HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-12-06, Page 5ZURICH .ONTdYIMI0 ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, /ALVIN WALPER Peet Chace Department, Ottawa. P R O V I N C I A Licensed Auctioneer For your Vale, large or small; `Cionrt- i. *aalz and Efficient Service at ai11 Phone E7 r 2. DASH.WOE 9 RONALD G. McCANN PUBLii,C ACCOUNTANT "atones: 561 6Dffice Royal Bank 0.16g. 455 Res. Ratembaary $i.t £LINTON - ONT.&.iO G. B.. CLANCY Optometriatt •-- Optician i;(uccessor to t`she late A. L. Cole, op eaaetrist) Ear appointnxeate, phone 33, Goderiche- .Ont. ARTHUR FR,ASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Serv, Etc. EXETER 9FFICE - .Corner Ann, Wilirtam Sts. Phoria Exeter 504 MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTING Sept* Tank Cleang,mg , Repairs T1s Drains, Watermains, .Etc. New Instalations on Cement Septie Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains fit. (2105 Grand Bend . 05 To meet Your Requirement Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY _ SURGEONS 'ince with Residence, Main Street, Store Opposite DrugZURICH Phone 96 Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Por artificial insemination infor- itnation or service from all breeds of tattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton En 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN ZURICH I'•IERAI ,I LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs 'Wlard Peitz spent sev-1 eral days at Toronto) "last -week. Mr. Patrek Cunningham •of IW'illow�1 dale called at the home roof Mr -and •Mrs. C. L. Smith one slay'last Messrs 'Bed and J. `W. 'Haberer event 'several days in 'Toronto at- tending a Convention. IMrs. IMelizza 'Geiger is spending a few weeks with Mr and 7Ma.a. 'AWslf- red Jervis at Clanton. Miss Kathy Kalbfleisch spent Sun- day 'width her parents, Mr and 'Mrs. Ivan Kallhfleis:ch of town (Miss Sadie Nicholson of London, was a week -end guest alt the lhome of til t . E. F. Klapp. Mr and Mrs. Newell Geiger and sun John spent the week -end 'at the home of the former's sister., Mr and lylre. Percy Rowe, at B,ollt+on, Ont • !N1r .and •Mrs. Alf Melia motored to Strnia to meet the 1^rltt•e7's sister, Mrs. (Garnet Jacobe, who had easltall ae'lati!ves and friends in Detroit. My and Mrs. Ted Foster of De- bro+ift •eatlled 'n the latter's,m,v't.bee, Mzs. 'Loins Weiber on Sunday, who accompanied them to their !home le the a+iby .fax the winter months, ae•teee from Hospital 111r and Mrs. James Ronnie return, ed from the 'tltiinton Public !Hoepital. We wish therm continued health. Mr and Mrs Ted Haberer have re- cently returned from a motor trip to California. Mrs. Aimee Bedard is spending some time at .London '$siting her da- ughter and son-isrlaw, Lajr and Mrs. A. Merrier. 1b'Ir and Mrs Roy Pask of Detroit, 'who recently purchased the property formerly owned by. Mr. Fred Turn- bull of Grand Bend, left recently to spend the winter in Florida. Mrs. Aurelia McClymont of Kippen has returned to her home after spen- ding several weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and !'Mrs. Jos. Ducharme, 14th Con., Hay Twp. Mr ad Mrs Thomas Meyers of down and Mr and Mrs Wnt. Hey of Dashwood • were recent visitors at the home of the form'er's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown at Hamilton. • Mr and Mrs Amos Gingerich and Mr. Roy 'Gingeradh motored to New Hamburg the end of last week to visit with their 'brothel and family, otver the week -end. Mrs. Roy Ging- erich accompanied them home after being with her brother for a week. Mr and Mrs Exias •Charette of Detroit visited at the Thome of the OPTOMETRIST tatter's mother, Mrs. David D.uoharme Main Street — Exeter who returned with theme to the city for the Yuletide season to visit with Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday her children and relatives in W,ihd- +sor and Detroit. Messrs. 'Charles and Gerald Sreen- an iof near Blake left on Wednes- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS de day morning by scar for . Kirkton cp+' NOTARIES PUBLIC Lake, Northern Ontario, where they BELL, Q.C. have a sister living and will spend the IilLM1?I PHONE `4 holiday season at least. 'We EXETER them a happy visit and 3ppe a l C, v, LAUGHTON', L1,R climate is not too geld at flip Ws.Jnestiay� 2 to 5 p m- uis �;pr�eb At Township Clerk's Office' . of yea?, BELL & LAUGHTON 1 ZURICH'S POPULAR X71 A T MARKTIM Fractures Wrist On Friday evening when our Hockey team was playingwith the Clinton Team on the Hensall Arena, Thomas Rawlings of Zurich netrwith L us SUPPLY YOU WITH THE,a minor •dodlision with one of the VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH iN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION YUNGBLUT BROS. FOR SALE C,hristinas Trees. 