HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-11-22, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO Clerk's Notice 1 Of First Posting of Voters' 1956 4. 4. 4. 7 r Lists for Year. MUNICIPALITY OF HAY TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF -HURON NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the VOTERSLISTS ACT and I have posted up in my Office, at Zurich, Ontario, on the 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956 The list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at Menicipal Elections and that each list remains there for inspection, And I hereby eall upon all voters to take immediate proceedinge to have any errors .or omissions correctecl ac- cording to Law. The last day for appeal being the 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1956 Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this 6th day of November, 1956. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, CLERK OF 'THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY W 4, 41. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. fi A 4 4 4 4 NIXEMArli=422"11111=1126110 erloo Cattle Association .111a reeding "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Economy Quality Safety The following is in part copied from the publication put put by Badger Breeders Co-operative in Wisconsin who reprinted it from Wis. Council of Ag News Letter: Less Bull and More Else No development in modern agriculture has done a betttr job of .defying the costeprice squeeze and at the same time bro- ught more real proaress than artificial insemination. While modern mechanized apiculture calls for greater and .greater cash outlays, artificial breeding actually lowers ,cash ,outlay. In spite sof rising rates in other fields, here is a field of price zonstancv—thanks to farmer owned and .controlled to -operat- ives and the'r records of itnesarpaesed efficiency. eNYfie I.eded Whether it's a herd of one or fifty, the service is the same and the eost is in direct proportion to need. Breeding cows: to well selected sires we own co-operatively is one of the best investments any good cattleman can make. The best blood lines with outstanding records of production are at the back and call of the small as well ,as the large operator. From the safety angle, there is .every reason why farmers should quit the hazardous job of maintaining a herd sire. We have long wondered about the foolhardy lion tamer defying death as special entertainment at the circus. Yet the number of lion tamers in all history who have lost their lives is trival as compared with farmers who have lost their lives handling bulls. For each fatal assident eaused by bulls there are four non-fatal. This toll of sufferingand death can be eliminated. With less bulls on the farm we can get more safety, more profit and more assurance for the family sized farm. Grade or Purebred, Beef or Daley BREED YOUR COWS ARTIFICIALLY TO THE BULLS WE HAVE 1N SERVICE For Service or more information, write or prone collect to— Clinton - HU. 2-3441. Between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and holidays. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Leonard Denomme of Windsor were Sunday last visitors with Mr and Mrs Leonard Sararas ;of the Blue Water south. Mr and Mrs Raymond Denomme anotoeed to Seaforth on' Sunday visit- ing 'i1h t'leir aunt, Mrs. Virginia Denomme and other relative. Many Attend Funeral. Quite a large raere)er from We 'vicinity attended the funeral of the late 'Bertha Williams who a -as buried in St. James Cemetery, 'Seaforth. Others to attend weee from Detroit, 'Windsor, Sarnia, Medford and other Tel atives. ZURICH HERALD Clearing Auction Salo Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items on the prem- ises in the Village la Dashwoocl. The undersigned .A.uatioueer is in - eructed to sell by public auction. on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st. At 1.30 p.m. Real Estate consists of a 1% storey "emhite brick dwelling with 3 bedrooms and large closet, living room, dining raorn, kitchen sad •euee. mer kitchen, double verandah and full basement, small barn suitable aox garage, good sized garden. A very desirable property. Terms of Real Estate — 10% on day of Sale, balance in ao days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not ;previously. sold. Household Effects and misc. Items —.3-pieee chesterfield, 2 moan roe. - kers, 2 oak mama, extension table, 6 dining room 'chairs, buffet, comb- ination hall rack and mirror, large hall mirror, kitchen table and chairs, 3 centre talblee, phonograph and re- cords, electric heater. 