Zurich Herald, 1956-11-01, Page 2"Dear Anne Hirst: So many
letters you print are about in-
law troubles that I just must
stick out by matronly neck. Isn't
it because too many mothers
think their children are perfect
--- especially their sons? When a
boy marries and trouble comes,
Mom promptly declares it's the
wife's fault -- 'rny darling boy
could never be wrong!' I've seen
this too often.
"Both my sons have been mar-
ried seven years, and their wives
and I haven't had one cross
word ee•t, I honestly think it is
because I was never the devoted
Mamma who stood up for her
sons, no matter what. I was smart
enough (or is it a talent you
have or you haven't?) to be able
to see their wives' sides, too, and
recognize the weaknesses of my
boys; I never hesitated to say so.
Even when both were to blame
I was frank about it, and the
girls understood.
"Perhaps I succeeded because
I love both these girls as though
they were my own daughters. I
never encouraged their bringing
troubles to me; it came about
naturally. When I could, I re-
fused to give an opinion, just
Our newest Printed Pattern —
3IFFY-CUT! Paper pattern is all
one piece: just pin to fabric, cut
complete apron at once! Each of
these ..pt•etty little styles takes
just ONE yard 35 -inch!
Printed. Pattern- 4355 includes
all, three styles: Misses' Medium
Size only., . Each t pion takes 1
,yard 35 -inch fabric. Applique
Jiffy tut pattern easiest to
cut and sew. All pattern parts are
printed on ONE tissue piece:
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for sacety) for this
pattern. Print plainly SIZE,
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto,
ISSUE 44 — 1956
said, 'Work it out yourselves;
all couples have problems and
this is yours.' It was only when
they appealed to nae as a last
resource that I'd take' over.
"Today I know I could move
into either home and be wel-
comed — but how 'hid I am I
don't have to impose!
"One more th.etg: Why do
same unmarried girls slip out to
have dates? Isn't it because par-
ents are too strict, and so lose
that confidence which is so
precious? If they could see boy
friends at home, they wouldn't
have to sneak out... .
"I've read your column for so,
many years I feel like you are
niy 'friend."
* LAW": Your attitude toward
* your sons sums up nay own
* theory: Being a mother should
not blind one to her children's
* weaknesses. It is too bad that
* your attitude is so rare. Your
* good letter should inspire many
t another mother to be more
*. objective in her judgment.
* Thank you for it.
"Dear Anne Hirst: I'm begin-
ning to hate my mother. She's
just told me I can't marry the
man I'm wild about. He -was roar- i
reed before, he is 30, and has
three children. I am 16. Since I
rnet him, all my old boy friends
look so silly; but when I'm with
him I'm so happy that I can
hardly wait for the next date.
"My mother even says I
cculdn't look after his children
properly! I've always loved
children, and I know she is
wrong. She has a boy friend all
picked out for me. I used to' like
him, but now I feel I'm just
wasting time with him. Aren't
I old enough to know what I
* I would agree with your.
* mother even if the children
* were not involved. To marry
e a ratan nearly twice your age
* is too great a risk, and she
* knows it. You do not realize
* how selfish he is being to have
tried to win you. He has daz-
* zled you with his sophistica-
* tion, he has flattered you un-
• til you have lost your sense
* of reality. Once this glamor
* of his wears off, you would
• be sorry you ever met him.
• As to the children, these
* gay evenings you've enjoyed
* with their father would be fin-
* fished. You'd be tied down to
* a set routine so foreign to your
* present freedom that you
* would long desperately for
* these careless days.
* Tell him you cannot think of
* marrying for three or four
'•' years. and if he still wants
* you then. you will consider it.
* Meanwhile, stop seeing him.
Look up this nice boy you used
* to like, and date hint and others
your age. Enjoy the fun that
* -belongs to teen years, and wait
e, until you are grown up before
* you think of marrying any-
* body.