'lease place your order at Were Furniture, Perone 89J, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A ladies !black winter coat with Persian Lamb trim, size 3'8 - 42, like new, priced reasornalblly, for quick Sale. Tele. 11105, Zuriehu. *, 'Christmas Turkeys .Order your Christmas turkeys an ow, New 'York dressed ao'r Frclisoeated, Apply •to Russell 'Snider, H.E. 2, Zurich, 3t* Salesman Wanted Available rat once — Good T{arwleigli business( Selling experience helpful but 'mot ':required. Car necessary. Write at orae for particulars. Raw- leigh's Deal,. L -458 -TT, . 111fiontmeal, T. Q. Farb Forum 'Unique Foruam-.- '1he Unisue Fawn Forum met at the 'home of Mr and "Mrs. Carl Oes- treidher with 25 enemlbers and child- ren present. Mr. Carl Oestreicher. acted as ,chairman and led the dis- cussion •ori the topic "Wham Ps -ice Effi- ciency?" Question No. 'l—In your opinion is the need for increased efficiency a major problem in Can- adian Agra:. Ans: Our F'orumtliou- giht the need for increased efficiency is a major problem. Quer. 2. Wer think there are not too many farm- ers. We would have more say in the Government if there were more far- mers. There doesii'•t 'seem to be enough labor left on the farm. • The next meeting will be held at the home of. Mr and Mrs Herb Kliopp week. in the form of a 'Christi -nes .meeting. For Appointment, Da8hwood 27 r 1.3 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping mad faunae Tax Saralee `Sarepta' Hay P. 0 - Property for Sale Six-year-old House, large living' mat,:n, dining room and one bedroom with closet and hardwood floors in 'each room; 3 -piece bath and modern large kitchen with double sinks on main floor; two large bedrooms up - stirs with lots of closet space. Com- plete basement with hot and cold water; fruit room and coal room. Breezeway and adjoining garage,with nice lawn and garden. Apply only on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hartman. Telephone 79 Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 1. Dining Room Suite, like new. 1. !China Cafbin.ef, cheap. For further direction appty at Herald Office or P.O. Box 308, Zurich. 2tc ATTENTION Call at Rader & Mittleholtz Hardware Store and they will help you solve your problem of cutting wood. See the New Pioneer Chain Saws, (I.E.L.) to be offered next There will be an exchange of gifts. Mr. Oestrericiher conducted recrea- tion. The hostess served a delicious luncheon and the meeting closed with The Queen. LOST In the Zurich • vicinity an wheel chain. Fonder contact Zurich Bakery. auto the 2t•'' 'Agricultural Office News A trim, Clinton, December 1, 1956 CROP REPORT — With snow falling on several days this past week Huron County is now in the throes A of winter. County and Township Call prows have been out, some farm lan- es are already impassable. Township Nomination Meetings held to date have hee.n for the most part uoorly A two-piece Chesterfield wine color attended. On the other hand over in good condition. Apply to Ken Mc- Crae, attended (theAnnual Phone 70J, Dashwo+oid. 2tc Meeting of the Huron County Feder- •ation of Aei hiulture, held on Wednes day, Nov. 28th. FOR SALE Ladies Grey Coat with fur size 18. Phone 225 Zurich 2te WANTED home fon a phone 168, good farm. clog.• Zurich. 7tc FOP SALE We •Early _Copy - Please! must appeal to our advertis- ing customers to let us have theoopy- wiGlt for change of or new ads by Tues - the day noon. And esneeiaily so for the nett few weeks when the Christmas 1 1 d11e' lrush will lie on. We -wil also welcome any interesting news items over the holiday season. If it is not canine -1 local Hent to drop them i n our letter box i at our front office door, please phone 105 and ylou will be Welcome to give us any iterti' you may have. O'Brien's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien. Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery hockey playelrs, resulting of a fract- ured wrist of his left arm. He was taken to tlhe South Huron Hospitel 'for treatment; but has returned to his home ire town and is ,progressing favourably. It being agood game 9-5 in favor of the visiting team. We wish Toni a very speedy recovery. Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. PLUS A PREMIUM FOR D'ELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND 'POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. " Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers" Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK I= LARGEST RESERVE BA e'• *NCB OF ANY CANADIAN • MUT- '$.AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS .. OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. BATES ON APPLICATION 'aced from the Diploma. •Cotuse at L E. F. KLOPP » ZURICH is attending Stratford Teachers' Col- A G E N T Macdonald Institute At present, she lege. Mary has completed eight LSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING xrorneatialcing Club projects. She has ItODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIFE 'iso been aer'e•cly in`,..... tc , .w Nari- INSURANCE rttnitl n- i ''... 