, Adv. . BERT FABER, R.R. No. 2, Kippen Executor of the Extate of the late Dr. Alexander Moir. And Edward W. Elliott, Clinton Auctioneer. YOUN ARE NEEDED 1 E IATEL AS RADIO -RADAR, AIRCRAFT, INSTRUMENT AND ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS in the nadia To meet' the responsibilities of the times, More men are needed now—in all branches of Canada's expanding Air Force. There are immediate openings for men age 17 to 90, with Grade 8 education or better. There is special need for men to train as Radio-. Radar, Aircraft, Instrument and Armament Tech- nicians. If you can qualify, you can start nous your career in the great field of modern aviation. The. training is thorough: the opportunities are good!. —ACT NOW SERVE CANADA AND THE CAUSE OF FREEDOM SEF hittC' BEER C O// tela AT TN' ADDRESS IN COOP ' OR /M/1 TIIE COOPON TRAINING COMMAND, R.C.A.F., TRENTON, ONTARIO Please mail me, without obligation, All particulars regarding enlistment requirements arra openings now. available 1n the NAME (PleaseP'rint) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGE..........