In in-law situations, it is dif-
ficult to be fair — but the mother
wlio admits her children are not
perfect is the one beloved by the
mates they marry. Write Anne
Hirst about your problems, and
let her guide you wisely. Ad-
dress her at Box 1, 123 Eight-
eenth St., New Toronto, Ont.
Rid MOMS of stale tobacco
smoke with your awn "home-
made" deodorizer. Just mix a
little diluted ammonia in a bowl
of fresh water and let it stand
overnight: in the smoke-filled
room, The next day the room
will be sweet and fresh again,
APPLE A DAY, ETC. — Here's a porpoise with purpose -- he's
biriesging an apple for the teacher. The "classroom" Is at Marine.
:fond, in 't~loridcr.
GLOBAL EFFORT — Pretty Paris an decorator Claude Genet seems
wholly occupied by her earthly chore of drawing the Suez Canal
on ponderous globe Claude was preparing the ball for the
Marine Show on the banks of the Seine River .in Paris, France.
Unlike the world's diplomats, Claude settles the Suez business
simply by ,drawing a line.
. , .INGE 14
c in d ot:tn,e. P. Citvolsoz
One week has gorse by with
our imported increase in the ta-
mily. Fortunately the weather
has been good most of •the time
so the little girls have been
playing outside quite -a lot—with
Partner keeping an eye on them
from his work bench in. the dri-
ving -shed. I tell him • he is ;;a.
typical grandfather -he has ,so.
much patience. Or is that tyti
cal? I wonder! Nancy has a epld
and is also cutting a tooth :
enough said. Carol, like so man
other youngsters, including Dave,,;:
plays with her food and nev
eats a decent meal. What these:
fussy little eaters live on is 1* .#.
ygnd me. I am beginning to won @,
der if ..all the wonderful baby r,
foods on the market today ares
really so good after all. Perhaps] "
if the modern way of feeditlg
were combined with some of tbeL
commonsense of yesterday vi •
might get somewhere. I may. br
wrong but it seems that now e `:
d.ays children are too food=cora
scions so that their meal -time
habits aro mostly psychological.
I can't remember asking our
children what they would like
for -'inner or supper. They were.
given. what I thought they,.
should have and they ate, most,::.
of the time without too much
fussing. Ah well, I suppose every •
generation has its problems in
raising a family. In years gone
by, before the advent of pasteur.
ization and penicillin, it was a'
case of the survival of the fit-
test. Now the greatest hazard
for children is on the road. A
few days ago a Guelph maxis-
trate announced Chat in his open-
ion parents who provided young
children v, ith bicycles to ride
on the road were guilty of neg-
ligence. prow tragically true,
Twice recently I was driving
along a busy two-lane highway
near here after school was out
and on each occasion I saw ' a •
little fellow, not more than
• seven years old, riding his mini-
ature two wheel bicycle home •'
from school. just to see him.
made my blood run cold—espe-
cially as I had to get over 'into
the wrong lane of traffic to allow
him extra room. One always has
to he prepared for unexpected
wobbling from young riders.
We had a very sharp 'thund-
erstorm here Saturday night. It
was playing tricks with the tele-
vision so we decided to discon-
nect the set. About five minutes
later there was an ear -shattering
1 -rack. We are sure something
was hit but we don't know yet
what it was. Partner thought
i from the sound it might have
{ been a tree split in two. Was I
glad I had disconnected the TV --
we wouldn't have been very
! happy had the picture tube
I brown out. Wouldn't that be a "-
! fill with the World Series in
progress? Personally, 1 wouldn't
worry. I don't understand base-
ball at all so I don't bother to
watch. All I am interested in is
the final score. Of course Part-
ner likes to watch the games.
