HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-02-08, Page 1C Established .I2UQ, ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,FEBRUARY 8 1951 ST. PETER'S elical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTARIO ''a7kEV. E. W. I•ffEIMRICH, PASTOR a,ui.—Divine ,Services. 3.8.15 a.m. —Sunday ,School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. 1ROPPEL Minister /Km Milton Ouch - B1rgasiat gUnday Serviette:— MOO a.m.—Divine Worship. id.L00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome, at ail Sorvicee---"CCm e :arc with us and we will do • 041." Num. 10:29. tlaes Are You Suffering From Headmhezi g,g ear, Have you-' Eyes hIcems ted with gse.Letest Methods and: 3 m1u:iParne'nt AlLe COLE, • RReoa- OPTOMET UST elk OPTICIAN GOD ORR, .(seod Glasses at Phsetgaraessa Prices Aldan Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. tIt Following Attractions Friday, Saturday February 9-10 WHITE TOWER Color iby Technicolor Glenn Ford Claude Haines And 0. Homolka SHORTS—Honey Harvest. Frozen Fun. Trwo Shows -7:30 and 9.30. Monday, Tuesday Feb. 12, 43. ASPHALT JUNGLE Adult Entertainment THE CITY UNDER THE CITY Jean Hagen J. Whitmore S. Hayden. NEWS REEL and SHORTS. One Show -8.00 p.m. The Voice of Temperance An appeal •letter and envelopes have been sent to nearly all the min- isters and congregations in Huron County. ;Money is needed by the ,,behind five more of Shakespeare's Huron Temperance Federation to !greatest plays, told in easy -to -under - carry on its publicity which includes stand form by John Erskine, .plus this "Voice of Temperance" para- magnificent color illustrations by graph. Do the people of Huron want I Willy Pogany! Get Sunday's De - the temperance arguments presented'troit Times! Lions Club News A well 'attended regular supper meeting was held in the Dominion --COMING EVENTS-- NEonster Carnival Will be held in the Babe Siebert Memorial Arena ZURICH On Thursday Feb. 15 Judging to start at 8:30 p.xn. Good Cash Prizes will be given to the winners tot the Various Prizes being offered SPECIAL ATTRACTION HOCKEY GAME — Bayfield Lions VS. Zurich Lions Admission—Adults 35 cents; Child- ren 12 and under 15c. GOOD MUSIC. EVERYBODY CHESTER L SMITH, PUBL1Siff:W,>; $ 1.75 la Year in ,• dvsnce. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance; Day of Prayer The World's Day of Prayer will be obsexVed in the Goshen United Chuff ehii. Friday, February 9th, in the{ afternoon commencing at 3 o'clock} '.As many ladies as can are ur e ' •. g d•{io attend this service. !seeses' Is At Hospital Little Philip Mack, aged 2, young- est sekCa1' Mr aid Mrs. Bryce Mack, Who I2add,, ;ibeen taking treatments at the Ch ldr'en's Sick Hospital, at Lon- don,, has; returned to the home of his graidipilrents in Orediton. He is airly good. Ifeelin ,Attended Funeral Mi. and Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner of K;jppen, Mrs. " ' Anna Finitbeiner WELCOME • and family sof 'Goshen line south, at - Sponsored by the Arena Committee. tended''the funeral of the former's grandmother, Mrs. ,Geo. Finkbeiner, Easy Way To Learn Shakespeare which was held at Crediton on Tues - Make a Shakespeare scrapbook1 day afternoon. Also Messrs. H. W. Beginning in The American Weekly, Brokenshire, Clare and Earl Deich- noted magazine with this Sunday's ert of :Zurich. (February 11) issue of The Detroit Donates Trophy Sunday Times, will be the stories Mr. , Albert G. Hess, or better in a round -the -year series? Do they want the fallacy of the wet propa- ganda exposed? Do they want the creation of a sane public op1111011 in House, igonday evening, -.although a regard to temperance? If they do 'Ifew were absent. The meeting. be - then they will use the envelopes pro~ ring called earlier owing to the hoc - Tided and send the contributions to keyti match which followed. Secretary