HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-01-25, Page 47e. ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH FIERALD ItananatOSSINNISSIIMMINININIMMOW ORDER YOUR C enadian Approved Chicks N W ! FOUR PURE BREEDS ,FOUR CROSSES All breeding Stock banded and tested for puIlorurn by Inspectors of the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture. The Hatchery visited regularly by Inspectors of the Dominion Department of As(riculture. McKINLEY FARMS & HATCHERY Phone Zurich Hen.sall 697 r 11 Ontario -SratareaMISMISIMMOOL.-,m7SISZSZERniattrantenaans Iln!6,012.126216=1321aFrP= • so! 0 1 MlanZinatnnanntitaLMSCMITMEMZEMOMMIMMennelle 0 0 0 • • • • 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 • v e Is a Doll r Earne AND YOU CAN SAVE BY BUYING - USED PARTS - TIRES - BATTERIES - HUB CAPS, ETC. Glenn's Aut Phone 419-M 81112MENSEISREEMBIEK a t EXETER tireckers STATEMENT OF OPERATING Res. 405-M ACCOUNT OF' Hay Township Me.morial Community Centre January 1, 1950 to December .30th, 1950 - Receipts Arena - Skating and Heckey. Auditorium - Dances, Hall eentals and: Kitchell Hay Twp. .Sc'hobl Area Concert. $ 2489.88 , 986.51 98.55 . , Total IP.' • 357'4.94 • , Disbursements: Fire and Liability Insurance 845.07 Prepaid Fire Ins. Dec. 30,'50 ........, 463.00 Stade Weido, coal and Arena equipment .. 354.87 C. Hay Arena Caretaker 275.00 Miscellaneous 0.perating Expenses 192.00 eTatale . .. ...... . . . , • 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 " a member 'of Zion Lutheran. Church. Surviving is one daughteraMrs. Chas Weiberg of Centralia; . four eons, Chris. of Lucan, Jacob .of Dashwood William and Amiel of Hay TownshiP also 26 grandchildren, one sister, Mrs Emma Fahner of Philadelphia. 'The funeral wae from the Hoffman Fun- eral Home on Tuesday' at 2 p.m. with interment in the Bronson Line Lu- theran Cemetery, Rev. L. Hige.nell was in charge, and the pall bearers were Norman Beierling, Lorne Rad- er, Charles' Thiel, Ray Fisher, Har- old Fisher and Lloyd Stanlake. Death of Netary Miller Mr. Henry Miller died at his late residence, Dashwood, on W.ednesday January 17th in his 86th year. Mr Miller has been in failing health for eome time .and has been a reeident of Dashwood for 65 years, coming from Germany when he .was 20 yrs. old. His wile, Mary Ann Held- pre- deceased him 12. years ago, He is survived by one son William and one daughter (Laura) Mrs, August Mil- ler both of Dashwoode Also one granddaughterC arol. The funeral was held on Friday at 2:30 p.m. from the Hoffman Funeral Horne, with Interment in the Bronson Line Lutheran Cemetery. Rev. L. Higen- ell officiating. The pall. bearers were E. R. Guenther, L. H. Rader, Chas. Steinhagen, Reuben Goetz, Peter Eisenbach and Fred Messner, Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mr and Mrs. Kettler of Detroit; Mes. John Slater St. Clair Shores Rd., Mr and Mrs. Herman Debus and Michael, Sarnia; Mr and Mrs. Mahlen Watts, of Exe- ter; Mr. and Mrs. Voisin, of Ailsa Craig; and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ziler, Crediton. STANLEY. TOWNSHIP Mrs. Warren Schilbe of Kippen, was a recent visitor with her daugh- ter in Exeter. Mrs. Jos. Ducharme and daughter, of near Dashwood, were visitors with her mother,' Mrs. McClymont, et Kippen. Friends are sorry to learn of the illneSs of Mrs. Gertrude Reid of Var- na, who is quite peorly in Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Mary McClymorit of London, .was a recent visitor- at her home in Varna. • 6 • The Kippen Friendship .circle held its first meeting of 1951,in the Sun- day Scheel room of theechurcn with 35 Present. Mrs. Wm:- Bell was