HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1951-01-04, Page 1Wished 1900. L ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M ST. PETER'S tivantolical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTO EV E, W. HEIMRIC1•i, PASTOR a.m.—Divine Services. U.15 ann. --Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. ria eerybody Welcome to Services. EIVIMMUEL EVANGELICAL U. Be CHURCH Zurich --- Ontario REV. H. E. BOPPEL !Vliaxister &Jars. Milton Casa - Orp,onist n,day Services:— .1 :00 a.m.--Divine Worship. 2.1.00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:341 p.m.—Divine Whip Welcome at all Se rvic ---"Daae 'than with us and we will ghee tweed." Num. 10:2tk Aldo. theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday, January 5th, 6th. THE PALOMINO A Stunning Spectacle of the Horse Country, In Technicolor (Double (Bill) THE LADIas, OF THE CHORUS A Stirrin Musical Comedy Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. +Monday, Tuesday Jan. 8th, 9th. KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE Adult Entertainment Jas. •Gagney, Barbara Payton Helena Carter Hotter than in White Heat One Show: 8. p.m. (Note change in Time) Are Yo Suffer: ;,,; F HeasTes' at no, Have your Eyes Emends. with Zoe Latest Method% and, ment at .q . L,. LEST R.O. OiPTOMEnusit ; . & GOD 4 *i tSood Glasses at liesaeausgta Priem NOTICE TO AIL YOUNG BOYS IN THE COMMUNITY The Zurich Lions Club is sponsor- ing a Midget Hockey Team this com- ing Season. All boys under 1i6 on November 1st, who are interested in playing hockey and would like to try out for this team are asked to con- tact Herb Turkheim as soon as pos- sible. c —Zurich Lions Club. Boys and Girls' Committee. RNING, JANUARY 4 1951 --COMING EVENTS-- ckey CRANTON vs. ZURICH Friday, January 5th. GAME TIME 8:30 p.m. SHARP Be sure to attend Zurich,s First Home Gams of the Season!. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 150. TO OUR ADVERTISERS In order to have our paper go to .marl at the . usual „ time, Thursday tnoriaing, we`•in t•`o:'sk •our• aavertive ' to bring in their change of ads. no later than Tuesday forenoon. Please oo-operate with us.—Thanks! . Xarry so Maniwera'Z om& Ifuaeral Director -- Private Cal' ,ilnzvbula tee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO LENT--MVAL1D CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WERE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Das'hwaod Tel. 70W. nquet AND • ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture, to be held in the Community Centre, Zurich On Wednesday, January 17th. 1.51. At '7.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Hon. Robert McCubbin, M. P. Middlesex Tickets $1.50. Get your Tickets early All in the Community are cordially_ invited to attend. DANCE to follow Program Proceeds For *ommunity Centre PLAN to Attend and Boost your Federation of Agriculture President, Delbert Geiger. ,Secretary, Carl Oestreicher, for NOTE ! Wo11l =zdl. the Institute members kindly remember that the -Institute Banquet: will be held on the evening of January 8th, at7 o'clock at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Enjoyed Dinner A lovely event took place at the Ritz HPte1, Bayfield last Thursday evening when aboute 125 guests sat down to a delicious turkey dinner, with all -trimmings, which was spons- ored 'br rhe F. C. •Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd., .tii''their ,employees and wives. A program was 'given after dinner, and it eery line social evening was enjoyed:., . • Attended Hensel' Fire Last' -Thursday evening the Zurich Fire Brigade were called to Hensall, to assist' in the. big fire of the Thom- pson Elevators which were cnsuaned Eby Are at..a loss of $125,000. There were .six fire brigades present, but the :,h ilding was not caught early en- ough;to be saved. Other 'buildings near by were however saved. The loss is mostly covered by insurance. Now Good ice A good bottom of ice has been formed: on the local arena, and bar- ring !the, mild spell we are having a good.'sheet of ice should be on tap for th ,,first home •game of the Zurich Hockey,. team Friday riday evening, wheni,,te robust Granton team will be i{p ,crossing sticks with the locals. Real. good skating was enjoyed over the .iolidays, and the rink has been a ibis y' place. The New Year's Dance held in'the Community Centre by the local lockeln boys was a huge success as t ere was a large gathering pres- ent, vahich helped the hockey treas- ury'jeery much. ., NOTICE We have a limited amount of Ad-' vertising space available in the Arena Zurich, and would advise any' one interested to get in touch with the Committee for terms, Lions Club News. etc. Lions Active • ;, P, a 'Committee : ,s,i�ii'u .. p':$x i�xia,. ,. � ..,, �a'yFieldf I,io'!'s Clivi;`, dish vbuted Fisher, Delbert Geiger. • 2'tc Christmas basket to the shutins oi' — .Ch'ristmas Eve. Owing. to the stormy Waste Paper Collection weather they were unable to have the On Tuesday Jan. 9th, in the carol singing and distributed their baskets from door to door in a truck afternoon, the pupils Zurich . For Needy Families School will collect waste paper and Nine bushel !baskets of Christmas rags. Please tie newspapers .and cheer were distributed by members smooth finished paper "i magazines of the Exeter Lio is Club. The bask - Securely in separate bundles. Cor- ets decorated with Yuletide wrapp- rugated and other paper cartoons Ings, contained fruit,' nuts; candy and should be flattened and tied in bun - other grocery items. Five were dis- dles. Please place bundles on the triibuted in Exeter; two in Usborne, sidewalk •in front of your home or and two in Stephen. Lion Bob Din place of business before noon, Tues ney, chairman of the Health and Wel day next. fare committee was`in charge. Had Christmas Party Bayfield Lions Club held its an- nual Christmas party for the chil- dren, Friday afternoon last. Pictures were shown and then Santa Claus arrived and distriibuted treats to the children. At the close of the party a ace. Dealing spece • ti ke was drawn by Mrs. James Fer- CHESTER L. 8MiTH, PU :1.113llll . $1.76 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. 