the treasurer, Mr. Frank Howson, George in reading the minutes of the Wingham: Adv , last meeting announced the taking Iinto membership two new Lions, CARD OF THANKS I nameily. Reg. Illsley and Bob McKin- 1V.rs. Garnet Wildfong, I?ashwood..ley, who will in due time become full wieh, t ,il ifled _ed embers ot: eek Club ,N., ,. .:. s for the hundred' and `twenty: card, purchase -of anew<laniphficatieii sir-;: and many letters received ,while a • stem for the Arena and Community patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Other gifts will be ack- nowledged personally. rf . Marry rry e.€ offrn`a. i' e: ZG Lera'Z c95 0'M & Tun -wail D&reoto r -- P1'i,vat. au. • ,L,rzl)1&la it ( O Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment (HOSPITAL KEDS TO RENT --INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE • 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. 7 r le WE HAVE A LOT OF ITEMS IN OUR STORE THAT WILL BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 10 Pair All Wool Blankets, Reg. 19.50 for13.50 a Pair A Number• of Ladies' and. Girls Sweaters at 205 Off Regular Price. Ski Pants - Bunting Bags, Etc., Etc. All These at 25 Off Regular Price Some Shades and Sizes in Nylons, 2 Pair for $1.95 Snow Suits FRESH GROCERIES VEGETABLES FRUITS ED MATS Phone 1?tNa, C IL 'li'lt-IIEL. - Zurich Centre was also ' read, which price would be around' $800. The Club de- cided to hold this matter over fol: the time being. Lion IP 'esident Jacob then introduced the speaker for the evening, who was making his official visit, District Governor Gordon Hart- greaves of the HowickClub, who in hie opening remarks stated how he enjoyed the annual Ladies' Night held in the 'Community Centre, some weeks ago. Also said that he seems to enjoy himself better among the smaller Clubs than the larger ones. He took for his subject "Flame of Lionism." Members have an oppor- tunity to develop; good Lions are generally good church members,there should be a tie between service clubs and the church, they, should not be drifting apart. If we could get to- known as Hess, the Jeweler of town is donating a Silver Cup trophy to the wiener of the Group 2 playoff of the; Ho•ckey Group now so much fn the`1imeligh't, the trophy to be presented when the Winner is deter- mined., trophy is expected to be on disS,piay shortly, and will be some- thing` to be hooked forwara to the teams 'that will be in the playoff,. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. 1RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made fel Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zwick Ont. Phone 128. From Hess the Jeweler BRIDAL WRIST AND BLUE BIRD DIAMOND RINGS, SIGNET AND 1 STONE SET RINGS BULOVA, CERTINA AND ELCO WATCHES COMMUNITY AND ROGERS FINE SILVERWARE. CUCKOO CLOCKS, ANNIVERSARY CLOCKS, MANTLE CLOCKS TOASTERS, IRONS, MIXMASTERS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR EVERY NEED CHOOSE NOW! Fractures Arm Barry, aged three, son of :+Ir and Mrs. Gordon Bloch had a painful ex Aerie ice while he was standing on the Plane stool to jump on the floor, the stool turned a bit and threw Barry off .thget he. ;fell on; his right anti and .Li actuled the. +s0 ' ' > o places re e t, aid was given at Clinton ands we are pleased to report that he is peogressing nicely. HOCKEY NEWS (By H. E. T.) Last Thursday night, the Zurich team, followed by a few hundred staunch supporters, journeyed down to Lucan to tangle with the Irish Six. 'After all the fire was over the scoreboard read Zurich 7, Lucan 5. 