HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-12-13, Page 1UR 1 CD ;Established 19D0 Music Lessons Immediately after Christmas Mu is Lessons will be given by Mrs. Russell •niIdler at her home on Blue Water Highway, one (smile north. of Drys- dale. 2t* Agricultural Office News Dec. 8th, -1956 CROP RF3P,ORT Rain and mild I 'weather have icleared away all the BUYS HENSA.LL SIGHT snow. 1150 farriers attended the An- I Possibility of the erection of a new aural Soil and Crop Irnprtovenment bank building in Hensel' was seen as Asso'citaliii�on meeting, Dec. 4th. to ZURICH., ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, hear Dr. H. L Patterson give the Outlook fo Farm Prices for 1957. Over 1,000 people attended the Ninth Annual Huron 'County 4-H. Achievement Night program on Dec. 7th at which time $3;500.00 prize money ,and trophies were awarded to 502 4-13 members who competed their (program in the 32 4-H .A�gricuitural Clubs in the County in 19.56. bowling green property from the' village. The sale was approved by Hensel Council. Offer to pirehase the property less 'building a t& equip. anent was exitended; by K. Christian, manager of the Heneall.brans of the bank. Dlr. Christian bade didtiot know what plans the batik might have .concerning a new building. On Fishing Trip Get The Right Spiss 'Messrs. Stanley Smith Land Raymond We are in the midst of the Cht�ist- Kading were !on a recent hunting and mar spirit and only about twelve fishing trip quip in the Parry ,Sound days away from that anlu'al event District, and report some very good which means so much to the Christ- i Batches of fish, some of which gran - an ' ran world.Churches are getting ed the plate of the Herald ,publisher, the Bank of Montreal (purchased the Rq Chester L. Smith, Puibli>liiter. DECEMBER � 3 19 i6 idubseription in Canada, $2.017s Yoe) Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50 ready for the big annual 10 ;ernt. SP -land were they ever good. ing ipreipared, and in the •ctoanmere all HAD RE -ORGANIZATION • 4y J. E ZURICH LIONS CLUB Annual fowl Bingo ihe COMMUNITY CENTRE On FRIDAY, DECEMBER At 8.30 p.m. ZURICH 14th. There will be an abundance of— CHICKENS - DUCKS - GEESE AND TURKEYS Admission ---15 Games for $1.00. Also Special Games. COME ONE - COME ALL! Win your Christmas Fowl Early! Proceeds for Lions Club Santa Parade and Gifts for Children - One Day Foot Clinic MONDAY, DECEMBER 17th. AT THE MILT OESCH Shoe Store Phone Zuridh 82 or 130 ZURICH — ONTARIO G. rR:. iIARDIVIAN Will Attend • We 'invite you to call and make appointment now. You'I'l be glad you did. . PLEASE NOTE: This is the only visit this month eeliail. services and' programs are ee- w'nld much preparatiem is being manifest. Merchants are offering a fine display of suuirtalble articles for gift purposes, shop windows are be- ing decorated and lighted up with the .beautiful colored lights,-•; in fact many homes are just a plaee!;+af gran- deur these nights, outside trees are illuminated with the love Christmas ertGeiger, Zurich, 2nd vice -pros; Ar - lights now available. We should es thur Bolton, asst. agricultural repres- pecially rejoice this Christmas as tentative for .Huron, secretary, and we have no wars around bur necks Rachard Proctor, Brussels is the past to mar our peace of mind. ` 'Thanks president who retires after serving to Providence that what 1.60ked like a world conflagartiom a fewltveeks'a- ge is now being ironed 'o,utt and peace again prevails. Yes, •vve have our little problems, and. right here The new Huron County Soil and Crop Imvproviemenrt Association offic- ers and guests discussed plans for the new year at a meeting in Londes- bono The 'officers are W. J. Turnbull president, Brussels; H. H. Strong, Hensall, zone director; Robert Allan. Brrucefield, lst vice president, Delb- as a director for 10 years. RAID EXETER STORE For the sixth time in less than two years Rick's Foodland on the out- skirts of Exeter was broken into one at home, but tell of a )better r Diane to night last week and the entire stock Jive than aught her e on the linerieas of cigarettes valued at $185 was stol- and we will try and locate fihere. In en. An attemptto open the safe in fact we are considered the riiost for- the grocetri,a, :built less than two tunate people in the world. ,And in nears ago, proved unsucessful. Pol- ice for this we should.