Zurich Herald, 1956-11-15, Page 5ZtJIUCH ONTAR•7O LOCAL NEWS 1\ r .and Mrs. Grant Male and chil- dren. left to spend three weeks' vee.e antion with their parents and other friends at Athens, in the Ottawa, dis- trict. Mr and )Mrs. Wallace Ross and sllaugihteas, Dorothy and Brenda of $r~aforth were Sunday guests at the home e of !heir aunt and uncee, Mr and Mrs. Chester L. Smith. COAL COAL Expected to arrive any day: 1 Carload Yancey Stoker. 1 Carload Anthracite, Stove or No. 4 (furnace) Coal 1 Carload Anthracite, Chest- nut. 1 Carload Alberta lump. Phone or bring your orders for prompt Delivery Stade & Weido, Zurich ATTENTION Call at Rader & Mittleholtz Hardware Store and Lehi you solve your of cutting wood. they will problem See the New Pioneer Chain Saws, '(I.E.L.) to be offered next week. . Drs. COXON : LEITCH VE i ERiNARY SURGEONS 'Mate with Residence,Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone 96 — ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7;30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Man Street — Exeter OpenEvery Week Day E•ece:pt Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. EXETER — PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B, Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Znricli At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S POgPRUL�AR LET US 21.1PPL`Y fel WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Y NGBLUT BROS. 'Brie .'s Protluce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY IttRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Ctee :- ry Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM . FOR »ELIVFED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Metn0 Weather roes anee OF WOODSTOCK lT f LARGEST RESERVE RAI, A.:i0'i OF ANY CANADIAN 'MP's'. sfAL COMPANY DOING BUSINES . Ira OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO,. RATES ON APPLICATION R KLOPP ZURICH AGENT r O DEALER IN LIGHTNINC t'J[?g AND ALL tCINI`+4 OF PTP' #fry .: ,,. ..•�.� w. ZURICH HERALD TOOAL NEVES Mn.sAdrienne Denomy le confine ed to her room with illness, Mr and Mrs. Dan Miller of Lond- on, were Saturday visitors in town. M. Len Prang, :Eleanor and Rob- ert spent Saturday at London. Mr and /Mrs Ed. Deters +motored to Loniclon on Sunday' and spent the day there. Mr, and Mrs, Vale Gerber of the State of Pennsylvania are visiting with friends and relatives here. Mr and Mrs Edmund Erb, of the Bronson line 'attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto". Miss Pearl Wuetz who spent sorrne time in Exeter, ihas returned to her home here. .Mr and liVTrs Charles Puiiiord and family of London visited over the week -end with Mr and !Mrs Ferd Haberr,r. Curbs and Siouts, Lad^et' Auxil- en, to a will be held on Wednesday ev- enine, 21st at 9.15 p.nn, at the town Zimmer, Director. Mr and Mrs Hugh MOKinnon of T. ondr, , , ieited with their mother, ,Mrs. 1M !MacKinnon on Saturday af- terneon. Mrs. Ezra Frii, + and daughter Nola and 'Vedas Lily Heist of Crediton were .Sunday gue;ts with cicIr and !Mrs. Edgar E. Wuerth. Mr. and 1Mrs. Floyd Buehler and :baby Carol; Mrs. Sol ,Baeehler and daughter Verde spent Tuerday at London visiting. at th home of the 14lerklf v Snsters. Mr. William Hay of town' wishes to ,greatly thank all those who con- tributed of their means towards the upkeep of the ball diamond this past summer. It was -much appr,eciated. :Mr and Mrs Arthur J. Auleri.cb of Rama Ranch, Whitmore, Mich., spent the week -end with Mrs. Aaler- ich's parents, Mr and Mrs. Louis Prang. Mr and Mn,'sFloud Cook and dau- ghter Patricia of Waterloo; Mr and Mrs Ed. Brenner and daughter Mar- ion ; Mss, Helen Wahl, Mr Underwood all of Xitrlhemer we' -e Sunday visit- ors at the home of their mother, Mrs Mary Brenner. Miiss Kathie Kalbfleisch who is a second year student at the University of Western Ontario spent the week- end "et Montreal. attending tihe e- Gd71 - Western Tater Collegiate foot- ball pees, Mise Kn4l,'e is drum Ma,irorette of Western Mustang Band. ,Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisenbaeh of Grand Bend weee in t.owii Sn.turday. Mr. Eisreeneaiili who has recently un - dement three maim' operations, is meneressiire" nicely and does reaiy look good ,for what he has. cone through. Mr and Mre Harald Koehler and f=t,,,il,r• also Mrs. Koehler's mother, MvA. )Notley all of 'Toronto, were visiting at Mr and Mrs. Bruen K•oeh- ler, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Erb and Mrs. Nancy Koehler. Parr Line Forum— Met at the (home of Mr and Mrs, Ross Love with •1i4 present. The topic discussed was, 'What About Farin IManagement?" After lig-utening to the radio the questions were answere(l. No. 1, answer, We think bhat with the imlfiera cation ewe can get from faint Magaziines and papers ann'a oar Ag"r e. Rep., if we were getting ade- quate ,prices for our products we could manage ourselves. Ateewees for 2 and 3, Forum does not think this farm management Cervico is necesenry. We feel that if this plan were put into a^tion there would be an :ircrease 4n production and there- r 'Bore, there would be a great. -.r. surp- lus M' e•gods ','i the market, and n.at- ura]ly alae pr'^es would drop she farrier would have more work for the enme F,noui t of money. We feed that the fe mel. should have more of tate gen; +ner,' dollar;., The discuss- ion was followed with a few games of mro,c re• -,sive en-inre iii whiub .Ales. Chas. Re'lin:.on, i\TTr;. Elaine Weido, and Eldon To rrott and Ken I\TeTCrw Were hi.'