2 fern stands, 2 new perch chairs, Wingham kitchen 'stove like new; 2 ironing boards, el- ectric lamps, 2 toilet sets. Kitchen cabinet, Kitchen cleeck, couoh, kitchen sink, feather tick, pillows, drapes; cushions, assortment ofdishes, silv- erware, glassware, 3 bedroom suites; dressers, commiedes, rugs, trunks, kit- chen utensils, lawn mower, garden tooIs, etc., etc. No Reserve. In ,ease of bad -weather Sale will be held in Zion Lutheran 'Church Shed. Terms — Cash Mrs. Garnet Willert, Wm. Haugh, Elmer Datars, Executors for the Es- tate of the late Louis Schumacher. Al Walper, Auctioneer. NOMINATION COAL COAL Expected to arrive any day: 1 Carload Yancey Stoker. 1 Carload Anthracite, Stove or No. 4 (furnace) Coal 1 Carload Anthracite, Chest- nut. 1 Carload Alberta lump. Phone or bring your orders for prompt Delivery Stade & Weido, Zurich 1 4 authorities reported the accident victim had lost all four fingers of the left hand and the than* to tne first joint. Mr. Dougall was assisting Dirk Van-Wieren en the latter's farm 1, 1-2 mile 'south 'of Hensall wihen the accident occurred. The hand was jam- med into the machine .and. when Van Wieren and Jack Faber a neighibour who .called, could not take the mach- ine apart. Mr. Jam Bengough, of Jibe's Machine Shop of Hensall, and he s assistant Bill .Sonale, were ,called' * 0 0 0 POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Police Village of Zurich, will beheld in the TOWN HAI - ZURICH • 4-H. Club Meet The Dashwood 4-H .girls held their second meeting ,a,nel decided to call their club "`Dashwood Dainty Doers" A copy of the 4-H pledge was given each girl. This will be used at the beginning of each meeting. June Rader wag appointed press Reporter. The girls were shciwn how to san- foaize their anaterial and how to make a flat fell .seam. Hoene assignments is to prepare material and pin on the pattern. Roll call for next meeting "A Finiah. I will use on mar 'sleeping gannent."The 'meeting closed with "The Queen." STANLEY TOWNSHIP WA Rally • • • • e and looeened the bolts to release the hand. Dr. J. C. Goddard of Hensall took the injured man to the Hospit- al The sympathy of the •community is extended to Mr. Dougall. FRIDAY, Nr"'EMBER 23rd, 1956 At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of nominatine candidates for Police Trustees for the year 1957 and if Poll is demanded. a poll will h onered on MONDAY, PECFMBER 3rd. 1956 at the 7ownship T-Tn11. Said -In" to be onened et 9 o'clock, a.m. .rntil 5 o'clock, p.m. When s proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfact. ore, to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. H. W. Brokenshire, Returning Officei Dated at Zurich, November 10th 193(i men to some 70 members and friends of the Dashwood Band. Sid Baker, president, was .chair - man and welcomed all. Other speak- ers were Harry Hoffman, leader and Stuart Wclfe, asst. Gerald Martene and Carol Becker. Mr and Mrs. An- drew Dixon of Exeter showed pictur- es of their recent trip to the British leles;Jack Gaiser showed P ures of local interest. The Wame.n'e instit- ute was thanked on behalf t'.e Band by Jack Gaiser for serving ele sup- per and also far donating a flag and harness to the Band. M. Lee Gibson attended the Aut- omotive Transnort Convention at the Royal Yor!: Hotel, Toronto, this week. alr and Mrs Dick Daweee of Strathroy and_ Mrs. George Belt of IParkhill spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Leo Gibson. Mr and Mrs Dennis .Bierna-rk of Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Piefer. Mr and Mrs Martin Laub of Exe- ter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rudolph Miller. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and boys of Waterloo spent Sunday 'with Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Want and family at ,Chatham. with their future better half. Also Mrs. Ervin Latta and Mr and Mis the Stansberry's of Detroit and some Gordon Weiberg of Waterloo spent of the Ducharme's from Windsor and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Wei - the St. Joseph district. It was an en berg. joyable occasion and as well an an- Holds Birthday Party— nual ,one. At a late evening hour Master Charles Becker celebrated all of the guests thanked the hostess his birthday on Satui day with a num- and the immediate members of the ber of friends as gneets. family for their generousity in giving Were Dinner Guests— them the go off, and a cherry wel- The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran. come for the good time. Church were dinner guests of the Zurich Lutheran Ladies Aid last Wed- nesday evening. Following upper 'D A 5 F4 W 0 0 U) they enjoyed pictures and a short program. Social Evening— The Youth Fellowship of the E.1.1. B. 