HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-12-20, Page 5.ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH 14ERAla ZURICH HERALD. ;uthprized as second class mail, ALVIN WALPER I Tot Office Department, Ottawa. P R O V I N C I A L '(,Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale,',1arge or ennall ; Court-: ,afoua and 'Elf lent Service at st1 411121. Phone 57 r '2, DASHWOOD, tR:ONALD'G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT lPLot+es: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg, 455 Res, RatenburY S.t CLINTON - ONTARIO G. B. CLANCY Optometrist –^ Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For :appointments phone 33, Goderich - (Ont. ARTHUR FRASER Income• Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER .OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone Exeter 51$t MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTNG 'Septile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Waterrriains, Etc. New Instralations on Cement Septic `arks, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph. 121015 Grand ]Bend Th. 20.5 To meet Your Roe!uirean a Th Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Dike with Residence, Main Street, of 8 or 12Hd at Hess, the ay Pewe1 el Bay Opposite Drug Store ZUStICH Mr and Mrs Earl Weido entertained Phone 96 several little girls on Friday after- noon tot a birthday party in honour of the youngest daughter Shirley, who cel.erbrated her 8th birthday. LOCAL NEWS Exteaxding.lto One and All Season's Greetings! Mr a:nld .Mrs Arnold Mornerate tended e -wedding in Loudon tom 'Sat-{ urday 'Mr and Mrs Alf. Melick were vis- nitlorrs with ..friends at Kitchener tor a week -end, . Mrs tMelizza Geiger has returned home after rpendling a :few weeks at the hone •of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Jervis at 'Clinton.. ' We are pleased to report. .+that Mrs. Ed. 1Daliars is .sable to be out a- gain after being confined to *e house 'with illness. Lieut. Ross ,McNelblb and wife, ilf,ne tomer Brazibstre •Gasclio, 'of Dexts- nioutlh, Nova 'Scotia, are holidaying at the Thome of herr parenfts, Mr and Mrs. Norman Gasoho. Miss Kathleen Hay, of Exeter and sisters Mans. Gordon Prance of Hui ensla!le., Mrs. 'Banike, eoaf London, spent, Sunday at the home of their. parents, Mr 'anal Mrs. Wm. Huy. 111•r. 'W'illliann O'Briee, J,r., of the Bank of Montreal stmt, London and friend •trona Niagara Falls were vr,s- itors at the home of 'Mlle 'foriner's :parents, Mr and Mrs. -Lefty O'Brien over the week -end. • •Sunday guests at the.. home of Mr. and Mm Amos Cr usche Bronson Line were Mre and l\rrs Orvil Foor and sons Gerald and Dennis and baby Cheryl Lynn, firom Port Huron, Mich., Mr. Ray E. Creel from Park- erdburg, West Virginia; Mr :and Mrs E. F. Gill; Mr Art Fisher of Lon- don.; Mr. Norman Brenneman of Waterloo. A FAMILY GIFT — A ,set of fine English Bone . China, Dinnerware ideal for that Xmas. table, we have •seaveral samples of beautiful patterns in Royal Doulton, Etc., at a special diecount. Come in and see thein. A.v- ail•dble in place settings' or services Season%s Greetings In appreciation apf the many beauti- ful Christmas wards ,and leltters sent to ithe undersigned for this Christ- mas from Our 'long-time friends tat Zurich, we, Manse this .meanie 'to ack- nowiledg;•e and reply to them all as follows: �� �_ ,01£ Christ- mas 'the: glad tidings bring renewed joy with abiding peace and ennzltipilied blessings to one and all, Oi '%ay the .down of the com- ing New Year be lent the beginning of those "Happy Days" when each Waterloo. Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- fmation or service .front all breeds of battle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton Bti +2-3441 (between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. _ ^� For Appointment, Das v. food 27 r 13 J'.. NORMAN GOWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service `Sarepta' Hay P. O. Property for .Sale 41ix-year-old House, large living room, dining xooxK1 and one bedroom • year:' , i t flae mare 'happy and blest with closet and hardwood floors sty than all the rest, To the fathers and each room; 3 -piece bath and modern large kitchen with double sinks on remain floor; two large bedrooms up - stirs with lots of ‘closet •space. Com- plete basement with hot and ;cold water; fruit room and coal room. Breezeway and adjoining garage,with nice lawn and garden. Apply only on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hallman. Telephone 79 