HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-01-25, Page 1• t" Eistablished Jaw ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,J ARY 25 , 1951 .,,••••••44.4.44•44444814/11.044044.41•4•40,04:44.4, ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO IZEV. E W, HEIM1UCH, PASTOR LE/ a.m.—Divine Services. a.m. —Sunday School. 7.80 p.m.—Divine Worship. verybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL .4.••••4;••mmeal 'EVANGELICAL 11. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist 1Bunday Services: - 40:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. R.1...00 a.m.—Bible SehooL 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at ell Services---"Coine .Utoy.1 with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29, Are You Suffering Froin Headecitez? go, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and reptipment at • L. COLE, PTOIVIE'lltIST Ti GODraIGH Trood Glasses all Reur,onesiin Prices Akin. Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday and Saturday Jan. 26-27 A. Double Bill Gene Autry with his World's Cham 'pion lions° in SONS OF MEXICO And Gloria Henry and Ross Ford in AIR HOSTESS Love Flies with the Air Hostess. Two Shows: 7:30 and 9.30. Monday, Tuesday MetroeGoldwen Mayers —COMING EVENTS -- South Huron District Women's institute Horne Crafts Course LEATHERWORK, WEAVING Needlecraft, Textile Printing Town Hall, Zurich JAN. 25th, to FEB. 16th. 2- 4 p.m. 7 SETS ,14 Orl SCHOOL RECORD . Kennabl4Witmer, son of Mr and Mrs. MRit'ZWitmer of Detroit, Mich. set al ' Id of perfect attendance at De , - 'h. School for four years Never it and never tardy. The only on: 257 graduating. 'tff'• . ...34ttentling Normal .., Mr. ColiiPbell Krueger and :friend, DISPLAY- 1 of the .foi,.iner's mother, Mrs. Herb FIRST 'on. 1,19'e ', .4 eY !Krueger. •:'Both returning to Lond- i were Vt?eek4nd visitors at the home Mr. Daniel:•:, Dick ,of Leamington„ al'Scho151:. h areattending Norm- Left for Florida FREE EXHIBIT TO BE Jan. 29-30 ' Great Drama LD AND CRISIS Cary Grant Jos Ferrer, and Paula Raymond Newsreel. One Show: 8,00. BORN At the Farwell Nursing Home, at Zurich, on January 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Masse, of Dashwood, a son, Michael Lawrence. The Voice of Temperance In Toronto in 1950, 13,788 per- sons were arrested on drunk charg- es; 12,000 more than' in 1949. Mor- ality Inspector Albert Lee observed, "Despite increase in the number of liquor outlets, bootlegging continu- es," In Weston there were no ar- rests for drunkenness in 1950 and only one arrest for drunk driving. Mayor R. C. Seagrave attributed Weston's' drunk -free record to the fact that there are no liquor outlets or licensed beverage rooans within miles of the municipality. Toronto with numerous outlets has an 'creasing o]urne of arrests and ho, legging:, Loo • Weston • with no outlets, drunk free record. The conchd is obvious—Advt. 5. Xarry Xazrmani c;Imjoiv7`,76)02)2,o 1aaara,1 Dbreetor — .Pr4t(3 (J'ti, Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment. HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN 1=ei FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL, NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service -- Dash.woOd Tel. 70W. e tot. January ring SALE WE HAVE A LOT OF ITEMS IN OUR STORE THAT WILL BE CLEARED AT - GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 10 Pair All WaoI Blankets, Reg. 19.50 for 13.50 a Pair A Number of Ladies' and Girls Sweaters at 20% Off Regular Price. Snow Suits Ski Pants - Bunting Bags, Etc., Etc. All These as,. 25% Off Regular Price Some Shades and Sizes in Nylons, 2 Pair for $1.95 FRESH GROCERIES t FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS W REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone HO C. H. TFIIEL - Zurich REGISTRATION' THREE DAYS Ladies of Communities Cord- ially Invited ... WOAA INTERMEDIATE Hoc ey EXETER VS ZURICH On FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th. . Game ,called at 8:30 p.m. sharp At the Babe Siebert Memorial Arena ZURICH SEE HOCKEY AT ITS BEST! The Boys need your support to win these Games. These teams are ev- enly matched and a good game is to be looked for Admission—kd Mr. i.nd Mrs. Ted. Haberer left for FlOrlda,:, where they will Visit with relatiy.es in some parts and tour throughe00-er interesting _places. We wish the* a. safe jotirney: They •are being accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kalbfleisch of Detroit. • Hone Economics Teacher Mrs. Wni. A. Siebert,' Home Ecnion- omics teaiher of Zurich public school vividly discribed the work of her departiriddi at the Hensall Womens' Institute Meeting last week. The speaker offered suggestions for school lunches, serving and various projects. The work of her pupils were extib- ited. 4: Mictiet Hockey •k, The arich Lions Midget Team got awatto a flying start on Tues- day nigh when they defeated Exeter 9-7 in o4ertime., Don O'Brien was 'en 15c I the izisli)iarify. oe gfoatihse 1:1Zotyniecrb. ,seboroeycsi ngblut and Armstrong g sitigle counters. The .14A144.0 PLvtift' Monday riight when -01theY to the Brussels kids. There is no charge for these games, as the Lions Club is sponsoring them. So- come out and give these boys the cheering that is going to make them future stars. rtL. SM/7'll, PUBLISKigRe $1.75 a Year in Advance. *2.00 in U. S. .A., in Advanee. NORMA'S BEAUTY ' SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228, Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Pron. 441180411344112.4410001121444/...9i4.10 RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made fit - Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurielie Ont. Phone 128, ." . 