HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-08, Page 6SPORT
r1 t txatTCit4
Ever ,since they brought in the
"no overtime' rule in hockey we
have been kicking mildly and, of
Course, fruitlessly. We had two
reasons for making such protests,
The first eves that the cash cos••
touters pay to see a contest played
to a finish, and that when a g.une
ends in a stalemate they don't get
full value for their money.
* * %3
Ch'•s view, which we are by no
means alone in holding, was laugh
ed at by the top brass, Up to a
couple of seasons back Most big
league rinks had more customers
than they had accommodation and
if they were satisfied, who were
the rest of us to be squawking?
("The customer is always right"
may be the motto in some lines
of 'business, but in the sports
dodge, the only time he gets con-
sideration is when he starts staying
away in large numbers.)
* * ,k
Our other reason for not lik-
ing the "easy draw" system was
that it increased the possibility of
so111e team, some time, scraping
into the playoffs without having won
a single game. (You don't think
this could happen? Well, as of this
writing, the New York Rangers ale
just two points out of the fourth,
or final playoff position; and over
one-third of their 41 points have
come from Mexican standoffs el•
* ,k 0
When this point was brought
up we were informed by all the
high-power executives, and all their
high-pressure mouthpieces, that
supposing they did allow, say, a
ten minute overtime period, there
would be just as big a percentage
of draws at the end of seventy
minutes as we now have at the end
of sixty.
We listened. We held still. And
if some of us were saying to our-
selves "Oh Yeah!" we were doing
so under the breath. But now at
would appear as if we could say
it -as well as "Sez Youl" right
out loud -that is, if statistics re-
cently released by the American
Hockey League have any meaning.
* * *
Officials of the American Hockey
League this season restored the
overtime period "to cut down the
tie games." (It is interesting to
note hat the AHL was hit by the
plague of wide open spaces of
empty pews earlier and harder than
the National.) If neither team scores
in the ten minute eeetra session
the game is a tie; but it ends im-
mediately if either club gets a goal'
before then.
* * *
And has it worked? Well, the
nine clubs of the American League,
up to January 25th, had played
only 38 tie games this season. The
National League - which has no
overtime provision and only six
clubs - had played sixty ties.
Maybe President Clarence Camp-
bell of the NHL can explain it as
merely a coincidence, or some such.
Maybe not.
One thing Campbell or •any of
the other big league apologists
cannot get away from is the fact
that, one evening a couple of weeks
ago, Chicago Black Hawks played
to a grand total of 6,122 persons
--slimmest crowd since they moved
into the giant Stadium 23 years
ago. Now they're trying to say that
the sole reason or this is the poor
showing that the Hawks have been
making this season.
m * *
As to that, Chicago has had
lousy teams for years -more of
that sort than good ones -and yet.
season after season, they enjoyed
sellout attendances. So isn't there
just a bare possibility that there's
something wrong with the game
itself, the way they've tinkered
Losing By A Head -- English jockey E. Mumford appeared
to be attempting a headstand as he fell from his nlount;du ing
a recent handicap steeplechase at Birmingham, England.
Neither Mumford or the horse, Culworth Lass, were seriously
with it and gimmicked it up. "Too
little and too late" was a states-
man's way of summing up a certain
with it and gimmicked it up? "Too
much and too soon" is our per-
sonal idea of what ails hockey, It's
a great game, although possibly "the
fastest sport on earth" is a slight
exaggeration, But even were it twice
as good a game as it is, it still
wouldn't be strong enough to slop
over into the baseball season at
both ends, and especially in a coun-
try where, to ninety per cent of the
population, it is still an alien pas-
time. * * *
Which is just what hockey has
been attempting to do.
Go Without Sleep If
You Want To Get Fat
Research statistics show that
with longer. nights you go to bed
a little earlier and perhaps sleep a
little sounder.
Physicists have been .puzzled by
the riddle of sleep. Now the
searchlight of •science is flashing
into the darkness in which we
spend a third of our lives. The re-
searchers have even discovered the
source of sleep. They have proved
we never sleep like logs and they
declare that we dream every night,
Whether we remember the dream or
Deep down at the back of the
skull is an organ no larger than
this printed lettering. It is the
centre of sleep. While we slumber
it is awake and alert. When it
drowses we resume activity. The.
sleep centre must wake before we
sleep. Scientist's proved this when
they brought a fine platinum .yvire
into contact with the sleep centre
of a dog and administered a mild
electric shock. Instead of the dog
leaping into startled action, he.. im-
mediately went to sleep.