Zurich. Mothers lin their daily rounds of oc- cupation end family ieslponsi'bil ty and to all the +children at home or at school and at play, -- GOD BLESS them all! Alse the sick and shutine, the sorrowing, the aged or lonely and others who may hove Beams or burd- ens to 'bear; all these are thought of in this word of ,cheer and eincere good wishes for A MERRY ICIHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW AR. Sincerely, Re -v. and Mrs. H. E. Boppel Needless to .say the girls had an en- jioya4ble time and presented her with 'lovely gifts, which were appreciated with many thanks. A delicious sup- per was served. Witch fond memor- ies of a good time together •at the VlTeidle houre is long to be 'rememb- ered. N. L. MARTIN HOW IS YOUR LABEL As we are rapidlyapproaching the OPTOMETRIST 1957 year, we would ask our rubscr- IVlsin Street — Exeter Beers to look at the label, that is the little yellow tag where your natne is Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday on. If it reads ,anything less that '57 you are that much in arrears, with easc e!ptioln 'off a few that have had theirs renewed recently.. The pubilr'sher of any paper cannot keep his lousiii'ess going on unpaid subscr- iptions, +especiall'y 1With the present high prices of supplies, and the high cost of living, but he must live and eat just like other folks do. So if your label is in arrears loindly drop an within the next. few .weeks and have it fixed up to date at least and a year in :advance w ill not hurt a bit. It will not mean much to one person, but if a number ,come in it will be eee • ._., quite an 'item and your publisher LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE will be happy and able to carry on VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND for another year. CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, ZURICH WINNER 4-H. CLUB Edgar Willer t, R.R. 1, Zurich, con SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN tinues to be top member of the Zur- ich Calf Club. He scored 000 points ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION , BROS. this year, leading the .cinb in calf, r YUNGBLUTjudging and showmanship. In second p ' place with ung came Bill Elliott, R. :".......i:::-'''''''',"7",-,.•-"“::: ��...:-gas - • �. • ee.Produce R. 1, Zeri�ch who won the ,«est' g 'Brim's marks for answC �, men and fee -ding 'r s D BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. DELL, P SNE 4 EXETER _ C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B. Wednesday,t dnesday, 2 to 5 p.m. At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S T''POPULAR .� MAT M FOR SALE Christmas Trees. Please place your order at Westlake Furniture, Phone 89J, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE FOR QUICK SALE 1. Dining Room Suite, like new. 1. China Cabinet, cheap. For further direction apply at Herald Office or P.O. Box 308, Zurich. 21c ATTENTION Call at Rader & Mittleholtz A ladies black winter coat with Hardware Store -and they will new, priced reasonPersian Lamb trim, size 38 - 42, 1ik help you solve your problem atbll.y, for quick; Sale. Tele. 11105, Zurich. k * ' o f Cutting wood. See the Christmas Turkeys New Pioneer Chain Saws, (I.E.L.) to be . Order your Christmas turkeys now. New York dressed 1o2 Eciisorated. Apply to Russell Snider, R.R. 2, Zurich. 3t STRAYED From my farm, Goshen Line, Hay, 3 heifer spring calves, Herefords. Finder notify Jos. ,Schwartzentruber, Phone 26 r 1117, Dashwood, tcollect. Turkeys ORDER YOUR 1CHRISTMAS KEYS NOW. Phone 32 r 2, Bend• — Arn.old ,Gaiser. offered LOST • " Antly,sv .tuto FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK In the Zurich vicinitty an auto wheel chain. Finder contact the Zurich Bakery. 2t° FOR SALE A Ladies Grey Coat with fur trim, size 18. Phone 22.5 Zurich 2tc FOR SALE A two-piece Chesterfield wine color in good .condition. Apply to Iden Me- TUR- Crae, Phone 70J, Dashwoloid. 