HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-01-18, Page 1u R IC HE Established 1900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO V. E, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR ReIS reen.—Divine Services. 11..15 a.m. —Sunday Schoch €.50 p.m.—Divine Worship. rEstesrybody Welcome to call SeimIces. EMIVIANUEL U,V'ANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - ()xgtu fat ursday Services:— U1:00 a.m.—Divine Werehip. 11.1.00 a.m.—Bible School. 7 :3 0 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at ell 8—'Caw emu with us and we will do thee goad." Num. 10:29, ,ZRIZMAn Are You Suffering Fr©m Heitclk m? ,Il.t e o, Have your Eyes Earamed settle the Latest Methwie and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. Aa OPTOMETRIST it OPTICIAN • ODZRIOR A `reed Gismo st Prices ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18 195 1 CHESTER L SMITH, PUBUlataio x):1.76 a Year is Mvsics, $2.00 in U, S:.A., In Admit*. .c on Theatre. GRAND BEND resents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturdays Jan.. 18, 19 THE SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS. WIFE The Funniest Comedy ever made of Home Sweet Home Starring Joan Leslie, Robert Walker and Others.. Two Snores: 7:30- and 9.30. Monday, Tuesday Jan. 22', 23 PRINCE OF FOXES Three Years in the Making, with a Cast• of Fifty Thousand. King .of Romantic Epics. Tyrone Power Orson Wells Wanda Hendrix Movie Tone News Reel One Show: 8.00. NOTICE Any parents that wish to teach and supervise their children at skat- ing in the Arena can do so by ar- ranging in the afternoons with the caretakers. Co-operate with those in charge. The 'Committee e The Voice of Temperance A Bruce County paper brings the news of drunkeness at dances. It is so bad that the editor writes about it He wants the young people to have a. good time but points out that drink- ing ruins the party. There isn't much fun. in .seeing young men sprawled out on the dance floor dead drunk. The writer of this paragraph would point out that this happened in Bruce County where the Ontario liquor control act is in force. With its auth- orized •outlets and with its advantag- es for "law enforcement it has not sol- ved the problem of alcohol. We still maintain that theCanada Temper- :ance Act is a better temperance measure. We join with ebbe Bruce County editor in pleading with one young people not to let liquor turn their dances into drunken ibrawls.-Ad . Marry Xozbnian, • v %meraZ Nome l ani3Pct2 DLrecr Or° — FI i CtFc Cur' vy))vlrcacalzW3 Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST, JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT --INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service -•-- Dashwood Tel. 70W. ar WE HAVE A LOT OF ITEMS IN OUR STORE THAT WILL BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 10 Pair All Wool. Blankets, Reg. 19.50 for 13.50 a Pair A Number of Ladies' and Girls Sweaters at 20 Off Regular Price. Snow Suits, _. Ski Pants w Bunting Bags, Etc., Etc. All These at 25% Off Regular Price Some Shades and Sizes in Nylons, 2 Pair for $1.95 FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTER'), WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone '140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich 5 1 --COMING EVENTS -- St. Pei er's Parish Hall ST. JOSEPH, ONT. Bingo and Dance New and Old Time Dancing TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd. . At 8 p.m. Sponsored by the 'C. W, L. Music supplied by Steve Dundas and His Orchestra. Dancing 10 to 1. Admission - 50 Cents. BY POPULAR REQUEST Earl Heywood AND HIS . CKNX Barn Dance Gang Are Returning to the Community Centre, Zurich On Thursday, January 18th. DANCING 10—,I Hundreds have enjoyed dancing to his music on previous occasions. Make sure you are there to enjoy it this time. Step -dancing contest, and other prizes. Admission - 75. cents Sponsored by Zurich Badminton Club South Huron District Women's Institute erne C r, : fts at,/ u 8 s e LEATHERWORK, WEAVING Needlecraft, Textile Printing Town Hall, Zurich JAN. 25th, to FEB. i6th. 2 4 p.m. 7-9p.m. FREE EXHIBIT TO BE DISPLAY- ED.' AND REGISTRATION FIRST THREE DAYS Ladies of Communities Cord- ially Invited ... OBITUARY- - Late Miss Cowan Funeral services for Miss Blanche Cowan,0 h d away in Lon At Hospital a... -r.... Mr. Gordon 'Block has returned home from';, Clinton Hospital, after receiving -.ay treatments and is progressing 'very favourably. Lef t' Cor Kitchener Misses 'lana and Emma Martin, Mildred i'd"'Elizabeth. Steckle, Mil- dred Gingrieh, Mr. Hubert Schwart- zentrube;.Paul and James Peachey, all left tar.' attend the A. [M. Bible School gat Kitchener for the wzntee months. Have.