5..A., in Advo. 'NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. i RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made hit Order — Seth O. Amann, Zux e Ont. Phone 128. TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY ..TO EXTEND I E IS Su e0 . r - to THE STAFF OF THIS STORE WISH TO EXPRESS TO THEIR CUSTOMERS Christmas AND A Happy New Year THIEL'S GENERAL STORE LIKELY TO RISE Ottawa — Prices for honey and maple products, both sugar and syrup are expected to rise next year, the Federal Agriculture Dept. said in a report to the Federal Provincial Ag- ricultural Confere g fically with honey, the' department said the decline which has been in progress in the number of beekeep- ers since 1946 is expected to be checked in 1951, with some increase in the number of colonies probable. Production of honey in 1910 was estimated at 30,'700,000 pounds,com- pared with 33,200,000 in 1949. Zurich Ontario Phone IQ C. H. THIEL Zurich Youth for Christ IN THE Clinton High School PRESENTS Rev. John Moran, Stratford Mrs. Moran - Soloist. Mr. J. Fangrad - Cornetist Jan. 6th, 1951 - 8 p.m. ,guson for the winner of a pony,which was won by Mrs. Lloyd Scotenmer. SOLEMN HIGH MASS On Sunday, December 24th Father Kenneth Dietrich of the Scarboro- tige Foreign Mission Society, cele- brated solemn high mass in St. Boni - face's 1Ohurch, Zurich.' He was as- sisted by Father Richard Bedard C. 'S.,S.R., Brockville, Ont., and Father ,Diemart of Scarborouge Mission So- cie1 1, Toronto, Ont. Fathers Bedard and Diemart cicted as deacon and sub -deacon respectively. Father Dietrich is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dietrich. He at- tended grade and, continuation school in Zurich and College at St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, Ont. He •coanple- ted his studies in philosophy and Theology .at the Scarbobouge Foreign Mission Seminary at Toronto. On. December 17th Father Diet- rich was ordained by His Eminence rdinal 'McGuigan at Toronto. . Remember to Meet us the First Sat- '' After solemn Mass guests were urday of every Month in the Clinton. .present at dinner held in the Com- I-Iigh School. ' munity Centre, Zurich in honour. SEASON'S GREETINGS THANKING YOU! A G. H ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. blue czar` CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can, depend on title, winter. Solve your heating problems this easy way and change to the coalW that will definitely assure you ems, tinuous heat throughout the winter- months. And remember — BLU' COAL burns better and lasts longsag Roe's Vitimized Feeds - LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 87114 HENSALL 0+0004104300641 041460 oa Enntval 406000 ei#40610641:1141111 tkAtiltie Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent C FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Day and Night Service �Telepion�:..es.`89 - ;,: ,ox;.122,:, Zurich goliaeaeav it6066aoaaoaaooaDe®410a►e0 6416411 a®®ewaaeo06110oarwN411 i 1. Come and Bring your Friends The Voice of Temperance From En.gland comes the rt i Many priests relatives and friends Father Dietrich, Father Bedard, C.S. ,S.R. acted as toast piaster at the dinner. In the afternoon Father Dietrich and his family; received friends at the Community Centre. that it is no longer considered poi to drink and get drunk, This has come about because of the decease in the alcoholic content of beer and the increase in the cost of hard liquor. T+ is not a matter of narrow Puritan - j. n hut of decency and r.onimon ,:'rise that the influence of liquor is egrading. When will good taste ,npose its, ban on people whose con- ersation and conduct reveal the Mrs. Btue Sr., accompanied the De- Iight of drinking". it is not polite trait people, and will visit In that • to be maudlin or noiey with drink,Ad.. citY6 for a time, rte j were present to honour the newly ordained, They were .pretreat from London, Toronto, Galt, Preston, Kit- chener, Detroit, Port Huron, Halifax and the : urrounding district. Mr. Lee Minn Mr. and :airs. Lav- elle of: Detroit; Mr, T'3imer Etue of Toronto., were holiday visitor:+ with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I')tue of the 13. W. Highway, north. ztJ 1C14'S Gr.c'ry tore At no age this time greater or to our Many Customers by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR of Year we can give more impressive mess - than Menno Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 oasswommarssnassaKassaassanasszakamastnassameaseseasassow WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY 1,1 Se s Greetings Greatly Thanking You for the past Year's Patronage Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! BIR lli E ST E. Schwartzentruher, Prop. Phone 11-97