HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-15, Page 1iatabinshed J_2O� ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15 1951 ST. PETER'S v i elica1 Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO E. W. HEINRICH, PASTOR 6101 a.m.—Divine ,Services. 711..15 a.m. —Sunday School. it.h® p.m.—Divine Worship. d'.verybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. 1 CHURCH Zurich --- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister fess. Milton (Misch - Osgnmiist fklranday Services:— an:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 0.I.00 a.m.—Bible School. ;'d:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at illi Sm reicmd--"Cwei r•. cm with us and we well elle geed." Num., 10:29. ee Are You Suffering From Head el 7 ii4 se, Have your Eyes likramined with Latest Methods aad l nipmeat at A. L. COLE OPTOMETRIST e� GOD 1 O • Geed Glasses n ]f''I'6C1AN Aldan Theatre GRAND .BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions • Friday, Saturday February 16-17 DUCHESS OF IDAHO Metro -Goldwyn -Mat'er's Musical of Sun Valley Splendor in Technicolor Starring Esther Williams, Van Johnston and John Lund COMIC STRIPS .Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30. Monday, Tuesday February 19-20 (Double Bill) LOVE THAT BRUTE A Hilarious Love Story of a Beauty and a Brute Paul Douglas and Jean Peters UNDER MY SKIN. News Reel and Comic Strip. One Show 8 o'clock. t 'Will be held in the ' abe ;Siebert Memorial Arena ZURICH Postponed to Fri.Feb 16 Judging to start at 8:30 p.ni. Good Cash .Prizes will be given to the 'Winners 1of the Various Prizes being offered SPECIAL ATTRACTION JIO;CKEY GAME — Bayfield Lions VS. Zurich Lions ci4:dsSsllerr—Adults 36 cents; 'Child- ren 12 and under 15e. GOOD MUSIC. EVERYBODY WELCOME Sponsored by the Arena Committee. 5. Marry geogema .r, %isr a Z XX omaz'e _i.eitiberal Director — Private Gar „L/n,bl(,IiaJu3e Member of nttario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST. AID CERTIFICATE Portable I XYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. esenesesentrouussessorsentwmesusasseessinessasesmsnessuatemseensesensassesawseasar WE HAVE A L 'T OF ITEMS IN OUR STORE THAT WILL BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 10 Pair Alt Wool Blankets Reg. 19.50 for 13.50 a Pair A Number of Ladies' and Girls Sweaters at 20`%x' Off Regular Price. Snow Suits Ski Pants - Bunting Bags, Etc., 'Etc. All These .at 25% Off Regular Price Some Shades and 'Sizes in Nylons, 2 Pair for $1.95 FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTE M), WE DELIVER GIVE US A CLL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 .. C. H. THIEL - Zurich --COMING EVENTS-- ,, ct Comedy ELIMV+ILLE Women's Institute 1Presents COVERALLS A 3 -Act Comedy at ST PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph, Ont. On • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. At 8 1p.m. Admission: Adults 40c. Children 25c. HYMENEAL Thiel - Whiting :Lillian Margaret Whiting, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. Calvin Whiting, of Parkhill, became the bride of Keith George Thiel, of Zur- ich, elder son of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, in a ceremony performed at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. A. E. Gilmer, of Ailsa Craig.. Miss Shirley Chandler played the wedding music and Morley Pollock', was soloist. Given in marriage b.'y, her father, the bride score 'white French •emibroidered satin, styled with a sweetheart neckline, pointed, bodies and double -net skirt over satin. Flowers held her fingertip veil and the bride carried a cascade or red roses and white 'mums. Miss Emily Whiting was her sister's anaid of honor, wearing iblue satin, and Miss Eleanor Wilson was bridesmaid, wear ing pink taffeta. They carried daf- fodils and snapdragon. Ellwood Truemner of Zurich, was ;best man. After a reception at the home ,of the bride's parents, the couple left for a trip to the United States. The bride donned a blue gabardine suit with (blue and grey accessories. Yausie - Becker A pretty wedding was soremnized x011 ...Sa• dat.,'F,.e'biz,n4.rY;'', '0th -4 ' o'- clock in Zion Lutheran 'Church; Dash= wood, when Elfrieda Margaret, dau-, ghter. of Mrs. Henry: Becker and the late Mr. HenrytBecker of Dashwood, 'became the ;bride of Mr. Frederick John Yausie, son of the late Mr and Mrs. S. Yausie, of Wainwright, Alb- erta. Rev. L. Higenell performed the double ring ceremony. Miss Betty Eckstein of Kitchener presided at the organ and Mrs. W. Beamer Cr Lon- don was soloist. Given in marriage by her brother, Rudolph Becker, the bride wore gardenia white satin,cut on princess lines, with a nylon yoke. and petal -point sleeves. A flowered headdress held an embroidered veil 'and the bride carried a colonial bouquet of Talisman roses. Mrs. Lena Benstead, the groom's sister, was matron of honor, gowned in yellow nylon net over taffeta with matching headdress and carried a colonial bouquet of .mauve mums. Miss Margaret Becker, niece of the bride, was bridesmaid and was gown- ed in ice green satin, matching head- dress and carried a colonial bouquet of yellow mums.' Rupert Herbert, of London was groomsman, and the ushers were Wilfred Becker of Dash- wood and Harold Brandt of Kitch- ener. After a recption at the hone of the bride's mother, the couple left for a trip to eastern points. For travelling, the bride chose a leading ladysuit with navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Yausie will reside at 83 Jacqu- eline St., London. Guests were pres- ent from Roblin, Manitoba, Lamp - man, Sask., Kitchener, Stratford, Lonron and Hensall. Under Uspices ei OF TT -TE CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLIS s $1.76 a Year in Mie ems)'. