HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-11-29, Page 1Lstablished 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY IVIORNING, NOVEMBER 2' Card of Thanks Am taking this medium to bh.ank all my relatives, friends and neighbour; who so kindly remembered. an with trawl, treats, and flowers, and person - ' r_ as al calls. Srpecial thanks for the fruit 'from. Ladies' Aid and Rev. Winter, while I was a patient in St. Joseph's HoFpital, London, and since any re- turn home. --George J. Thiel. G. it:. HARDMAN Will Attend • •AT THE MILT OESCH Shoe Store ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. Miracle Foot Aid works with nature to re- store aching feet, feet with fallen arches and misplaced bones balk to health again. Miracle is a flexible arch -manipulator newly improv- ed that gently exercises the foot bones, while It it gives gentle comfortable support. It (1) 1 � 11�N lifts the bones back into proper position; (2) restores a spring in every step, creating the right condition for the foot to become healthy (3) brings back circulation that was partially lost.. Miracle Foot Aid gets results quickly. MIRACLE, IS A PLEASURE! Phone now for appointment, 27 years' ex- perience in correcting foot and associated body ills. CLINICS — Zurich, Peterborough, Brantford, Kitchener, , London, St. Catharines 0 0 C 1956 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a T001 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. A ►&. HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Plaints aa 4-04t xe+sei Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as `members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always` assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 4,S' pl0�Ai4e Thank You! I wish to thank the Zmdch Fire Brigade, also my nieigilthoatrs and. all who assisted in any way at aur recant fire loss, --Howard 'Adkina< Card of -Thanks Thanks to all my Many tfxuend;3 d, rneighbours Who sent cards and leG'' is of syaiiipathy in the sudden, pasS'i of my only sister (Edna) lvrrs. Ram merlon Smith. Thanks also to 01316e mai IA who .called with words sof ustiana,teu at od,UUU, pant of wiut:n is deeply appreciated. M'rs. 11l(a+l as is.eat erecl oy insurance. fhe instil H. Mayers -vire LepantweILt answered the alai ,. wince was given :oy air. .exdxins... at: o ga, s Lv yards rinoni the e ,.r. r- &Idon Theatr a„r was saved iron any ua3itwge .,y r Flt Jr Lire uestray eat a tranle garage, 110us ung uwv tiaecors and owner equip wean, un the a:ar111 of Howard• tiO.t�Li1S Al .bl;antey i ownship.. Lamage w, s GRAND BEND FRIDAY, NOV. 30th. SATURDAY, DEC. lsit. TALL MAN RIDING WARNER COLOR Randolph SAVE At I THIEL'S Superior Market A FEW MORE OF OUR ADDED SPECIALS For the Big WEEK -END SALE Nov. 29-30,Dec,1 Open Wednesday Afternoons Till Christmas l .Also. Thursday - Friday - Saturday Evenings -CLARK'S Pork and Beans 3, '20 -oz. Tins only 7tic COTTAGE TOILET TISSUE 10 'Rlolls only CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE •48 -oz. Tins each 25e -'49c Oranges this Week -end 3 dozen for $1.00 -COOKIES, McCormick's Table Dainties, 2 pkgs. for ....3 9c MAPLE LEAF WEfNERS 3 lbs. :for 90 'MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA U'nsliced per. lb.',:...:,, 25e SLICED, BREAD A LOAF 15c Our Low Overhead Costs make these prices possible Which Enables Us to Compete with the Chain Stores PLEASE HAVE TELEP14ONiE ORDERS IN BY lla.m.-5 p.m. We have Frozen Foods of all Kinds THIS WEEK -END SPECIAL FRENCH FRIES, 2 Pkgs. 33c First Fifteen Customers Thursday evening, one Free Stain- less Steel Knife. First Fifteen Customers Friday Evening, one Free Stainless e St�'R Fork 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich �.r Scott Dorothy MalOrte airs. Leonard 1 til and crier committee Peggy Castle will sue an cnarge •as this is a t;hrist- anas meeting. .roll Uatl -will be ans- wered lay donating clotrting, mits anti stooxings and toys, etc., for the c l it • dren's shelter at Goderi•ch. These uaut wnias and an ample suppiy ax water. Inc lire :broxe out only an hour alter Air. .ndtnns naa strained wan tractors ow water to prevent ..1 eevwg. W. I. 2 o lvieet • f Atli reg uiar meeting of the 2 ur- 'icn vY;oturairi will meet til j.•lLe 1vwn 11x11, nut:l.en on the even- ing. of Leicenluer ate ac b ;oi cloCK. Short Subject and Cartoon, One Show Each Nite 8 O'cIOk 'gilts are to roe presented unwrapped. • ' eaforth and hensall Institutes are invited to be guests. All ladies STANLEY TOWNSHIP'''`. invited to be present and enjoy fellowship together. FEDERATION OF AGaICLILTUIi;E HAD BRIDAL SHOWER ANNUAL MEETING A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs Bert Klopp on Saturday, November 24th. when relatives and friends gathered to honor Miss Sarah Nicholson, of FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th.,;: London, Ont., formerly of Clydesbank At 8 p.m. ,Scotland, with a miscellaneous show - An Entertainment to consist oft ; . er, prior to her anariiiage to Mr Lloyd EUCHRE, Followed l.iya Progi'din_ Klopp of Zurich. Kathhyn Klopp GUEST SPEAKER to be: read the address in the form of a MR. CI4YTON "BENDER, of Gnwps- poem, while little Diane Kropp dres- sed as a :bride, presented the gifts town.' Zone Director of t7fis in a wagon ,'beautifully decorated in District. 