'Phis was the fastest and cleanest game witnssed by anyone this winter. Goodofficiating kept the game un- der control at all times. Quesnel and Doug O'Brien paced the Zurich at- tack scoring two goals each. Gignac Decker and Stade each scoring smglo tallies. Gignac was the star for the winners as he skated circles around the fast husky Lucan boys. OA Monday night, before a crowd gether on our religious differenceal of 1100, the largest attendance ever and our political ambitions, we could to' see a hockey game in Zurich, the solve the world's problems. Lionisnl Luken team returned to Zurich and offers opportunities of getting to- gether and understand eacri other better. Should always be with one object in view "Service" Lionisin is the 'greatest of service Clubs with these mottos in view: "Liberty", "Intelligence", "Nation Safety." Each, generation mist take up the progress and opportunity afforded them. Let us Lions- keep on leading the way. The speaker was thanked for his instructive address by Lion Ed. Gascho. After which the con- venors of the Committees were cal- led on for reports. Lion Victor took purposes. The meeting closed with up the subject of promoting a con- cert to raise some money for needy purposes. 1:1 Under Auspices OF TF11: Womens Institute A PROGRAM ANI) EXI-IIBITION of Work Shawn by the local Short Course Students will be given on SATURDAY EVE. FEBRUARY 17. In The Town all, th+ 4c>)'ih !levee itsoevhee o d li Ess Jeweler and Registered Optician. CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on 'chic winter, Solve your heating problems this easy way and change to the coal that will definitely assure you cone tenuous heat throughout the winter months. And remember — BLU COAL burns better and lasts longer. Roe's Vitimized Feeds . LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673is4 HENSALL di 8 Ko this "really, turned out to be a grudge gaid, • 'Tempers seemed to keep ris- ing'all through the game, and finally in, the last period, with onry a few minutes to play a real donnybrook • bntiil out. The bad part or this fight was when a Lucan spectator, jnjinped over the ,boards and joined iit;7th 2. Tight. Deokei came out on the shSbete end of things as three Lucan ptayt:rs ganged on him and the spec - tat. ' hit him very hard in the eye. As a result Carl is walking around with a pair of black eyes, the other one being injured in the game in Lucan. Things like this don't seem to...bo'ther Carl, as he seems to have at it takes, and is raring and re ''y to go in. the next genie. lin orientally, Decker paced the Zurich +tt:n k scoring three goals in this, eaxpe. Quesnel WEIS next in line ;.i.ee illi„' two Itoals, ,Angle counters reline to Voile ti.! , a ; 1e eu' l end IhOlauriers. We understand charg- es have been laid e ainst the %liven spectator for jumping over the boards and taking part in the fight. Let this be ]t warning for al! spectators in future games, as it is strictly il- legal for any spectator to go over th boards and join in the fighting or oven arguing. Midget Heclee The l:uriv'1 Lines Midgets won the it third straight game en Tioe,,lay I!i.: t)'li'l: LI' if,i1- -). th Y went out to Exeter and . 1?, ,9 i;l e ' 1 + lit - pt 84 a esoess5 OG O-7Gtld0066G tete.**Gem* *QiG86mes)* Ist{t444 trAt twretat Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FOR'f Cl�S •..,�.A ,�,a~ lw'ay and Night Service _ ___ Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich Telephone: C.ASIONS 0061380060 0120360 6001116 ,:•cl oeb c **es 9 ,. It 11e- 1ta I ee• ere'. )'.d ..1 l ); 1 t ek' lee ea t:. Zusis'-i V. lac .t:tate! 1ieMbers now! (fleet year. 9 04,10020000 We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL each Lunch PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 osmiggsb, • ! s: t.. a:+, a 6", r• .N� . y`x rdGL L 'lial.Ptd` aieeL gaili rCAgi" n•Y a sa"Ftila a•� KUf sr-ix.wlr-, We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Aso a £ine stock of Fal and Winter inatter Underwear. Now In Stoc MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUB 'tER OOTAlso a big variety if Rubber Footwear for Women and Children. C:'?\'17, US A CALL! Men, gianCH