HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-12-20, Page 1ri 4►ablished 1900 R IN MEMORIAM 'olinfer–=In; Moving memory of our ieaar mother, !Mrs. :Saraih Kipfer, Who passed away 13 years ago, Dec- -,amber 24, 1942. What would we igiie if we. could say !Hello Mother, in the same .old way "To hear her voice and see her smile '."'A it with her and. iehat awhile. •>Y --Mass:-• Ella Desjardine„ Edith Kip -- ;£en, !Exeter, Ont. c Agricultural Office News 'Clinton, Dec. 15th. CROP !REPORT — 15 Applies ti- -•!rns have glAte in from Huron Co. -"runty ,for :the Winter ,Short Course at "the Ontario Agricultural College. Pall Meetings and Banquets of Farm 'Orgamizfaitiosins have been well at - ' ZURICH, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20 1956 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.01 a Yate Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,5$.. NOTICE To Our Milk Customers—: Please Note that no deliveries will be made on December 25th and Dec. 26th, and on January let and 2nd. In order to meet your additional requirements would you please put in your supply ibafloa•e these dates. "Wishing each and everyone Joyous :Christmas Season and Happy New Year! The Zurich Dairy a a 60.c per pound for, small birds and tended. .Christmas Concerts and Parties are now the !order of the day in Rural Communities. Christmas Turkeys are in. plenti- ful. supply with .Growers receiving 58c. per pound for 1arge birds. A. Blyth area Grower shipped: 000 turkeys to Northern Ontario this! week. CARD OF THANKS We wish to greatly thank all the neighbours and friends for the as- sistance, sympathy, . etc„ extended to us cluainig our !bereavement. A;'[P special thanks to the Sewing Circle it Wishing all Our Readers and many Friends A Real Good Old Fashioned Christmas Filed With ` Joy and .. Merriment of the Birth . of the . Christ Child. And .may the New Year bring one an much Happiness and Prosperity The Herald Staff Extending to One and All Season's Greetings! Is At Hospital for their kindness. .Miss *Donna Oesch is progressing Mrs. ,Christian.: Schwartzentrub; r favourably after an appendix roper - and !Family. ° ation at the 'Clinton. Public Hospital 011 Monday. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Hear Ye! Hear Ye.. • Lions Club News Zurich Lions Club had Ladies' Nite on ''Illionday evening instead of the re - New Years Eve. gular meeting, it being the Christ- mas Meeting and the fraus and girl D friends snie invited and turned out very well, and an arousing meeting ! was held, turkey dinner being sere - IN THE by the ,capable management of the Dominion House. Mrs. H. G. Hess Community Centre, Zurich presided at the piano and Lions ON Leroy O'Brien and Delbert Geiger MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st led the singing, and how those Lions Dancing 9.00 p.m. Till, A and Lioness did eat and sing. After Dance out the Old. Dance to :'the the supper the party went to the New Year! Community Centre where pictures and A GOOD ORCHESTRA IN ATTEND- slides :were shown of the Centennial ANCE HATS, HORNS FUN FOR ALL Sponsored by your Community Centre Board iB••0000•o•••••eod•oao41.40*o•• r.• i*e s••• 't• seaoeeNo0600�♦ •• • HOFFMAN'S •• • 4 • Arrange Funeral Service i • To Or From - iia m I: Out -Of -Town -Points �. , ' j • 11[EMlEa Wherever fn 4 neral service is required, to or from any place in Can - ad a, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You .are always assured t e quiet e- .. - .4 Visticp of Hoffman's service. • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME s 4 40 e Q • '! • h ff' 4 Funeral and Ambulance Service A* 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W s y��������l•lw►ma..��m eh as. w. tc, 1a..n .«,. - ., 414,0 ••O•••O! a••tN41f,a►•••••♦ SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market We Wish to Extend SEASON'S GREETINGS And THANKS to our Friends and Customers for pleasant Dealings in 1956 And May We Continue to serve You in 1957 'THIEL'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET parade last summer by Mrs. Earl Y:ungblut and Victor Dinrulin. Some enjoyed themselves in, gaanes, etc., and the evening passed all too rap- idly. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND TRIS Celebrate Anniversary GALA 'C{ELEBRATZON AND. • 50 YEARS WED Dance Mr and Mrs. Edward V. Wilhelm of !Stratford celelbrated their golden wedding anniversary on December 9th, when Mr and Mrs• Norman -Weber of Baden, entertained cit a family dinner an their hlonlop. Mrs. Weber is a daughter of the couple. Mr and Mrs Wilhelm were married in Zurich, December 1.2th, 1906 and farmed on the homestead immediate- ly north of Baden. until 1908 when they moved to Haysvnille. They later. (took up residence m New Hamburg Jane. Wyman Sterling Hayden prior to farming an the Stratford Nancy Olson Steve Fgarest trict and on their retirement in. 1951 Jane -was ready to forget tha; she moved to Stratford to reside. Mr. ever was' a Lady , Wilhelm, who is a brother of Mrs. Cia,n �tr,.p 'atzci wlioei .,u•r�ct; C. O..S!inath, sof the Blue Water Hi- - Wai !horn nearBaden Wishing all our Patrons and in 1884 and his. wife„ the former Friends Lucinda S,araras was horn on the B. Water Highway, Hay Township in SEASON'S GREETINGS � 1887. The, couple. have three child ren, Delton of Baden; AT= at ✓nouns, One Show Each Nite 8' and Mts. Welber, Badetr. There are O'clock - two grandchildren. CHAMBER MEET Zurich Chamber of Commerce en - I joyed. their 'Christmas' turkey dln- ® dinner• at the Dominion !Mouse last. ■ Y !Thursday evening, Dec. 13th, with fu11I -attendance; grace being said 41/1111111/1•111, Phone 140 C. 14. THIEL - Zurich Ai.dou Theatre GRAND BEND , FRIDAY and 'SATUURDA.Y DECEMBER '21st and 224 • SO BIG NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prap. RAGS, RUGS and CARPE' On .a New !Modern Loom, Made iist order -- SETH 0. AMENS, "Zurl Ont. Phone 1.28. Special SALE OF LADIES' and GENTS WRIST WATCHES At only $18.95 Sold regularly for $29.50 FULLY GUARANTEED AND EX- CEPTIONAL VALUE . SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW! THIS IS AN IDEAL WATCH FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL Xmas by Rev. A. M. Amachei who is CI DICE OF SCOTCH- 1"`LNE' C'the -Chalpl�aiiin for the year. President NORWAY SPRUCE I Dennis: Bedard. !occupied the chair FRESH CUT TREES',. A.PPLT and presented four new.candidates farmeraberahip. BillSiebert, secret- ary, read the last minutes which were adopted. E. E. Weido, treasurer, repotted a balance .of $160 in the treasury. A hearty vote or thanks was tendered the D'omniniocn• House for the sumiptuou.s supper and fine ac- eromoldation. Mr and Mrs. Milton. Gesch liven things- up by leading in the singing of Christmas Carols. A discussion was held regarding the free use of the Haw Town Hall far the Cubs,, Scouts, Etc., and a com- mittee was appointed to look into Advent Service, December 23rd.. the matter. Various committees 10:00 a.m. — Service and. Holy Com- were called and gave favourable re- ports. A draw was- held at the dose of which the lucky ones were: No. prat 1, James Parkins,; No. 2, C. L. Smith, 3, Elgin 'McKinley, 4, Ted Steinbach. grown. The meeting closed with a good spir- Chri:stmas Morning, Dec. 25th. it and are looking forward for 1957 7 :0-0 a.m.—A Christmas service with to be an active one with the good a Christmas message. organization appointed. Sunday after Christmas, Dec. 30th. 1 NEIL WALKER, 0P TO Mousseau & Parlt4m Garage Phone 103, Zurich_ FREE TOWN DELIVERY Christmastide Services at St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER EXTENDING T() ALL , A Very Merry Christmasll A Very Happy New Year! :.--�-.- LORNE E HAY - LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 10 --•- BENSALL Christmas Eve., DO;. 24th. 7:30 p.nn. — •Sunday.School OBITUARY 10:00 a.m.—Service. Late Christian Schwartzentruber 7:30 p.m.—Showing of sound film l Christian. Schwartzentruber 7R, entitled: "The .Prince Of Peace". 1956died his residence, eside e, at Blake after 7 30 p.m—Service Eve., Dec.$1st. a rather lengthy illness of some 7 a30 p. and Service Pastor and Mrs. 0. Winter extend 'months farmed most of his life on the heartfelt Season's Greetings to ail Bronson line, Hay Township, moving their friends in Zurich and Dist- ats o member beake r of theeven family the He �1 to riot. Mr and .Nits. Christian Sc]twartzen- Emumanuel Evangelical truber, pioneer settlers of that dist- trice. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH !Surviving besides Zehrrs his wife, the ter- mer Ed- mund of Blake; and two 'daughters, Mrs. Rut Bachetrt• and Mrs. Harold Widrick both of Hay, in the ]lake vied nity. The remains rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurieh until Sat- l'Iteme– Cdtristnnas Without Christ urtoday the noon homewhen of Mrremoval �and M was made s. Harrold Widricllt, ,ftenn where the funernj 11 a.m. —Sunday School esametwaimosaseeseaseesaaseameasaasesesseeseemiatt • 0 s • • 1 s • 1 • • 1 k : Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 80J, ZURICH oUUaL * goat 44 Mt* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral mer Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Beni FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 1 1 r.� Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D„ Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, Dec. 23rd. i].10 a.m.---Christmas Service 7,30 pan—Sunclay School Christmas Programme. We invite all hero worship 'with t"i, in. adiaratign alts Jesus C11tt:'ttr our Saviour, took .01,ce on Monday at 1.30 .lzm. followed 'by service in the A, M. church for sorviice, conducted :��• the. Rev. +'pht:�iarn (;ingerich and Peter Nafzi„•ate. Interment was, wade. in the f; ,,tt 11111g cemete1 y; 1 1 d Anoromorlf zuRIeW 3 Grocery Store Mincemeat (Libby's) 25-f1. oz. can Tomato Juice (Rosedale 4 -oz can Coffee Lucky Dollar 1-1b. bag ,.._.39e ..........„ Pie Cherries (Aylmer) 15 -oz. can .... Tomato Catsup (Campbell's) 13 -oz. . .>...22c bottle. —.25c Extending to One and All: SEASON'S GREETINGS Memo Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. 1 Fhcme 165, SPECIALS Greatly `Thanking you, 'for Your Patron- age in the past, and wishing for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR f,J FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE SLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11417 1 4