Zurich Herald, 1951-01-04, Page 5Lite a • • he A- , ale ere ,oy ed-, ma • the • ma • lay the., or, cice;• eas- arta ' Vac - cake, ger, tteee ,..Z2111FI.L•t....:L„.....4T 4U t I I 0 7L1RICH HERA r1 ZURIcH HEli All) I Atthorized as second aJasa plaii., .. Afjo% Sale LOCAL liEWS - . Put Your Want, Wet Office Department, Utti4;11. Lielltp Found. Etc. mos. in .04 Column. • . ,NMI..bq....°..rx.......................r.....r..****....*.... EUSINES CARDS FOR SALE I A 1929 Model A. Car. Clean in John WOrchard and eutside, good tires, seal beam . OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Pismo 3553 ILICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALf Licensed Auction tr HURON AND aoa LAME ,ON ter your Sale, large or small, Cour- loons and Efficient Service at all Times! none 57 r 2. lights and reconditioned -motor. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Team Reasonable, Satlaraction, rq7a- Guarantee' Z-2C.E11*., II. Ph 011e _111ch 92r7. Fr1 1 L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich. FOR SALE One good used Hot Point Electric 'Cabinet Range, automatic oven con- trol, four burners, newly wired and reconditioned. A real good buy. Apply John 'Cantin, St. Joseph. 2c Ur. W. 13. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Mice with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store /1111ea•--9 8 ZURICH BUTCHERS ls' ular HOUSE FOR SALE ....... . .. • 1\fr. Norman Sararas of Waterloo, .was holiday visitor with his mother Mrs. Adeline Sarara.5 of town. 'ale. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers were New Year's visitors with friends at Stratford, Mr. Taylor of Kitchener spent several days at the home of Mr and Mei. Ed. Datars. Mr and Mrs. Clare Melick of Dash- wood called- on the former's father on New Year's Day. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh MacKinnon of Toronto were holiday visitora at the home of Mrs. M. MacKinnon of town. Mr. Campbell Krueger, who is at- tending Normal School, London, was a visitor with his mother, Mrs. Herb Krueger last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Etue of Tor- onto were holiday visibors at the home of their aunt and uncle, Da. W. 13, and Mrs. Coxon. Mr and Mrs. Fred Batstone and daughter Jean of Toronto, enjoyed the holidaa week at the home of their mother, Mrs. Anne Tuerkheim. The Huron ,Count a Trapper's As- sociation will meet on Saturday night Jan, 6th at Clinton. Everyone wel- eoinee K. Cox, Secy, 'Miss Meda Surerus who spent the holidays at her home teia, has re- turned to Toronto to resume her dut- ies on the teaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur •McClinchey and family of London, returned to their home after spending the holi- &els with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Heimrich of Stratford, is visiting for some time at the home of her son: Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Heimrich. • 6 -roomed House, with metal siding and Two-piece Bath, Hydro, large lot, with plenty of strawberries and raspberries. — Norman Cowan, Ser- epta, Dashwood 40 r 18. 3tc FOR SALE 19 choice young pigs 6 weeks old, Apply to Jacceb M. GingerIch or Phone 84 r 2. LOST IriZurich �Ti aturday night, Ladies Watat. Finder kindly turn to Herald Office.—Reward. a re - FOR QUICK SALE 1 pair of boys Skates, size 13, pra- ctically new. 2 pairs of Adult Skates size 5. Apply to David Meyers, Zur- ich, Phone 129. BREAD on err table the meal is ready! The Management of • the Tasty -Nu Balcerw and the Entire Staff wish each and everyone a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Our Many Thanks for the past year's Patronage! LOST Between Hensall and Zurich, a Beagle hound, has tan head, black and white body, white chest and four 'White legs. Will answer to name of Laddy. Finder notify, Reg. Mc- Donald, Exeter. ZurielPop MEAT NIATMET FOR SALE WOOD Tops and Slabs F c C. Usupply you with the Kalbfleisch ,& Son, Ltd. Zurich FOR SALE Lets very Choice of Fresh a; Cur - ad Meats, Bolognas, Sr %ges, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refril ttion 14ighest Cash Prices Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Tasty -Na Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH Thursday jenuary 4th, am osmismossosposoi•••••• WE TAKE His OPPORTUNITY IN THANKING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE AND WISH ONE AND ALL Season's Greetings Hensall Dist. Co.Operatrve HENSALL and ZURICH ____ WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU Mrs. Deichert was a recent vis- itor .at 'London. 'Mr. and Mrs. ThosaMeyers spent a few days over the Holidays at the home df their youngest daughter, Mr and Mrs. Brown at Port Colborne. A Correction In our item of "Had Successful Concert" in last week's issue we stated that: "The Thiel Sisters, Dianne and Mary Ellen, accompanied by Miss Audrey Heimrich at the piano." Should have been Miss Marlene Wagner, at the piano. 