*hest. The next meeting is i:r: "ht and held at 'the home c f 111Ir and Mrs, Gordon Coleman. HYMENEAL Adkins - Hunter St. Peter',. Lutheran church, Zurich lovely with -autumn fllowers was the setting for the wedding ,of Agnes Marlene I-Innter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard blunter, icf Clinton, and Jack Albert Adkins, son or Mr. and Mrs, Henry Adkins of Ha.~ Township. Rev. 0. Winner of iciated for the ceremony. Traditional wed - dine neusic was anl•ayed by Mrs, A. Haberer of Zurich, wile, accoannani- ed the soloist, Ronald Heinrich, who sang "The Wedding Prayer," and the Y`rim d'e Prayer." 'Given in marriage (by )her uncle, Joe 'Hart of Clinton, the bride was lovely white nylon. At- tending as :matron of honer, Mrs. Wilmer Adkins of Cromarty, sister - in -lav ,of the groom. Bridesmaid was Mrs. Howard Smiale, Hensall, sister of the bride, and :Miss !Marilyn :):Til- ler, Clinton. Flower girls were Shir- ley Sinale and Dianne Adkins, nnec- es. The exoom was attended by his brother Willner Adkins: Pslaevs were )Toward Soxile and Earl Soldan. The reception for sixty greets was held at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, both mothers of the party receiving. After a wedding trip to eastern U•.S.A., Mr and .Mrs. Adkins will re- side in Hensall. Guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Windsor, Kitchen- er,,Clinton. `ltirirh and Exeter. 9�41�I ELSIE DO V,: GST at QPPORT.0 4IT1ES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? s HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? * GOOD PAY? O EXPERT TRAINING VN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? O DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? e FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? .0 THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? eatcept in the Canadian Army? if you are 17 to 40 years of age, and able to meet Army require- ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Artily life. You enlist for a 3 year term. At the end of that time you may return to civilian Life well fit- ted for the future, or continue in the service of your country. Mail the catipon below, telephone or visit your focal recruiting station, Army Recruiting station, 90 Richmond Street W,:st, Toronto, Ont. -- Tei, EM 9-341, Loc. 276 Army RFcrulting Statim, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont.— ieI. JA 2-8708 Army Recruiting Stene„ 219 Welland St„ $t. Catharines, Ont. — Tel. MU 2-7527 Army Recruiting Station, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth & Oxford Sts tendon, Ont.— Tel. 4-1101, Loc '65 Army Recruiting Station, 131 London St., Windsor, ant Int. CL 2-7615 Army Recruiting Station, Ote Post Office Building, Kitchener, one— Tel SH 3.6661 007W -O Please send me, without oblig50. atiott full information on Army careers. Name Address CItY/'Town Prov. Telephone FOR SALE For Appointment, Dash -wood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Trfconre Tax Service `Sarepta' I-Iay P. 0. Property for Sale Six-year-old House, large iivii+g room, dining room and one bedroom with closet and hardwood floors in each room; 3 -piece bath and modern large kitchen with double sinles on main floor; two large bedrooms up. stirs with lots of cl:ocset space. Com- plete basement with hot and cold water; .fruit roomand coal room. `Breezeway and adjoining garage,with nice lawn and garden. Apply only on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hartman. Telephone 79 Zurich. .i Mndy s Lunch FISH ,8z CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN Station - Dashwood I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK i Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter !Complete Sanitone Cleanm Thursday, NOvenber 15th, '49.51 READ on the table the meal is read f rady Cear!ers Be Yor,9r Menu Maker! g . i Laundry and Storage Service I~'ORUICI SAI E Pic.l4,, ack Th, Q Pick k uptap•Thurs.,Monbbaek on on Mondursay, 1. Piano, used, reasonable, in rood I (Local Agent) EARL OESC1-i condition. ill, Dining Room Suite, like new. 1. China Car-. inet, cheap. For further direiction appy at Herald Office or P.O. Box 308, Zurich. 