in the 'chair and: Openedewith song. The lordinary business was .then taken I up and the following. isificers Were elected: Pres., Don Kyle -S. Secy. Hel- en Turner; Treas. Mrs. Tom Munro, - Former Stanley Resident M.S. Webster Turner,,well 'known Hensall resident pasaed Clinton PabliC Hospital on .January 17th, in her 65th year. She had been in failing health for some time. The former Minerva Stephenson she was born on ;ate •1Parr Line in Stanley Township where she spentmost her life. She took up residence Hensall seven years ago ;' Was a me- mber_ of the' Untted. •Churth and W. Miss.' Society. - ' Surviving are her father,' Ralph Stephenson,' one dau- ghter, Mrs. RuSsell. Consttt, two sons, Ebner and Ralph, all gf Stan- ley Twp. One brother, Wm. R. Stephenson of' the Parr Line,' three sisters, Mrs. Wesley Cockerline, Mrs David Johnston, Pilot Mound, Man. Mrs. Elva Reid, Seaforth a thirteen grandchildren also survive. HENSALI Dashwood Defeats Fiensall Dashwood defeated Hensall by the score of 7-4 in a good fast -hockey game played in the Hensaff Arena on Friday night. Line up. Dashwood, Boperoft,- Hayter,- Kleinstiver, Tie man, Hayter, Wein, Hayter, Schroed- er, Willert, R. Regar, W. Regar, Ho-- ulahan, Keen Tiedman, Haugh; Hen - sail': Mickle, A. Nicholson, H. Nichol- son, Flear, Doig, Cowan, Harrison, Jacobi, Mousseau, Consitt, Eyre, R. .Moir, B. Moir, Tuckey, john Sang- ster. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the township of Hay held its inaugural meeting for the new year in the Council Chamb- ers, Zurich. The newly -elected reeve, Earl Campbell, called upon the clerk to administer the declaration. ot offi- ce oath. By pre -arrangement, Rev. E. W. Heimrich was asked to attend the meeting. At this time the reeve called up- on the visiting clergyman to give a short address and pray. His message was inspiring and helpful. After the invocation, the reeve thanked the clergyman for his kindly worms and the reeve welcomed the .council me- mbers and asked them to give very careful consideration to all matters ' that might come before the council' in 1951. Each 'member fittingly re- plied. The reeve invited the coin -mil members officials and Rev. E. W.. Heinnich, to ;be his guests at dinner, The -meeting was resumed after din- ner. The by-law authorizing the borr- owing of 33,500 for debentures on the Hay Townehip Memorial Comm- unity Centre was given its third re- ading. A hy-law was ordered drawn 11P according to the 'Warble Fly Con- trol Act requiring all cattle with -in the Township to be treated for wars ble r 'Earl Campbell end' ,A, , Roche were appointed. to represent the Twp en the beerd of nfileale of the Com - C e • Wm. H. Hanes was reappointed ae the official representative on the Aux Sauble River Watershed Auth- ority: The by-law. confirming. tne ap- pointment of Win, H. Edighoffer as / assessor was rescinded 'and Council called for applications. Thursday, January 25th, 1951 Reeve Campbell and Clerk-Treos.'1 I mount of $35,000. I urer H. W. Brokenshire were given [1 authority to issue cheques to the a-; 1 111 Appointment made were-: school 'll attendance offieer, Bruce J. Klopp; 1 pound keepers, J. P. Ingram, WM...1 Wateon; G. jacobe, Fergus Turnbull 1 E. 3. Walper, Leonard Mesmer, Shns 1 on Hoffman, Roy .Gingerich, Harold 11 Finlay, Henry/ Causius, Anal] Crerar, IH Stock -valuer, Bert Klopp, weed in- 'as: epector, Wm. Dougall, fence viewers 14 Alf Pfaff, Lloyd Hendrick, Ed Munn I Accounts. pasied were as follows: ii • Relief -Mrs. Edith Mason, 320.00; 4 MrS. Jessiew Wilds,$20 Emma Basso $8.90; Tieman's Hardware 310. Road Aecounts-James Masse $163, _Mph. Masse $7i2.:30; Louis Masse 360.70; Bill Bedard 7.80; Andrew 11 Ducharme 31.60; Peter Masse 310.