Zurich Herald, 1951-01-25, Page 5ZURICH ANTARIO ZURICH HERA1.1) ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Poet Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer For HURON AND LAM'VIBTON For your Sale, large or small, Lo all, teous and Efficient Service a _times! DASH WOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. COR ETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERiNARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.I. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. ZURICH BUTCHERS ZurichhS' popular MEAT MARKET Let us supqly you with the very choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides .. and Skins H. Y1n gbin t & Son PRODUCE Si1verwOO'd: DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LOCAL NE W3 Mr, and. Mrs, Orville Witmer and Children were recent visitors with the former's sister at St. Marys. Mr. Laurence Hartman of London was a week -end visitor with his par- ents. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith made a business trip to Seafolth on Mon- day. Mr. Len Sararas of the B. W.High- way was at Toronto last week where be attended the Retail Farm Equip- ment Convention. Mr and Mrs Linsday Wurm and children sof •Dearborne, Mich., were week -end visitors at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Emily Fuss. Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Waugh and children of Lambeth were Monday visitors at the home of their parents Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Brenner of Kitchener were visitors at the home of the former'.' mother, Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. Archie Mustard and sons of Brucefield were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey, Blake, while Mrs. Mustard is visiting relatives in London. Mr. Albert Moser a well known resident ,ofStephen Township, died on Wednesday morning in his 77th. year, he lived in the Mount Carmel district. Mr and !MVlrs. Howard Weber of Waterloo, Mr and Mrs Orville Mar- tin of Hawkesville, Mr and Mrs. Nelson Weber of Conestoga, visited at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gingerich. Injured Finger • Mr. L eroy Thiel injured] one of fingers when he was caught in a saw in his basement and is now nursing the same. We hope for a speedy re- covery.• Mrs. Ivan Beechler of the town line spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Anthony Etue, Goderich and was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Etue on Sunday, spending the day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed- mund Oesch, where the entire fam- ily was present. 'Is At Hospital Mrs. Ed. Schwartzentruber, Mr. and Mrs. Chris .Schwartzentruber and Mr. and Mrs. H. Widrick of Blake, FARM FOR SALE 50 acres in the vicinity 'of Blyth. Good buildings, best of water, Hydro, good land, immediate possession. Write or Phone to Earl Healy,R.R. 1 DL:'alin. Phone 35 r 20, •Dublin ate FOIk SALE Thad Tractor, Model S Case, on rubber,ein excellent condition. Apply to—Ken. Etue, Phone 78 r 13, Zurich FARM FOR SALE `GRASS LAND. Consisting of 50 acres grass land on Babylon Line, Never failing water supply. Being Elie of Lot 15, 'Con. 9,,,J.Iay Town- ship. Apply to .Milton Stewart, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 852 r 11. FOR SALE 1947 Chev. Coach in good condit- ion. 5 brand new low pressure tires. Phone 70, Zurich. FOR SALE LeRoy O'Brien, Manager A number of Collie Pups mediate sale. --Wm. Koehler. Phone 10i Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK VHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANGE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS a• OF THIS I{INI) IN ONTARIO ,Azaoi nt of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 !fatal Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rate, on Application E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGEN"." Also Dealer in Light Rods d:Al kind cf Fire- ,aria a:::r:: for fin- • 2 FOR SALE 1 Jersey Heifer due to calf im- mediately. '1 Durham calf; 6 pigs ready. to wean. Apply to Russell Manson, on Goshen line, north. motored to London to visit with the former's husband who is a patient at Victoria Hospital. His many friends wish Ed. a speedy recovery. Mrs. Laird Jacobe is supplying as public school teacher in the absence of Mrs. Garnet Wildfong, who re- cently slipped on ice and has injured her hip. Her many friends wish Mrs Wildfong a speedy recoverf. Had January Thaw The traditional January thaw was in our midst during the week -end and part of last week. The snow had al- most all disappeared, and Monday seemed tike spring with the sun shin- ing so brightly, but it was cold. On. Friday end Saturday a lot of rain fell which carried off the snow, but Tuesday saw more snow tailing and now there is a nice blanket on the ground, with more cold weather and snow on its way, and so changes of the weather come and go. OBITUAR Mrs. Charles .LePorte There passed away at her home near Drysdale on Friday, January 19th, a well known and highly re- spectd resident of the district all hei. lifetime, in the person of Margurite Durand, !beloved wife of Mr. Charles LaPorte in the 76th year. She had been ill for some time, and will be greatly missed by her family as well as neighbours. The body rested at the family home until Monday; Jan- uary 22nd when Requiem High Mass was sung in St. Peter's R. C. Church St. Joseph at 10 a.m. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. The survivors are: four sons and five daughters: Edward of St. Clair, Mich Treffey of Detroit, Dennis of Detroit Noel of Stanley Township; Mrs. Na- poleon Cantin (Valerie) St. Joseph, Mrs. Leonard Gercnette (Celina) Detroit; Mrs. Tellus Denomme (An- toinette) Pain Court, Ont; Mrs. Wil- lard Corriveau (Marie) Hay Town- ship; Mrs. Dennis Charrette (Geral- dine) Hays Township; two sisters, Mrs Maxamine Denomme, Stanley Town- ship; Mrs. Dennis Bedard, Zurich. 