'church entertained the Walther Mr and Mrs. To:n Kyle, a recent League of Zien,Lutheran church as bridal ,couple, were henored at a re - their guests at a social evening. Ruth ception held tee them in the town Miss Dolores Denomme who has Schade presided, Ronnie Snell sang Hall, Hensall Friday eve. The hall been working in Windsor great solo, DonnaEagleson and Mon./ was filled for the event The eouple part of the gummier, returned the Kellerman sang a dant, Jack ,Schade were presented with a well filled least week to spend a few weeks with and Stanley Ilaiete read passages of purse ,of money. Presentation address her paaents scripture, Ruth Schack had a enedit- was read by IVIurrav Baker, presea- Had Social Gafilieritur— etion on "The Lord's Prayer",T 1 aa"tation made lay Don McLellan. Des - On Saturday afternoon last a faaieer was chairman for the re- jardine orchestra inovided dance goodly number of people young and creation. A relay and erokinole was flitiA.c. old took part to a chicken dinner pearled, Wieners were: Barbara! • giVen by Mrs. Therese .eraraman and Koehler and Jack ,Schade; ern/isolation !Farmer s Injured— . ;family of the Goshen Line South, In Marian Rader and Peter Irwin. IMissj Malcolm Dougall, Hensall -district .101 about fifty attended and needless Pauline Becker thanked the E.Y.P, fanner, who resided on highway 4, f. to say all was tasty and in the 01(1 on behalf of the League. !south of Hensall was admitted to Stl fashioned way. All of the ilaelenee Band Heide Beeeezete.... ..1ph's Hospital London, Friday family `'fry! in'ent, the mirkeIl 'aba W. T. ef 1-) '' -11wood en after li‘! left larld eeee • ams see; e tr.)- be esen. prr. io 17.,tala C. • r!, gled in a C.,•ru piker, Hospital Thursday, November )21.2nti, 1.956 About 100 ladies attended the Woxnan's Asseciatarn Rally held in Goshen United Church on November lst, The ladies of Goshen served dinner. WMS. Meet . The Goshen Woman's Missionary Society m'et in the church basement for the November meeting with Mrst John Armstelang presiding, Mrs. Elmer Hayter gave thoughts. on the lesson. There were present. Mrs. Elgin McKinley read the minutes. A vocal duet by Mrs. Elmer Hayter and Mrs Rolleert Pc :k, Jr., was ac- companied by :Mrs. Bruce Keys. The toipie from the study J,00lc was given: by Mrs. John Rohina in. The meet- ing closed with a 'Ivrea and • Mil. Bruce Keys' group served lunch, weamtesart.T2worn.rmornosimaam.ar SHUR.GAIN Pig Rooster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning—and tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of 'their feed and reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. l.p.••••••• THERE'S GREATER VARIETY ON is the spice of life! Variety is The Spice of Life! Canadians like variety and they like news ! They get both on PANORAMA, the local show • chuck full of local 'Western Ontario ,events. The stars of PANORAMA are you and your neighbours; people in the area who make the• news. PANORAMA_ Newsreel provides on the spot film co;-erage of area news events. What to wear tomoreew is decided for you by the latest weather news on PANORAMA Weathervane. Newa on the sporting scene, and happenings in the world-at-hurge, round out your ,evening news picture on PANORAMA. Panorama: 6:00—People in the News 6:20—Latest Sportee News 6:40—Latest Weather News 6:45—Local Newsreel CFPL-TV LONDON FOR TAKE -OFF FROM THE WORLD'S FINEST AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS ..... aaa . ...3., aiaataseeeail:" ", .iii . aillia il;" ete res."' S „easealat. iii ...:easeeaea.; • •galag, There are immediate openings right now to train in these important aviation trades: AERO -ENGINE • RADIO -RADAR INSTRUMENT ELECTRICAL • ARMAMENT • AIRFRAME There's a great future in aviation: make aviation your career—in the RCAF! Get all the facts now about RCAF training, pay and other benefits. See, write or phone the RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR at your nearest RCAF Recruiting Unit or write direct to DIRECTOR PERSONNEL MANNINO, RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa. 1. • • , • Ai 4; ,• f141 .4t,49.0v 4.,•;64t1.;74,,, 4