'Mr. and Mrs. •Syev. Witmer return- ed home :after spending the holidays at the home of their daughter at St. Marys. Mr. and Mee. Robert Oxland, of Toronto, have returned •to the - city after a visit at the home of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Miss Jean Krueger, Reg. N., of Victoria Hospital, London and MT. Jack Pollock bf Toronto, were holi- day visitors at the home of the for- mer's mother, 'Mrs. Herb Krueger. Two Durham Cows due to calf in December and "January. Apply to Sol. Gingerich, Phone 84 r 3, Zurich. NEUHAUSER CHICKS Retelling Weekly., Setting all breeds. Order December and Janu- ary Chicks now. —Neuhauser Hat- cheries, 81 King Street, London, Ontario. Telephone Met. 7482. Silverwood DAIRIES Sash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have 'Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager (Phone 101 Zurich Zurich &every BOOKKEEPING SERVICE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS AUDITING, ETC., ETC. NORMAN COWAN HAY 'POST OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13. Dead Stock DIES AT EXETER Percival E. Hewitt, 612i, for 12 yrs. patrolman on Highways 83, 84 and 4 with headquarters in Stratford, died suddenly from a heart .attack at his home in Exeter on Dec, 27th. He was born at Farquhar, and had lived in Exeter for 30 'years, was a member of Main St. United 'Church. Surviv- ing besides his wife are three sons and two daughters. The remains were laid to rest in- the Exeter 'cemetery. ea;-+ • AWARDED DAMAGES Goderich — Judgment has been given'by Judge T. M. Costello in the action of Harvey Fleet, of London, against S. L. Martin, RCAF, Central- ia, for an assessment of damages, ar- ising out of an accident on No. 4 Highwaiy near Hensell when the pla- intiff's car and horse ,trailer collided with Martin's car causing consider- able damage to plaintiff's vehicleand injury to the racing mare. The plain- tiff is awarded damages of ea.34 for repair to trailer, $60 for repair to car; $50 for problamentical loss of earnings, $75 for veterinary's service and court costs. The plaintic ,claimed damage total of 42,944 but abond- oned a claim of e1,50efor injuries sustained by the horse as these were not permanent. BAYFlE:LD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pelford re- turned to their home in London, af- ter a pleasant holiday season at the home of the la,tter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Mr and ;Mrs. Ed. Datars and dau- ghter Anita motored to Kitchener, where the latter who is en the tea- ching staff, will follow her duties af- ter spending a few days vacation. M ".'r1 Mrs. Arthur MacLean and Brian Misses Betty O'Brien and Doris MacKenzie of London, epent New 'Year's at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Ty. Stansberry and family of Detroit and Mr. Fred Du- charme of B.W. Highway were Sat- urday visitors with 'Mr and Mrs.Kuno Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemming and -family of -Rochester, N.Y., spent the New Year's Week -end with their re- latives here. MTs. Wellington John- th home p4t $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 vamommommosommilmomp, NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can loe made Bill Watson • Dashwood Pkone 35r19 Tour Home Market fol :ream Eggs and ronitr. Highest Cash Prices pc._ I plus a premium for deliveredcream 11117e are .equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE 3 • eeeee•ea• YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubricatiofl job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you corning back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS IMPERIAL DEALER SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- 13PARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD THIES! sto n who enjoyed a vim of her daughter, returned home with I Miss Norma Sturgeon was them. 'at Kincardine. • Jack Pounder, Stratford, epent the Miss Mae Smith has returned to week -end with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd her duties as Seniou Technologist in Betty Heard of London, visited her Chalk River where she will resume ,Scoeamer. the Medical Laboratory at the Ato- parents, Mr and Mrs. E. Heard. mic Energy Project Plant, after an Marie Stirling, Zurich; Margaret enjoyable holiday season at tie home Stirling, Hensall and Keith .Stirling, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sarnia, spent the holiday with their Smith. parents, Mr and Mrs. Leslie Stirling. Christmas visitors weta ear and Miss Audrey Stuart,•Kincardine, Mrs. Kuno Hartman, -Goshen south, spent a few days with alias Norma Sturgeon. Mrs. Robert alaeLeod, were:, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman Miss Ella •Gignaa of Windsor; Mr. Goderich, John and 'Malcolm Mac - and baby; Mr. Pierre Ducharnie and Mr andLaurence Hartman of London; Mr. Leod, Port Dover; and Don Ward, and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, air. and Appin, were visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme and family of Mrs Louis MacLeod. the B. W. Highway; Mr. and Mrs. 