50th ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mr=. ,Michael +Meidi.nger of clown quietly celebrated their :50th wedding annn'versary on November 28th -at their home. On November 25th a few relatives and friends were entertained to dinner in their honour at the home of Mr and Mrs Julian Mantey,• Goshen Line south. The couple are both enjoying good health. The Herald Publisher joins their many friends in extending con- gratulatio e. GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Congratulations and best :wishes go Ito Mr Ind Mrs Edward Bedore, Blue Water Highway, RR 2, Zurich, who on Tuesday November 27th cel- ebrated their 50th wedding anniver- sary. T4ie couple were married in Slt. Jsseph's Parish, French Settle- ment fifty years ago and have one son, Joseph of Niagara Fall.s. They were "At Hhiniie" 'to their many fri- ends and relatives and have resided in the community all their lives. Be- sides their one adopted son, they have 10 ierandchlldrem and 'four great- grandchildren. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED Miss Mary Whyte, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. L. Whyte of R.R. 2, Seaflorth, has been awarded. the Huron County Ontario Women's In- stitute Scholarship. This acholanship is awarded to a Huron County 4-H Homemaking Club member, who, dur- ing her Homemiak+ing Club experience has shown outstanding progress and develohimeet, given excellent leader- ship, and carried out club work of a high calibre. Last year, Mary ,gradu- WANTED 'CARETAKER — Applications for •Caretaker of the Zurich Arena for season1956-'57. Must be in the hands of .the Secretary by Saturday ieveriing, December 8th, — Milfred Sc halbe, Secretary. etc STRAYED From my farm, • Gos{hen Line, Hay, 3 heifer spring calves, Herefords. Finder notify Jos..iSchwartzentruber., Phone 26 r 117, Dashwood, collect. '{' Before You Buy Your Electrical Appliances AND HAVE YOUR Electrical Instalations DONE CALL WTJERTII ELECTRIC Phone 84 - Zurich 1 t 1 • • • • 4, Annsunsi -r 4- -5 + Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Our Rates are not on the Increase as is the case with most other services or products you buy. ' The nominal cost of artificial breeding service is made possible by large and increasing volumes of business. . Where else can you get so much value per $1.00 invested, Grade or Purebred, Dairy or Beef For Service or more information, write or prone collect to— Clinton - HU. 2-3441. Between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on -week days 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on. Sundays and holidays. Better Cattle For Better Living - •-i4• 4 t "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES iTry Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and. Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brady CIeaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., hack on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich G. A. WEBB, D.C. `Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs.. Evenings 7-9 For Appointments - Phone 606 Thursday, December 0th, 1956 READ on the table the meal is ready ! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supp!les delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out :of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag. rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bunt for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Pan ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals --- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH y 5 s t v a t 5• i a a • * A Small Deposit will hold your Your Badware Sere Toyland! IS NOW OPEN ! COME .IN AND SEE THE LARGE VAR- IETY OF TOYS AND GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! fi d 4. Christmas Rader & Mittlehoth S • A • order until • 0 • 4s a - • Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. • • ,..••••••• NNIMA/Mr•ANNOMMIIMPIIMISMaIMOMMatia Avoid the Mad Rush when Snow and Slush comes by getting your Protective Footwear N O W ! We have•everything you may need to keep your shoes and feet dry, besides keeping them warm and comfortable "YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH" We also have a good Assortment of house Slippers for all, "See These," and your Christmas Gfit worries will be over. See our Baggage: Mm's Aero Pack and Men's Gladstones. Also Suit Cases from $2.95 to $8.50 We do Skate Sharpening— Oesch Shoe Stot e Phone, Res. 130. Specials! FOR NOVEMBER Discount of $3.00 per Ton, on • 32% Beef Concentrate • 32% Dairy Concentrate. 24% Beef Concentrate 24V, Dairy Concentrate • 32% Beef Concentrate with Stilbestrol 24 Beef Concentrate with Stilbestrol Plus Cash Discount $2.00 per ton. 1 t • R Store 82 • • s Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Co -Op. . • Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 I