Medical men have believed for a
long time that drowsiness is caused
by carbonic acid gas in the blood,
consequent upon the slowing down
of the blood stream. They have
watched sleeping persons as in cas-
es in which the skull has been
trephined (opened) and the brains
exposed to view. The heart beats
more slowly, the blood pressure
falls, the brain is left with a poor
blood supply.
This -happens and you are asleep.
If only we knew how, perhaps we
could measure and weigh that
something in the blood. That the
blood itself becomes charged with
sleep was proved when a dog was
kept awake for a considerable per-
iod, A sample of blood from the
sleepy dog was injected into an-
other which was wide awake.
Promptly the second dog went to
The existence of a "Sleeping es-
sence" seemed similarly to be indi-
cated when experimenters subjected
a number of students to wakeful-
ness tests. At the end of four days
without sleep the students were
1. In bed
5. Gifts to
9. Run between
12. Certain
1.8. Earth
14. Feminine
16. Book of the
17. Themes
19, Witness
20. Stings of
21. The herb dill
23. Porcine animal
24. Throw lightly;
27. Flower con-
28. Old oath
80. Short sleep
31. hairs public
82. Reduces to a
lower grade
35. Note of the
36. Pet name form
ilttle girl
38. Ceremony
29. Metal
41, Rack for hold
Ing clothes
43. The bitter
44. Pastures
45. Chum
47. Unit of wire
43, T8lkrng bird
50. Easy
63. Before
54. Division of
the earth
CO. Making
67 flhtain
53. Princely
Italian house
29. Clears above
1. Serpent
2. Public con-
3. Rubs out
4. canceled
5, Stupid person
0. Behold
7. Softens or
makes milder
9. Long narrow 29. Down (prefix)
opening 33. Son of Judah
9. Jail 34. A constituent
10. Ingredient of of the earth's
varnish crust
11. Affirmative 37. Revealed to
10. Myself none
18. Caress 60. I.xperience
20. Intolerant at• again
tachment to .ako tt mfs•
one's beliefs take
21. Cease (natl.47. Seep
47. Mother
22. Point opposite 48. Wooden pin
the zenith 4.9. Exist
23. Spanish sweet 50. Professional '
peppers charge
25. Group of 51. Allow
Pacific is an 888. Half ems
r'; Division of
26. Whirls the Bible (ab.)
isewhcre On This Page
found to have increased substant-
ially in weight, When they were
allowed to sleep again this mys-
terious increase vanished.
Some people need less sleep than
others because they sleep faster!
Edison could be content with two
or three hours of sleep because his
physical exhaustion and mental
tiredness were repaired at a higher
pace than those who need a good
deal of sleep.
In a laboratory at the- Mellon
Institute, Pittsburg, not long ago,
student slept on beds with automa-
tic recording machines linked to the
springs. Every nromement was
faithfully noted and, at the same
time, a robot cine -camera photo-
graphed the sleeper every time he
slipped into a fresh position.
The investigation showed, that
the normal person, in first-class
health, moves at least 36 times
during the night and rarely remains
still for longer than eight minutes
at a time.
Excessive heating or a heavy
supper increase the movement. If
a sleeper sleeper moves too little,
due to over -fatigue, his muscles
become cramped and he's stiff when
he awakes.
New And Useful
° W D 00 P p
Oil Burner
Distributed in Canada claimed to
be more economical than conven-
tional burners with distinctive fea-
tures: fuel meter, fuel aerator,
flame controller. These features
cut oil consumption greatly, it is
claimed. Patented nonclog low
.8.l) 111`e'tr`mit pretty wedding 'watt
solemnized at Carmel Presbyterra
1Vlanse, Hensall, Sat. Feb. 3rd whe
E len Jean Bell of Hensall, and CIa;-t
epee Reginald Knight of Exeter, wilt
changed marriage vows. Rev r. A
Ferguson was the officiating Ministei
The bride is the daughter of Mr ano'
Mrs. W. R. Bell, Hensall; and t of
grooln, son of Mr and Mrs. Reginaln
furniture and floors without -ralb'3f
grain of wood, maker claims.
m :k *
Saves Tractor. Gas
A. new device for saving gas for
gas -driven tractors is a gauge
hooked to intake manifold on en-
gine, measures degree of vacuum
and amount of gas fed through
carburetor into motor. This is
registered into miles -per -gallon on
dashboard dial. Device offers a
guide to opperating efficiency,
Plastic Harmonica
Harmonica for beginners is made
of Bakelite styrene plastic, is light-
weight, non -fragile and rust -free.