°Moved to New Home . Mr.and.. Mrs. Adolph C. Kalb- fleisch haise ,moved into their new home they recentlybuilt, located at the south end of town. They are rbe- ing welcomed as neighbours and cit- izens of-Zu�'ich and hope they will be spared for: many years to enjoy this lovely residence they built. Banker Leaving Mr.Jae* Coupland, the efficient teller and ;assistant manager at the local Eraneh of the. Bank of Mon- treal in Zurich, hes received notice of his ,Prsin?:otion to the staff: of the Bank of Ii'fpntreal at Fenelon Falls; which is "located in the Carawatha Lakes District, Halliburton County. We sure »iii `miss Jack very much in • the Iocaal' bank, with his obliging and courteous- ways of meeting peo- ple andtnsacting business, he has rnede many ,warm friends who re - great of l eriiing that he is about to leave us T'he move will be around the '21011• - January. • C. W. L. MEET The reettlar . monthly meeting of: the C Wil ;, Was held in:the Town Hall, Zurtcli Thursdaiyr, January 1,1,. e ls: e ,�„ ,,.y.teep duce ,`ri- business part of'tlie meeting `was..in"charge the President, Mrs, H. RRose and was ably taken care off. It was de- cided to have a dance in the Comm- unity Centre in the near future. Watch' for further announcements. Roll Cali was taken by Mrs. E. Zim- mer. Treasurer's report by Mrs. Len Rad. The address o.. the even- ing' was given by the new Pastor, Rev. Father M. Monaghan. The soc- ial part' of the evening in charge of Mrs. Bill :Watson, consisted or a solo by Irene Dietrich, duet by Irene Dietrich and Janice Regiier. Solo ley Mary Ragier, a hymn was sung. A dainty lunch was served by the hoste:->, :Sirs. Bill Watson and her helpers. The meeting was adjourn- ed. HOCKEY NEWS NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. E223. Zurich' NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Bifis From Hess the Jeweler BRIDAL WRIST' AND BLUE BIRD DIAMOND RINGS, SIGNET AND STONE SET RINGS BULOVA, CERTINA AND WATCHES COMMUNITY AND ROGERS FINE SILVERWARE. CUCKOO CLOCKS, ANNIVERSARY CLOCKS, MANTLE CLOCKS TOASTERS, IRONS, MIXMASTERS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR EVERY NEED CHOOSE NOW! ELCO A a HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made tot . Order .-- Seth O. Amann, Zuriclie Ont. Phone 128. a CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend on thisi winter. Solve /your heating problems this easy way and change to the coal that will definitely assure you cone tinuous heat throughout the winter months. And remember — BLUE COAL burns better and lasts longer. Roe`s Vitimized Feeds LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. ' House Ph. 673rd 1.1 E N S A L L 00000fANsaO0C a9F.'D060•kisFs�"i0,�.Slt0t4 i seati•tAr7;s; 'oeis6� Ja�oetsea seeee• 9 • t rp t 1/ Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS u.e..� lea end Night Service. • Telephone: Res 89 ' or rl22• ,- •0000•eeeeae+swe�e�0®0000000/00®a6 gldrl0041tbasetae3ta��00•0e9 0• nc 1 • 2 owan, , who passe n - What .Likely was the largest at- • don, were conducted Thursday, Jan- ten lance at an ordinary scheduled uary 11th, by Rev. Andrew McMullen hockey gatne here was last Wednes-)se in Hardy's Funeral Horne, in Harris day eve., in the Zurich Arena, when ton, and interment made in the liar 1250 s{iectators jammed into this riston Cemetery. spacious building to see the old riv- Most of Miss Cowan's life was els of `Dashwood and Zarien teams spent in the Harriston district until do their. best for supremacy. The she became a resident of Zurich a- weather was mild end the ice bec'un'e bout five years ago. Survivingis one sister, Mrs. Wm. Reynold:' of quite soft 'towards the end. Neither Vancouver. of these teams so far had suffered a defeat this season, eo the fight was ANNUAL MEETING The 76th Annual :Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held :in the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday, January 29th. At 2 o'cloek, p.m. BUSINESS: .11 ---Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Auditors. • 21—Election of Directors and Audit- ors. 3—The discussion of other matters in the interest of the Company. Mr. R. C, iMcRonald, 'Chief of the London Fire Department will give an address on Fire Prevention and especially the• value and operation of Tiro Extinguishers. GOOD ATTENDANCE IS RE QUESTED William I -I. Love, President. Parkhill, Ont. (Herbert K. Eilber, Secretary. Crediton, Ont. OD e e 0 8 to on. The Hayter line of Dashwood. °' seemed just a but too' enueh for the 1 home team, and when the whistle blew to end the game the score was 7 - 5 in favor of Dashwood. The winners sure deserved the credit for • this mune. Then the return game was played as per schedule on Monday night, the ice being much better and the Zurich boys had the best of the game mostly all the way, and carne out well on top with a score of 8-1. One would really wonder how it could be that teams could fluctuate so much in a few nights apart, but this is the law of sports, if everyone knew who was going to win every time in advance, well few of us would hardly think it worthwhile going out to see these matches. 3iit games are well attended in the Zurich Arena, the boys like to play here because there. is always an enthusiastic lum- ber of spectators. On Monday night over 1100 were present to see the return gain e. Tonight, Wednesday our team goes to Hensall, but we doubt if it will he played awing to the mild weather. Following is the ;.).•rimee til) for the coming week. Jan 22—Zurich vs Exeter. Lucan vs Wonsan. 1. II Dashwood vs Granton. Jan. 24-13.ens'all vs Dashwood Jan. 25—Granton vs Lucan Jan. 26—Exeter y$ Zurich. • EPS • 640 *°`t We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL mw Oescla atm ' deal PRODUCE WANTED. Phone: 165 ' .Y4 x: d riff iteleetee ea'r fatett.+.a k .lt t seiseSegeti wraasr eliE We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a tine stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. NOW In Stock MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBE BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! 1 E. Schwartzeftruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 MagatorshiNivitetteARMINAMONOMIIMPRIPMEr,