• ribs forget said a sear door was smashed to to give thanks to an Almighty God gain entrance. The break-in was lis and worship him in the beautyofovered by Wesley Ryckman, store Holiness. Just try that avd what a Owner, when he arrived to open up. peace of mind you wplil develop. Prov. Police Constable'Cecil Gibbons is investigating. Wild. Life In Bayfield There is no derth of wild life in Bayfield. The other day around four o'clock a deer ambled down Charles Street from the swamp. It passed within a few feet of Jackie Weston and Michael Scotahmer on Main St. on their way home from school, leap- ed -;over into Ediitghoffer's minature &kion Tibetre GRAND BEIM FRIDAY and SATURDAY DEC. 14th and 1511 NOftMA?S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOB APPOLtnllMUBNTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prep. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New (Modern Loom, Made b Order --- SETH 0. AMENS, Zutid41, Ont. Phone 128. • .BLOWING -W17:.Fi- "—golf—curse and'nontinued-on is-wa.y • Gary Ciaoper Barbara Stamv�rck While Mr and Mrs LeRoy P'oth were • eating dinner one day theywatched a • Anthony Quinn Ruth Roman red foxp laying around outside. Add •• to this all the skunkss , and. racoon • Short Subject and Comic Stru:p which defy citizens to make their •• • abode in the village and one can see : One"Show Each Nite `8' O'clock, that the 'an'�-nal kingdom may soon be demanding; voters' right.—Ex. • • a • • • • • •• • • • amaramiam another Big Superior WEEK END SALE OF FOODS Thusday,, Friday, Saturday - Dec. 13, 14, 15 'CHEERY MORN. Instant Coffee, large 6 -oz. Jar only.$1.29 ',INSTANT CHOCOLATE MILKO. Two packages for the .price of one package. Both for.. 43c -MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, regular grind, at the Tow Price of only $1.15 16 -oz 'One ,set of Oven Bawls Ior 99e. with $5.00 Order TOMATO SOUP, all Standard Brands, 9 tins for. $1.00 HOME KETSUP, 2 11 -oz Bottles 330 ',CREAM STYLE CORN, choice quality, 8 Tins for $1.00 CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE, large 48 -oz. tin, Only 25c FRESH BREAD DAILY A LOAF .. 15c McCORMICK'S T.AELE DAIN'T'IES, 2 PKGS FOR 39c FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS„ 2 Lbs. for 57c sttCiLINVINI DEW MARGARINE, 4 -'lbs. for $1.00 McINTOSH APPLES. Most :Shores ask 79c- We sell them for a 6 -quart Basket 59c }BA.r ANAS, For this week --end (only, 3 lbs. for 29c Maple Leaf Weiners, 3 -lbs. for $1.00 Coleman's Summer Sausage by the Piece, per lb 59c '1~ROZEN ORANGE JUICE, Two tins for 35c 'LARGE ASSORTIVIEIVT of 'Frozen Fish, Etc. Peas for 45c FROZEN FRENCH FRIES, 2 Pkgs. for 33c theak your Free Press every Thursday tor more Specials Open Wednesday Afternoon and Thurs., Friday and Saturday Evening Phone Via w C. H. THIEL - Zurich Santa Claus 1 IN THE Community Centre, Zurich ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th To which all Chfitdren of Sehool Age and younger are invited, where the usual.Santa will appear and the treats for the young folks will be distributed. Dont miss it! 1 Yes, and many grown-ups will be there to enjoy the Fun Everybody Welcome COME ONE! COME ALL! Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club Xmas. Trees Special SALE OF LADIES' and GENTS WRIST WATCHES At only $18.95 Sold regularly for $29.50 FULLY GUARANTEED AND EX- CEPTIONAL VALUE SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW! THIS IS AN IDEAL WATCH FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL DIED IN .NORTH DAKOTA Word was received here on 'Satur- day, December 1st of 'the passing of Adolph Steinbach at the age of 80 years. He was born and raised on the 14th Concession, Hay Township. When a young man he 'left for the West and farmed lar many years, after he left the farm and moved to Cavalier North Dakota. He was local agent for State Farm Insurance Co. until his death. The Iate Mr. Steinbach IS survived by his wife and two daughters, three brothers and one sister. Fred of Cavalier, N.D., Daniel of Detroit, Mich; Henry and Mrs. R. F. Stade of Zurich. • Interment was Tuesday afternoon in the Cavalier Cemetery. Late Mrs. Ayotte A well known former resident of the Zurich and Blue Water district, died at Windsor on November 27trr, at The Metropolitian Hospital, in her 8.3Ifih year. She was an aunt to Mr and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Blake and leaves a family of two sons, Richard and Walter. A son Paul and a da- ghter Mary, Mrs. Ed. Lague all of Detroit having passed on. Her first marriage was to.,Louis Jef- frey, who at .one time commnducted a flour and feed (business in Zurich, The home now occupied by Mr and Mrs. Henry Clausius was owned by the family for many years. The re- mainsw ere laid to resit on Friday November 30th in Althomous Cemet- ery, Assumption church, Windsor. Couple Honored by Friends Mr and Mrs William Sparks mov- CHOICE OX,' SCOTCH PINE OR NORWAY SPRUCE FRESH CUT TREKS, APPLY NEIL WALKER, OR TO Mousseau & Parkins Garage Phone 103, Zurich. FREE TOWN DELIVERY 1 A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER a' *blue mat WINTER is Just Around than Corner For Dependable Heat alt ;Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE . ROE FEED9t Phone 10 -- ]HENSALL M+••Ms•rs•itsae••a••••••• taseaMoe•sM+MiMMiMyrN05 m • • • • • se a • a It TELEPHONIC: RES, 89W • OR 88.1, ZURICH • •••••••••••••=oe• aleAtofNsssoisom MMeeMeeMeel9el *oltak* 44$04i Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS . FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day rixd"Nialit Service m • t [3rIe14'S. • Grocery S Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHUiRCH Rom. A. M. Amacher, B.A., BisMint. Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, December 16th: 10 a.m. --Divine Service Theme — Why Jesus Came. 11 aan.---Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -- Candle Light Service Sentence ,Sermon - -- "`Chanits be MAO God for His unlreaka'ble Gift edfrom their farm home, Bronson Line, 'Stanley, to their new home in Seaforth, on Friday last. Before de- parting from this •coramunitty, 35 friends and neighbours gathered at the home of •'itlr and Mrs Bert Dunn, Jr., to spend Friday evening, Novem- ber 23rd with them. Mrs. Colin Campbell rend an ad- dress, expressing regret et their lea- nn'ng the neighbo'hood, but wishing thein every happiness in their new home. Mrs. Peter Gin:gerich and Fred Watscin then presented them with a table lamp and rake, table as token's of iih.e 'hest wishes. or the group. :Mr. Sparks, on behalf of mimnself and his wife, expressed his thanks for the gifts and honor accor- ded them, and extended a hearty in- visatton to alt' to visit them in Sea-, i I'.11. After an eventing of so AO shat, refre;�`hrne,nts Were served, Ogilvie Cake Mixes, cherry, Choc. whit,, 3 for $1.00. Prunes, Breakfast size 1 -lb. pkg, ........nnsepeO����.23c Flour, Robin Hood, all. purpose 7 -ib, bag bnnr.e[[5jj l Grape Fruit, 96's, 10 for..............en......ae.e..<,.,,n ,9c Lushus Jelly Powder, grape, black cherry, and blk. Raspberry 3 pkgs ,,25C Memo °emelt. WP Zurich YRC?Uue.:F. WANTED. Phone .liSrS SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys° Boots and Shoes Men's, and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Gall! 1; FRESH GROCERIES 1N STOCK THE BLAKE STORE 6. ,wart ltltuber, Prop. 1Phar r� 11 sums ••• ow essus es ono imam • No 282 me RIM NI ilia Nee 1111.1111111.1111011.111....N.,