HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-10-18, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD We Extend to Everyone A CARDIAL INVITATION TO SEE. T H E "'I New 1957 Chevrolet 4 4 4 ON DISPLAY AT OUR SHOWROOM Friday Oct. 19th SNELL BROS., LTD. . - EXETER 11. Gideon Koehler Sales Representative Zurich snaking, 'carrying third calf, due In June; blue Heifer, carrying second calf, due in July; red :Durham '.Cow, milking, due Apanil 15th; white Cow carrying third calf, snaking, due June 1st Durham Cow, carrying sec- ond lealf, miildng, due .June 12; part Herefiord and Holstein Cow, carrying second calf, due in June; Holstein Cow, fresh three weeks wtth ealf at foot; Dunham, cow fresh two months with 'call at toot; Reg. Durham steer rising 2 yrs. old; Holstein steer cis- mng 2 yrs, old; 4 Hereford yearling:.:Of Tractors, Threshing Machine, 9 Hereford spring calves. (Truck, 'Livestock, Poultry, Farm Ian- Hogs — 8 Yorkshire chunks; York-rm. ,; soli the premises Lot, Grain and ousehold 12,Con shire Sow. K 13 11 ay Tarp. 3 miles north of No reserve, everything will be sold ;laa,lntivood, ar 1 ri miles west of Zur- as owner is selling due to ill health.;ich and 2 miles south. Terms — Cada The undersigned d Edward Falmer, Proprietor, Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. jack, ail Jack; bumper jack, large emery, 'gi+iandinng20 tndle200-g l oil tanlc, ,quantity heavy nasty vice; air power grease gun, quantity .of oil, etc„ etc. Terms — Cash No reserve, everything will be sold. 011ace DesJardnne, Proprietor. Glen 'Webb, Clerk, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Extensive Auction Sale PRICE $239.00 with 18" blade and chain FRED C. KALBFLEISCH & SON, LTD. Zurich - Ontario FAMIL - • •n the district Men or women anxious lie have their own business, we have splendid op- portunity ,for you. No selling exp- erience needed. Write for free cat- alogue and details to: FAMILEX,D ept. C., StationMontreal Salesman Wanted IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can rrrake good with a Rayleigh business In Huron County. We help you get started. No experience' needed to ,tart. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. J- 158-2, 'Montreal, P.Q. IMPORTANT •ne Auctioneer i:, in- structed to sell by public Auction, on WEDNESDAY, 'OCTOBER 1214th Commencing at 12.30 pan, Tractors Truck and '.l`luesher — M '\1, Waterloo "Z" on rubber, 'coin - Thursday, October. 18ithe ''056 asseeee-seeeseeseeeeeesere• Holstein and Jersey eow', mtuil'kin a carrying third calf, due in May; Hereford cow, mincing, due vii Jan t. Farm implements — 1110feerang Ace 'bottoin 2 -furrow tractor plow, coat rubber like new; M -H bill el. 6 -ft. ; M -H. 12 -run fertilizer drill like , part Holstein and Jersey scow, due sa, new; MoDeerinvg No, 200 tractor Dec; Durrham an and heier,Holsteine n Jane to spreader, like new; Mali. manure part spreader en steel; 32 -plate tractor in Feb; '3 Hol bein heifers, xiasii g disc; MleDeering '3-seetion spnin'gtooth yrs, old; part Durham and Jeraeyt harrow; `Coclks!hutt 2 -furrow tractor heifer, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 Durham plow; 4 -sec. diamond harrows; De- 'and Holstein heifers, rising 2 yrs. otic Laval 650 carp. electric cream sepal-- 8 Durham Hereford yearlings. Cows" ator, used one month; rubber tired l all choice milk -strain. wagon with rack; 16,ft. flat rack; I Hugs -- 4 pigs averaging 175,1be. 'M -H. scream separator; M -H. 3 -horse cultivator; MH. drill; M'cDeering mower, . 5-fft. cut; M -H. binder, 6 -ft. 'out; Flury root pulper like new; Renfrew 2,00'0 -lib. scales; Maiple Leaf 10 -an. grinder; 2 -row scufi'le�r, colony house 1112x19; quantity cedar posts; awhity of lumber; Clinton Fanning AUCTION' SALE pletelr equipped in guaranteed con- „ ;_....,r1,, o''�exliaiuled; Waterloo •vmesln Of valuable Real Estate, Garee' er x5ta eigrnzll �(arctP�>n 'n A 1 condition ion des, Effects. ilii tllc.' , �r , . -� 'clic with 1.?.,a6 prein .acs, Noss Half Lot r, Stephen in good grain box Pomplc to with tarp, Twp., Pd'iglrroaa;�r 21, ; �, miler nmdli , rorn.iit.ia,ni. of Grand Bond. The under ignod a t;ioreei i.. etir.:Act d to sell iter. public ,A�uyctin,n, n, SATURDAY', OCTOBER OB'ItR 20th l. itla n'rl ming at 1 fpm]. R,F.if.i !:''bate ^-- Consists .elf North t h I --hili Lot 17 Stephen Ta , ion willi s ,s gisuS: led #i new garage With. Rest- en r ant and living 'qua r"t;crs, known as : S.ol crit t Station. Linin •guerre>,r. ^c,i n t: of large living room, 'n 't*^ +- i,, ,• 1 i liar, 4' raoen, b.Ria gator e.1 naoderni kittchen, Lott 20'0x1rti'I ft.. ,building ,,fte4F, Tibia is a brand ne'n, i gt:T. i it;Te t 'itll4 all modern facilities, .. Fier:: ni'.e'y located. An ideal busin- ess invasijmefn¢. Tereus of ileal esna.te ' �o he announced on in - r a male, Restaurant Ear's ,.int and Grocer- ,ies — New Ps, sailer with -yr. f51.1- . u - arantee : lass- sassertmeiit et' ores and silverware. -ithre shelves, 'display. counter, Scar e Tare' of aceries .and canned goods. Household Effects and Misr. /eases :—General Ele.:rig f efrigerater, •1 ',burner Gurney electric stove, 'burn 6 er electric ran e:te. propane gas Sea.er, coffee stove. 3 -piece e1ie..ter- r field suite like new; walnut coffee table, nest of walnut tables, 2 trilight lamps, 17 -inch Admiral blond Telev_ ision set complete with aerial; mag- azine rack, continental singel bed; combination door, variety of dishes, dresser, 2 stands, assortment of clo- thing, baby bed, buffet, etc., est Garage Equipment — 2 -wheel tra- iler, brand new; trailer frame; large dition: Allis Chalmers "B" on rubber 22a36,, ,, i i red with Ebersol and Restaurant Equipment; film ezide e)ir ,tool n d't' , and Ilouselrold. 1, e 19 ' Chev �t„5t.c truck 1 life and Mrs Gordon Eagleson and family of Southampton, spent Sun- day with Mr and- Mrs. Lloyd Eagle- son. Mrs'. Henry Eagleson returned af- ter spending several weeks with then at Southaanpton. Mr and Mrs Arnold Becker and family spent the week -end at De- troit. Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader and fent- lily spent Sunday at London 'wVith Mr and Mrs. Robert Knight and son and Mrs. Ada Patterson and with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and dame_ ily. Rev. aryl (Mrs. K. L. Zorn, Misses Marion Rader, i'a-•e lief'- and 'Car- ol Becker attended the veil Rally of the Grand Valley Zany of the Walther League at SIE. Peter's Luth- eran Church, New Hamburg,' Sunday evening, where Reny. Zorn was guest speaker. BORN Regier — In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, October 9th, 1956, toe Mr and Mrs. Clement Regier, Zur- ich, a son. 'Snider — In Clinton Public Hosp_ ital, on Friday. October '5th, 1950, to Mr and Mrs. Russell Snider, R.R. Zurich, a son. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The United 'Church Anniversary service at 'Varna will be 'held on Sunday, Oct. 21st, morning and ev- enning. Mr and Mrs David Pitt and family of Toronto. were visitors at the Var- na United Ch. Parsonage. Ladies' Aid Meeting. The .monthly meeting of the Lad- ies' And and W'11IS, was held In the Evangelioal U.B. ehunch. &Its. Art Haugh had charge of the devotional period; Mrs. Wes England read the Scripture and Mrs. 'Cilias Snell gave a Thaniksg±iving reading; Mrs. Arthur Morenz of London sang a solo; a wort playlet was given by several members. Lynda Tieman and Mary Jane Hoffman sang a 'duet. The Miss Anne Ostrom and Margaret and boxes were collected and each memlber brought a gift of canned fruit for Rev. Mr. Kroh. Mats. Letta Taylor, the president, presided for the business. Ladies' Aid Meeting— The Ladies Add of Zion Lutheran church held their regular meeting last Wednesday evening. Following .Scripture reading and prayer, Rev. K. Zorn dealt with the tolptiic "The Personality of a 'Congregation." Mrs Ervin Devine, Ccnventtio:n Delegate, reported on the Convention held re H. -M. Hanley, assessor for the ,cently at Stratford. An invittaitionn Township of Stanley, presented his from Zurich Ladies' Aid was accept- roll art the monthly meeting of the ed for November 14th. Fina' arran-, Township Council at Varna recent- ,gementa were made for the Ladies' ly, showing a total assessment of. .Supper 'Wednesday, .'O'cto'ber $2,780,e400, .en increase of $22,920 17th, with Group I in charge. over that of last year. Total population is listed as COMPLETE 1,970 in the township. According to Fred Watson, township .clerk, this is DISPERSAL SALE an increase of lits people do the last five.,year period. A grant ,off $75 was made to of- ficials of the Bayfield Fall Pair. The USW grant is $50, but the Council 'awarded the extra $25 because of the :Centennial. C'fcClymont, hath of Toronto, were visitors at their homes here. Mr and Mrs Harold Jones spent Thanksgiving in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Wni. 