I'm thinking it is a good thing
the games come on early in the
afternoon otherwise quite a few
farmers might be late with their
I wonder how its many read-
ers are liking the new set-up of
the Family Herald—minus the
Weekly Star. Of course it is an
improvement but yet one also
has a sense of loss. Most of us
had a comfortable feeling about
the old Family Herald—the sort
of affectionate feeling one has
for a well-worn but comfortable
old jacket with which one has
weathered many a storm. But
of course we realize there are
bound to be advantages and dis-
advantages in such a move. This
is the first major change that
has taken. place in the Family
;Herald in my memory so'riatur-
alIy we hope it will be a change
that eventually everyone will
welcome. Certainly the type is
easier to read on better grade
paper and the smaller pages
make it easier .to handle. We are
glad so many of the regular fea-
tures have been retained—ex-
ceot that we don't like seeing
"Dorothy Dix" resurrected week
after week! While she was living
she did a wonderful job but why
should her advice supposedly be
continued when we know she is
one the far side of the Pearly
Gates? On the other hand it may
be that a good many readers are
unaware that Dorothy Dix passed
away some years ago.
This is Thanksgiving weekend
and I expect many people are
travelling the highways and by-
ways ad'niiring the lovely col-
ouring of the trees that is so
typically Canadian. It is years
since the leaves have taken on
such deep rich shades of crimson
and gold. Even the pastures are
unusually green, none of them
'having that brownish -dried out
look that we so often see at this
time of the year. In fact the
country is so breath -takingly
beautiful it would be strange
indeed if we did not look around
with a prayer of Thanksgiving
in our hearts. Thanksgiving be-
cause no matter what troubles
there are in the world of men,
God in his Heaven showers
riches upon us in this bountiful
world Of, (lis creating—a world
whose beauty changes only with
the seasons of the year. Peter
McArthur said of Autumn —
"The days are not only worth
describing separately, but worth
living separately. Each one is
complete in itself." I don't think
I could close this column with a
better thought than that.
Tradbig Stamps
So great is the vogue for the
use of trading stamps that a
conference has been called in '
New York State to look into the
erects of this new device in the
market place. The discussion has
been requested by Dr. Persia
Campbell, conhtuner counsel to
Governor Harriman.
A wide variety of opinions is
likely to be forthcoming as to
the value of the stamp plan
either to stores or to consumers.
Ir has been in use in America
for about 60 years. The current
boom seemh to have started in
Denver and to have spread to
supermarkets, drugstores, gaso-
line stations, greenhouses, lum-
ber yards, and all sorts of other
retailers until it is estimated
that half the families «an the
United States are saving stamps
to exchange for electric appli-
ances, kitchenware, athletic
goods, cameras, and other prem-
The chief argument aroused is
or the question whether the cus-
tomer drawn to a certain store
"because they give stamps" is
really getting something "free"
for saving a bookful of the lit-
tle colored squares or whether
she is paying more for her gro-
ceries and the premium, than if
she shopped around and bought
them separately.
The theory of the stamp com-
panies is that the "gifts" 'are a
bonus to customers for paying
cash — which is reasonable
enough in this charge - account
era — and that they are an ef-
fective promotional device for
the storekeeper. On the latter
point there has been little dis-
pute of late. Many stores have
found purchasers more attracted
by stamps than by price cuts.
I,ut how long this . effect will
last may be problematical.
A simple rule has been sug-
gested which shoppers can read-
ily apply for themselves. In gen-
eral, the cash value of the stamp
given is about 2 per cent of the
purchase on which it is based.
If prices are equal.at the stamp
and the nonstamp store, the
trader is getting a bargain. If
they are, say, 5 per cent higher
at the stamp -giving store, the
buyer is deluding himself. From
"The Christian Science Monitor".
Filet Doilies
till tt AliVttegat
Let these filet doilies add i
look of elegance to your home:
Easy -to -follow charts make
crocheting so simple. Lace
stitch and K -stitch bring out
the lovely design.
Pattern 543: Crochet direc-
tions, charts for 18 -end 12 -ince;
doilies, done in No. 50 cotton.