- l'o 20; Alex Denomme ln,20; Michael 11.1 Masse, 80.76; Lloyd Campbell 5.25; D. Tiernan 2.50; St. Joseph Service, 4.48; L. A. Prang $5; Zurich -Mot- ors 4.521; North End Service Station 4.20; Zurich Garage 115.95; Rich- ardSon Garage 9.40; Klopp's Garage 39.12; London . Free Press 315. i Telephone - E. J. Frederich $469. 05; Northern Electric Co. 204.91; H. G. Hess 31,622.13; Earl Zimmer $1.15; IL W. Brokenslare $33.61; Stromberg Carlson 218.57; J os Corr- iveau 16:57;' Wilfred Corriveau 16.- .55; Ed. ,Corriveau 12.75. . Twp. Accounts - E. J. Willert $4; John .McGregor $2; Huron Crop Improvement -310; Mrs. Marjorie Schilbe 325.94; Leonard .Sararas $4; Harrison :SO -well $121; Treas. Hay Memorial :Community Centre 33,500. Bank of Montreal .creditor $14.15: The meeting adjourned te meet again on Monday,' Feb...5th at 1:30 p.m. ' Earl Campbell, Reeve.. . H. W. Broke.nshire, Clerk. 2129.9'4 Balance December 30, 1959 . . .... : . • $1445.00 • J. W. Haberer, Chairman. J. Coupland, Treasureie. Monies received and expended by the Ladies 'Good -Will Club" who sponsored Dances, operated Kitchen and catered for Federat- ion Banquet during months of January, February and March of 1950. Receipts Total Receipts Expenditures Kitchen Silverware and Dishes. Stage Curtain 100 Chairs -Kitchen Cupboards, hot plates, etc. 3400.60 396.00 497.00 126.15 1419.75 Total 31419.75 31419.75 'Balance Nil Mrs. C. Thiel, Treasurer The 1951 Community Centre Board is made up of the follow- pereonal. Mr. Lloyd O'Brien, 'Chairman. Mr. Earl Campbell Mr. Gus. Roche - 'Mr. Fred Haberer Mr. Delbert Geiger Mr. Ray Fisher Mr. J. W. Haberer The Community Centre sBoard plans to have a Statement; pub- lished in the near future, showing all .contributions and expenditures in connection with the erection of the Community Centre. Any pledges that to date have not been honored should be taken care of immediately in order that your name may appear on the Statement. 1 DASHWOO The annual meeting of the Dash - weed Public Library will be held in hhe Public School on Tuesday even- t -4e, Jan. :30th at 8.30 p.m. The public is insited to attend this me- eting. Mr and .Mrs. E. G. Kraft, Kenneth and Gordon of Londen left on Tu- esday on a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher and Mr and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher atten- ',tied the funeral of the late Tillie Ehlers in 1(itcherier en Friday. Mrs. Laird Jacobe of Zurich, is leaching in S.S. No. 8, Hay, during Mrs. G. Wildfong'e absence, • • Several relatives from this vicinity attended the funertrl of the late Mr Merles Curtz at Greenway last week Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman spent a few. daps in Toronto Iasi week. :tliss- Edna Willert of .:Wtseiral, as-nt -meek-end ‘.vith tritnele hese litteildh.qr the Taylor -Ratan' non-. tie'..4 on Seta' day. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. Murdoff of DOWManville spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs, Lorne Kleinstiver. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Edighofter of Mitchell and Mr and Mrs. Fred Cords of St. Catharines were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Guen- ther. Mr and Mrs Addison Tiernan are spending a few weeks with relatives in Detroit. Mr and Mrs. Tiles. Smythe ofLon- don spent the week -end with :Sir and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Dr. Eunice Oestreicher of London spent last week -end with her parents Mr. and' Mrs. A. E. ,Oestreicher. Death of Mrs. C. Fischer Mrs. Fredericka Fischer paseed a- way