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advo. 'Is At Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjardine are at London, where the former is tak- ing treatment at Victoria. Hospital. We are;•`.'pieased to report he is pro- gressiin,,; ;favourably. His many fri- ends ye him a speedy recovery. ve Day Of Prayer of Prayer was observed in tnnv `-lishen Line North United Churdii' tit Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hayter i;resided with Mrs. H. E. Roppe d Mrs. Herb. Mousseau as- sisting' "the,;pastor, Miss Reba Hern addres ' `d the audience with some impreg' 're and spiritual remartcs.The music'Ieuded a.vocal. duett by Mrs. Keys a:d -Mrs. Hayter. Intercessory prayerstwere• offered by Mrs. Heim - rich, Mrs E. Kliopp, Mrs. M. Elliott, Mrs. Ritssell Erratt, Rev. H. E. Rop- pe1 Sana :Mrs. Chester .Smith. The meetingwas well attended. Farm Forum Tile *ilnique Forum met on Monday evening ; Feb. 112,, at the home of Mr and Mrs Delbert Geiger. There was a srpler did attendance in spite of the icy roads and unfavourable weather. Mr B. KKloplp was the speaker and con ducted :tale discussion on "Should a Food Bank be established?". The recreational hour took the torm of a Valentine Social. The group enjoyed, a lively progressive game of crokin- ole. Mrs. D. Geiger and Mrs. .C. Geiger each received a .box of choc- olates ;;for the high ladies' and high gents' 'score. The booby prize was a bott e of "Catchup." The delici- ous 1 rich •also carried out the Val- entine}`theme. The next • sleeting will 114„ held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gi Pepper. (LastWeek's. Meeting. Delayed in The Forum was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. Sande, on Feb. 5th. Mr. L. Merner led the discuss- ion :on "Should Agricultural Prod- ucts be Controlled?"' During the re- creational hour the group enjoyed a contest on guessing the parts of a car, which caused even the hest 'of mechanics to "scratch their heads".' • Wo ens Institute A PROGRAM ANI) EXHIBITION of Work Shown by the local Short Course Students will be given on SATURDAY EVE. FEBRUARY 27. Tn. The Town Hall, Zurich By the South Huron en's Branches. NOTICE I}ue to circumstances beyond om, control, the ticket draw sponsorerci ')y the Womens' Institute will hw i10.tt.1x110)1 until the evening of Matrc•1: 10th, at. the Cotmnunil c, Centre. Wat.clt the paper for fnrther detatlA Buy your tickets from the Zurich W Institute Members nowt. HOCKEY NEWS (By IT, E. T.) Zurich won the McMillan Trophy last Friday night by defeating Hen- sall 6-4 in the Zurich Arena. The game ,played before 1150 fans, was the fasters and cleanest game ever played in this Arena. Goal getters for Zurich were. D'o.ug. O'Brien 2, )Sen Gignac 12), and Marcel Quesnel 2, Ji or Honsall, Harriston scored twice, :.Mousseau and Cowan one each. Dur- ing the regular schedule Zurich won 8 gasses, losing only 2, thereby win- ning the trophy for finishing on top of the league. On Tuesday night Lucan and Dash- wood played in the Zurich Arena to break a tie for second place. Lucan came out on the long end of things, winning by a score of 6-3. This win puts. Lunn in second place and Dash- wood in third. In the playoffs Zurich and Dashwood will meet in a ,best 3 out'of 5 series, starting in the Zurich Arena on Thursday night. The sec- okr'd;gatne is slated for Zurich on Saturday night, game time 9:00 p.m. sharp. It is' hoped all 'business places will close at 9 o'clock for this Satur- tlaylnight game. Lucan and Hensall dlsd meet in a best 3 out of 5 ser- ias 'in the semi-finals. The winners o'hese two series will meet in a vitit bf 5 series; for the Group Chan1- liioiiship. N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPET =- On a New Modern Loom, Made +; Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurick Ont. Phone 128. - P1ayotf Schedule is as follows: .Thursday, Feb. 115—Dashwood vs. Zurich Sat. Feb. 17 ---Zurich vs Daiiwood. Tries. Feb. 20 -Dashwood vs Zurich. Thurs. Feb. 22 -Zurich vs Dashwood (if necessary) Sat. Feb. 24 --Dashwood vs Zurich. (if necessary) Any postponed game will be played the following night if possible. For fartherannouncements on these I7istiiot Worn- games tune in 'on CKNX Wingham, from 6.151 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. ptkkal r 'epddr Seneca YOUR BROKEN LENS DUPLICATED FROM THE SMALLEST PIECES SHELL FRAMES AND TEMPLE FULL VUE MOUNTINGS ANY SIZE AND SHAPE G. HE S Jeweler and Registered Optician. CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend en thit winter. Solve ,your heating problem..- this easy way and change to the coat that will definitely assure you con- tinuous heat throughout the winter months. And remember — BLUE COAL burns better and lasts longer,, Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 67314 PIENSALL emosisee • 0 The carnival which was scheduled e a 0 0 for Thursday. night has been post- poned until the following' niglit, Fri- day, Feb, 16th. Iles sttrc to attend this ;;ala (':.r rirvati 1 Have Moved .Mr and .lrs Leo Meidniger• are nicely settled in the home owned by Mr, Norman Gascho, INC welcom(t them to town, 0000000 0,, 0 0 r 41 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent . FLOWERS FOR ALL QCCASIONS Day and Nig) 'ate,.! 6 T elephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 00000000 0000 0 00000 ZUr eery eette 0000000000000 *:u000 We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 iu s➢ I41110F0T0 . Lloth We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a me stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. Now In Stock MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl tit ti E. Schwazent>i ober, Prop, Ea Phone 1:1 » i