1 pink and white. Mary Klopp and LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH? Jane Howald of London, assisted the EVERYBODY WELCOME ide do be in opening the gifts. Af- ter -the gifts -had been displayed and w orda of appreciation were express- ed, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. THE NOMINATION -Hay Township nomination was hold in the Hay Town Hall last Friday af- ternoon with a very small 'attendance but as the meeting went on the en- thusiasm increased and towards the end it put us in mind of something of the old Mire that used to prevail a few decades ago. But all's well that ends well, and the Council for Prizes 1957 will be as folows: Reeve, V. L. Becker; Deputy Reeve, Oscar Kropp, 'Councillors, Leonard Greb, Alex. Mousseau and Irvin Willert. All the old council gave a good account Of the year's work, and are .now all set for 1957. The only new man is lrvtin Willert, who has had a goodly number of years on the board. L. II. Rader, theformer Deputy Reeve and a former Warden of Huron County, retiuing. are this To be held in VARNA HALL NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPB FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • Prop. Special SALE OF LADIES' and GENTS WRIST WATCHES At only $18.95 Sold regularly for $29.50 FULLY GUARANTEED CEPTIONAL SEE THEM THIS fowl Bingo AT DASHWOOD to be held in V. L. B,ECKER'S SHOW ROOMS On WED. EVENING, DEC. 12th. Watch for Free and Special in Next Week's Issue AT THIS MONSTER PARTY Proceeds for Childreiis' Fund Sponsored by Dashwood Men's FEATHER Christmas Club COUNTY MEETINGS SET • The Annual :meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture is scheduled in Londeaboro, November 28th with Prof. A. C. Rolbertson, of the economics •department of the On- tario Agric. College, Guelph, as guest speaker. As in the past two years, township federation directors wilt be guests at a turkey banquet at noon prior to: the annual meeting. Xmas. Trees CHOICE OF SCOTT(H PINE OR NORWAY SPRUCE FRESH CUT TREES, APPLY NEIL WALKER, OR TO Mousseau Rr Parkins Garage Phone 103, Zurich. FREE TOWN DELIVERY AND EX - VALUE IN OUR WINDOW! IS AN IDEAL WATCH FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL OBITUARY Erdman V. Zimmerman Erdman V. Ziananer.man, a lifelong resident and well kniown resident of Zurich was found dead in his bed on Saturday morning, November 24, 1956 in his 7.3rd year. He Thad not been of the best of health the last while, and during the night had slept away. fie is survived by one sister, Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, who was living with the departed for some time. The remains rested at the Westlake Funeral Horne, Zurich, until +Monday, where a private fun- eral service was 'held followed by a public funeral service in St. Peter's Lutheran church, with the Pastor, Rev. Otto Whiter, Officiating. In - ferment was made in St. Peter's Ce- metery, ,Goshen line. MAIL EARLY THIS CHRISTMAS. With no delivery on Christmas Day Your Post Office suggests the follow - mailing dates for Christmas Cards and Parcels:( U:S..A (for distant States, and especially parcels to al- low for Custoans examination Mail before Dec. 8; Newfoundland (for remote points consult the local P.O. Mail before Dee. 1 1 ; British Colum- bia (Mash before Dec. 1 t; Alberta, before Dec. 12; Sask. and Manitoba before Dec. 13; Maritime PivivinceS before Dec. 14; Ont. and Quebec, before Dec. 15; Local Delivery, mail before Dec, 17th, if posted later, the P. 0. 'can only do its best. Cards in unsealed envelopes play be sent to all Countries the :trate of 2e each. Pank and tie your parcels securely - fully addressed with return ads dress included inside and out. Astitiit- ional information may be ob's'ltined at your locttil. Post Office. • `tire E THE JEWELLER RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann zuzIa# Ont. Phone 12S. WINTER is Just Around th* Corner For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: ait LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED) Phone 10 HENSALP SWIMS Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN' CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B;A., B.D Minister• Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, December 2nd. 10.00 a.m.—.Divine Service Theme. --A King "v;-:tts Troubled. 11 a.ni.-. •- 4u ilii . chcol 7:30 p•m Evei,inti Service Guest Speaker r—Rev. Epiniain Gingerich. Sentence Sermon The Lord` Broad- casts many la ._:1.x.5 from, 11ev en but we am rte, lltn :ii in. aseseaseaeawasseastaaeormaeolvaeaseenaoseaserapeaseesolt E C 1 s 1 1;0- itstialo igstottal lam* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Services TELEPHONE; RES. 89W • OR ',MI, =MUCH: assesssa sosaeo006 rwsatrss /A0a 00000.000 4 004000 40k ZURICWS rocery Store York Tomato Juice, 48 -oz. Ciui ce"Ott +eeeeoeeooeeo2f9 g 1('2 -lbs. can. Bee �{,(1We corn syrup, e beseve ee•t5 *1113 I� Rose Margarine 1 -Ib. pkg. 4 for ...... Miracle Whip salad dressing, 6 -oz, Jar ....,...43e Lucky Dollar Coffee, 1 -Ib, bag eeee.e.e.eee.eeeee,ee.e«89e Merano ,leach lir Zurich, PRODUCE WANTED. Phone .1k5 SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3,98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, . Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE . Scbw*rt truber, Prop l'aPhone 1142 ,ti,