'Prof. and Mrs. Manley Thompson, Louis Farwell and family and 'Mr. Chicago; and John 'MacKenzie, Tor - and Mrs. Philip Hartman and family onto, spent holidaywith their par - of Zurich.' ' ents, Mr and Mrs John MacKenzie. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, of Had Candle Light Service Mount Forest, visited with the let - On Sunday evening the St. Peter's ear's parents, Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Lutheran Church held an impressive aroma Candle Light service. Pastor, Rev, Miss Helen Colbeck, principal of E. W. Ileinirich preached an inspir- Bayfield Public •School spent :the hol- ing Message for the New Year oc- idaye, at her home in Granton. canon. The candles gave an effect- Had S. S. Program ive light to this beatutiful House of St. Andrew's United Church, Bay - Worship, as one entered the church. field held its annual Christmas pro- olroom of the church with a fine at - The services were well attendedgram on Friday, Dec. 22 in the scho- Early Nomirtat'lon Pine tendance, consisting of singnig of Hay Council is to be congratulated Carols, followed by a short address on having their nomination earlier, by the chairman Rev. Peter Renner. in November, this wear. How nic-e it Threo short .filans were shown Which was to enjoy the Yuletide season tel were good The school children from its fullness, without the anxiety of No. 4 S.S. West .Stanley, were in a an election .on the program. We . lovely drill and -lag ,Cariols. Child - hope this arrangement will be car- ran from Mrs. Gladwin Westlake's rigid on into years to .follow. and Wm. -Charles ,Scotchmer's S.S. It Really Was Coicl classes were in group recitations. coldest weather we would care to ter which Rev. and Mrs. Renuer were Last week witnessed some of the William Sparke gave a short talk af- have in any month of bhe year. But called to the platflorm and were pre - milder weather moved in and on Tu- sented with gifts in appreciation of esclaa rain came pelting down which their work, They thanked the con - hill . - ha av gregation and told tof their pleasure in their work. Santa, Claus appeared and gifts and bags of candy were [Oven to the childeen. The gathering closed with the sieging of the Nat- ional Anthem. 9. visitor NEW APPLE SYRUP Kenai/Me, N.S., — Consumers may soon be buying a new apple by-prod- uct, apple syrup. Manufactured un- der a new process developed the Dominion Experimental Station here, apple syrup is designed for table use and such foods as .pancakes and bread Gerald Iippe, in charge of apple and vegetable processing at the Kentville Station, has been working on the pro- cess for sonic years. It is macre from the juice of pressed apples end is richly heavy, sweet and holds the tang of the apple. STROKE FATAL TO BLIND MAN James Love, 51, blind resident of Stanley Township, near Hillsgreen, died at -Clinton Hospital early on Sunday morning, after being. dis- covered in semi-conscious •oondtion on the side of a road. Ivan Steph- ensn and Patrick Graham found the man about 7:30' p.m. on the Parr Lite, a short distance north of Hills - green. A post mortem conducted by Dr. J. L. Penistan, Stratford,.dis- eavered death was caused by cereb- ral haemorrhage. No inquest will be held. Prov. Constable Helmer Snell and Coroner Dr. E. A. McMas- ter, both of •Seaforth, were called to the Scene when the diecovene was made. Dr. Newland -of Clinton,,was called and had Love removed to the Clinton Hospital Where be dide. out 1 12:80. Surviving are his mother extends on into We( nee . Centralia, and a brother, Stables Wednesday night, it will be colder Love, Exeter. Funeral services were I again with the wind around in the held Tuesday at 2 p.m, with interni- north. There ere a lot of colds mak- eat in Marcia Cemetery, Stenley1ing their rounds owing meetly to the Township, changeable weather, Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK FRE LARGEW RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS c. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO.. Ammmt of Insurance at Rialt on December Slat, 1946 • $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rate% on Application IL F. KLOPP--Z1.171CH AGEN '2 Also Dealer in , Rods sod 4 kind of Fire iranre • Season's Greetings And thanks to all our Friends for their Co-operation We look forward to further opportun- ities of serving you in 1951 Oesch Shoe Store arom000mm'Arawaczassrmsomesolossummonolo 2 TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WE EXTEND Season's Greetings WE THANK YOU! Datars & O'Brien Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 eae Massey - Harris Wishing Our Customers and Friends A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Tel. Shop 149 Oscar K opp Res. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS!