Zurich Herald, 1956-12-13, Page 4ZURICH. ONTARIO
44**4••••••••••••••40404401040.104004000********** 0,444******.
Arrange Funeral Service
To Or From
44t. Wherever flamed vervioe is required, to or from any place in Can-
"die the United State* or other pointe af the globe, HotTmanee as
* moralisers of locil tional funeral director's associations, can 1
haudle U,the tolevagernents. You are Always assured the quiet effi-
•ceency of 'Hoffman.% service. •
Funeral and Ambulance Service
the IChamiliter of 'Commerce Christmas
tre fund.
Mrs Jelin Flisber, who has , been
a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don suffering from a fractured hip,
'yeas taken by Ronthron eunlbuince to
the home of her daughter and son -
cin -law, Mr and iMrs Lorne Thompson
Grand Bend
Pays Extra Rent
James Denomme, Grand Bend bar-
ber, wasordered to pay two month's
rent and Icosts reactor iDavid Jack-
son, also of Grand Bend, in action
in Forest court recently. Mr. Den -
amine had to pay one month's rent
because of his failure to give .proper
notice in advance of his leaving.
Judge E. A..,Shaunessy said it was a
well-establiehed :fact that notice must
be given on A monthly tenancy one
clear 'month from. the date of tenan-
cy and not at any date -chosen by
the tenant.
Mr and 'Mrs Sam Kraft of Eston,
Saskatchewan are visiting with the
former's sisters fiVidsses Marie and
Pearl Kraft, aVius. Emma Haugh and
other relatives.
Miss Anna Messner of London
spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs
Fred .Metener.
Mrs. Ervin Rader and Sharon sp-
at Friday at Grand Bend with Mr
and Mrs, Wellwood !Gill and Mrs. Ma
Mr and Mrs Clare Deichert of
Zurich spent •Sunday with Mr and
Mrs. V. L. Becker.
Mr and Mrs Ervin Latta of Wat-
40 24-1-loor Service DASHWOOD' Telephone 70-W
• 4..4.... • • •• *********
Mr and Mrs. Wilfred ,Schilhe mot- Clinton Lions Club has, given $100
towards the aid of Hungarian refu-
wed to London on Monday.
gees in 'answer to eppeal, of Lions
Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith were to 'Clubs of Austria. This motion was
Exeter one day last week. Imade after a special meeting of 23
Mir and Mrs Clare Deichert spent !members of the at the Arena In
Sunday at Dashwood. Iresponse to Vice-iPres. Clarence
Sturm, Wisconsin. ,alons with two
Rev. and Mrs. Winter motored to dist .
London on Friday.
Mr. ,Clarence Green of GrandBe
was a Tuesday visitor in town.
inet governors from Austria.
Of the 5 O7 elieible eo wee.. ln Hen -
sail. Monday taint, Me (new -bore went
to the polls to exercise their franeh-
Mr. Wm. Pearce of Exeter was a
isle doe. a peecentage •of 55. Elected
businese visitor in. town ion Monday.
were John Henderson, 184; Lorne
visited With Mr and Mrs. Ed. Beaver' Luker 16'6; .1Gordcal 'Schwalm, 184;
Mr. Sam Kraft of 'Saskatchewan
Jim Sangster 1115; 'Dave , Sangster,
of town one day last week.
114; Harry. Hoy 103. • , .
Mrs. Minnie Weido of London is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Law- DIES IN HOSPITAL
sence I3edard.
Rev. A. E. Holley, Pastor of the
and Bend United 'Church was a
Monday visitor in town.
Hensel! Election
ors .witar Mr, 'machine Ducharme and
his mother.
Mia Marie Age Lap
to Goderieh ,on Monday last, action -
panted by her parents.
Mr and Mrs Joseph Cantin retur-
ned to their home in St. Joseph Hm
Friday last, after an absence of some
Weeks on a busiess tour in Windsor
and other points.
Rev. Mr. Daniel of the 'United
Church, Hensall, was the Sunday
evening sneaker in the loral Bvang-
Ial He had a good message
and the service was ;well attended.
The monthly meeting of the Offi-
lals of the &lay Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company was held on Saturday
in their •offtees, when considerable
business was transacted, as this is
the closing session for 1956.
Seaforth — William H. Sproat, 7.
widely known man died in St. Josee-h.: erloo spent the 'week -end with Mr
Hospital London on Dec. 6th, he and Mrs ,Fred Weiberg.
'tr and Mrs. Wendell 'Gamble and
family of London spent Sunday with
Mr and Mrs L. Si. Rader.
Down in the Province of Quebec
there is an old French parish by name
lot the Catherine de l.11ortneuf; the
fest of the Saints is on November
25th. The day begins by attending
inorning IMase in the little church,
and there a program is laid out for
the day. Since the founding of the
parish over three centuries ago un-
der the patronage of Ste Catherine,
there were annual feasts held and
all were entertaining tot the parish
and its surnoundings, • This feast day
Thursday December 1-3t111, 1050
1, •
is known to the parishoners as old some of the gaity has passed nwaYe
maid's day. on that day girls of 25 such as marching the girls or the iiilk
years and older, not married, were that iperirape was injuring to the eer...
forced to march Op a high hill near emony. The Orb of Quobec are welt
the parish limits, dressed in their in line with those of other provinc-
daily customs, and a bonnet, or in es, they eonepeteewell with those a -
the French word "Senna" was placed cross our land; they marry younger
,en their heads. TheY were expiosed today then in the days of o'er fora'
to the settlers of the hells, for fun
making today, :however this celebr-
ation has fallen into lack - Lustre
gentility. The spinsters, of that par-
ish find it harder - to find a husband,
as the girls get married much young
er today.
That is not the end of the celebr-
ation flor the feast is am occasion for
all sort e of social gatherings, such
as dances, masked balls card parties
etc. On that feast d'ety the parish
had farmed al his life in Tuckerernah
ilwp., In addition to farming he con-
ducted a brick and tile yard there
far 49 years.,.. His wife he former
Sean Robinson of incifillop Twp.
dried last month. They had celebrat-
ed their ,50th wedding aruniversary2
years ago. He was a member of lst
Presbyterian Chuech, ,Seaforth.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Haberer, Jr ,
and daughter Christine, were week-
end visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E.
W. Heimrich at Brantford, Mrs. Rah -
ewer's parents.
Mr and .,Mrs. Murray Brunskill and
non Wayne' from near London, were
Sunday visitors with their parents,
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Beaver. -Mese
runsksill and Wayne remained for
a week.
A FAMILY GIFT — A set of fine
'English Bone China Dinnerware,
ideal for that Xraas. table, we have
several samples of beautiful patterns
in Royal lioulten, Etc.: at a special
4liscount. Come in and see them. Av-
ailable in place settings or services
ef 8 of =let Hess the jeweller.
Left For the Sunny South
Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz of town
left on Sunday morning for the sunny
-south by motor car. They are 'head- Menday P'renClg last: President, Sam
Rennie; lst vice-pres., Philip MeKen-
zie;12nd vice.i Hy. Stasik; secy-treas
Pete IVICNaughton; Sgt. at Arms, Le-
onard Noakes.; executive, Sydney Mc-
Arthur, Fred Been Roy Smale and
E. R. 'Shaddick. $25 was donated to
Stimissen--Mr and Mrs Yurriaan
Stinnissen of Zurich, announce the
biaitfhurf a daughter, Marcel Mary, at
South. Huron Hoispital, December 4th
Tieman--Mr and. Mrs George 'rte. -
man, DashwOod, andeunce-the birth
of a son, Gary Addison, at the Smith
Huron Hoseetal, December 4, 1956.
A brother for Michael and Janice --
thanks to Dr. 'Gul en s.
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area
Mr. Maxime Gratton of Grand
Bend was a week end visitor with
Mr and Mrs. Fred Ducharme -of this
Blue Water Highway. The meeting
vias a pleasant one. For many past
incidents were renewed of many ye-
ars gone by. Mr. Ducharme and Mr
Gratton are ,Causins.
Mr. Leonard S.pha of Detroit spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Adolph Sopha.
IM:r and Mrs Frank Ryder and fam-
ily of London were week -end
ors with the later's parents, Mr and
Mrs. Leon Bedard.
• 'Mr and, Mrs -Leonard -Masse and
family of London Werendaf,..viiit-t
Word has been received here of
the death at Marquis, Sask., of Ar-
thur W. Dignan, • 78, former 'well-
known resident of Hay Township.
,Surviving besides hit- wife; are one
brother, David and two sisters, Mrs
Victor Fee and, Mrs Wm. FoxTest,all
of Hensan.
Legion Elects
The following were elected to office
te fill the 19,57 elate at the meeting'
of Hensall Branch held in their Hall
lag for the State of Texas and ale
Liter visiting there twill Miurney en
he California. They intend..returning
the tatter part of January. We wish
them a lovely outing, at places Where
there is less winter than at Zurich.
Passing cars when there is barely enough
room to avoid oncoming traffic causes count-
less highway accidents. Make certain you
have plenty of time to pull out, pass and
regain your place in line. You will lose only
seconds of time but you may save a life,
Mfl' ;PP Wei WAYS—ON-N:0CM
parents, They have adopted the fem-
inine way of hiring, hy wearing thee.,
choisest of clothes and makeups -
which makes them attractive. .:Wbati
can we say of all the ether girls bk.
their teen years or those in the sp.
inster age, who claim their life la
•not a blank. Well, in the closing
days of this Leap Tear, they ara,
privilidged, to make some tuivanceme
e'nt to the suitor of their choice.That.
and praying like Ithe Maids did in thee
priest makes the .announceraent and parish of Ste. Catherine ' De Port-.
all respond to the call. The whole neuf should bring about the desired!.
day is taken up rwith all kinds of rresults for those who ere seeltbi*
amusements for young and old, today nuatrornonee Or their future destiny
on Debentures
and Guaranteed
Trust Certificates
oi a for 3, 47
and 5 years
33/4c70 for one and two years
Head Office —
. District Representative -
London, Ont.
J. W. Haberer, Zurich
+ SO
ir memoted 14 kilowatt Iowa
Medical science continues to
advance well beyond the far-
sighted concept of even the most
optimistic predictions of a fetk
years ago. Electricity makes much
of that progress possible. Today,
doctors. use electricity in a variety
of ways, from diagnosis to treat-
ment. Specialized lighting and
electrical aids to surgery make
possible intricate operations un-
dreamed of half a*century ago. The
• X-ray, perhaps electricity's great-
est single contribution to medicine,
has itself assisted in saving
thousands of lives.
0? •2,1 i$4 ,
Electricity's role in medicine is
certain to become increasingly im-
portant and its potentialities
greater as more electronic aids
come into general use. It is another
important way in which electricity,
the silent co-worker in so many
projects, is continually being used
to help provide higher standards
of health, living and prosperity
for us all.
Ontario Hydro will continue to
provide adequate supplies of power
to meet the needs of our hospitals,
homes, farms and industries.
. ee