Unique feature of harmonica is
moulded -on horn. Hand move-
ments over bell of horn give violin
sounds, tremolos, and vibratos, with
special effffects like train sounds,
mutes, easy to get. Instrument is
about four inches long, has six
holes, 12 reeds and tuned to key of
C. ' m *
For Fuel Economy
New metalic catalyst acceler-
ates the rapidity of the chemical
reaction of combustion of coal•
When used one-half pound to one
ton of . coal, catalyst will prevent
formation of hard clinker and ob-
jectionable smoke, company claims.
It is said to reduce the quantity of
coal burned when properly applied
and with drabs reduced correctly,
Product can also be used with die-
sel and fuel oil.
Tit. t : 1
cJane Andrews.
Still they conte -these `basic"
mixes which, properly used)-: save
busy housewives countless hours
and still permit them to have, a far
wider variety of fare. o11 thOr:tables,
The latest I've' conte across is an
Oatmeal Mix, developed by the
Household Science Department of
a famous universtity. It takes a
very short time to prepare, and can
be stored on your kitchen shelf till
wanted. With its help you can
make many sorts of cookies, deli-
cious muffins, as well as a coffee
cake that "tastes like more" ac-
cording to the -12 -year-old. (The
rest of the family heartily agreed
with the sentiment, although hi
slightly different language.)
7 cups Sifted Flour
334. cups Sugar
1% tablespoons Salt
%4 cup Baking Powder
2/4 cups (, pound) shortening -
that does not require refriger-
1% bounds Quick Cooking Rolled
Method; Sift flour, sugar, salt and
baking powder together three
times. Cut in shortening until mix-
ture has the consistency of corn
meal. Add rolled oats and mix well.
Store in a covered container at
room temperature. This makes
about 20 cups. To measure the mix
when using, pile lightly into meas-
uring cup and level off with spatula.
k *
1 Egg
3/4 Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
f Cup Brown Sugar
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons Flour
%4 'Cup Melted Butter
3/2 Cup Chopped Nuts
Method; Beat egg until light. Add
milk and !nix well. Make a well in
the oatmeal mix and pour all of the
egg -milk mixture into it. Stir 40
strokes. Pour into a well greased
8 -inch -square cake pan. Mix re-
maining ingredients and cover cof-
fee -cake hatter. Bake in a moderate
oven (375° F.) about 40 minutes.
• *., ,* *
Plain: '
1 Egg „i,.
Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
Raisin :
1 Egg
%4 Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
3/4 Cup Raisins (Simmered 5
1 Egg
TA Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
1 Cup Diced Apples
I/ Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Cup Drained Blueberries
3 'Cups Oatmeal Mix
1 Egg
IA Cup Milk
Method; Beat egg until light, Add
milk and mix well. .Add all atonce
to oatmeal mix. Stir 40 strokes.
(If fruit or nuts are used, add at
the . end pi :30 .strokes; then mix 10
more strokes:) Fill- well -greased
muffin pans 27(3 full. Bake in a hot
oven (425° F.) about 20 minutes.
* * *
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
1 Cup Coconut
Cup Melted Butter
1 Egg
Chocolate Chip:
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
V3 Cup Brown Sugar
8 -Ounce P a c k a g e Chocolate
`' Pieces
1 Egg
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
3/4 Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
1 Teaspoon Ginger
l Egg
1/4 Cup Molasses
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
lA Teaspoon Cloves '
Cup Brown Sugar
3/4 Cup Mixture o f Chopped
Nuts, Raiscns and Dates
1 Egg
%4 Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
11A Tablespoons Lemon Rind
1 Egg
1% Tablespoons Lemon Juice
IA Cup Milk
3 Cups Oatmeal Mix
13/2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
34 Teaspoon Nutmeg
Teaspoon Allspice
34 Cup Chopped Nuts (Option -
1 Egg
3/4 Cup Melted Butter
V3 Cup Milk
Method: Combine all dry ingre-
dients. (Including nuts, fruit or
chocolate). Beat egg slightly and
add to it all liquid ingredients (in-
cluding.nieltcd butter, flavorings or
Milk). Add liquid mixture to dry
mixture, and stir until all ingredi-
ents are well blended. Drop by
teaspoonfuls onto a greased cooky
,sheet. Bake in a moderate oven
(350° F.) 15 minutes. Each recipe
makes about 2 dozen cookies,
* ,k *
'4 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Egg
13A Cups Oatmeal Mix
Method: Mix peanut butter and
slightly beaten egg with oatmeal
mix. Shape into balls and put onto
a greased baking sheet, Press
cooky flat with a fork, making criss-
cross marks. Bake in a moderate
oven (350° 17.) .about 15 minutes.
