HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-11-29, Page 5ZURICH "ONTARCO ZURICH HERALD .itiotherieed as second .class mail, ALM WATER Post t)1A ;e Department, Ottawa. PRO VINCJAI. Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale, 'large •or nemall ; Court- eous ani. Efficient Service at all des. Photo 57 :r .2. DASHWOOD RONALD ;C. CCANN PUBLIC ACCCaUl+i1 ANT Phones: Sfit ,Office lRoyal Bank bldg. 455 :Res. rftatenblyrry S.t a.".I.,INTON - ONTARLO G. B. CLANCY Qpteni.etxnsi M---optlsaiata (Successor to the late ;A.:%,. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone ;3A, Godrricli - Ont. ARTHUR FRIASER. Income Tax Reports okkeeping Service, Ete, EXETER OFF/CE - Corner Ann, Williams Ste, Phone Exeter 504 rr::�. MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTING ?Septile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalationvs on Cement Septic Tams, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph. 2+05 Grand Bend rn1r. 205 To meet Your Requirement Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Once with Residence, .Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Picone 96 4.... " ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle 'Breeding Association at. Clinton Hu 2-3441 ;between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Min Street — Exeter Open Every - Week Day Except Wednesday ' BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL; Q.C. 'EXETER — PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Znrecla At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S POPULAR ME MARKET LET 1.15 SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CUR)r D MEATS, BOLOGNAS, P AUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION NGB lli" BROS. ()Trier's Prwl.uce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and • POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH lurid Creamery Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE, EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor * Western Farmers' Mitral Weather InsurPnee C , OF WOODSTOCK p LARGEST RESERVE BAIL- ' eneiC:1 OF ANY ,CANADIAN :1IUT- '1ML COMPANY DOING BUSINESS a OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .:. RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIIU INSURANCE L! !.; . NIW 7� IMiass Gin iia fid'ietaz 'QI Ttaondon ;spent Sunday at .the home Doff !her parent and other relatives, Miss Mary Loifise Piltz •-of Toron- to was a •w+eek-yen$ visitor 'with her parents, 11V1r and iMrs Ward Fritz. !Mrs, V Dedels has returned toiler home. in Nitehenre.r• after spending the week With her ,sister, -Miss An. Deters. Mr and 'Mrs, W. W. Thompson of Kitchener .sepant 'Satux•day 'in -town vis ;ging. Miss ..eine Deters •ankl .other relatives. Mr and v,VJ:rs J. D. Reid of "London were visitors in town last week:They also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. L. Deters., Mr and Mrs rrvin G'iagerich .and family of Ailsa Craig spent :Satur- day evening at the home of their pari-; exits, 112r ,and Mrs Chris.. Erb. Mt•. Wan. O'Ba'ien, Jr., of the 'Bank -f Montreal Staff', London, enjoyed `Cine weekend with his parents,, xv1r•. argil Mrs. Leroy °'73i en, . Me and Mrs. John Stechle and son Kenneth of Vinelad, were visitors at the :hame of their parents, MT arr•d' Mrs. Emerson Erb and other relative es. Mr and ;Nrs Lean Jeffrey of near Blake have returned from a two - week's visit .with their children and Other relatively at Windsor and D+e- troit and had a moat enjoyable time. Misses Georgie Carik , Yvonne Papinea•u, Mr. Fred. .Papinea.0 and 1Vir. Lavern .Smith of 'Detroit were week -end visitors at the summer home of Mr and ilVIrs Fred Papmeau on the Blue Water Highway. Mrs. Alphonse Dietrich and 'dau- ghter Dianne, Mr and Mes. Harold Dietrich accompanied by Mr and Mrs Joseph McCann ofLondon, motored to Hamilton on Sunday and visited with the ,forrner's sister, Sr. M. •Rose - wins. Mr. and Mrs. Adellbert .Smith, Mr and Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz and Mrs. 'Chails Hagan attended the funeral of their brotherin-law, Mr. David T. Barry at (Welland nn Friday mor- ning. Returning home by way of Guelph where they called on Mr and Mrs. 'Mittleholtz-s elder son Robert. They had all kinds of roads and we- ather on the trip. On New Zealand Trip Mr and 'Mrs. Jeffrey Haywood (nee Marjorie Kloppl and daughter Syl- via Left for Giiborne from San Francisco, Cal., on a two week voy- age to the former's home on boat to Auckland, New Zealand, and arrived safely ton .Novennlber. . 