HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-12-06, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO 0 4 4 4 4 • 1 E ZURICH LIONS CLUB Annual Fowl Bingo In the COMMUNITY CENTRE ZURICH On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th. At 8.30 p.m. There will be an abundance of- CH1CKENS - DUCKS - GEESE AND TURKEYS Admission -15 Games for $1.00. Games, -- COME ONE Win your Christmas Fowl Also Special COME ALL! Early! Proceeds for Lions Club Santa Parade and Gifts for Children • • • • • • m w • 7S1ZES TO CHOOSE FROM Aare Pack , , . , $35.00 Week - End ..-- ..- .. $25.00 Fitted Vanity .. .:. $27.50 • Give .hex :the.best. in modern Train, Case ..... $22.50 new airplane baggage . Overnight .... $22.50 McBrine •'Starfire' . . . a $35.00 brilliant new trend tri styling! Pullman 26" . In 3 fashionable easy -wash, Pullman 24" ....., . $30.00 • scuff -resistant Duralite col- lours sparkling with metallic flecks... Luxurious hctrmonv- tone interiors:. Every. 'detail calculated to give her pleasure. See it at A Coupon will be given with every $1.00 pur- chase on our CHRISTMAS LUGGA(.�E DRAW. F. E. Hibbert Son Phone 86 Goderich ZURICH HER AI l) Bert Hoffman, Raymond Smith, Nap- oleon Bedard, Zurich; Floor cheirrm- aar, Dennis Bedard, Zurich. Dance Comm., Alfred IIVIeidinger, Raymond Hartman, Clarence Farwell, Wilfred Mtotusseau, Wm. Watson,' Paul Du chamne, S,awrenice Brisson; Dance Patrons, Mr and Mrs. J. B. Bannister, Mr and aVir.•s, Donald Hartman, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Hartman, Mr and. Mrs. Dennis Bedard. Many teosnmrented favourably on the Bazaar Posters, This dine work was done by Miss Virginia Meidiniger: and Miss Sheila Walker; Christmas cake was donated by Mrs. William McDonald of S. Thomas; fancy work donated Iby Ursuline Sisters of the neighbouring parish; currency for doll was donated by Mr. Leo aCirodat od Waterloo. Melody Makers Orch- estra •of Zurich provided music for the daruce. HENSALL Miss Edith MdEwan ' Miss Edith Mic'Ewan of London, a native of B ermall, passed away at Victoria Hospital where she had been a patient, she was in her 74th year. Born on the McEwan !homestead, just South of Hemrall, Highway 4, a dau- ghter of the late Mr ad Mrs William McEwan, she received her early ed- uication in Hensall and Clinton. Miss McEwan was a teacher at Kitchener, Orilla, and Coldwater and had resid- ed in London since her retirement. .She was a member bf Metropolitan United ,Church, London. ISur.^vnving is •ti' brother, John E. McEwan, iHensel'. T+'uneral services were held from the "vans' Funeral Home, London wiilh burial in Forest Lawn Mem. ;Gardens CRASH ON BLUE WATER • .A. two car crash Coat No. 1211 High- way a mile north sof St. Jioseprr on Saturday niigiht 13th, caused $500 damages. Cars driven by Frederick J. Richard :of Aldershot; John ;piaul Rau of R.R. 2, 7•arich, both trave- ling south, rw :.1 the Richard car crashed into :,he rear of the Rau car O.P.P. Cecil Gibbons of Exeter in- vestigated the a accident. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Alphonse Masse cf Loudon were Sunday visitors with the former's parents;, Mr and .11VIrs. James Masse of St. Jicseph. -nd ty visitors at the home or.Mr and Mrs. Leon Bedard were Mir and Mrs Clement Bedard and family of Wiandal.;r; 3lr and Mrs Percy Bedard. and Mr and Mrs Franklin 'Corrtveau of Drysdale district. Mr and Mrs Leonard Jeffrey • of Goderich were Sunday visitors with the latiter's relatives here. Miss Barbara DRi„ lbson of London spent Sunday •last with Mr and {Mrs W.