4 His From Hess the Jeweler BRIDAL WRIST AND BLUE BIRD DIAMOND RINGS, SIGNET AND STONE SET RINGS BULOVA, CERTINA AND WATCHES COMMUNITY AND ROGERS FINE SILVERWARE. CUCKOO CLOCKS, ANNIVERSARY CLOCKS, MANTLE CLOCKS TOASTERS, IRONS, MIXMASTERS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR EVERY NEED CHOOSE NOW! ELCO HOCKEY NEWS 'Despite the mild weather, we have tad, there has been much action on he hockey front. Last Wednesday he Zurich boys made their visit to Iensall and were defeated 7-5 in vertime. The locals figured they ere given a raw deal when the Re- .ree disallowed . g„oaLsenredby Gignac in the overtime. This mine' before Hensall's two goals and could easily have been the winning goal However the boys are confident they can turn the tables on Hensall when they,..cotne to Zurich. This game was fo be played last Friday but was- Postponed due to soft ice. Goal getters for Zurich in this game were Decker 2, Gignac, Doug. O'Brien and Ford, one each. On Monday night a sickly bunch of Zurich boys journeyed to Exeter to tangle with- the Exeter six. Despite four of the .fiV ie boys playing with a. totich of flu and another with chec- ked 4b,s, the boys managed to fight an uphill battle all the way and came out ,on. the top end of a 9-7 score. The 'boys were behind all the way until' the third period when Stade tied, the. game much to the delight of the 1.00 or more Zurich spectators that attended. Minutes later Ques- netSeered the winning goal on a beautiful attempt. Gignac added an- other ip the late minutes .of the .garne as Exeter was pressing to tie the game. For Zurich Deslaurieis scored the liat-trick, Doug O'Brien 2, Rey- nolds,tStade, Quesnel and Gignac one. each. On Friday, Jan:26th, Ex- eter plays the return garne and it is hoped the Arena is packed to the rafters for this gaine. If you have never •.attended a game before, why not come out and see just what these Zurich boys can do 1 The individual standing of the Zurich players are as follows: PARLIAMENT TO OPEN Ottawa — Parliatnent will be call- ed into momentous session next Mon- day, January 29th. It will meet to pass on the Federal Government's management in a crisis year just closed It will meet to pass on the Gvernment's planning to meet the emergencies and the alarms of crisis year just beginning. Much will have to be dealt with, the Korean situat- ion •discussed, recruiting for an ex- pansion army and navy and air force to Canada's role, It will range the domestic field from supplies to con- trols and civilian spending. ANNUAL MEETING The 76th Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held an the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday, January 29th. At 2 ci.'clock, p.m. BUSINESS: •.1.!—Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Audi tors. 2 ---Election of Directors and Audit- ors. 8—The discussion of other matters in the interest of the Company: Mr. R. C. ilVicRonald, Chief of the London Fire Department will give en address on Fire Prevention and especial] y the value and operation of Vire Extinguishers. .1. GOOD AT'I'ENDANCI'i IS RE. UE STET) William a Love, President, Parkhill, Ont. erbert R. Eilber, Secretary. Crediton, Ont. AG. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. tomommilmoronormegastrutumareensr CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on thie winter. Solve 3zour heating problem ithis easy way and change to thecoak that will definitely assure you con- tinuous heat throughout the wintm months. And remember — BLU 1COAL burns better and lasts longer„ Roe's Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 6724 HENSALL 222202222+2222 iiNiO*22122(22222: GC222222200422C.,•02022) • • Sa1160% 4 ' At I vcott Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service 1- Hospital Bed aid Wheelchair for Rent 6 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS .1Mand NWat Service, • it Telephone: Res89-'-ch 0 0 • • a • • 0 0 0 2 0 0 sesesseaseesses tail4406.1111100411 ded164906026(13,2010846106{11610tiikee TIS`cr: We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL ermo Oese PRODUCE WANTED. 1;.......1..........mtoMoswt.a*Man.aarrtontanammeFvem YMO6RM.E7ROVTIV.S.0113MAPI 1layer Goals Ass'ts Points 13. Gignac 12 5 17 C. Decker 6 8 14 R. Dealaurieis 9 2 11 1). O'Brien 4 '.I 8 it. NI eIthiley 2 4 G 11. &Ade 4 .2 a M. Quesnel 3 2 5 J, Ford 1. 3 4 3. Reynolds 1 2 3 13. 013rien 1 1, 2 G. Weido , 0 I. 1 Men's ork !tithes We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. Now In Stock Work a tine MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Me Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! THE LAI E srnimE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. otoninomonoonnwiononnannomonnotwoo- Phone 11,97 4 4 1 4 1 4 • 4 1 1 1 4 .4 4 4 4 .4 1 4 9 1 4 1 1 111 4 4 4 4 1