2tc FOP SALE One used Refrigerator, 9 cu. ft, large freezer, is in A-1 shape, $85.00 (Power lawn !rower new, reg. 79.85 for $59.95. Used Bicycles for Sale. Used Electric Motors V -h.p like new. Television at the old low prices. ROLLIES' — GRAND BEND FOR SALE A girls' winter coat, size 11 in good .condition. May be seen at Reg .& Jitn's Men's Wear, or phone 47J., Zurich,. Ont. c WANTED Yorkpigs, , Someone to feed 1110 or 20 steers Sow with 10 p g , 4 weeks by the month or by the pound gain. old. Also 8 York chunks; a piano, Apply to Willie Wein, Phone 54, and kitchen cabinet. Win, Sparks, Dashwood. 2tc Phone 58 r 32 (Bayfield. FOR QUICK SALE A Ladies' Winter Coat in good condition. If interested, call phone No. 111(2. Zurich. HELP WANTED Part or full time girl, sleep out, if interested apply to J. W. Haiberer, Phone 161, Zurich. Ltc Barber Shop - Zurich G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 F A YOUR BAKER not only supptles ciely,ious ,vholeeome bread for your table---hread for your renipes. Out of his f'ragront ovens wane all man-, ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every- meal r Frag. (Wee !rant Coffee ani Cinnamon Bung ) for b eakfast. , luscious ;:reit-filled treats for luncheovi..0 ,ring hot Pan ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea4 in variety, too, for snacks any timi of day or night. So don't get wrink, ; les worrying about variety in meals-- let 'our baker be your menu maker, Sc.e hat',s on his tray today) Y .c y -Nu Ba Pr or ppoantments - Phone 606 PHONE 100 -- ZURICH saaeis17 r[mara c nig e.,,rien, esm i 'mi i A 8 y 4 0 4 . Sprayed Apples For Sale 3 Northern Syp, Greening, Delicious, a Tatman Sweet, Baldwin and Cider .v Apples — Fred •McClymont, one mile adruth::of Varna. 2t" + FOR RENT House for rent. Apply to Neeb, Zurich. Herb 2tc 4 DEER RIFLES SHOT GUNS oras Cycle GET YOUR HUNTING 'SUPPLIES NOW As the Hunting Season has Started. Keep Hunting a Safe Sport. r fi + + — For Better Prices 22 RIFLES GUN CASES CLEANING KITS SHOT GUN SHELLS FOR ALL GAUGES a 5FLE CARTRIDGES FOR MOST CALIBRES BOWS AND ARROWS HOCKEY SKATES & STICKS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 40. Guns in Stock Brownies' Winchester Reimingtons H - R. Mossbery's Stevens Lanages, Martin and Covey Trade in accepted A Large Stock of Hunting Coats, Jackets Caps, Mitts, Boots High Tops Hunting Knives Compasses ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF BICYCLES, ALL SIZES FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. ROLLIES SPORTS AND CYCLE - Grand Bend 4 + -- NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law No. 12, passed October 16th, 1956 under authority of Chapter 266, Section 74 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of . the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1956 The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Reeve, one Deputy Reeve, and three Councillors for the Year 1957, alto for three Hay Township School Area Trustees for the years 1967 and 1958, When a proposed Candidate is not present, '...his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall. Zurich, at 2 .p.m., on Friday, November 23rd, 1956 To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required !number of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on Monday, December 3rd, 1956 From 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: Poll Polling Place '1. School House No, 2 2. School House No. 14 3. .Zurich Town Hall 4. Zurich Town Hall 5. School (louse No. 12 6. Earl Guenther Block t. School House No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont. November 10th, 1950. D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh !McEwen Leroy O'Brien Albert Hess Hilton Truemner Reinhold Miller Jas. A, McAllister Fred Ducharrne H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning •Offieni' Poll Cleric Lorne Uhapmen Bruce Koehler Gordon Surerus Lorne ILlopp Cliff. Pepper Sidney Baker Glen Weido Ed. Corhriveau M.pMAAVIM avmmm.Nm3.14,0bac• our 9.-a '6 IS NOW OPEN ! COME IN AND SEE THE LARGE VAR- IETY OF TOYS AND GIF'! S FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! A Small Deposit will hold your order until ChristFnas Rader : t i z- e rdwara Phone Zurich 63. 4wartyos?r tae c, ,,T' omnia mg=ag an, E_•mmcic w 0 0 iy; e: rr v:u 5 l" a f FOR NOVEMBER — zF • Discount 2 3Vs� • a 4t as a ae of $3.00 per Ton, on Beef Conr, etitrate 32(.4 Dairy Concentrate. 24 v, Beef Concentrate 24 Dairy Concentrate 32 Beef Concentrate with StilbestroI 245• Beef Concentrate with Stilbestrol PIus Cash Discount $2.00 per ton. Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Gybe. Phone Hensall 1 15. Zurich 220 Pali Footwear THEY ARE HERE NOW ! Plastic Overshoes for Women and Girls -- Girl's sizes 13 to 3, Including smoke shaded for Women. Men's Rubber Boots, priced from .... 3.95 to 6.75 We also have a good supply of Orient Nylons in 30, 60 and 90 gauge at .. 99c. Oesch Shoe Mote Phone, Res. 130. M Store 82 lea 011 0 e 04 1 0 0 0 r s 0 0 as,AdILaase