•Corriveau. Mr and Mrs H..Deitridh - of Zurich, were ;Sunday. vis`ltbau with Mr and Mrs: .Adolph Sophia. of this B. • . Highway. Glad to report that Mr. Fred Rob - LOCAL NEWS Bazaar - Big Success Mr and Mrs Arthur Rundle of The Annual . Bazaar, sponsored -by St. Boniface Parish, of Zurich, was held in the aCornmunity Centre, Zur- ich last Tuesday tifternoon•,and ev- ening, November 27th. and was a ritear Exeter were recent visitors at the home of their daughter, Mr and Mrs. Elwood Trueanner, 1114th .Con. BORN - In St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, to Mr and Mrs Aller huge success attended by hundreds achwartzentr•u!ber of New Hamburg, of patrons, in fact a somewhat larger a daughter, on Novemaber 2a5th. attendance than last year which was BAD 'FIRE AT GODERICH very large. $1160.00 was realized. Firemen and volunteer work gangs The bazaar was sponsored by the have been smashing down tottering Catholic. Wonen's League end Holy walls of the British -Exchange Hotel Name Society. Winners of three at Goderich in search for more vitt- cash prizes were $12,5,00, Joseph has killed' on Tuesday morning Foster Zurich: o F t 7 •ch $50 J B McCann, , which th-,tr•oyed the 113 -year-old Dashw,nod: $2r,, Mrs. Therese Hart - building 'Three bodies were recover- man, Zuzrirh; Doll with 610 grills and ed and identified, two other guests mystery prize - Mrs.. ;Charles Hay, who are unaccounted for may have Zurich; Doll, Mrs. Lawrence T3risso perished m the flames which broke Zurich: special +Christmas take. Mrs. oiut at 3 arm. thought to have start- J. Glavin. Clandebovo ; Penny Sale ed in the furnace room. Firemen wi to w - (Ham) Joseloh IWaikrnis were hampered by crumbling wags. !Pillow sla6ps - 1VIi:5s Slreita Walker; T •azv Susan, Mrs. Ann Flaxlbard ; DIED IN NORTH DAKOTA C1hrigtroas Cake. Mrs. Leo lVlaeidin'g'er, Word was received here on Satur- all coif Zurich; Door prize. Mrs Jessie day, December 1st tef the passing of C)eseh, Danny Gas'cho, Mrs. Charles Adolph Steinlha,eh at the age of 80 Rau, Zurich. Convenors ifor"the 'baz- years. al 4e was born and raised on .par were: Aprons, Mrs. Edwin Reg - the 14th Concession, Hay Township. ler, Mrs. Louis Farrvell, Zurich; Ten When a young man the left for the !room, ;Mrs. T. Hartman, Mrs. fee West and farmed for many years, •Meidinger, Mrs. J. Bannister. Mrs after he left the :Harm and moved to ;Boman .Mendinger. Zatriaeh ; Baking`, Cavalier Narth Dakota. He was loeal ;Mrs. Gerald Regier, Zurich; Mrs. los. *gent 'for State Parrtn Insurance Co. i .illaer, 'DILA-mood; 'lilish +ported, Mrs. until his death. ' Ivan Meidinge.r, Zurich; Candy, Mr's The late Mr, Steinbach is survived 'Dennis Micheline,'Mrs. Victor Hari - "by hie wife and two daughters, three man, Zurich: Bingo coin, Joseph Du- bt'others and once sister. Fred of ammo., Willie Hoffman, Leo 'Meld - Cavelier, N.D., Daniel of Detroit, inager, Russell Oer„h, Zuriich; Wilfred rich; .Remy and Mrs.. R. F, Static Mou.aseari, Rensall; Paul Du&Jharrne, .of Ziuieh. Interment was `Tuesriay 'natlrwonrl: Toy Wait.eel. To.sPaoh I al°r,trrraem in the Cavalier 'Comet rv. 13er.ny Cigna", Ce.reld I)ueharme, A1 - i Hockey Schedule The following are the games aff- Dec. 7 -Zurich at Lucan. Dec. 12-Ilderton at Zurich. Dec. 18- Zluich at Mitchell' Dfic. 19-Lucan at Zurich. Dec. 19-Lucan -at Zurich. Dec. 21-Mibchell at Zurich. Dec. 27 -Zurich at Goderich. Dec. r219 -Zurich at Clinton. -WHERE ELSE DO YOU GET • OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL ,SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND • RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you are 17 to 40 years of age, and` able to meet Army require- ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term. At the end of that time you may return to civilian IiFe well fit- ted for the future, or continue in the service of your country. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont.- Tel. EM 6-8341, Loc. 276 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. -Tel. JA 2.8708 Army Recruiting Station, 219 Welland St., St. Catharines, Ont. -Tel. MU 2.7527 Army Recruiting Station, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth 8 Oxford Ste., London, Ont. - Tel. 4-1601, Loc. 135 Army Recruiting Station 131 London St., Windsor, Ont. -Tel. 01. 2.7615 Army Recruiting Station, Old Post Ditice Building, Kitchener, Ont. - Tel SH 3.6661 'UMW.** .0111110.1 11011101i 1 Please send me, without obligatio ,, full information on Army careers. I Namo I Addrese CRy/Town. I Prey, 1 Telephone 1 THERE'S GREATER VARIETY ON Thursday, December an, 1956 is the spice of life! PM - Western Ontario's Late Fina• l! There's satisfaction before you' call' it a day, to bring yourself un-to-datee as to the world around you and the world beyond. PM is Western Ontario's most complete roundup of world wide, nat- ional, and local news, tomorrow's wea- ther and final results in the sporting - world - Sunday to Friday. 