2te Grand FOR SALE Salesman Wanted IF YOU ARE AMBITIOU:S, you call make good with a ,Ratwleigh business Boys' Bicycle . size. Good can- in Huron 'County. We help t�'ou gel, dation. Phone 233 9 7ruaich,` miter ' dtarted. No. expenienlce needed to STRAYEr Brady• Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCl-I Barber Shop - Zurich G. A. WEBS, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointments - Phone 606 Six+• start. Write Rawleilgh'.s Dept. L- 458-2, Mlo•n+treal, P.Q. Uant;o ;any premis{es, Parr Linea Hay i FOR SALE Township a two-year-old (Steer. Own- er lean heave same by proving prop I Two pairs of 'Girls' Skates like ertty and paying expenses to James new. Sizes 3 and 5. —Apply to McAllister, R.R. 1, Zurich. Wm. Lawrence, Phone 214, Zurich 1 1 0 e MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Wishing Our Customers and Friends Everyone for their past Patronage. Wishing One and All Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHON13 101 ZURICH Zurich Creamery and monthly repots. Two points helend Elliott was John Feb, Zug"t;ih. Other members placed 111 th,is order: John Eckel, .Rv. 1, Varna R6s• Richard Eiib, Zurich, ; 4 4 S63; Keith Rader, R.R. 3, Zurich, ich8,33; Ron Thiel, R.R. it, `LUric'h, 813; Dennis Drch verge, 1 .R.2! Hen - sail 809; Euwice Thiel R.R. 2 Zurich '797, Leaders were: Anson (McKinley and Beet Mem, R.R. Ili, Zurich and Carl Oestreicher, Dashwood. Other :members in the variety of Clubs that help improve farming had excellent results in their reports It makes one happy that farm youth of today are willing to fit themselv- es for better mixed +farmieg for the future than even before, at this op- portune 'time. Ladies Aid -- The annual meeting of Zion Luth- eran Ladies' Aid and Christmas party ,was held Wednesday Dec. 12th in the :basement of Zion Lutheran Ch- urch. The treasurer's rep+or•t showed a balanne of $450.00 with total re- ceipts $1;573.00. $76.50 had been collected from Wonnene' Missionary League. Christmas boxes ,for the sick are being packed Dec.:2t3rd. Election of officers followed- Pre- sident, Mrs. M. Meaner; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. EITIT1 Rader; Secretary, Mrs. E. Koehler; Treas., Mrs. Kleinstitvere; Sec. Flower and 'Treats Fund, Mrs. Albert Miller; Card Secy. NICs. Id. Wein; Pianist, Mrs. Edgar Restenayer ; Auditors, Mrs. C. Sal - min ; Mrs. L. Resteniayer , Librariare, RATES ON APPLICATION i tiers. Rud. Miller; and Mrs. Ebner ader; Groep 3 wI alt Mrs. C<7nl Meier A E. F. IS - ZURICH Rwere in (charge ,of the social hour. AGENT Santa appeared with gifts for all. ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING Carol srnging and. lunch followed. RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE Group 8 will also be in charge of a INSURANCE pot, luck suppear in Immerse Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE, 'EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY HODSP . IN ERS OF TEY Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK WI LARGEST RESERVE I>AL= 'CM OF ANY CANADIAN MITT - VIAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS •r OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO HAPPY NEW YEAR V11JERTU. ELECTRIC Phone 84 - Zurich Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Better Bulls Are Used" "Where S • • •• • • • L • • A Promotional, Educational Meeting will be held. DATE: Dec. 2I-'56. TIME: 1:30 p.m, PLACE Department of Agriculture Assembly Hall, Clinton, Ont. Above the Agricultural repre- sentative' s office. You will hear reports on the past year's busin- ess and nominate a director to serve on the board of directors of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation. GUEST SPEAKER will be Dr. H. D. Branior, Head of the Department .of Nutrition, O. A. C. Guelph. A MOVIE on'ArtifiCial Breeding in Ontario willbe shown. Everybody is Welcome b a 4 4 1 4. + m • 0 r a a 41 a 4. 4. a 4 a fi + 4 4 • 4 4 + 4. s i• + 1 • • 2 e • • • 1 • • • • • We, are very grateful to our Many Customers for • the kind patronage you have accorded us, • may these fine relations continue to grow, as we • extendto one and all: SEASON'S GREETINGS • • • • Hogs Shipped Tuesday . and Thursday • Cattle on Saturday • • ....�... • Thursday, December .2Otll, The Management And 'Entire Staff of TASTY -NU -BREAD Nish One ` And Everybody A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS And A Safe Holiday Tasty -Nu Bakery. PHONE 100 --- ZURICH Your aid -ware &cue We Extend to everyone our sincere Wishes for a very Happy Holiday Season ;.and a Very Pleasant and Prosperous NEW YEAR! Theodore Mittleholtz, Lorne and Leona Rader. Rader & filittieheitz - Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. at 4 4 eti�ya e • t• 1 4. • • 4 eM • and 2 a. • f� a� a� • • e� kro • ..».-,.,,...m.. -118 Greetings May This Friendly Greeting express Sincere Thanks fop Your Patronage During With Best CHRISTMAS the Past Year Wishes for a Joyful and a NEW YEAR Oesch Shoe Sante Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 Season's Greetings 4' r .t Hensall District Co -Op„ Phone Hensall 115 • Z.urich 220 ... v:J