'Bur. dee, of Pasadena, 'Calif., has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Norman Long. Her sister accompan- ied her for a short holiday. Assessment Is Increased ENI qu nni11; Cyclone seeder; electric fencer; biotic and tackle, chains, forks and other anise. items. Cattle — Holstein cow, milking, casi•yinig third calf, due in May; Dur - hair cow, carrying second calf, due in January; Durham scowmincing. 'carrying third calf, due in Mary; part elite, etc., etc. Durham and Holstein caw, freshTerms- -Kash. since Aug. with icalf at (foot;; 'part Durham and Holstein cow, due in Clara; Masse, Proprietor. December; Holstein cow milking, car- R. F. Stade & Son, Clerks. vying third calf due an Feb; part Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. each; part 'Tann and York Sow, ear, rying second litter, due Dec. 217th. Poultry — 80 New Hemp. and Suse. L o sex pullets 6 months old, laying 50 /o This is a •choice flock oit pullets. Hay and Grain — 260 bales of second cut choice red clover, 18 tont, mixed hay best ,of quality, 300 bush.. mixed igrain, bushel mixed grass seed,,. 3 acres ciob corm. Household Effeetis — 3 -piece din, ingroom suite, 6 dining room chairev, glass cabinet, kitchen range, Quebe4 'combination heater, Roger cabinet 'electric Radio, kitchen sink, kitchen.. as you pay for it on the KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry and dishes are done in half the time. BATHROOM—all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and so much extra protection• against fire. hutget plan,i Why lug water by hand any longer? Install k Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running; water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour% cut operating costs, AS LOW 14 10% DOWNN. UP TO 18 tAONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your con-, plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen, and bathroom fixtures, taps in all building% and the cost of installation. You can have the, whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the. next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the. EMCO Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Empire Brass Mfg. Co. Limited T1-54 Rev. DA SHW OOT) Mr. J. O. Rtz5ae11 of Ger dive., Men - 11;6 en -11;6 ' IenryEagleson aiid their relatives; Of 'Cattle and Hogs, on the premises South Half of Lot 14, Con. 7, Steph-. e.n Twp., 1 mike north of Crediton. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by inublic Auction, to FRIDAY, ' OCTOBER 19th. At 1.,30 p.i+i. tat±ln — T'nt•t 'Hereford and 'Hol - even,& L,ow, mincing, carrying tibia calf, date April 12th; Blue Baan Cow 1 STADE &WELD& Zurich - Ontario THE LONGER YOU (HOLD THEM ... TIME BETTER THEW' GET 1/4 *7.,, uw-nl T IN $5000° • • ELEVENTH SERIES • CANADA SAVINGS BONDS INTEREST SCALE • • 0 • First two coupons pay g'� % • : Next two coupons pay . 3'/z% • Next two coupons pay 33/4% • Last seven coupons pay....... 4%; • t• Total interest return for each $100 investment if held to maturity— ,-..$47.38 s • DENOMINATIONS i : Coupon Form • $50, $:100, $500, $1000, $5000 • Fully Registered • (Interest paid. by cheque) : $500, $1000, $5000 s • Limit to registration In any one name -$5000 a Imm• earnedediatelyinterest casathableany ftiome.r full face value plus r. tib"aa eiiti Ar1;4114 tys4e`d`9• w. .. that's big news in saving! The Eleventh Series of Canada Savings Bonds offeror a "stepped up" scale of interest payments which begins at 34 % and increases in steps until it reaches 4% . This means that one of the new $500 Canada Savings Bonds earns $236.88 in interest during its 123' years of life. So, if you hold it until maturity you get back $736.88 for each $500 you invest. As always, Canada Savings Bonds can be cashed for, full face value plus earned interest at any time. Every dollar of your investment is always available, Study the new "stepped up" scale of interest payments in the table on the left. Then make plans now to sign up for your new Canada Savings Bonds, There never was an easier or safer way of putting by• a good nest -egg for the future. 23'0,/• CANADA SAVINGS BON .LS For cash or by instalments through your investment dtealett, ,Y, yr P(tCl ccinf plan whom you work. - „