1 1 :00 p.m. - CBC News 1 1 :10 p.m. - PM Weather with Norm Aldred - PM News - a pictor- ial review of local news: with Jack Bennett 11:25 p.m. - PM Sports with Alex. Kelman P.S. to PM - You'll enjoy Channel Ten's: popular first -run movies at 1 1:30) p.m Monday through Friday. 11:15 p.m. NEL 10 CFPL-TV LONDON •FOR°.A. GREATER, CLEARER SIGNAL b:C.;a5S34 F,.•Wi.: :w�., JMsa-' a. a. *' e on Debentures and Guaranteed Trust Certificates - and years 3 %% for one and two ears Head Office District Representative • London, Ont. - J. W. Haberer, Zurich son who met with a very painful ac- cident in the Zurich 'Planing Mill is improving some. It may be a con- siderable time before he is able to resume his work. The Tax Creed - /Each year you are asked to per- forin a task by complying to a de- mand; Whatis rightly due and you ,cannot renew and not allow a re- mand . 2. I.t's . your taxes when due, you rani .ot renew, you must pay right ;on the day, if you snake a slip you sure wil be hit with extra diallers to pay.' 3. 1When you are notified don't feel stupefied, go and make your full pay, Those in Charge as you know,, they need ,some of your dough, to carry Ion each day. 4. So don't be a crank, be among the high rank; who believe in pay as they go, and don't be offended if this be recommended far your taxes you must pay you know. 5. If your taxes are high, don't be a bit shy, te headquarters you must go, - there you will find men who are well refined to tell you what 'want to know.. 6. Oils may be your last call be careful not to fall In arrears on the very last date, so !bare well in mind pay while you hr.,e tie/Ile, tor the ne,zt day may be one tr.() 'late. a DASHW000 Kraft - In loving irremony of •a dear husband, Iauis L. Kraft, who passed away December 10th, 111955. You are always present in my tho u Your love is still my guide, Although I cannot clasp your band You are always by my side Always together in memory's lane 'Till God in His time unites us again. -Ever remembered by his ,wife Ade- line. 4-11. Club- The third meeting girls was, held Wednesday evening, with 14 girls present and three lead- ers. The meeting opened with the 4-.H pledge. The roll call was a finish I will use on my sleeping gar- ments." It was decided to make th3 covers of the books green and white and cover them with clear plastic. The girls were shown how to make a French seam and those ,who did'nt have their ,patterns pinned on were helped. The home assignment is to design a cover for your book. The roll call -will be a pattern alternation, I have learned to snake Ltn'd how it is done. Dashwood W. I.• -- The November meeting of of the 4-11. Dashwood Institute was a United Nations meeting. 1VI'rs. Leonard Schenk as:convener of current ev' ents and • her committee were, lit charge. Mrs. Staurt Wolfe ;presided Roll Gall was "A •Current Event" Paul and. Betty Cameron favoured with tap dancing. Mrs. Chas. Snell discussed the motto "A Better Way of Life open to all." • Mrs. Ervin Rader tc'ok as. her topic W H-0. (World Heallth Organization), and with the assistance !ofa Mw. Schenk presented it in the dorm of a skit entitled "Who's Who,". Mrs. Rudolph, Miller, Mrs. C. Snell and Mrs. 'Schenk sang, "The Maple Leaf." Mn Seihenit conducted ' a ;contest on current eats. The president, Mrs. Kuntz: presided for the abusianess. It wad, decided to give donations, to the .Children's Aid at Goderich., The - Children's War Memorial Hospital, London, and the Hungarian -Relief Fund. Mn. E. Rader reportedon the - MATH. Executive meeting held' in Hensell. The meeting opened 'with "0, 'Canada" and closed with "Thea Queen." Baptismal Service- Ronald Norman Beieriing, infant son of Mr and Mrs. Ebner Bederlirag was baptized in Zion Lutheran aehilrch by Rev. TC. Zorn Sunday, December 2nd (Sponsois were. Mr and ma, the Norman Beir rli +l