HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-11-08, Page 1Eatablished 1900 E RAL ZURICH,• ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNIN SSIONAL TUN ---------------- SPONSORED BY THE ZURICH LIONS CLUB ZURICH ARENA hursday, November 8th 1956. AT 8:30 P.M. SHAG THOMAS - VS. (1 FALL - iNIOMII•••••••••••••••••••••11M. LIONEL BAILLARGEON 30 MINUTES) -111140THY GEOHAGF:N - (I FALL - VS. - Ski Hi LEE 30 MINUTES) - MAIN EVENT - TAG TEAM MATCH DOC •and MIKE GALLAGHEN VS JOE and GUY BRUNETTIE Doim inion Tag Champions - • (TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS) "MINIGall0.1•1.1111111MMIIM.10 liZSMIII=101.11•10•11011•MallitilMOOMMAII ADMISSION $1.00- — NO RESERVE (Children Under 6 FREE) LAST MATCH OF THE SEASON - COME ONE COME ALL! Proceeds For Community Welfare Work • a -•s** '414 HOFFMAN'S 0 -lb • Arrange Funeral Service •• *It. - * • 1. To Or From • 4• it* Out -Of -Town -Points • ,..... • • Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- • * • * ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as • * members of local and naticual funeral director's associations, can • ''. • .,.. : '* handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- :: ciency of Hoffman's service. • -1, T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME •• It • .* Funeral and Ambulance Service • * 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD ' Telephone 70-W 4, At ••;44 ,,,,,,,-404,44110400 .40404.4.••••• . 4.41.•40.4...v.. :.,*es*.t. Eldon Theatr FRIDAY and SATURDAY., November 9iih and Mb. Three Sailors and A Giri Technicolor ;Jane Powell good Gene Nebo health. Attend This One! and Gordon MacRae Another big program of wrestling Combe Strip and 'Short Subject, is booked for tonight, Thursday ev- OW at the local Arena and spoils- - Med 'by the Zurich. Lions CI,urb. If V013, are a lover of this sport, and One Show Each Nite 8 O'clocX few there are who do not like it, lIksure and be present. The time is holt as these men are in big de- nd and bookings are usually far advance. This will be the last of the season for Zurich, •as soon win- ter will set in and the arena will be • Is At Hospital lira John Gellman is receiving tre- .atment at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon - On. We wish for her recovery to IN MEMORIAM Weido — In loving memory of at dear Husband, Father and ;Grandipa, iest 4simermaosmismainimmeetimmatimiss SAV.E At THIEL' S Superior Market Aylmer Boston Brown Beans 2, 15 -oz tins 27c Illmar pure Peanut Butter 16 -oz. Jar 29c Kellogg's Rice Crispies large pkg. .26c Robinbood Flour 7 -lbs. bag 53c 25-1b. bag T.73 NOTICE! We have recently installed a Dairy Case, to keep our Cheese, Meats, under Refrigeration. We be an advantage to our Shoppers. age will be Appreciated! Phone 140 - C H. THIEL - Zurich new Self Serve Butter, Eggs, trust this will Your Patron - Wilfred Weido, who passed away en 'Ott into ice. IVIest of you have seen November 11, 1955. :;''Serne of these professionals on TV. This is your chance to see them in Peacefullly sleeping, resting at last, action in the flesth. In the last match His weary trials and troubles are past - there were nearly 1800 present, so In silence he suffered, m patience he if you want a good seat come early .b ore, and get first choice. Till God called him home to suffer , no more. Presentation On Saturday evening, November 3, —Ever remembered by his wofe andflhe Zurich Community Centre, fri- family. ends and neighbours gathered to honor Mr and Mrs. Peter Beichert Bible Society !:,`,arlry. Mrs. Gordon Block read the :•on their fortieth wedding annivers- address and presented the gifts. Al- - Rally so presenting Mr and Mrs. Victor Deichert with a farewell gift on their :departure from the Blind Line to - 'Make their home in Zurich. Mr. Of all the Friends of the Onganiza-- Karl Haberer making very approp- riate remarks. Mr. Fred. Haberer Jr ion in the ZURICH AREA, at I read the address for Mr and Mrs. ST. PETER'S EVANGELICAL Carl Willert and Mr and Mrs Claire Beichert, newly weds, of the Blind LUTHERAN CHURCH tline, presenting each couple with a On 1.1ovely occasional chair. The husb- ; ands on behalf - of their wives very SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th. 1:A.ttingly replied. At 7.30 p.m. , e. Music was Supplied by Norris's -i:orchestra, after which a tasty lun ch The Sound Color Film to beshoViql*as,....sterved. An enjoyable evening ; elosied;by' singing "G is entitled .t HE LIVING WO Vit-,;;; • • intot . you until we meet agaod be within. JAPAN." The guest speaker will be Rev. Walter Tongue, Secretary of the Western Ontario Auxiliary. • I The annual report of the local Branch will be submitted, and others items .of business dealt with. All who have attended these annual rallies in the past have found it highly worth the effort, —Menno Steckle, Sesy. Gospel Meetings AT Blake A. Mennonite Church November 12 — 18 - 1956 Each Evening at 8.00. Evangelist: JESSE J. SHORT Archbold, Ohio CEREMONY AT KIPPEN CHURCH A noon wed -ding in the United church manse, Kippen, was