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for saftey) for this
pattern to Laura Wheeler, 122
Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont
Prin4 plainly PATTERN NUM-
BER, your NAME and AD-
Our gift to you — two won-
derful patterns for yoursele
your home — printed, in out
Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Boots
. Plus dozens of other new
designs to order — crochet, knit
ting, embroidery, iron -ons, novel-
ties. Send 25 cents for your copy
of this book NOW — with gif t
patterns printed in it!
Deemol` '& ,o ct fou '
As dainty and decorative
*treat as you cart make to
grace a table ... and so
delicious, too! Use
yleischmann's Active Dry
Yeast for all your home
baking ... you'll find it easy
to work with and so
e 0 0 a rm
1 . Measure into bowl
1 cup lukewarm water
Stir in
1 tablespoon granulated
Sprinkle with contents of
3 envelopes
Active Dry Yeast
Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir
2. Meantime, cream until soft
Ye cup butter or
Gradually blend in
s/a cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Add, part at a time, beating well
after each addition
4 well -beaten eggs
Stir in dissolved yeast and
3 cups once -sifted
all-purpose flour
and beat until smooth and elastic.
a Work in an additidnal
23A cups (about)
once -sifted
alt -purpose flour
o g' e e
Needs no
4* el
3. Turn out on lightly -floured
board and knead into a smooth
ball. Place in greased bowl and
brush with melted butter or mar-
garine. Cover. Let rise in warm
place, free from draft, until
doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
4. Punch down dough. Divide into
3 equal pieces; roll each piece
into an 8 -inch square. Spread
each square with.
1 tablespoon soft butter
or margarine
and then with
thick raspberry jam
Roll up as for lelly roll and cut into
eight 1 -inch pieces. Place In
greased muffin pans and cut an
X in each bun with a pair of
scissors. Brush buns with melted
butter or margarine. Cover. Let
rise until doubled in bulk, about
1 hour. Bake in a moderately hot
oven, 375°, about 15 •minutes.
Yield -24 buns.
RANGE and COCONUT CAKE is so easy+o make !
11/x tsps. grated orange
7/2 e. cut-up shredded
coconut '
Sift together twice
13/,4 c. once -sifted
pastry flour
or 11/4 c. once -sifted
all-purpose flour
2t/2 tsps. Magic Baking
tsp. salt
1 tbsps. shortening
.t a t , ., .xe. ' <`;•.!,:.:xc ..?ir ,o-3.. ;a`G;�eid
'SS5rA.iw.:zt ai.�i. �.vt'w:c::;...rX. � • .
n•,F''•5 • vn. says. x.m .r ;.�,,...,.,�....r.T\� �,;:tf,,�,v.:h;:r i,
... v.Y`.•.�. es : .. i.wJ.t..VH. ' t�:w•..e �<C " 3.::%" ':'.0",vY.�'"o'%'+':v 2.vcn, ln.•:+b
Gradually blend in
1 c. granulated sugar
Add, part at a time, beating well
after each addition
2 well -beaten eggs
Stir in grated orange rind and
3A c, milk
t/at tsp. vanilla
t Add dry ingredients to creamed
° mixture alternately with milk,
combining after each addition.
Turn into greased 8 -Inch square
cake pan, Itned In bottom with
greased waxed paper. Bake in
a moderate oven, 350°, 50 to 55 1
Minutes, Frost told cake, with
Orange Butter Icing
.:..:sur � '•3••�i .+.;tF:N<:tea:»r;:'r'.n�k�i'Ei
You get lighter) more
delicious baked goods
when you use MAGiC
Baking Powder.
Dependable. MAGIC
protects all
your ingre-
dients. Buy
' ".:v%M% t0i0 gtfre,`.3Y/.,'+4ta;i4i i7Y,Ji:n X2tv',3�g01018t0rGt100),0.C.,A dry ..'s .os?