9th. A. Happy Greeting awaited them; as their son had not (been home for 5 years, att- ending University- at Toronto, for a Consulting Engineer. We with then; a safe journey When ther return to Canada. WELL REPRESENTED Again this year Huron County was well represented in the 4-H and Jun- ior Farmer Sections at the Royal Winner Fair. This was the first time that Huron County was represented in the 4 --IT. Grain 'C+orn Classes at the Royal Winter Fair. Bob Gal- loway, R. 1, Crediton, won first place for ,Clase No. 974, for any variety of seed corn grown in any part of Ont•• aria except in the Counties of Eeeex, Kent, !Middlesex, Halton and Eight, Congr.•a:tulations to Bob on his ach- ievement in grain corn. i'>0lcN At the Clinhcn Public Hospital on November hi7th. 195(i, to lir. and 3VIrs. Asa Steckley of Zurioh, a dau- : Oiter. Ayotte --- In Clinton Public Ho- pital, on Tuesday, November 20 1956 to Mr and i\trs Louis Ayotte R.R. 2 Zurich, a daughter. Gesell -- At the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, ion November 5, 1956 to Mr and Mrs. Vernon Oesch, of R.P.. 2, Zurich, Stanley Twp., a son,. Dietrich -- Jerome and Ruth Diet- rich R.R. 3, Z,urieh are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Ran- dolph Jerome, at South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter, November 17, 1956 INTERM, HOCKEY SCHEDULE The first half of the Interrn. hock- ey schedule was drawn up in IMitohell All teem; in the gretip were represen- eni and decision was made to have a double schedule. All week games will start at 8.30 p.m, with .Saturday eve. games at 9. The playoffs will have the first four teams eligible with the first end third and second and fourth place teams meeting in the semifinal. The ;following are the games aff- ecting the Zurich Flyers: • Nov, 27—Zurich at Tlderton Nov. 30 --Clinton at Zitrirh,' Dec. 5--Godeeich at Zurich Dec. 7—Zurich at Lamin. Dec. 12---Dderton at Zurich. Dec, 18— Zurich at liitehell ' Dtc. 19—Lucan at Zurich. Dec. 1.9---Lurcan at Zurich. Dec. 21 ---Mitchell et Zurich. Dec. 27—Zurich at Goderich. ..:, 21+._- Y.urieh at t"iinto.n, ZURICH HERALD FOR SALE E A quantity of cliediee potatoes .for sale, grown :on iligiht ,sfm. 42:00 per bag, Jobe L .Pepper, Rhone 47 r 4, .Dasib':ood. 2t" FOR 1954 Chevi SALE new, actual males, whitewalls and ,enstoni radio 1947 ;Coach, cheap, DESJAR.DINE AUTO SUPPLY, Phorate :3S, Zurich. 1-t* FOR SALE For Appointment, Dashwood 2'7 r 13 J. NORMAN CO'WAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 'Sarepta' r` noy'sH Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Hay p. O. !Tat Delicious York Ice Crean Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons Property for Sale Rix -yen -old Home, large liviiig A girl's red Dont in good lBondition with ,closea4 andom and dw odeflooasooin� ANDERSEN E size 16, if interested -Aeo e 1:05. with room; and 'hardwood h bath and modern18.A. large kitchen with double sinks on iB"" Station'Dashwood FOR SALE main floor; two large bedrooms er- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK for Picnics and Parties, in D stirs with lots of ,cl,oset space, Com- AI-I SWOOD PROPERTY -- 13+rick plete basement with hot and cold house, cottage roof, 1Y2 stories; 3 water; fruit room and .coal room. bedrooms, living room, diming room, Breezeway and adjoining garage,witlt basement. Lot 61 -foot frontage by nice lawn and garden. Apply only 130 -ft. depth with barn on it Apply . on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hartrnarn. Telephone 79 Zurich. 'by phone 47 r 13, Mrs. Garnet YTel Iei;, Dashwood, Ont. Louis' Baud naanher Estate. and kitchen, utility room and • lull • FOR SALE Christmas Trees. Please place your order at Westlake Furniture, Phone 89, , Zurich FOR QUICK SALE (.r1t. Dining Room Suite, like new. 1. !China Cabinet, cheap. Tor further direction appty at Heald Office or P.O, Brox 308, --- i 7.ua nih, 2te i One used Refrigerator, 9 cu. ft, large freezer, is in A-1 shape, $85.00 'Power lawn mower new, reg. 79.85 �fior $59.95. Used Bicycles for Sale. 'Used Electric Motors 14-h.p like new. Television at the old low prices. into l+d i ROLLIES' -- GRAND BEND Rawleigh Products have been soli;' for years. Big profits. i1' oducts' FOR SAL r furnished on credit. Write Raw3,eigh's ' York Sow with 10 pigs, 4, weeks Dept. K-458-163, ,iti'ontrea1, P.Q. told. Also 8 York chunks; a piano, and kitchen cabinet. Wan. Sparks, FOR QUICK SALE ( Phone 58 r 32 Bayfield. F O .R SALE FOP SALE 1956 Chev..4 Door Light Green 10,009 miles. :Phone 216 Salesman Wanted WANTED: Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step o profitable Ib usiness where A ladies -;buck winter ,coat with. 'HELP WANTED Persian Lambtrian, size 38-32,like i Part or full time girl, sleep out, if new, ;priced reasonabily, for• quick ,interested apply to J. W. Haiberer, Sale. Tele. 1305, Zurich. n: Phone 161, Zurich. 2te Christmas Turkeys —,�. ! Sprayed Apples For Sale Northern Syp, Greening, Delicious, . Order your Christmas turkeys novo. ! Tahnan Sweet, Baldwin and Cider New York dressed or Eclisorated. Apples — Fred McClymont, one mile Apply to Russell Snider, R.R. 2, ;south of Varna. 