Makes about72 dozen cookies,
ISSUE 6 - 1051
ALL OUR 0 II I 0 Ii S are 0.0.P. Sired
with a proven breeding baulsground of tip
to 293 eggs, These certified breeders are
oftleially proven the cream of Canadian
poultry and their productinn will truly
astonish you. Wo have 8 (Nov. banded
breeds from which to choose. Free rata.
logue. Kelte•bori, Poultry "'arm, Wive:,
ton, Onreri°.
S.PRINGIIILL mood -tested Chtolse are pre -
(Rabic. All popular breeds at 912,72,
pullets $24.00. heavy cockerels 84.60. Silo.
Male on started chicks, mixed and pullets.
Springhill Farm, I'reeton, Ontario.
ONTARIO breeding station. Disease free
chicks. Light Sussex, Barred Rooke and
B.R. cross. Write for price list:
Oscar Anderson, Troy, Ontario.
''OXFORD" Approved Chicles live, lay and
Pay, They are the results of twenty-four
Yearn of careful selection and breeding.
They have to be good, because we want
the very best kind of chicks for our own
flocks -big, vigorous and early maturing.
We stress egg size and uniformity, Barred
Rocks, White Leghorne. Sussex. Ramp x
Rock Crossbreds, Rock x Leghorn Cross-
breds. Write for free folder, The Oxford
Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company,
Limited, 434 lttain Street, Woodstock, out,
MEDIUM type Broad 1lreasteclT13ronze
poults. From Government Approved, nul-
lornm clean breeders, Steve Szueh, Dar-
row, Ontario.
Buy the best, buy DOUGLAS anality
chicks. Variety of pure Breeds Day old or
started, Price List on request, satisfaction
Stittsville, Ontario
32"S eggs that pay your feed bill. Think
of the extra profits if the chicks you
buy lay not 150 but 200 eggs or more.
The proved R.O.P. Blood in Top Notch
Chicks can give you these extra eggs.
Also Turkey poults. Free catalogue. Top
Notch Chick Setae, Guelph, Ontario.
DON'T miss out on the good egg market
we are sure to get this Summer and
Fall• Buy early hatched chicks and insist
on Tweddle R.o,P. Sired Chicks. For eggs
and meat Tweddle R.O.P. Sired Chicks
are hard to beat, Also Turkey Poults.
Three breeds to choose from in non -sexed,
sexed hens, sexed toms. Free Catalogue.
Tigaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
BUSINESS 111' I'l) 1(11 2111 itt,'
(BET a free suit to wear and show. Men
will order our made -to -measure sults
when they see your garment. Make money
full or spare time. No experience, no
money needed. Write for free sample !tit
with actual fabrics. Franklin Park
Clothes, Dept. L-6, Box 39, Station "N",
Montreal, Que.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing7 Write to us for Information. We
are glad to answer your questions De.
partment I3. Parker's Dye Works Limited,
791 Yonge St., Toronto.
SARNIA-260 acres on main highway, 230
acres tillable. Brick house, oil fired hot
water heat. Two barns. Excellent condi-
tion. L. T. Barstead, Wyoming, Ontario.
MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davidson. New
and used, bought. sold, exchanged. Large
stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re-
pairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bi-
cycles, and complete fine of wheel goods,
also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard
Motors Open evenings until nine except
Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, King
at Sanford, Hamilton
ONLY $250 UP
Air -Conditioning Furnace •Repairs
Our experts can solve your
heating problem and give you
heating comfort the same day.
HOMESPUN YARNS 2-3-4 ply made from
long -fibred New Zealand and native wool.
Natural white, grey, brown. fawn, maroon,
royal blue, paddy green, scarlet, yellow,
black. heather, $2.96 Ib. Delivered. North-
Iand sweater patterns. Adult: Deer, bear,
curling, Indian design. Arctic Snowflake,
Wild Duck. Childs: Deer, bear, Indian
design. dog and squirrel. dancer, 26c each.
Knitting needles 25e pair, bliss Mary
Maxim. Box 332. Sifton, Man.
EAR Corn or shelled. Delivered any place
in Ontario. Write:' Glenn Galbraith,
Ridgetown, Ont. Phone 307,
In a town on the Pacific coast
all earthquake shock was felt, and
when the municipal building rocked,
the city fathers left without bother -
mg about formalities. The clerk, a
man of rules and regulations, was
hard put to it to give his minutes
the proper official tone. Finally, he
evolved this masterpiece:
"011 the notion of the city hall,
the council adjourned."
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking
c to . n c 0 c
Was Nearly Crazy
Until I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazing-
ly fast relief - D, D, D, Prescription, World
popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication
speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching
caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's
toot end other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 300.