solemn- ized on Saturday, 'October 127th,when Ina 'Marie Ropp, daughter of Mr. ,Samuel Ropp and the late Mrs. Roo of Zurich, became the bride of Ward Neeb, son of the late Mr and Mrs. Alex. Neeb oif Dashwood. Rev. Norman McLeod was the officiating minister. The bride chose for her wedding an ivory waltz length dress of em- bossed crystalette. Her finger tip veil was caught to a .coronet studded with pearls and sequins. A colonial bouquet of white mums and red ros= es • was carried by the bride. The ;bridesmaid, Margaret Ropp of Poole, cousin of the bride, was gown- ed in a waltz length gown of pale blue brocaded taffeta with matching headdress and colonial bouquet of or-, chid niums. Wallace Pfaff of Exeter, was groomsman, A reception was held at the home of the bride in Zurich. For a wedd- ing trip to Northern Ontario the .bride donned a blue dress, grey topcoat With matching accessories and cors- age of red roses. Ori their return, Mr and Mrs. Neeb will reside on the groom's farm south of Da.shwood. Chester L. Smith, Publialle:r. Subscription in Canada, $2.00r a Tea Subscription 1J.S.A,, Year $2.58, NORMA'S EAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Proo. presimmumesiessmommesimannumermarammenats= Electric Shavers Yes, We Have Them All! New Model Sunbeams (Phili Shave) (Ronson) (Shick) Up to $8.50 allowance for your old Razor on a new one. To -day Start Shaving the Electric Way! Why not Buy Dad or Son one for Christmas? A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS1 On a New Modern Loom, Nada AC Order — Seth O. .A.raana, &LAND. Ont. Phone 128, WINTER is Just Around the, Corner For Dependable. Heat Winter Long, Call: aI LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS. Phone 10 — IIENSATZ "The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that be- lieveth. — Rom. 1:16. •TENDER CALL ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL ADDIT- ION. Plans available on $25.00 de- posit for two room addition to Zurich. Public School at %Blackwell & Hag - arty, Architects, 301 Princess Ave., London. -Sealed tenders due 12:00 noon, 19th NeveMber, at above ad- dress or at Town Hall, Zurich, ad- dressed to the ,Schcioi. Trustees, c -o Mr. H. W. Brokepshire. PWINM.11.01•11.1 'Agricultural Office News Clinton, Nov. 3rd, 1956 CROP,REPORT — With continued line weather, fall wonk on crop is td most over with good average yields of turnips and slightly below normal yields of sugar beets being reported. Fall plowing is; well under way and and fall wheat has made excellent growth. Considerable ,grain corn re- mains to be picked as farmers are waiting for the moisture content to drop. The Centralia Weather Office reports a monthly mean temperature of 53.3 % F. for October with .74 inches of rainfall, which is somewhat of a record in both respects for the month of October,. 110•••••••••••••5•••••••••••11100•00•401114011000410••••1424141.884 0 9 • • • 1 • • *WA** tiOittal ;11111100 ,-.4>;•""•• Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Ren FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W - OR 89.1, ZURICH 4•41141•00494weessesew000estospoe og9.00430000114004101110.6010•Set Women's Institute The 'Zurich Womens'Institute met on Tuesday evening Nov. 6th in the Town Hall, at their usual time. Mrs. L. Rose President, opened the meet- ing and had 'charge of the ;business. Among them was an invitation to the Dashwood Institute for December, Christmas meeting. This being glad- ly accepted. Reports were read by Secretary Mrs. Lloyd Armstrong and treasurer, Mrs. Newell Geiger, were adapted. Roll -Call: name your fav- ourite home improvements. This was well taken care of and interesting. Mrs Wm. Forrester, delegate to the Conventionheld in the Masonic Tem- ple at London, gave a splendid re- port, among all good items, one was Educate a its.io,y and yob. will educate a Man. Educate a girl and you will educate afamily. Several musical numbers were given by Sylvester Ken.da on his piano accordian, and were appreciated Mrs. Harold Thiel gave an interesting reading on stand- ing at Arms, by Rev. John Appleyard Chaplain of Royal. Air Force. This was read in connection, with Rememb- rance Day. A sing -song was enjoyed with Mrs. A. M. Amacher as pianist. The meeting closed with The Queen. Refreshments were served by the Committee, Mrs. Wm. Forrester, Mrs Steick, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, and Mrs. J-Tarold Thiel. A fine spirit prevailed. Sorry you missed it Corms next time, if possible. zuRiews Grocery Store Maxwell House Coffee, 1-1b. bag Salad Dressing Kraft's 16 -oz Jar ..... —........49c Jello Instant Pudding 3 pkgs. ...... Kelloggs All Bran, per pkg• ••••••04/0000012/1400006/16.23C Parkay Margerine 2 -lbs, e•esee efte;o• 63c Menno Oeseh ar Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. ninorimatimunamm ehans 161 1 4•9111M0•08v8msrnalourniimm11000,05•11912110•0121010.111110911900•00;099916%. SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. f Give Lk A Call! f FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone MK 4 4 4 4 1 4