2tk Zurich. 3t* FOR RENT Farm Forum Parr Line Forum Parr Line Farm Forum Met at the home of Mr and ,Mrs Eldon Jarrott with 16 members present. After the radio broadcast the question on "The Soil Bank Idea." Question - Do you think that a soil Biank ,plan, similar to the American scheme, would benefit Canadian fan; niers (a) in reducing :surpluses? (b) inpromoting ,soul conservation? • Ans. (a) This foram does not feel 1 that the soil bank plan is not .neces- eary for reducing surpluses lin the West. (b) The soil bank plan would promote soil .conservation in the West but not in Ontario. ' Ques. 2, Are there farm lands in your area which ltou think should be taken out of production, If sro, tliow should this be done? Ans. e, There are no farm lands in anis area which • should be taken out of production. After discussion, prog. euchre was played. The winners Ladies, Mrs. Joyce Adkins and Mrs. Elaine Weido Gents, Frank M.ousseau, ane? Stewart Blackwell. The next meeting will the held at the 'home •of Mr and Mrs Howard Adkins. The topic for disc - suction will be "What !Price Effic- iency? House for rent. Apply to Herb ,Neeib, Zurich. 2tc ATTENTION Call at Rader & Mittleholtz Hardware Store and they will help you solve your problem of cutting wood. - See the New Pioneer Chain Saws, (I,E.L.) to be offered next week. COAL COAL Expected to arrive any day: 1 Carload Yancey Stoker. 1 Carload Anthracite, Stove or No. 4 (furnace) Coal 1 Carload Anthracite, Chest- nut. 1 Carload, Alberta lump. Phone or bring your orders for prompt Delivery Stacie A Weido, Zurich HnTI . Auuj fag Booster at Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning—and tt so= to at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove • that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding • time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed ande reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster a . MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. Rollie's Sports & Cycle GET YOUR HUNTING SUPPLIES NOW As the Hunting Season has Started. Keep Hunting a Safe Sport. For Better Prices DEER RIFLES SHOT GUNS 22 RIFLES GUN CASES CLEANING KITS SHOT GUN SHELLS FOR ALL GAUGES R OLE CARTRIDGES FOR MOST CALIBRES BOWS AND ARROWS HOCKEY SKATES & STICKS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 40 Guns in Stock Brownies' Winchester Reimingtons H - R. Mossbery's Stevens Lanages, Martin and; Covey Trade in accepted A Large Stock of Hunting Coats, Jackets Caps, Mitts, Boots High Tops Hunting Knives. Compasses ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF BICYCLES, ALL SIZES FOR GIRLS AND BOYS ROLLIES' SPORTS AND CYCLE ., Grand Bend 4 4. 4. 4 ,i• 4 4 ray Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCi-1 Barber Shop - Zurich G. A. WEBB, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs.. Evenings 7-9 Por Appointments - Phone 606 4 a 4 4 e s 5 5 4 A 3 4 4 it J. 4 4 a Thursday, November 29th, 19511. REA on the table the meal is ready Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table ---bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- •ner of month -watering goodies to 'crown the menu of every meal!' Frag• rant Coffee Cake and. Cinnamon Bun for . b •eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon ..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals-- lec your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! fasty-Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH Your Baiae C„, IS NOW OPEN ! COME IN AND SEE THE LARGE VAR- IETY OF TOYS AND CIF S FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! A Small Deposit will hold your order until Christmas Rader & - Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. A .411 4 4 3* 3 w 4 4 4 4 4 44. Avoid the Mad Rush when Snow and Slush comes by getting your Protective Footwear NOW'! We have everything you may need to keep your shoes and feet dry, besides keeping them warm and comfortable "YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH" We also have a good Assortment of house Slippers for all, "See These," and your Christmas Gfit worries will be over. See our Baggage: Mm's Aero Pack and Mens Gladstones. Also Suit Cases from $2.95 to $8.50 We do Skate Sharpening— Desch Shoe Scot e Phone, Res. 130. • e • 2 s 6 a 2 • 8 Q • 0 0 0 w FOR Specials! NOVEMBER — Store 82 i _211 Discount of $3,00 per Ton, on 325 Beef Concentrate 325 Dairy Concentrate. 245 Beef Concentrate 245 Dairy Concentrate 325 Beef Concentrate with Stilbestrol 24'/ Beef Concentrate with Stilbestrol Plus Cash Discount $2.00 per ton. Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday rattle on Saturday ensail District Co -0 Phone Hensall 115, esasseeeeeesameasennee Zurich 220 a, z 0 0 4s 8 0 0 0 0 '4 +a 05 0P 05 a