at the home of her sot William on the Ifith Con., Hay Townenip Sunday January 21st, where she made her hom fOr the p 11 re years. Her husband, Chris. Fischer, predeeeesad her about a year nen Foo.h.r Wai, 11(q. Ye;is 6 UMW Martha Washingt OUR SPRING SHIPMENT of MARTHA WASHINGTON COTTON DRESSES has just arrived and they look so good that we just had to tell you about them,. You will want several of these lovely Dresses and all they are famous tor. SUPERB STYLING Sizes 12-20. Guaranteed to fit. Sizes 36-48 Gay and Colorful. $2.95 $3.19 $3.95 LADIES' WEAR - DRY GOODS TUDOR'S Hensall Phone 70 TIVEM056ailtERVESMIllagailEaalinima \\\ N • 's " ,%\\*•\ \\\ •k;.‘*,:\ \‘‘ GOVERNMENT OF CANADA al% FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS Due February lst, 1948-52 BEARING CALL LETTER 'EY ONLY HAVE BEEN DRAWN FOR PAYMENT February 1, 1951 AT $100.50 FOR EACH $100. Bonds of this issue bearing the call letter shown should be presented for redemption on February 1, 1951 or as soon thereafter as possible with all coupons of later date attached. These bonds will not earn interest after February 1, 1951. BR -13 \ \ \ \\,\\ A, , N,\I \A N' \ ,, \\,'' N pay Yourself, too, on pay-day...with PeAS ton al Pi erolt HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT Pel'S ona I (P1 erodoi The B of M featured Personal Planning on a test basis at the Canadian National Exhibition last aututnn. In two weeks, 27,060 people asked for a copy of the II of M's booklet on Personal Planning. Here are some of the comments these people have volun teered "A. very workable budget, Your service is appreciated." " ... wish we had started the plan long ago." "Thank you so much for showing us the way to make a budget work, Have tried for a year with no success, but now I think we can really live and save with Prrsonal Planning." "The best yet." et appreciate commonsense method of handling money." "Sseett idea." Most people leave themselves out in the cold on pay-day. They pay the grocer and the baker... the milkman and the landlord. Everybody and his uncle dig into their pay envelopes but themselves. Result- they're usually in a financial strait -jacket ... and they worry. They worry about bills on hand. They worry about bills to come. They worry about unexpected bills. Money is always on their mind - souring their pleasure in living. And cobwebs gather on their plans for tomorrow. What's the answer? There's only one ..,. PerSalat Pia.00.1 win Personal Planning is much inore than just drawing up a budget. Budgets are often frustrating dog -collars. They usually tie you down and make life a very monotonous affair. No, Personal Planning shows you how to live with- in yoar income and enjoy it. It's a complete financial program, cut from the pattern of your particular needs and problems, Personal Planning won't help you make millions. But -given an honest chance -it will cure your 'day -after -pay-day blues.' You'll learn how to make your budget work far yam, instead of you working for it. And you'll also. find that Personal Planning helps you realize your plans for tomorrow much sooner than you have dark! to hope. SO FPO YOU COPY AT TM ROPAISI Of PI IRMO TODAYi ROES NO OIKKATION YO MORI BANK OF MONTREAL eveorea:4 ?o4e Su.4 Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Managee (Open Tuesday; Thursday and Saturday) DashwoorTub-Agency): Open Mon., 'Wed. tst Fri. • a,„ WORKING 1NITH CANADIANS IN t VERY WAIK OF LIFE SINCE 1 8 1 7 teleemmealentee.treenentweeseekemormereneeilnerettieempeeektioiliememooleirtegiireeelbietedieme**WenetteerumpenerweesmvewseietmelthaitirtekrehrteteseiseettetikftgeMl=ranaLt"....4,11.....eet.