68 grand children, 24 great grand chil- dren. COUPLE SUED OVER CRASH Acquitted in Sept. of a motor manslaughter charge arising from an accident July 14, 1950, Mrs. Joan Butterfield, of Exeter is now being sued in a civil action over the same crash. .She. and her husband,' Jack Butterfield, arc named with John M. Brookfield, of Centralia, as defend- ants in the Supreme Court suit laun- ched lee a legal farm of London. Plain tiffs are Mr.and Mrs. James G. Lind, of London, injured in the collision on No. 4 Hiabway six miles north of, London. "Mrs. Butterfield was charg- ed with manslaughter !over the death of Jo- "'" ncher, of Port Stanley, who was killed in the accident. • 'GRAND BEND • Mrs. Walter Statton was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in T. Harry Hoffman's ambulance. of Dashwood„. where she is undergoing treatment. • Late George Graham George Graham, retired brick layer, formerly of Detroit, passed a- way at his residence in Grand Bend after a lengthy illness in his 7.lst year. He was a member of Palestine Lodge F&AM, Detroit; a veteran of the first Field Co.,Canadian Engin- eers Division, and member of the Grand Bend Legion 498. Since corn- ing to Grand Bend he worked with several contractors in masonry work He is survived by his. wife and two WANTED A Bookkeeper to start work at 1 once. -F. C. T<albfleisch & Son, Ltd. FOR SALE Barrel pump for gas or oh, Gal- vanized bath tub, for sale, apply to Alferd Repp, Phone 96 r 4 FOR SALE New Idea Spreaders, Rakes, Mow- ers, etc. Supply limited. Order now. —New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow. J821. f i l FOR SAID: WOOD Tops and Slabs — F. C. !4 Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd. Zurich c BOOKKEEPING SERVICE i4I` i FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS AUDITING, ETC., ETC. NORMAN COWAN HAY POST OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13. p4t Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack W:'l.liams. Call Phone; 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50; NOTICE WHITEWASHINt‘ & CLEANING Arrangements can be 'made 1=3i1.1 Watson Dashwood - . Phone' 35r7 9 -BREAD era th tabli) the meal is r ; s: y! The Management Bakery and the each and of the Tasty -Nu Entire Staff wish everyone a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Our Many Thanks for the past year's Patronage 1 Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Joseph Ducharme, late of the Township of Hay, de- ceased. All persons claiming against the estate of the above deceased are re- quired to furnish full particulars of their claims duly verified to the un- dersigned by February 10, 1951, after which date the executors will distribute the assets. Frank Donnelly, Esq., . K. erich, Ontario, Solicitor executors. ti C., God - for the daughters, Mrs. G. F. Coyne of Ga- ger/1a,, and Mrs. Anthony Dallas of Detroit; one son David Graham of Detroit. Funeral services were held in the Hoffman Funeral Home, Dash- wood with Legion members acting as flower bearers and pall bearers and assisting at the grave side were the Buglers from Centralia Airport. Rev J. Houghton of St. John by the Lake Anglican Church of Grand Bend offi- ciated. Wants to Join Lambton County The main issue concerning resid- ents here in the incorporation of Grand Bend as a village in Lambton or Huron counties are assessments, which rose from $360,000 to $614,- 000 last year' on the Huron side part of the Village; and the possible •ab- olishment of the Canada Temperance Act which is in effect iii the Huron section. 80 p.c. of the villagers are in favor of abolition of the Temper. ance Act "so we can clean the place up," said' Village Trustee Clayton Mathers, a hotel manager in Huron. The. Act allows drinking anywhere in public. Assessments on the Huron side: of the village have soared up- wards the past few years, white on the Lambton side^ they have remain- ed normal On the Lambton side of the village there are 26 fewer per- sons, and twice as much acreage. than on the Huron side. The Lamb - ton County Council at their Janu- ary sessions passed a by-law accept- ing Grand Bend in their County and gave the bill final reading. Now Huron County has put in a protest, and want Grand Bend to became part of Huron. This will finally he decided on by the courts. Thursday, January 25th, 1951 ATpTENTI N FARMERS! FEEDING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN. PRICE EVERY DAY. OUR STOCK GOES AT THE OLD PRICE, SO ACT NOW.. We have a limited Supply of No, 1 5x Shingles at a Price, Now is the time to Worm those Pullets. We have a good supply of Worin Par on hand at all times. We carry a good supply of Concentrates for every need. So come in and try a good Co -OP, Mix! ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS Hensall '1st. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH WISSISOMEUffidaMETAINOM ' REA r TO HELP YOU YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you corning back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you wi •t ire can do. Hector Fortier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 8c 21 HIGHWAYS SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Going to Build? Get a Copy of Our HOME P LAN B OOK NO NEED TO SHOP AROUND COME TO BUILDING HEADQUAR- TERS FIRST FOR ALL YOUR RE- PAIR OR REMODELLING NEEDS. —ALUMINUM ROOFING —WATERPROOF PAINT —SLIDING DOOR HARDWARE —TILE BOARD —METAL MOULDINGS -CASEMENT WINDOWS —PLUSH DOORS --SHEATHING LANKY IPLANKY is a copyrighted l{ trade -mark awarded only Lumber and Building Supply Dealers of Un- a; questionable Reliability and Integ- rity. Fred C. Kalbileisch Son Zurich grid Goderich cwm New Shi ents Our New Shipment of Ladies' Spring Dress Shoes have arrived in Navy Multi -Colored, Green, Black, Reptile, etc. SEE THESE : FOR YOURSELF, NOW ON DISPLAY: Oesch Shoe tore • • • O • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • W • • sv • • 9 • Buy A Batty! You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: 149.50 159.50 $119.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels algid Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-GIo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! O atrs & ILI. 1 1 6 �5 • w Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 assey ET aT:TarriS HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLYI AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel, Shop 149 (hear IUoppRena. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEF.DSI 1 oltecrwimgv