Greaseless. First use soothes, checks raw red
itch or money back. Ask druggist for D, D, D.
Prescription (ordinary or extra strength).
FEED CORN -On the cob or shelled. .So
much nor ton delivered In truest loads.
For further Information write nr tel. 446
lttdgetown. Slaurive T, Neetenrt, ltldgetown,
FLOUR mill end feed plant, rock County,
Ontario, Weil eatabliehod, Goo,l oppor-
tunity for a huller, flux 57, 12:1 Eighteenth
Street, New Toronto,
INTl011NATIONAL 'treetop, tnntlel C. new,
complete with 2 -row torn cultivator.
Good rash in•lee. Apply 1T. 1'rIo,. R.R. 1,
Wheatley, Ont,
PROSPEROUS village business, lorttted in
an excellent fanning emlue 111'. ,Jeep
to Pity, "lean 6 -room apartment. ui1 heated;
yearly turnover over $77,000 with small
operating cost; late model Doper Included
in purchase ,sloe of 315,000 with terms
arranaed. clinic at invo4'r; illness forces
owner to sell.
DAVM) McL10:AN. 8,13)1'1'ED
Reactors, 'l9,ornhill, Ont.
ENGLISH bulldog' pups, excellent blood-
lines. Apply (,'hipping IS'ennels, 11'rs. G.
11. Graham, Jr., Trent 11(1. Tlollovli?e.
M•c`.i)lilri(:K-DF I'11tINGW'i Tractor 13-30
Rear tinea. Near New. Chas. Richards,
Agincos rt, Ont.
Good Results -Every Sufferer from
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should
try Dixon's Remedy.
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express 'Prepaid
sears. YOUR DR000121 SELLS CRESS.
rot low vitality and general debility.
One Dallas At Druggists
BANISH the torment or dry eczema rashr,
and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching. scaling, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will
respond readily to the stainless. odorless
ointment. regardless of how stubborn or
hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt or Price
880 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan, Toeonti
YOUR invitation to new planting economy,
Free weeping willows and shrubs while
they last. For Information write. Watts
Nurseries, Fenwick, Ont.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
Thousands of successful Marvel graduates
America's Greatest System
illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
868 Hiner St. W., Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of in-
ventions and Pull Information sent free.
The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attar.
nays, 973 Bank Street, Ottawa. '
FETHERSTONHAIUG13 & ('.nmpany, Pa-
tent Solicitors. Established 1890. 860
Bay Street. Toronto Rnnklet of infnrma'
tion on request
GRADUATE NURSE desires position in
doctor's office in country town. Reason-
able salary. Box 68, 123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto.
IMPROVE your knowledge of the 131b1e.
Learn of God's wonderful plan, the
solution of perplexing world conditions.
Free Correspondence Course.
Scripture Study Circle.
89 Victoria Boulevard. - Toronto 0
WE pay highest prices for all types of
good and torn, Jute and cotton bags -
including teed bags. Weiss Sags & Burlap
Company, 236 Albert St. S. Kitchener. Ont.
Open 7.00 a.m.-5 00 p.m., Saturday 12 00
TURKEY EGGS Wanted_ from Canadian
Approved Pullorum Free Flocks. Good
Price paid. For full details apply Box 12,
123 (Eighteenth Street, New 'Toronto.
Free Book on Arthritis
And Rhe r t SM
Excelsior Springs, Mo., So
successful has a specialized system
proven for treating rheumatism
and, arthritis that an amazing new•
book will be sent free to any reader
of this paper who will write for it.
The book entitled, "Rheumatism,"
fully explains why drugs and med-
icines give only temporary relief
and fail to remove the causes of the
trouble; explains how for over 31
years The Ball. Clinic has helped
thousands of rheumatic sufferers.
You incur •no obligation in send-
ing for this instructive book. It
may be the" means of saving you
veers of untold misery. Address'
your letter to The Ball Clinic, Dept.
5243, Excelsior Springs, Missouri,
but be sure to write today.
its eon
Without Calomel And You'll Jump Out 0$
Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go
The Liver should pour out about 2 pinta of
bile juice into your digestive tract every day.
(1 this bile is not flowing freely your food may
• not digest. it may just decay in the digestive
tract. 'Chen gas bloats up your stomach. You
got constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the
world looks punk,
It takes those mild, gentle Canter's Lath,
Liver Pills to got these 2 pints of bile flow.
Ing freely to make you feel "up, ancl,,up.'t
Get package today. Effective to making
bile flow freely, Ask forfCarter's Little, Liver
Nile, 85ee at any drnaetnre,